Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, July 15, 2022

Almost 1,000,000 Fentanyl Pills Seized in Sinaloa Cartel Linked Bust in Inglewood, California

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

According to the DEA, the seizure of fentanyl pills is the largest bust they have made in California.

The record-breaking haul of fake pills believed to contain fentanyl was seized at an Inglewood, California home on July 5, according to DEA officials. The pills have an estimated street value of $15 to $20 million.

"The deceptive marketing coupled with the ease of accessibility makes these small and seemingly innocuous pills a significant threat to the health and safety of all our communities," Bill Bodner, DEA Special-Agent-in-Charge, said in a statement. "A staggering number of teens and young adults are unaware that they are ingesting fentanyl in these fake pills and are being poisoned."

The DEA says the seizure of fentanyl pills is the biggest they have made in California.

The bust was made at a home after an investigation into a trafficking group linked to the Sinaloa Cartel.

Agents with the DEA's High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Group 48 made the bust earlier this month following an investigation of an LA-area drug trafficking group believed to be linked to the Sinaloa Cartel. During the investigation, the DEA said they identified Southern California-based drug couriers and stash house managers who were tasked with the distribution.

"These pills that are on the street, even though they look identical to oxycodone pills they're fake," Bodner said in an interview. "There [are] no active pharmaceutical ingredients in them. They are made with fentanyl and they are terribly dangerous. That's why we're seeing death numbers rise in L.A. County."

The greater Los Angeles area was identified by the DEA as a major transshipment hub where illegal drugs coming from across the border are being stored in local warehouses, storage units, and homes. The drugs are then broken down into smaller quantities for transport to other states and distributed to dealers, a task made easier thanks to the area's many international airports, freeways, and bus and train lines.

DEA officials did not say if any arrests were made, and the investigation into the drug trafficking organization is ongoing.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 107,000 people have died as a result of a drug overdose or poisoning in the U.S. Criminal drug networks in Mexico are mass-producing illicit fentanyl and fake pills pressed with fentanyl in filthy, clandestine, unregulated labs. These fake pills are designed to look like real prescription pills right down to the size, shape, color, and stamping. These fake pills typically replicate real prescription opioid medications such as oxycodone (Oxycontin®, Percocet®), hydrocodone (Vicodin®), and alprazolam (Xanax®); or stimulants like amphetamines (Adderall®).

In 2021, the DEA offices in the greater Los Angeles area seized over 3 million fentanyl pills, which was nearly a three-fold increase from the previous year. In the first four months of 2022, DEA Los Angeles seized approximately 1.5 million fentanyl pills, which is a 64% increase over the same period last year.

The only safe medications are ones that come from licensed and accredited medical professionals. DEA warns that pills purchased outside of a licensed pharmacy are illegal, dangerous, and potentially lethal. For more information please visit
Source CBS News, DEA

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  1. Excellent catch DEA, and the knuckle heads in here that day DEA does nothing. These fuken fake pills are killing many people.

    1. Think about it genius do you think they’d be sending that much of this poison if it hasn’t been getting through. The US is packed full of the worst street drugs it’s ever seen, readily available on every corner in the country. Those responsible are who is held accountable. Don’t cheerlead for one bust. That’s the problem. People like you and them think it’s a big accomplishment meanwhile 100 times as much is already on the street. The DEA has nothing to be bragging about. They’ve built a wall, spent billions on sensors on riverbanks and to other countries all sorts of methods and what has happened due to it? NOTHING but more or the worst has flooded the country. 100M gets through while they celebrate catching 1. While kids and parents, grandparents are dropping dead. Yeah real good job DEA. Switch it up what you’re doing isn’t working obviously

    2. 11:32 It's great to cheer to the DEA, they did a hell of a good job on this one. Even though we all know it's a dent, which is better than nothing. DEA is off to another assignment. Will the flow of drugs coming in law enforcement will be busy.

    3. Hey look at the bright side population control...!!!

    4. Thank you Grampa AMLO for finally doing your part with Biden. I will not call you laY, you are number 1 in the world leaders.

