Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, June 17, 2022

Sicario Monkey Found Killed During Texcaltitlán Confrontation

"Socalj" and "HEARST" for Borderland Beat

The State of Mexico was recently involved in violence due to the confrontation between ministerial agents and members of the Familia Michoacana in Texcaltitlán . Members of the National Guard, elements of the Mexican Army, as well as the Secretary of the Navy (Semar), also participated, ending with 11 dead, 10 detained, and 3 wounded police officers.

At the end of the fight, they were also able to secure 20 AR-15 type long weapons, handguns, cartridges, five vehicles, as well as tactical equipment such as bulletproof vests, military-type uniforms, and communication equipment.


However, shortly after, a peculiar finding emerged a spider monkey. 

The animal was on top of one of the downed attackers. It is unknown if he was killed in the gunfight or at another point, but was distinguished by the fact that the monkey wore a hitman's clothing: a tactical vest with imitation bulletproof panels and a small jacket in military colors.

It quickly caught people's attention. And the impression was such that some, between jokes and a certain seriousness, many requested and predicted the composition of a corrido for the small animal fallen in the shooting. And this one arrived.

Since the video was broadcast on social networks in which a composition is heard in which the death of the monkey is narrated and which opens with the verses: "It's a very short life / it was not up to the monkey ."

In the video of about two minutes, in which the song is repeated, the verses in honor of the animal are mixed with images of the monkey in which the alleged owner is accompanied, as well as illustrative images.

The music consists of a voice accompanied by a guitar. It also states that they stole his story "because he came to succeed and shine in so many things" and that he was not brave "but neither was he left." Finally, he adds that he will go to heaven leaving a legacy.

Although it is not known if the song is in a mocking tone or really a composition in honor of the spider monkey.

It is presumed that the exotic animal could have been the pet of one of the members of the Michoacan Family since the peculiar and expensive species are common among members of organized crime in the country.

Reasons for the Confrontation

Initially, the version was spread that the staff of the Attorney General of the State of Mexico carried out an operation in Texcaltitlán to inhibit the activities of organized crime, but in reality, it was an arrest operation.

Since they were looking to capture a member of the Familia Michoacana related to the ambush and killing of 13 Edomex police officers in Coatepec de Harinas, according to the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC).

On the night of Friday, June 16, the FGJEM announced that the eight detainees were admitted to the Otumba Penitentiary and Social Reintegration Center and the Nezahualcóyotl Penitentiary Center since 5 men and 3 women were detained.

Borderland Beat Remembers a Fallen Hero

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  1. Replies
    1. You are still here, after your Matazetas comment? You have no shame, truly.

    2. I'm convinced your girl got bang by a black dude. You think you funny when you're not

    3. El Comandante Anónimo y sus "comentarios asesinos"...
      Ya crece güey, y deja la pinche tetera para un niñito más joven

  2. Imagine the things they probably had the monkey try on some..

    Probably to cut their neck. Or some piece of some part. With everything that I've read and seen on here. I would not put it passed. And maybe who knows. That will be the new thing. These guys using their pets carrying weapons, or gear. Or having the pet do something incredibly gruesome to the captive.

  3. Dirty ass cops executed him poor monkey

  4. Michoachangos die all the time, what makes this one any different.

    1. Beats beings locked up for life like a corriente squeeling ass sinapuerca

    2. Looks like a spider monkey. Any experts know what type it was?

    3. 643 Michoachangos al ataque! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      802 parece michoachango como de Tinguindin o Tzintzuntzan. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    4. On one side we have michoachangos🐵 on the other side we snitchloas aka Sinarats 🐭 aka sapos 🐸 who will win? I think the 🙈 have the upper hand

    5. 10:26 🐷 🐷 🐷 oink oink!weeet weet! 🐖🌶🦍

    6. 1102 You officially traded in your pom poms for a pair of knee pads with that last comment. 🤣🤣🤣

    7. 5:44 and you are oficially a snitchloa😂😂😂

  5. Sicarios had Monkees with them in case they get lonely at night.

  6. Animo Sicarios!
    El Changuito was part of La Familia's Michioacana' s Special Weapons and Tacticts Project X .
    This Monkey sicario was trained by an ex SAS colonel . He was trained in monkey Kung Fu and acrobatics hand to hand to tail combat.He used a Mossad modified silenced HK MP5 and a tactical nylon balcava . He was also made an honarary member of Los Antrax by el commandante Changuito Antrax. Its favorite movies was the Planet of the Apes trilogy.

