Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, June 13, 2022

The Emerging War for Reynosa

"Itzli" for Borderland Beat, Images & Graphics by "Hearst"

The city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas is in the crosshairs; threats of war are emerging from the east and west and internal infighting is increasing the possibility of changes that have not been seen in quite some time.

The Plaza of Reynosa

Within the state of Tamaulipas there are a number of cities, towns, and rural points on the border which provide lucrative access for drug smuggling, as well as migrant smuggling, into the United States. Of these, the city of Reynosa is arguably the second or third most valuable, closely matched with Matamoros and falling behind to Nuevo Laredo.

In the 1990s the Cartel del Golfo (CDG, Gulf Cartel), based out of Matamoros, began its domination of this plaza up until early 2010 when Los Zetas, formally the armed wing of the CDG, fully broke away from its parent organization following three years of independence in association with the CDG. Although heavily entrenched in the plaza of Reynosa, Los Zetas were driven out of the city by a subgroup of the CDG known as Los Metros.

Thereafter, a stalemate emerged to the west of Reynosa as Los Zetas controlled the area from Nuevo Laredo southeast to Nueva Ciudad Guerrero and the CDG dominated from the Gulf of Mexico through Ciudad Mier, leaving the 10 mile stretch between the two cities as a frequent warzone as both sides attempted to incur into each other's territory.

Meanwhile, the CDG itself began to fracture into various factions, the most prominent of which were the original core, based out of Matamoros, and Los Metros, based out of Reynosa, which continued to control the border region west of Reynosa known as La Frontera Chica through Ciudad Mier. Within the scope of the conflict between the factions of Matamoros and Los Metros, the plaza of Río Bravo became a frequent warzone and, in fact, has often dictated the course of CDG history.

The Continued CDN Threat

The Cartel del Noreste (CDN, Northeast Cartel) emerged in Nuevo Laredo as a rebranding of sorts of Los Zetas. Under the leadership of Juan Gerardo Treviño Chavez, alias “El Huevo”, the CDN managed to push further east than the pervious stalemate and, in time, took control of Ciudad Mier, pushing the conflict zone between the CDN and Los Metros to the area between Ciudad Mier and Ciudad Miguel Alemán.

Meanwhile, the CDN opened up a second front against Los Metros from the south, ultimately targeting the plaza of Camargo, as previously reported by Borderland Beat. Amidst this two pronged offensive against Los Metros, rumors briefly emerged regarding a split within the CDN as members on the war front wanted to become an independent organization due to a lack of support from CDN leadership in Nuevo Laredo. However, these rumors faded quickly and may have been misinformation.

In recent weeks, a line of rumors indicated that the CDN was supporting the Morena candidate for governor of Tamaulipas, Américo Villarreal Anaya, in the June 5, 2022 election. It was to be expected that, regardless of the winner, shifts in the cartel landscape in Tamaulipas would likely emerge in the coming weeks and months. With Américo Villarreal winning the election, the CDN could potentially take an even more aggressive stance as they ultimately seek to take over the Reynosa plaza should the rumors prove true.

Allies Become Enemies

The power of Los Metros has always stemmed from their control of Reynosa and the wealth that it provided along with a number of smaller border plazas in the Frontera Chica. However, Los Metros have long suffered from a lack of stable centralized leadership and, more often than not, the leader of Los Metros faces well positioned subordinates looking to expand their power with the ultimate goal of taking control of the cartel faction for themselves.

In this context, the leadership of César Morfín Morfín, alias “El Primito”/code name “M300”, has been notable in the simple fact that he has managed to lead Los Metros without being arrested, killed, or overthrown since he emerged as leader in 2018 despite not being well known before this time.

That is not to say that there has not been infighting within Los Metros during his leadership, as a number of members have been killed, the most notable of which occurring this year being that of Rafael Joaquin Salinas Aparicio, code name “Metro 32”, which was reported by Borderland Beat at the end of January.

Immediately thereafter, rumors frequently popped up stating that the next two members of Los Metros that would be taken out by order of “El Primito” would be the brothers Héctor Sánchez Rivera, alias “La Mimi”/code name “M-1” and Ernesto Sánchez Rivera, alias “La Mierda”/code name “M-22”.