    5. Yeah but we’d appreciate if they just focused solely on fentanyl and meth. Not the good shit.

    6. @1:01 Not with these age groups mate

    7. 1:13
      It was the DEA after months of investigating.
      Obrador had nothing to do with this issue whatsoever.

  2. Seems like the sinsloa guys are getting hit hard

    1. More like for show and part of the deals and payments mex us government nothings changing its flooded with synthetics its a shit show

  3. I have to disagree that most people that buys this and consume it knows exactly what it is.

    1. Not really they assume it's the real pill.
      Why do you think 107,000 died to overdoses.

    2. Yeah there’s probably still a lot who don’t know and around 2020 it wasn’t really super well-known yet that virtually all street oxy was now fentanyl. I gotta think though that by the end of this year (2022) that almost everyone will know there’s no way you’re getting real oxycodone on the streets anymore. I feel like people being less willing to casually experiment with opioids in general will lead to lesser demand and a lessening of the market overall but idk. The only other accessible opioid for average citizens now besides fentanyl and its analogues is Codeine/Lean but it’s ridiculously expensive. I mean I guess there’s still some H but it’s gotta be mostly or at least partially mixed with fent at this point. Guess people are just gonna have to start growing “opium/wild lettuce” in their backyards.

  4. Lotta fent on the news recently. Thanks for the article Socalj!

  5. My question is if cartels have got their hands in so much why haven’t those pharmaceutical warehouses that are all over down in Mexico, why haven’t they been hitting those ?

    1. What do you mean pharmaceutical warehouses? These aren’t coming from the same labs that make good ol’ farmapram. These are highly clandestine secretive labs. Fentanyl and meth in Mexico are both “ghost drugs” and no one has any idea how much is actually being produced because it can be made so covertly.

  6. Damn Mayito Gordo snitching to the max.. Sinaloa Cartel be taking some major hits lately. I bet mayo told Mayito Gordo to hit all Guzman kids loads to take them out the game.

    1. Extremely compartmentalized, but the perception is in the right direction.

    2. El mayo ya esta más muerto que vivo,.cómo chingan.

  7. I don’t understand how criminals handle this super dangerous drug when officers almost die by just touching the bag.

    It make me wonder if the officer who was apparently saved was really sick or in danger or just playing opossum.

    1. It’s not the loose powder form when it’s in a pill and with the powder form, especially in the case of carfentanil you just have to wear a mask.

  8. Inglewoooood always up to no gooooood love my city but this is horrible to hear smh

  9. They can do what they did with the pseudo pill back in the day when they were making crank/meth and tighten the regs on that stuff coming from China or india into the ports of Mexico too. It’s ok unfortunately until Joey or Jane a politicians kids.

  10. Wholesale 2 maybe 3 million in drugs

    1. Yea maybe 1 million they over exaggerated like every time..

  11. Regalo Caro coming back home to the usa. He was no use as an old man.

  12. So no one was caught?

    No problem. The cartels will handle that part fir us!

    1. Yes want you think the pills have legs, they jumped the wall.

  13. Replies
    1. Lopez obrador grandpa didn't do anything productive with Biden he's lucky he got invited there he just talked for an hour talking trash remind Biden not to invite him again it's like talking to an unwanted guest like on weekly press conferences at los pinos doesn't the Mexican media get tired of listening to lies and B.S and nothing gets done what a useless human being wonder if everyone from his hometown are the same Mexico should have elected a trained monkey with better results.

    2. Hey don't call him grampa, he is president, he got up on his high horse, and had labs busted in Sinaloa.
      You Poncho
      Obrador lawyer

    3. 8:04 lawyer kiss my grits

    4. 11;02 Wash and squeeze a lemon before the kissing, Panocho...

  14. But this wouldn’t happen if the US wasn’t buying right???
    Everyone in Mexico is complicit in this. You need look no further than the mirror

    1. 12:40 not everybody US is buying shit, and not everybody mexican makes and trafficks shit, try and hook with a pusher and squeeze his info on suppliers, just like the drug police, but don't wait until the sales is done and you know where.all the money is.


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