Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Cartel de Sinaloa: Welcome Home Mayito Gordo

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

*Note: Video is unrelated to the story and used for illustrative purposes. 

A celebration is currently underway somewhere in Sinaloa. Ismael Zambada Imperial aka "Mayito Gordo”, the son of El Mayo Zambada was recently released from an American prison after having been apprehended in Sinaloa in 2014. 

The festivity is complete with a live Mexican banda group and luxurious vehicles. Life size portraits of the Cartel de Sinaloa (CDS) leader Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada stands centered within this broadcast. On opposite ends of the straw hut pictures of his sons Vicente Zambada Niebla and Mayito Gordo are also positioned. 

This party is being held in honor for the sons of El Mayo Zambada. Vicente Zambada Niebla was released from prison after having reached a plea deal with the United States government on 8 November 2018. Mayito Gordo gained his freedom after serving part of a nine year sentence in California. 

Source: anonymous 

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  1. Pura Gente De Sombrero
    Antrax is back el virus el Peña 20 al mando
    RIP Chino Antrax ,M1 ,
    Free El Fantasma

    1. *Chicano accent*

      Dumb hiena!!

    2. 7:11 those als school guys wont last in this new era, a 14 yr old would kill you for 100 pesos

    3. Billy Jean. Chino Ántrax was killed because he was not powerful enough to walk away after providing information to the feds.

    4. Judas Zambada

    5. Chino was a snitch and mayo thougt he had a chip (gps) so he got killed.
      His sons are all snitches but he would not kill his own blood..

  2. "Con una mirada intimida a cualquiera
    Pocas palabras arreglan problemas
    Me llamo Ismael y no soy el padrino
    El padrino es mi padre y yo soy su hijo
    Me dicen Mayito, me dicen el gordo
    Mayito zambada gerente del negocio
    Cuando ando enfiestado yo la agarro larga
    Los antros me sobran para las pisteadas
    Muy agradecido estoy con los antrax
    Por ser del equipo que cuida mi espalda
    El cuarto es tremendo, el 2 muy violento
    El 5 a los vivos los convierte en muertos
    No abuso ni humillo por mi apellido
    Es por eso que tengo muchos amigos
    Pero si me atacan mi gente le atora
    El 20 o el 11 con la voladora
    La música en vivo es mi preferida
    Ya sea con la banda y también con enigma
    Hay otro pariente
    Y ahí le va mi compa gordo
    El que le chingas tu compa Frankie
    Ahí va el compa chavo
    Me encantan las bromas, le entiendo al relajo
    Dicen que soy vago, ando de arriba a baajo
    Me aviento mi pegue y no es mentira
    Si doy mi palabra esa es como una firma
    Mi carnal el flaco es muy buena gente
    Y lo mismo digo de mi hermano Chente
    Apa yo te quiero y nunca te ha fallado
    Le mando un abrazo a Serafin mi hermano
    Si hay que hablar de amigos, ahí esta el chavo
    Además de mi amigo él es mi cuñado
    El boyna esta al tiro y no se queda abajo
    Y por eso siempre les tiendo mi mano
    Dicen que la historia se está repitiendo
    Me refiero ala historia de los viejos
    El mayo y el chapo compadres de grado
    Ivan e Ismael continua el legado
    Seguiré tomando hasta la mañana
    Voy pa' mi oficina y de hay con mi nana"

  3. "Se vino la madrugada
    La desvelada comienza
    Ramón mandó por la banda
    El Mayito está de fiesta
    En Culiacán, Sinaloa
    El jefe asi se festeja
    Me apodan el 'm' grande
    Y siempre quise un corrido
    Donde mencionen a todos
    Mis verdaderos amigos
    Destapenme un bukana
    Quiero que brinden conmigo"

    1. Funny thing is all of MZ's friends are in jail, were they really his friends? Or is he a back stabbing MF'r who likes to trick dumb F's to think they are hos friends? Once a rat always a rat 🐁🐁🐁

  4. He is in Florence az in a immigration detention center he ain’t celebrating shit!

  5. So, it turns out that on Twitter you can be blocked from viewing certain accounts. Just as well those same accounts can also be set to private. But what these bright bulbs forgot to remember is that daddy is a jack of all trades. That essentially means that I can take what I want, whenever I want. And there isn't shit you haters can do to stop me. Lmfao. Thanks for the laughs, suckers!

    1. WTF sol? Now you are speaking Gibberish like the good old Z

    2. Sol trying to be like OG Shadow and Commandante Sargy

    3. BB writing has gone to your head, calm down payaso , you're not an anonymous hacker

    4. Some of you guys dont think some things through. I think Sol meant that hes able to get some info from sites or pages even after they have been either blocked or privatized. ..........

      Por eso es importante aprender a leer correctamente.

