Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Peribán, Michoacán: United Cartels Hitman Killed By A Tiger

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Victim of a tiger attack in Peribán, alleged hit man for Carteles Unidos; the large cat was owned by Güicho de Los Reyes, head of the plaza.

José de Jesús, a person who died after being attacked by a tiger in Peribán, was an alleged hit man under the command of Luis Enrique Chávez Barragán, "Güicho de Los Reyes", head of the United Cartels in the region. 

Last Sunday, it was reported that a tiger attacked the alleged caretaker, identified as José de Jesús. Yesterday, the death of the subject was reported, after being treated at a hospital in Morelia, due to the seriousness of the injury caused by the feline.

However, the Twitter profile “Unidad de Inteligencia Ciudadana” identified the subject as a cartel hit man, under the orders of Güicho de Los Reyes. In addition, it was noted that the tiger was the property of the latter.

In the aforementioned profile of the social network, a video was published in which the victim of the feline was identified, accompanied by the legend: “Tiger Eats An Enforcer From United Cartels. The feline is owned by Luis Enrique Chávez Barragán "Guicho de los Reyes".

The publication adds: “The unfortunate organized crime gunman identified as José was attacked when he approached to clean the cage, something that according to him is a punishment but that the animal had never complied with anyone, the beast pounced on the man and caused him fatal injuries. However, according to the expert report he died of a heart attack probably due to the impression of the moment, minutes later they called a person identified as Balta who controlled the tiger while other employees pulled the body to hand it over to the paramedics who finally determined that the person was already dead”

According to the publication, José de Jesús died of a heart attack after the attack. However, alleged relatives of the victim, have confirmed that he died in a hospital in Morelia, after refusing to have both arms amputated, in addition to suffering from diabetes, which caused his health condition to become complicated, resulting in the heart attack.

It is presumed that the tiger will be placed at the disposal of the Morelia Zoo, for its protection and to be given adequate attention.

Warning: Graphic Videos And Pictures

unidad de inteligencia ciudadana   contra muro   la masakr3

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  1. Replies
    1. He ain't dead. So many versions of this story. Dude was simply petting the tiger through the cage when it grabbed his hand

    2. He's still a dumb ass. Why do you care anyways 2:59

    3. Sonthe dumbass still alive? Don’t mess with hungry wild animals. That’s why they called them wild animals.

    4. Why do I care? Dumb question @8:33. Do you care about anything? Do you feel pain for others when they feel it? Are you human?

      All this cartel connection shit is bogus to me. It was simply a dude petting a wild animal through a cage. But no, we gotta say it was cartel related to somehow justify this idiot deserved it....

    5. 10:41 we can care a rats azz, if they snitch alot

    6. 11.13. What does that even mean? Did you mean you COULDN'T give a rats ass? And you missed so many points 10.41 was making you may as well have said 'A Tiger never changes its spots'

    7. cbc1972- Well said dude. I was was waiting for the gleeful 'karma' bullshit, so your comment was a breath of fresh air.

  2. Queria un taco de carnitas

  3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 eso les dice que tan intelijentes son estos drogos, prefieren que un tigre les arranque la mano a que los agarre el señor se los 🐓🐓🐓🐓

    1. Asi es, no muy inteligentes (G) ellos y otros por ahí más!

  4. It's a tiger not a freaking pussycat. Even if it was a pussycat at that size I would stay away.

  5. Where all their guns at

  6. Le pudieron mochar la mano nomas no mms

  7. Dude was of poor taste. Cat was of better taste, helping him remove his tasteless tats. Tah tah crybaby

  8. A ese tigre le gusta la carne de puerco, y nomas al olerlo dijo, de aqui soy una manita de puerco 🤣

  9. He didn't have a gun and his a cartel hit man 🤦 not one person taught of shooting the TIGER 🐯

    1. the boss would kill anyone who shot it

    2. The tigers life its worth more than this MF, did you guys warch the video? His wife or girfriends was filming and when the tiger grabed his arm he started screaming and the woman was like "amor" all worried and shit, jajajaja

  10. Why does it look like both arms got chewed up??

    1. Because, em, they both were chewed, em, up.

    2. Cause the tiger is extra hungry that day.

  11. I don't want to wish bad on anyone. I'm wondering how drugged is he. That he's laying there ( seems conscious ). Wooooow

    Picture yourself looking at your arms in that's state ( missing parts, chunks actually )


    Sending my respects to HEARST, SOCAL, MX, SOL. You guys are pretty cool. Got me back into reading lol..

    1. Keep your panties on don't sweat it.

    2. I'm going to start taking all this as a compliment. I hope you guys are all doing good.

    3. Blanko get a life BB staff is doing fine, no wonder they make fun of you, annoying where you should not be.

  12. Tigre: hechame una mano.
    Jose de Jesus: que no se diga mas!

  13. Jose de Jesus alias "El Chewy"

  14. Even the tiger knows C.U ain’t shit

  15. There go his hopes for his Tiger Whisperer netflix series.

  16. I did not know they had tigers in Mexico

    1. Dude there’s wild panthers in Jalisco

    2. It's an imported big cat, Panthera Tigris. There are rumors of Jaguars in southern Mexico, Panthera onca.

    3. 7:22 you better believe theres jaguars in mexico, i saw a documentary about mexico on wild life, i think it was called wild mexico and they caugh on camera a jaguar in chihuahua or sonora, thats way up north, but theres defenetly jaguars as far as central mexico, not in big numbers but they are there,

    4. 8:01 bigfoots also the real deal

    5. 8:31 dont believe me if you dont want to, im sure you can fund the episode in you tube, its called wild mexico theres like 4 or five episodes and they get on camera a jaguar up in one of the northern states, it was in the desert

    6. Oh no tigers, lions and bears. Oh my.

    7. 6:49 Jalisko Panthers are pink.

  17. The story from the article says he was cleaning the cage. But the video shows he was petting the Tiger.
    The Tiger detected the sacario was there to kill him, but the Tiger got the upper hand. I less sacario is better. God job Tiger.

  18. James Brown I told that mfker, not to touch the pussycat Pet the dogs, goats , burros, sheep no problem, but he had to disobey an order. Now he has no arms, no hands. He will never be able to be a sicario. I can sure use that 2 pound gold Mr. T necklace.

    1. Sorry James Brown is busy, drinking some 40 oonzer of Old English

  19. He must of been on the boss's shit list because it sounds like he was in there with the tiger fir a minute before help came. If he was valued someone certainly would of shot the tiger instead of letting him munch on his arms

    1. 2 live and fart in LA
      It would be great if you went back and actually saw the video. He was cuddling the Tiger as if it was a pet Rabbit. The video clearly shows, he was not in the cage with it, and it appears he was not forced to touch Tiger. Some people jump to conclusions with out seeing da video.

    2. I saw the video dumbass... the tiger had him by the hand... if he did not drag him in, how did he get to both arms???... did the the idiot just offer it to the tiger? Article also states that employees had to pull out the body for paramedics

    3. That tiger must have seen what happened to Mike Tyson's tiger, never trust the mariposa de CU

  20. Abrense sicarios porque ay viene El tigere sacando pedos

  21. Only God Can Judge Him..righteously!

  22. More like "Chorro" for a week!

  23. If he would have had a knife in one hand he could've knifed his way out. But once again another low level hitman has proven to us their level of intellect.

    1. Has anybody checked that this man was actually a hitman? Rather than a dude who cleaned the cages for an animal owned (or not) by R-5? Cos I'm dubious. Better to err on the side of caution when a man dies the way this man died, I think.

  24. The cat works for DEA

  25. He couldn’t handle the pussy


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