    Gente Nueva Special Forces also has a team of simian sicarios but at the moment its details are top secret !
    RIP Changuito .21 gun salute

  7. El corrido del Changuito

  8. Bless the Beasts and the Children. Some People post humor about this stuff. Nothing funny here.

  9. PETA activist will be protesting

    1. Lol, I do contribute to PETA. Yep, yep, yep.

    2. If it happens in Mexico no one will complain, just the murders that happens everyday, government sure don't care.

  10. Now i know why they call them La Familia Michoachanga

    1. Órale culon culito, siempre abriendo la mamadora traga mecos

    2. 8:21 you need to slow down on your IPA drinking homy

    3. 8:10 who drinks an IPA anyways

    4. @8:10 Homie you need to mind your business. If you're 6:53, since you don't put a name to your comments, or his boyfriend don't disrespect if you can't hang.
      @11:30 I drink IPAs...porters, stouts, barleywines, hefeweizens, pale ales, lagers, goses...them sugary drinks I'll let others consume them

    5. 8:10 i actually do, i got fucked up 2 weeks ago with ipa's, last me 2 days, well worth my money 😉

    6. LMAO 213 netbanging talkin bout "you need to mind your own business" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 no mames wey. You talk about drinking beer like it's a big accomplishment. You're a goofball. Nobody cares if you drink your shitty ass tasting beer. Pinche michoajoto always resorting to jotadas cuando ya no hayas la puerta.

    7. Y sigues chingando GILBERTONA. "Cuando ya no hayas la puerta"🤣. Aver bueyon, apoco no eres el abogadillo chafa del AMLO qué luego luego saca las nalgas por el viejillo cabeza de mierda.

    8. "Ey con todo respeto homie, I put my name down, dame la cortesia de poner el tuyo!"
      Get your goofy IPA drinking ass outta here pinche tonto. You take yourself to serious.

  11. They even made a corrido for the chango🤦🤣

  12. The monkey was the real deal, he died with a smile, unlike the sinaloans who go out snitching 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    1. Good let them snitch, even you snitch no big fuken deal.

  13. The Monkey was getting too powerful and threatening to take over the leadership of the gang, so the hit was ordered internally.

    1. Yep after this monkey was suppost to take lalo mantecas spot he turned out to be more blood thirty and stronger than the lalo mantecas guy

  14. Anyone else noticed the yellow bucket on the guy that had the monkey on him , I wonder what’s that about

    1. Some people ride motorcycles with buckets on their head in place of helmets. Maybe the same concept.

  15. At least he didn't die of monkey pox. Went with dignity

  16. Changuito once defeated a bull, but I don’t know if that’s true

  17. Did socal and hearst make these photos?…

    1. The photos at the bottom? I made them. And they aren't real photos of the actual monkey.

      Socalj did all the real work of writing and researching for the story, I'm just riding on his coattails.

  18. The sad thing about this is that the song lyrics suck. Corridos are supposed to be good not trashy. This one is garbage.

    1. Whoever… could of pushed the singer to say those lyrics, could of been already prepared, doesn’t have to be lfm. Changuito was brave, him and his owner will be siempre juntos.

  19. What a bunch of pathetic losers, it was a sorry ass, dirty monkey. What a joke these guys are LOL

  20. "wore a hitmans clothing"
    including the diaper.

  21. Era muy changuinario


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