On Saturday, June 11, 2022 a relatively minor incident took place in the Aquiles Serdán neighborhood of Reynosa, an area of the city under the control of “La Mimi” and “La Mierda”, when a State Police vehicle was attacked by armed men around 9:00 AM. While it seems insignificant in the grand scheme of things, it was the visible signaled of major events occurring in the shadows.

By noon of that same day, rumors emerged that Carlos Humberto Acuña de los Santos, alias “El Mono”/code name “M36”, the head of the Reynosa plaza, had turned on “La Mimi” and “La Mierda”, and that the brothers had fled the city. Brietbart would go so far as to later claim that they crossed into the United States and were with family members living in Hildago, TX.

The following day, Sunday, June 12, Twitter reports indicated that a convoy of trucks marked "M-58" was seen in Aquiles Serdán. It can be tentatively assumed that these individuals were acting under Roque Barriga Cruz Fuentes, alias "El Roke"/"El Roque" and code names "M58" and "M107", who is the operations chief in Reynosa under "El Mono".

It can be readily assumed that the move by “El Mono” came on orders of “El Primito”, who had made yet another move to ensure continued control of the Los Metros Faction of the CDG but, in doing so, has likely turned the brothers into full enemies rather than the potential rivals they had been up to this point.

The Fading Peace Agreement

When Los Metros first split from the core of the CDG based out of Matamoros, the plaza of Río Bravo was controlled by a group within the cartel known as Los Panteras, which apparently joined with the breakaway faction, thus ensuring initial control of Río Bravo under the leadership of Los Metros in Reynosa.

However, Río Bravo’s traditional ties to the Matamoros plaza, as well as it being a staging ground for trafficking through the Donna Bridge and, more significantly, through Nuevo Progreso into Progreso, led Río Bravo to become a center of conflict between the two factions of the CDG, with Matamoros eventually taking full control of the plaza despite being less than five miles from the eastern edge of the city of Reynosa.

Under the leadership of the Matamoros Faction of the CDG, the Río Bravo evolved into a refuge for some former members of Los Metros who had conflicted with the Los Metros Faction proper, most notably Petronilo Moreno Flores, alias “El Panilo”/code name “Metro 100”, prior to his arrest, Juan Francisco Martínez Ramírez, alias “El Paquito”/code name “Metro 77”, following his release from prison, and Juan Miguel Lizardi Castro, alias “El Miguelito”/code name “Metro 56”.

The Matamoros Faction of the CDG did not stop there campaign against Los Metros at Río Bravo; instead they used the city as a launching point for incursions into the city of Reynosa. One particularly notable offensive took place on June 19, 2021, covered immediately by Borderland Beat, which was reportedly ordered by “El Paquito”, “El Miguelito”, and members of the Matamoros Faction of the CDG.

A month later banners appeared in Tamaulipas announcing that a truce had been reached between three CDG factions: Los Metros under “El Primito”, Matamoros under the name of SC XIX Grupo Scorpion, which was interpreted to reference the Matamoros subgroup Los Escorpiones and their leader José Alberto García Vilano, alias “La Kena”/code name “Ciclón 19”, and Los Rojos of Tampico, a CDG faction which has traditionally been aligned with the Matamoros Faction. 

It is worth noting that, according to numerous rumors, the government of Tamaulipas helped broker and enforce the truce and, nearly a year later, it had managed to stay in effect, with all parties holding to it until recently.

Around the same time on Saturday, June 11, 2022 that the rumors emerged regarding “La Mimi” and “La Mierda” fleeing Reynosa, information began to spread openly that sources had been saying for days that the truce had fallen apart. It was specifically stated that “El Miguelito” had given the greenlight to the Matamoros Faction to enter Reynosa with his support. Furthermore, it was stated that “La Kena” had been in Nuevo Progreso recently to speak with “El Joker”/“Comandante Casco” and other high ranking members of the cartel to prepare for the coming war. 

The following day, June 12, Loba Indomable, a Twitter account that reports heavily on Tamaulipas cartel activity around the Reynosa area, posted that they had been notified about a caravan of armed men that was spotted around Valle Hermoso heading to Río Bravo.

