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Sunday, June 5, 2022

Zitacuaro, Michoacán: The Final Nail In El Michi’s Coffin

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A image has surfaced online of the last known photo of El Michi following his brutal death. Very little information is known about this obscure enforcer other than he was an unbiased third party looking to get paid for his illicit services. 

Unfortunately, on his route to take out his objective, El X from the murderous Jalisco New Generation Cartel, it all culminated in his own abduction. Before his demise he was recorded on film divulging what all he knew about the employers who had commissioned him for his assignment. 

That nonsensical broadcast of his confession was heavily edited and spliced together by his captors. More than likely this was done for security reasons to protect suspected moles within the organization.  

Warning: Graphic Picture

Alejandro Martinez   Borderland Beat Archives


  1. No real good info.

    1. Ah, that's cute. Babygirl is upset early on a Sunday. 😄

  2. Satan will suck his dick in hell

    1. 2:25 are you really from the bayou? Or monterey?

  3. Blanco no solo lo castraron.La Barca Jalisco levantaron varios del grupo conocido como pájaros sierra.Dueños de locales aquí en mi tierra La Barca tenían un Restaurante,También en Los Angeles CA, tenían otro. provenientes de Tizapan El Alto Jal.Esta prohibido las noticias

    1. Wow thank you for putting me on. Hope everyone has had a safe weekend

  4. Replies
    1. Esta manta está dedicada a Sicario006 vamos sobre tu Plaza BorderlandBeat
      Pura Gente del Comandante JuanR
      En el mapa somos el Nuevo Terror
      4 Letras en mi chaleco traigo yo
      Trocas duras pa Pelear
      Mi nombre lo reservo yo pero por lo que muevo el cálacas me an de llamar
      Saludos Juanito que lo bueno va empezar traigo la Bandera de mi apa
      Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion no sabe rajar.Échele Carito que se sienta la reversa, igualados de seguro en estos momentos ya la DEA escuchó la traducion le Jale el tapete a las pulgas y comenzaron toditas a Brincar ajaja
      Comandante Rambo se acabo la tregua hay Tijuana Sinaloa va llorar
      Lo sentimos mucho simplemente como dijo Sadam Hussein se prostituyeron con los gringos a chingar su madre pues

    2. BB, why did you let La Juanita back on? Don’t you realize that he discredits you by being allowed to comment with all of his mindless, racist bullshit that he has over time? The people that you want to hear about the hell that is going on in during these past 15 plus years won’t take your work seriously if they read his responses, and realize that that kind of thinking is allowed through BB. I want BB to reach and make people aware, but this punk is doing damage to the cause. It truly hurts to see , especially how hard you’ve worked to get BB To the point it is right now. I consider that your news is more credible than CNN, Fox, ABC, etc. That’s why I don’t want to see some uneducated moron who is wanting attention, make BB look like it shouldn’t be taken seriously, because you should.

      I have to agree with 854. I don't have an issue with people like Juan Rambo. What i do think is a problem is all the other stuff that makes the site look a bit immature. I come to this site because i love reading the articles. It's sad but what's going on in Mexico is like a tragic novel. And like many others, I'm trying to make sense of what's driving all this besides the money because we have to admit that shit is pretty scary and gruesome in Mexico. I'm not saying that people don't have the right to opinions. But Hearst, MX, Iván, Sol are great contributors. But I've seen people write some cheesy shit about Ivan. And all the guy is doing is translation, plus making sure what's being read makes some sense.and then you read people write some shit like Ivan or others have some agenda of pushing some Cartel's narrative.. Again i do feel that the comments here have made some great people distance themselves from BB. I myself have left the site because of the comments. So Sir likes it here and gives input ( and that means he's doing meth, or he rubs people's asses ). Personally the worse ones are the ones asking Sit for massages and then having some GAY AGENDA ( Which people's sexuality should NOT be an issue ).

    4. I feel like there's just a huge need to have the forum back, so you can have an actual conversation instead of having to dodge a couple of the usual names that seem to always try to get reactions

    5. Here we go again with the complains, look here guys if you dont like the comment section just ignore them and keep on with your lives, the BB staff cant make every happie, so just stop your stupid complains and fuck off, thanks to you we couldnt post for half a year and now that BB is back with the comments you are trying to ruin it again? Just shut the fuck up and dont read what you dont like and thats it!

    6. Reddit Borderlandbeat needs to happen

    7. Ignore ignorance, cause at end of day. They are just wanting attention cause their little lives aren’t worth talking about so they try to get attention from literally anyone that gives it to them. Sad sad souls. Boo hoo

  5. A self portrait by his abductors. I can only imagine how many times he committed these atrocities on others. Now its his turn, as it will be for those who did this to him. They will all be victims of each others inhumanity. A self perpetuating cycle…


    1. «A los que deban ir presos, se los llevarán presos; y a los que deban morir a filo de espada, a filo de espada los matarán.» Aquí se verá la fortaleza y la fe del pueblo santo.

    2. The war machine bangs on, the monster must be fed.

    3. 6:27 a la verga con tus mamadas de rodillas.

  6. Damn they did him bad. But at same time. How bad has he done people. Been coming here a lot for all the news we’d never see or hear in USA. This dude crossed wrong person. No telling the people he’s dismembered and killed. That’s called the politics of contraband.

  7. SIR Serafin it’s been a Quiet day

  8. Didn't watch, nor the pictures, but can you explain the last paragraph for me? Obviously, I can see why they would want to protect their mole in the organization, but why and how would that effect El Michi's confession?? Thank you

  9. Those michoacanos ain't no jok3!

  10. Michoacanos are the biggest joke like menchita was .... cuántas veces no los amos sacado bola de culones para eso la juegan

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 pinches sonoras wanna be sinaloans🤣🤣🤣 iguales de foquemones

    2. Ahi se ve que no sabe de k hablas keda se calldaito mejor educate antes de hablar cristal x aki no se permita puro a lo gabacho fijase bien quien controla nuestra frontera no son de chinaloa puro sonorense viejo aki nadie mas ah entrado ni entraran hasta el 1 sacamos tu cres que otro pendejo la cuaje estas mas k pendejo

    3. 10:12 hablando de pendejos, quien crees que son mas pendejos los que se andan matando por el patron que ni conocen? O los que aparte andan presumiendo lo pendejos que estan?

    4. Los dos!!! aki nadie esta matando mucho menos x otro pero los k deben morir se estan muriendo mas que el patron se conoce muy bien y se respeta nada de cuotas ni extorsiones robos secuestro la poblacion se respeta y si no radicas en estos lugars nada tienen k decir

  11. Can’t play both sides

  12. He knows it was a suicide mission and I give him for having big ballzzzz.

  13. 7:40 big ballzzz, no brain, he got fed corn and got killed like a pig,

    1. Pinchie Sir
      His eyes are looking like Uncle Fester of Adams family.

    2. 6:48 Cierren las puertas!!!
      Porque ya llegó su Mero Padre!



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