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Monday, June 13, 2022

Pájaros Sierra vs CJNG: Police Commissioner of Tizapán Killed by Hitmen in Jalisco

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

José Antonio Languren Martínez, the police commissioner of Tizapán el Alto, Jalisco, was gunned down by hitmen. The Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) was likely behind the attack according to online allegations about the commissioner’s ties to Pájaros Sierra.

The End of Commissioner Languren

On the afternoon of Sunday, June 12, 2022, the police commissioner for the town of Tizapán el Alto, was driving down Highway 15 in his patrol car while accompanied by 3 other officers, some of whom were possibly in a second vehicle. 

Tizapán is located in far eastern Jalisco, near the border of Michoacán, right in the heart of the on-going conflict between the CJNG and it’s splinter group Pájaros Sierra. Tizapán el Alto is one of the larger towns within the region and lies just south of Lake Chapala. 

The Tizapán police commissioner, José Antonio Languren Martínez was accompanied by his deputy director. Commissioner Languren had been shot at by cartel hitmen the month before, on May 17, 2022, so it's likely that some of the other officers riding with him in the patrol vehicle were acting as bodyguards. 

According to Milenio newspaper, a group of 15 hitmen spotted his vehicle, as they lay in wait, parked near the shores of Lake Chapala. The hitmen were sitting inside three pickup trucks, two of the pickups were Dodge Rams and the third was a Toyota Hilux. Some of their vehicles reportedly had colored lights which were meant to mimic the appearance of police patrol vehicle lights.  

Once the commissioner’s vehicle passed their location, the hitmen pulled onto Highway 15 behind him and they opened fire on him. The commissioner and those accompanying him were hit. After a significant amount of gunfire, the three pickup trucks drove away from the area, heading east, in the direction of Michoacán. 

One of the wounded officers requested help on radio and the first to arrive on scene to help were soldiers from the National Guard, followed shortly after by the Ciénega de Jalisco police. Three of the four in the vehicle had suffered gunshot wounds and were rushed for medical care to Jocotepec. 

Shortly after the shooting, Commissioner Languren died from his injuries, meanwhile the other two men were flown on a helicopter out to a more advanced medical facility in the city of Guadalajara due to the seriousness of their wounds. The two men are said to currently remain in serious but stable condition according to the press conference later given by the mayor of Tizapán, Martin Silva Ramirez. 

Mayor Silva Ramirez also stated that after the previous cartel attack on May 17, the commissioner had never reported receiving a direct threat but he had asked government authorities to reinforce security in the area. The mayor added that following the May 17 attack, multiple Tizapán police officers had resigned due to concern for their personal safety. 

"They have been resigning due to the insecurity in the municipality, several have already resigned about 20 days ago," said Silva Ramirez. He also stated that this Sunday afternoon, he had spoken with the Secretary of Government and with the Secretariat of State Public Security and requested more security personnel be assigned to the area. He said the men assured him that they would assign more personnel. 

Languren became commissioner in October 2021 after previously serving as an officer within the same department. Both Noventa Grados and El Blog de los Guachos report that unofficially it is being said that Languren worked for Pájaros Sierra’s Abel Alcántar Vallejo, alias “El Toro” or "Sierra 8". If this was true, then it makes it likely that the CJNG was behind the killing of Languren.


  1. Cjng is a mess right now

    1. 5:43 looks like the sierras are being messed up, only patos can shoot at the shotguns and they have never scored one kill.
      Pajaros nalgones have had their chance, their trucks, and the roads at their mercy long enough, like la mencha who was their fairy Goodmother until she "died".

    2. If you think cjng is a mess you should really take a look at cds, those guys literally are killing each other, brothers, causins, uncles you name it

    3. @10:58 I was going to day cdg is a bigger mess but sinalos boys top that

    4. 1:39 actually now that you mention it cdg and CDchaquetaS are about the same when it comes to infighting, one week one is atbthe top the next week the other, but lately CDchaquetaS has actually stayed at top for a while

    5. Nobody even mentioned cds you cjng fans are obsessed lol

    6. You guy's are pussy's hating on Sinaloa but won't even say what state you are from 🤣😂

    7. 2:45 facts dont mean hating, its well known that a bunch of CDchaquetaS cells are at war all over their plazas

    8. You still haven't said what state you are from 🤣 pussy

    9. 12:24 let me guess your from Sinaloa. No one cares your still clueless

    10. SIR the pájaros sierra murder the Brother of el Venado a man not involved with CJNG maybe a paid back for the two brothers the team killed de los payas

    11. Hasta horita el señor hasn’t miss a target ya faltan pocos 🦅 para regresarme a la normalidad ánimo raza.

  2. Ahhhhh
    A morning without Sir how it is relaxing.

    1. A ese SIR le gusta la masacuata por eso se la pasa hablando de ella

  3. Plenty of infighting and fighting against las gilbertonas in zac , cu in michoacan thats alot of man power , ammo and weapons. Alot of $$$$ being spent.. Mencho has a deep piggy bank.. does anyone know if he has cashapp? So he can send me some $ 🤠

    1. Mencho been dead since February 2022. Ask his Spirit.

    2. 8:45 your either trolling or your borderline retarded if you think menchos dead

    3. 928 I regret to inform you it's true he is deceased, liver issue and covid19 got the best of him.