That evening, Reynosa Codigo Rojo, a Twitter account dedicated to "red alert" situations in Reynosa, reported that “La Kena” had ordered “El Miguelito” to give support to “La Mimi” and “La Mierda” in order to gain control of Reynosa. 

The prevailing question to be confirmed: have Los Escorpiones of the Matamoros Faction of the CDG already entered Reynosa?

Sources: El Mañana, Carmen E, Tamaulipas R-T-C, Loba Indomable, Reynosa Codigo Rojo

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  1. Good evening guys. Much love and respect. I don't know how much grillonautas is as far as accurate. But cake across this.

    You don't have to post this msg. Just thought I'd share.

  2. Los metros traicioneros se dejaron empinar por las jaliscas y continuan con sus mamadas. Por lo menos menos una vez al año se pelean entre ellos. El choco por pendejo vendio la plaza y le dieron piso por confiado el boludo y el flaco sierra por lo menos trataron de correr al la gente del primito pero les fallo el tiro. Si los metros rompen la paz los de matamoros deben agarrar laplaza de reynosa y la frontera chica.Tamaulipas para los tamaulipecosin solo cartel y corran a las jaliscas y los michoacanos alv.

    1. Y luego van a ir a pedir chichi a los estados del sur porque no tienen los proveedores de coca, ni cocineros o químicos para hacer droga sintética y tampoco cosechan mota en grandes cantidades. Sin material que van a traficar, el culo jediondo? No escribas a lo pendejito morrillo "not known".

    2. Si seras pendejo, la mota la cultiva la columna armada, no necesitan pedir eso, y la coca la traen directamente de sur america, el cristal cuando lo ocupan lo cocinan ahi mismo en tamaulipas

    3. Pendejo eres tu si piensas que toda la mota que pasa por reynosa es cosechada en territorio de moncada. Los metros estan mamandoles los huevos a las jaliscas. No que reynosa es bien verga

    4. Del poco tiempo que estubo arriba M4, Gringo Mike y luego El Pelón hasta que tomo el control Primito cuántos clavos buenos se cayeron en territorio de los Metros? Ahí está tu respuesta a lo que escribí de la falta de conecté de la coca, no les tenían la confianza a esa bola de delincuentes tracioneros los de SA y tampoco tenían el billete para comprar mayoreo. Como ejemplo está el Choco que vendió la plaza y se quiso hacer el vivo queriendo darles paso a los Carteles Unidos.

    5. @ IPA…Pinches michoacuarros están igual o peor pendeja monarquita, cuáles pinches conectes de coca tienen wey si no más se dedican al pinche cristal y estafar a los agricultores de sus ranchos jotos .. no más habren la mamadora por costumbre… alv tu y tus indios homosexuales de Michoacán .. vali washi mero migo

    6. Jajajaja no llores bueyon que no te lo estoy diciendo a ti o te caló porque te quedó el saco morrito culo sarnozo? Desde los tiempos de Don Juan Guerra y siguiendo con su sobrino el Baron del Golfo los Michoacános han trabajado con el CDG y por los fronteras que ellos controlan. Negocios son negocios vatillo imbécil y los que mueven el material tienen el billete pendejito "not known".

    7. @IPA Drinker

      Quien controla la geografía controla el mercado haci muevan lo que muevan y los michoacacas siempre han tenido que pagarle a los de la frontera para mover producto nunca se han establecido en ninguna pinche frontera como los sinaloenses .. ni la frontera más pedorra tienen bajo dominio haci que cierra la mamádora pinchi monarquita desnutrida has de estar bien de la chingada igual que toda la indiada de tu puto Michoacán, pedacillos de hombre .. apuesto que ocupas dos manos pa empinarte las IPAs, y dos manos pa levantarme la ñonga pinche michoacaca

    8. Jajajajaja ahora hasta a los de Sinaloa se las mamás "not known" puñetero🤣
      Más chingón que tú bueyon sí lo estoy, 190cm y 95kg, y acá ando en California culon

    9. Los Michuacanos tienen rato trabajando con el CDG, hasta unos formaron parte y forman parte de ese cartel. Y es una chulada jalando juntos y much mejor jalando juntos y unidos. Todo este cochinero no estubiera pasando si fuera asi, y estubieran haciendo mas feria juntos en vez de andar matandose. Mexico estubiera mucho mas tranquilo. Fuera mejor para todos los mexicanos. Es una estupidez matandonos y estar en guerra entre nosotros mismos. Arriba Tamalipas!!! Arriba Michoacan!!! Arriba Mexico Entero!!!