    5. So you followed them from a different account? You sound like a goofball

    6. @ 8:48 I can tell you in intimate detail why the last 10 journalists left, some of that info would blow your mind. I can also mention how I know when certain people come here to speak anonymously because they think their actually anonymous lol. Some of you guys just have no fucking idea what all is really happening here. But please keep telling yourself that I don't know anything. It's very beneficial for me.

    7. "You don't know anything!!!! :p"

      There, Mira, did that help Senor Sol??

      J/K thanks for everything you do here and there

    8. Part of what we are dealing with is the nature of organized crime. None of us know all of the facts.
      Some people say that Mencho kidnapped the Chapitos in Mazatlan. Some say Damaso kidnapped them. I don't know who kidnapped the Chapitos. Until something comes out in a U.S. courtroom, there is no way to know for sure. Even then, you are depending on witness testimony that may not be accurate.
      There may be persons involved in organized crime that follow Borderland Beat. They would know more than most of us, but their knowledge is still limited by what they have privy to.
      What makes Borderland Beat so good is that you get a variety of opinions. Some people here are quite knowledgable and post things that really force you to think and sometimes rethink what you thought was true in the past.

    9. hahha Sol you clown

    10. Well spoken, keep on my friend

    11. 9:45 who ever said that mencho kidnapped the chapotoa in mazatlan is a fucking dumb ass, Mencho kidnapped the chapitos in Puerto Vallarta not in Mazatlan, jajaja they got on their knees and got kicked on the ribs 🤣🤣🤣

    12. 945. You are right about some knowing. I have known Vicente was in Mx since about a year ago.

    13. Puerto Vallarta. I stand corrected. Some people say that Damaso tried to take over the cartel and was responsible for the kidnapping. Whether it was Mencho or Damaso, I don't know. So I am pretty open to suggestions on this issue.

    14. 12:10 Clearly it's a small mistake, we know he meant Puerto Vallarta

    15. Ok Hunter Moore..😎

    16. 9.45 If Mencho was such a boss, why didn’t he kill Chapo’s sons? When it got real Mencho backed away. Don’t say Mayo paid to get them back, was Mencho that poor? If he was a boss he would have taken them out. Mencho was soft.

    17. Chapitos got traded for money and plazas. Dumies got caught slipping. It's a money game

    18. Who can hack fotos del Sol en bikini y brassiere???
      I hope sicario .006 is lissenin'
      Hey, russians are everywhere too, the Unpresidented Disgrace once asked them to provide Hillary's 33 000 lost emails, but they couldn't...
      Hillary's broom beat 'em all

    19. 12:10 Then Mencho got scared of Chapo and released them the next day and the 7 kidnappers were found dead. 🤣

    20. 12:46 mmm cool story, where were they found? Cause to my knowledge the chapitos wanted to give the kidnappers a BJ but the kidnappers said fuck out of here! We are not La Gilbertona! And kicked them on the ribs 🤣🤣🤣

    21. 12:46 Los Chapitos disrespected Caro Quintero. Caro with the help of Mencho, Chapo Isidro, & info from Dámaso kidnapped los chapitos. The plan was never to kill them. The 7 kidnappers never got killed by CDS. In the song the of the kidnapping & they say Los de la Perla behave like caballeros

    22. 12:46 at the time of the kidnapp the chaputos were not really involved in the game, chapo was still ordering his crew from jail, chapitos were just some Jrs believing the fake corridos and thinking they were untouchable, they got told not to go into jalisco like nothing was happening and they didnt listen, if they had asked Sr Mencho for permition maybe he would of let them party, but they didnt, got picked up by cjng and got kicked on the ribs 🤣🤣🤣 i still think the video its hilarious, the government got involved they didnt want a blood bath, of curse the blood bath was gonna be between cjng and the government cause cds are pussies and always send the government, cjng doesnt need the gov, they just pay them to not mess with them not to do their dirty work like cds does, so the gov got involved and they let them go, i wont make up shit, i dont know what cjng got in exchange for them 🐁🐁 but they agreed to let them free but with the guarantee that the chapitos will never step foot back in jalisco, and thats why chapitos dont leave culiacan no more, they are scared of El Señor de los cocks 🐓🐓shitless, when some one mentions the words Puerto Vallarta they start screaming "NOOO NOOO NOOOOO!!!!!!! And somebody has to slap them to bring them back to reality

    23. Sol since you are being honest I meet a girl name Elena she was in some good shit telling me she was the wife of Mayo Zambada but she told me not to come to this websites because as soonest you come here your flag they want to know why and everything about you. I share a lot of info to haerts via email I can’t control what they sent me from Mexico. and I wanted to let people know the truth everyone in Mexico it’s scare about talking about Carteles and extortion y cobros de piso. You learn a lot from this websites how they heat up plazas killing inocentes the same way 911 the 🇺🇸 Murder people for Gold and gas i haven’t seen the weapons of mama destruction. CJNG reminds me of the zetas taking too many plazas in a short time. But this time they make videos when they are blame and proof to people or wasn’t them so that’s why their structure is still solid. Forget about the cartel and look into political characters how the F it’s 4 letras infiltrating el Golfo people empresarios with money got to be helping. There was this post where they took off two faces I believe it was Carteles unidos my town it’s at war and the video holds the key to un mask the real criminals. We are not anonymous like you said but being here we can help Mexico giving them the voice they need. Blessings

