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Sunday, July 3, 2022

Altar, Sonora Videos: CDS Hitmen Scrambling To Dodge Bullets & Trying To Negotiate With Soldiers

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

An alleged leadership figure within the Sinaloa Cartel group Gente Nueva de Altar, rumored to be a successor and close family member of El Durango, was arrested by Army soldier in Altar, Sonora. 

Video of CDS hitmen scrambling to dodge gunfire as well as hitmen allegedly yelling at soldiers in negotiations “I'm not going to kill you, just let him go”. 

The Operation to Capture a Major CDS Leader & The Reaction

On July 2, 2022, Army (SEDENA) soldiers launched an operation which aimed to capture a Sinaloa Cartel (Cártel de Sinaloa, CDS) leadership figure located in Altar municipality, within the state of Sonora. The hitmen seen in the videos below are alleged to be Sinaloa Cartel members by Proceso, Aristegui Noticias, and Excelsior

Altar municipality has previously been heavily associated with the CDS subgroup Gente Nueva de Altar, who fall on the Los Chapitos side of the CDS spectrum and are believed to be supported by the Salazar family. 

The subgroup Gente Nueva de Altar has not drawn the attention of the press much since the April 2021 arrest of its head of hitmen, José Bibiano Cabrera, alias “El Durango”. El Durango’s arrest was quickly followed by the arrest of the overall leader of Gente Nueva de Altar, Humberto Limon Lopez, alias “El Cazador” in June 2021.

Video Source: Haydeé Gaxiola

Video Source: J. Armando RH

The Army’s capture operation led to a gunfight in which one hitmen was killed, one soldier was killed and another soldier was injured. Ultimately the target they aimed to arrest was successfully detained. 

This led to CDS hitmen erecting roadblocks within the municipalities of Altar, Caborca ​​and Pitiquito using the usual method of commandeering large vehicles from citizens, parking the vehicles on the roads in order to block traffic and setting the vehicles on fire. 

Videos of various armed men being held at gunpoint on the ground and wrestled into handcuffs has appeared online.

Video Source: Sonora Informativo

In the video above, various armed hitmen who are holding positions at the corner of buildings or behind walls can be seen shouting to alleged SEDENA soldiers. 

Sonora Informativo, a long time source for Sonora cartel news featured on Borderland Beat, alleges the following three phrases were said by the CDS hitmen, possibly within the video itself. 

Donde está el apoyo? —  Where is the support/help?

Mejor suéltenlo — Better let him go

No los voy a matar, nomás suéltenlo — I'm not going to kill you, just let him go

It should be noted that it's very hard to make out what the hitmen are saying beyond the loud hum of the motor but some of those phrases can be heard.

At approximately 10:00 pm on July 2, 2022, Sonora Public Security made the following statement

5 less generators of violence in the #Altar zone. In an operation led by the Army [SEDENA], with the participation of the three levels of government, 4 generators of violence were detained and 1 more, who was firing shots at security forces, was killed. 

Vehicles and high-powered weapons were also seized.  Order has now been restored to the area and law enforcement is present, so traffic circulation is safe.

We regret to announce that one of the members of the Army was wounded and another lost his life in the line of duty. Our sympathy goes out to his family.  We will continue working with the security institutions to build the Sonora that we all deserve.

Who is rumored to be the detainee?

Meanwhile, Reporte Maya alleges the photo below depicts one of the men being arrested but this photo is unconfirmed. It is worth repeating that there were four people arrested, so even if the man depicted in the photo was arrested in this incident, there is a chance this merely depicts a bodyguard.

Proceso wrote that “in the local media, it is reported that an alleged relative of José Bibiano Cabrera Cabrera, El Durango, leader of Gente Nueva, the armed wing of Los Chapitos, was captured.” 

Excelsior writes an even more specific claim, writing that “It was rumored that the detainee, whom criminal groups were trying to free, could be Duranguito, heir of José Bibiano Cabrera Cabrera, El Durango, identified by authorities as the armed wing of Los Chapitos in the Sonoran desert known as the Durangos or Cazadores; however, this version has not been confirmed by the Ministerial Agency of Criminal Investigation, nor the Attorney General's Office of the Republic.”