  3. Great information

  4. Eso Les pasa alas golfas por andar dejando otro pinche cartel que no son de tamps entra aqui. Ahora estos putos se quieren comer Todo El mandado sin saber que hay viene la Raza pa patirles su Madre. Pinches metros pendejos

    1. Itzli, thank you for the info. CDG info is rare now a days, so that makes this story even more valuable. Keep up the great work

    2. Cdg info is rare? Cdg always fucking up and ending up on the news

    3. CDG ending up on the news isn't CDG input/info. Read the article. It talks about what's happening within CDG, not incidents. The happenings within CDG, that definitely is rare now a days

  5. War will break out. Rumor is the people in Miguel Aleman are not getting support and being left to die. I can see CDN take part of frontera chica (east of camargo and all of miguel aleman). El Simple was released from prison. Lets see where his loyalty falls.

    El Marino

    1. And I can see CDG in Miguel Aleman aligning themselves with the Matamoros faction. They wouldn't be to bright if they didn't

    2. That would be the smartest move, but there are no leaders left that would go against primito since he took those leaders out. There are rumors that CDN has already reached out to the river crossing crews from Miguel Aleman and the town of Guardados de Abajo, Guardados de Arriba and also the town of Los Angeles, so they can start working for CDN. If the CDN make their push soon, that dividing line of territory may move to that area. They keep making incursions into Miguel Aleman without getting any resistance.

      El Marino

    3. Hard to believe that it could get worse there. Poor people stuck in middle of this basically Solo without even being able to protect themselves.

    4. Marino, so CDN is still making incursions into Miguel Aleman??? Nothing has been coming out of there about this. Media, social media or anything else has came out with anything about that. It would be good if they did. I always felt that los Tilines that the military took out was due to bribes/pay off. They just took them out with no intentions of taking them into custody. You heard of any military in that area being on CDN pay roll??? If Primito can't handle it he needs to step aside. Kena (CDG) seems to be the best option for them right now. He's been up there in power for awhile with out really making too much noise. Not alot of people really know about him. And he has Matamoros on lock from what it seems.

  6. I truly appreciate everyone's feedback. To be perfectly honest I rushed to post this as I felt that the information needed to get out as quickly as possible as it will likely affect things in the days, weeks, even years to come.

    I'm currently tweaking the article to get it a bit more to my liking but nothing to major should change and I will do my best to keep everyone informed as this all plays out.

    1. Good information, it is true and rumors are strong that this will come within the next two weeks. Also I have been following the trial where El Panochitas has been on the stand on the case against El Gringo Mike’s brother who kidnapped the wrong target and sent him to Reynosa where he disappeared.

    2. Itzli, La Plata here, hope all is well my friend! Any word on bringing back the old message board? It's truly ashamed that such a a resource was lost. Some of those old threads were a literal gold mine of inside information. I think I speak for a lot of the readers in saying, we would love to see the board make a comeback! I also must say, love seeing the comments section filled with relevant info instead of repetitive trashy dribble. It's truly a testament to the respect you receive for the hard work you, and the rest of the staff put into these articles. Keep up the great work!

    3. Man it is so good to hear from you La Plata, been way too long. Hit me up at sometime so we can catch up fully.

      I talked to Bjeff a while back and he has a backuped copy of the old forum but we didn't get everything lined up and sending me a copy so I'll try again when he gets back in touch.

    4. Yep, the Gulf Cartel thread was like 7 years worth of info!

    5. Hopefully it gets brought back

  7. Que le Paso al 98 segun que ya anda libre Alla por Jalisco

  8. Itzli, coming with that CDG fire! Dude is a walking CDG history book. What ever happened to M-85? Chirucas....did he get out of the game?

    1. Nothing definitive on Chiricuas unfortunately. The impression I get is when Toro removed him from Miguel Aleman back in April 2016 he retired and left things to "La Mimi". Wouldn't surprise me if he is quietly advising him in the background.