    4. 11:06 i regret to inform you your mom drop you on your head when you were a baby and you have no common sence

    5. 1207
      They correct your azz, and you start to cry like a baby 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    6. 5:42 who corrected me? In not 9:28 but i bet you are the same 8:45, 11:06 and 5:42, eres el unico pendejo que piensa que el mero mero patron de todo mexico el gran señor de los 🐓 esta muerto 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 sigue soñando tacuache aguamielero 😂😂😂😂

    7. 6:40 you must be a low pos to be on that scum mensos nuts 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂

    8. They tell the truth and you still behave like a dumb dork lol.

    9. Jajaja Mencho was seen in el Lago de Chápala oh was it he’s spirit? he maid bank with Angel de Villar. Stupid people would pay big money to go see Gerardo Ortiz singing songs of he’s compadre El Mayo Zambada lol smart Mexican politicians they play both sides. Wake your ass up

  4. Hearst does an awesome job of consolidating info from 10+ sources and makes the story flow perfectly. Must be a lot of translating involved and editing to achieve continuity. Many thanks!

    1. Agreed. Thank you Hearst. You do a great job!

    2. Comments like these make it all worth it. Thank you so much.

  5. What is occurring in Mexico has a profound impact on every American and is occurring on our borders, yet the U.S. media is silent on the violence in Mexico.
    It was easy to follow 20 years ago when you only had the Arrellano family, the Gulf Cartel and the CDS. Now you have a handful of large cartels, dozens of minicartels and thousands of players that come and go. The landscape has become incredibly complex and difficult to follow. English speakers are additionally handicapped in not fully understanding Spanish.
    Borderlandbeat and it's contributors are profoundly appreciated.

    1. Yes Mijo two different countries. USA cares to fight the war on drugs, yet Obrador cares about bribes coming into his hand from cartels. Can you see lazy Obrador can care a rats ass.

    2. 1:45 🤣🤣🤣 usa dont care about no drug war, they actually incourage it so they can keep making billions on addicts, plus suplying the cartels with guns lots of them, its all about the $$$$$

    3. 8:17 if USA did not care, there would not be no DEA.

    4. 8:51🤣🤣🤣🤣 DEA is the biggest cartel there is you dumb dumb, have you beenliving in La la land?

    5. 12:48 School has let out, are you a Reddit kid, from the Mickey mouse clubhouse?

  6. Which of the tactical groups of CJNG is better trained/armed Grupo Elite or FEM ?

    1. FEM is the elite if the elite

    2. la selva los caimanes listos pa devorar los panteras del desierto los protegen demás grupo Delta en occidente y centro de la ciudad. La OB, y En Guatemala Los gorillas andan al 100 en frontera con Michoacan los Venados y en Chapala los pescadores suelen sonar.

  7. MORENA Gobernador of Michoacán Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, who's the nephew of accused narcotraficante and Carteles Unidos (CU) member Adalberto Fructuoso Comparan Rodriguez, has sent state forces along with permitting the support of federal forces to submit members of the Town council of San Juan Parangaricutiro (SJP) but the problem is that CU are also entering. The town council would not allow CU to enter since in other towns CU has a presence in the civilian population is victimized by the many ways said group forces payment. It's being mentioned that the CJNG plaza boss of the region, who was allowed by the town council to travel through and have a presence in the town, has been captured.

    1. Who is the CJNG plaza boss?

      Damn, I miss writing about CU in Michoacán.

    2. El panter is the cjng boss there.. him and 24 of his people got caught..

    3. Carteles Unidos (CU) is about to become more notorious now that Adalberto Fructuoso Comparan Rodríguez "El Fruto"(AFCR), who was a recent former mayor of Aguililla and is an uncle of MORENA Gobernador of Michoacán Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, was just extradited from Guatemala to Miami for the trafficking of half a metric ton (500kilos) of methamphetamine. AFCR believed he was making a drug deal with the HEZBOLLAH terrorist organization for the exchange of weapons which were going to be used in the conflict CU maintains for the control of Michoacán with CJNG.

    4. Lol Panther 🐆 anda bien en la sierra

  8. CJNG is about to get their peoples recruited by CDS... Colima is out if their hands

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 no mames is like saying cds is gonna take over nuevo laredo from cdn

  9. Good Story Haerts. Pura Gente Del Venado Tizapan el Ato el único que no se volteo comandando el Equipo está dando limpia

  10. Por hay le dicen la liebre y otros le dicen Venado un hombre bien capas
    un hombre bien decidido
    Mejor me aguardo su nombre
    Para no echar a perder este corrido
    Un saludo a Tizapan tierra de bravos gallos
    Un saludo pal venado que 4 letras en su chaleco tiene grabado
    Dicen que no hay billetes y el crystal a su
    Destino sigue llegando
    El es un hombre de Guerra
    de Mencho Un soldado
    gracias a su valor y lealtad al pueblo de Tizapan su honor le a salvado
    ya vieron aya por colima les quedó
    De nombre Volteados
    Que viva todo Jalisco limpieza a comenzado
    Si en nuestra casa no hay lealtad que esperamos de otros lados
    gracias a la muerte del mencho
    los corrientes salieron volando
    Quieren hacer platicar a un mudo
    Y Eso no se va poder
    ya tiene tanteado a los bocones
    que echan humo 💨 y nada de arder


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