Other Videos

Video Source: José Ochoa

Video Source: LARZA Comunica


  1. Y si fue Al tolin al que capturaron?

    1. Tolin was captured in Rosarito, Baja California.

      I'm planning on writing about Tolin tomorrow.

  2. IDK if the soldier is practically resting the barrel on that dudes eye area but that MF must've been shitting scorpions. Thank GOD the capture was successfully made without the idiot old man intervening.

  3. Puro Gente del Altar! They need to releive their partnership with los Salazar or the lil chaps! They need to go back to the old days of being independent.

    1. Didnt they used to call that the Sonora Cartel long time ago?

    2. Snitching you mean?

  4. Cds are a mess right now..

  5. The guy with the arquebus on his forehead, could be the son of el durango and el Comandante Rambo they say got arrested, poor sons following on their daddy's footsteps when they could have been lawyers or doctors or sompim'.
    El Chueco is all the 3 levels of government are looking for, those are federal, estatal and municipal.
    The tres poderes are executive, legislative and judicial.

    1. 7:52 Aja y luego bajates de tu viaje y que mas paso?

  6. Al que agarraron fue al duranguillo hermano del durango. Hay pedo entre chubetos y durangos. Los durangos le andan peleando al Chava que es el hermano del noveno. Todavia queda el eric el otro hermano del durango.

    1. Pero los chubetos son de ahi no?

    2. Hermano de Durango? muy interesante

    3. Chubetos/novenos es lo mismo. El
      Duranguillo aparentemente le quizo chingar la plaza al hermano del noveno.

  7. It is sad to know a soldier died. My heart goes to the military. They are the real heroes in Mexico. El Chilango.

    1. It is sad that man died. But when they aren't raping daughters, torturing sons and stealing anything that isn't nailed down, the military are the real heroes of whichever Cartel is paying their General, El Chilango.

  8. To have a soldier killed that means the Insurgents are not your typical Sicario But Well trained Mercenaries Just like when ovidio guzman got released it was exposed he had Ex military personnel and Sicarios with Military Training Basically a Army like one DEA agent Exposed SINALOA CARTEL

    1. Please don’t exaggerate. They we’re running like rats. About Ovidio. It was another bad incident and bad decision but nothing the military can not handle.

    2. Catalina terror just onother CDS ignorant groupie cheerleader. CDS are a bunch of bumbs and their sicarios are all high on meth..

  9. Y por mientras la gente que queremos ir a Caborca y tenemos que cruzar por ahí, vamos con el pedorro en la mano. Estamos hasta la madre, como la mayoría de la gente de la región, de que estos grupos delictivos siembren el terror. Antes con la mafia de antaño de pérdida había negocios, ahora todo el dinero se sale de la región y nos dejan a los muertos, el trauma y el miedo. We're seeing the outcome of kids growing up listening to narcocorridos making it normal to be part of this horrible way of life. Glorifying guns, dirty money, pick up trucks and silicone dolls is biting us in the rear. They see these young dumbasses singing shitty music, and they want to be just like them. Solo son carne de cañón mientras los "jefes" estan Agusto con la novia/esposa de vacaciones y nuestra juventud enviciada en el cristal, creyéndose jefes de plaza.


  10. Sinaloa cartel paid officials and police. IsGood thing Calderon stepped up to the plate and redicule there money not good anymore? But cjng has open pass to take over many sections of Mexico, as long as they pay the bribes.
    What happened to the manhunt of the criminal cartel that killed the two preists?
    Did that already go to the back burner and the situation fad away. Google thing Calderon stepped up to the plate and texted Amlo about his incompetents.

    1. The manhunt is ongoing. I covered the latest important updates, including the back and forth between Calderon and AMLO in this story.

      Since the arrest of the 11, they announced that they destroyed a few narco camps in the mountains but it seems like they are presenting those merely as proof that they are still actively searching.

    2. Hearst your on top of the world , when it comes to information from Mexico.
      You're the Alexa of Mexico.
      Me too after a week, I thought it all deminished.

  11. How can I send you a video about this. ?

    1. Just send an email to


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