      It hasn't been all that long ago that there was a rumor Chiricuas was arrested in Queretaro but it didn't get written about because the information never played out.

      I've also seen some comments saying he defected to Matamoros and took on a new code name but I'm cautious on this. To me it seems that there is another fairly high ranking Matamoros cartel member with the nickname Chiricuas that is causing confusion, but on the flip side it can't be dismissed.

    2. Itzli as you mentioned in the article, CDN seem to be the ones who will benefit from this election. I seen a Twitter message where allegedly CDN was offering $200 USA for those that showed proof they had voted for Americo and also the families of inmates could benefit from voting for him by receiving said amount and getting a change in the area of confinement and/or a deduction of the fee they have to pay for being in prison under the control of CDN.
      AMLO and his quest for control is willing to make alliances with "formerly" corrupt politicians who in seeking said power become even more power hungry but ultimately they just want to lucrar with the puesto they temporarily have or will hold.

    3. Thanks for taking the time to share all this information, I hadn't heard these particular details.

      I mentioned the possible CDN/Villarreal connection in the article but I have actually been thinking about all of this even further.

      The CDN supporting Villarreal has been the most talked about. It has also been said that Los Metros backed Truko.

      This creates a bigger question in my mind, who did Matamoros back? Did they, like Los Metros, support Truko or did they back Villarreal?

      If Villarreal, is there any chance that an arrangement is being made to wipe out Los Metros and then CDN and Matamoros divide the territory?

    4. Itzli, I thought Chiricuas was incarcerated. Could have sworn you guys came out with a story about that a few years ago. Him and so other guy got busted. Don't remember where. And from what I had heard CDN was backing truko. I heard that so were the Metros but I heard both them things a month or a month and a half ago, maybe more. I know Moncada started backing Americo about a month ago. He did it publicly. It's going to be hard for Americo to give any one cartel support when when more than one were backing him. Moncada nor Kena would like to see Miguel Aleman or any other part of the frontera chica in CDN hands having been CDG for so long, due to a few different reasons. I'm sure they wouldn't be to happy if Americo were to give CDN full support for that objective to come to fruition. I think they would at the very least talk him out of that. I might be wrong but who knows, only the future will tell. We'll see what comes about

  9. Replies
    1. Great question that I wish I had an answer to. I have not heard anything about the Sur Faction in quite some time, I assume they are still aligned with Matamoros but there is definitely a question mark on how they stand on things.

      What is interesting is there are emerging rumors that the Centro Faction under "Pantera 24" is backing Matamoros...

    2. The Panteras seemed to have been drifting closer to Matamoros for a while now. Especially after drifting away from Tampico faction

  10. Thanks for laying this all out in a way that English speakers can understand. If a war comes I am betting that it won't be reported in the U.S. media even though this is occurring right on the border.
    I am also betting that the Brownsville and McAllen press will be AWOL.

    1. Tampico has a broke ass cdg faction

    2. Please don't start trash talking. This thread has been great. Everything has been informative and related. It would ne highly appreciated if it were to stay like that my friend. Thank you...But as to your comment of Tampico being broke, I highly doubt that. Tuey seem pretty organized and that couldn't happen without money. If they were broke other factions or cartels would be making incursions and the media would be more talkative. Incursions would definitely be happening not just from within Tamaulipas but also Veracruz. There's a port in Tampico correct?

    3. 908 Tampico is the port bro. A LOT of product comes into there. That's why Matamoros gives a shit.

    4. And that would make them at the very least finacially stable

  11. At the end nothing has happened. El mimis y la mierda are most likely in the usa around the mcallen tx area with relatives la chispa no one has heard from. El primito will keep killing what metro leaders he can untill reynosa is full of jaliscas and michoacanos giving orders and the locals being their bitches. Who wld of thought that the cdn wld be more able to be united than the reynosa faction.

    1. Metros are all messed up. Killing each other off and making themselves weaker. I know the foot soldiers are tired of it.

  12. Kinda makes you Juan Guerra back in late 80s this bs would be handled way better elpadrino would silence this things were handled with silenta

  13. Bet y’all wish the old man Juan Guerra was still alive things would be done a lot quieter


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