    24. No ones anonymous even private encrypted communications is no bueno

  6. Fake news that was at a recording of enigma norteno and el fantasma they are releasing a song for El Niño soon

    1. Please tell them to stop. They're music is garbage

    2. 8:27pm let’s hear your music

    3. Any things better then corridors 9:34. Next your gonna tell me it comes from your German ancestors bahahah Mexicans are about as German as america

    4. 8:02 stop eating saltines

  7. so this website is posting fake news now!!!??? cause i know for a fact those two cars are in california and who the owner is… ohra si se pasaron d vrrrrr!!!!

    1. I am sorry to hear you are not satisfied by the website.
      I will happily refund your subscription.
      Have a nice day.

      Which also entertains you with these amazing pop ups of how your phone is hacked. Or alllllllll and I mean alllllllll the "hot girls that want to speak with you if you click on them"

    3. todos terminan asi.. hacked!? jaja ya es la escusa mas famosa

    4. Todo es un teatro 🎭 my boy desde la DEA a los políticos Mexicanos. The bad new people are dying not like Hollywood

  8. ratings are down so you post made up stories!!????

    1. Your mom is made out of cookie dough.

    2. Curious why you are so butthurt?

    3. Because he's from reddit 7:46. BB reports the truth and doesn't side with any cartel its gets them butt hurt

  9. If it's not tonight it will be tomorrow or the next or next week. Moral of story is that Sinaloa will be celebrating and nothing anyone can do.

    1. No one cares its only a matter of time for your snitch cartel

    2. 8:52 Moral of the story is, you can snitch all you want and in sinaloa they will celebrate you for been a 🐁 😂

    3. Snitching has been working for CDS, look at them partying shit up and still in control. Mayo's kids are out of jail and Free to travel the world. No FBI or DEA looking for them.

    4. 10:09 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lla ni verguenza les da admitir que son unas 🐁🐁

    5. Ratas con un chingo de dinero y poder.

    6. 1:06 pero al final son ratas eso ni con todo el dinero del mundo se les quita

    7. Soy rata y que?!
      100% sinaloa pleves!!

    8. The thing is only the big time capos can snitch and get away..
      The way CDSnitches been operating is like that. Mayo, chapo and their sons are protected government informants (snitches)
      They have to constantly give information to DEA of who's involved in their circle or give information of people they do business with and who they know is selling large quantities of drugs. They get pat on the back, get taxed for some protection money and back to business as usual.
      Chapo had it God until he got too comfortable and thought he was a super star and forgot he was a wanted man

    9. 9:35 Di "Soy rata" sin desir que eres rata.
      100% sinaloa pleves!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


    1. Al Gordo le dicen la Gasolina, porque cada dia es mas Cara 🤣🤣🤣

  11. I have to agree with a couple of posters here. I am not 100% sold that he is in Mexico.
    I still believe that the integrity of the U.S. government is important. The prosecutors made a deal with Mayito and it is important that Mayito receive the benefit of that bargain. Our personal feelings about Mayito are unimportant. The U.S. attorney and judge in his case know the relevant facts and we have to trust their judgment because we will never know all of the facts.
    Mayito has to have the opportunity to prove that he can live a legitimate life. If he slips back into organized crime, the deal is off and he knows the consequences.

  12. Sol:
    Thanks for taking the time to make Borderland Beat a better website. There simply is a paucity of news in the U.S. media, and all English language media, on the narco world. Borderland Beat fills this void.
    Keep up the good work.

  13. How come there's no picture of Serafín lol or El Flaco lol

    1. Flacos and será are probably hosting. Será already his homecoming party.

    2. Flaco seems more lowkey, idk if he has corridos but if he’s does they’re less publicized than his brothers

    3. He was not like that before. Would always go to El Salado and chill. After Sera was detained he started to change. More to himself, cold, less talkative, and followed the trust no one.

  14. Is there a chance he was already released? and waited for him to get home, before they announced his release.

  15. Animo animo plebes!puro m100 y pura chapiza

  16. Así o más claro. The sons of Jefe de Jefes Mayo Zambada will always be welcome back home or else. That just the way it is.

  17. And I thought the Italians had it the worse with snitching when people tried to justify Sammy the rat snitching. Damn but who’s surprised after all he’s the son of the biggest rat of them all.

  18. That's los Angeles Cali.

  19. This was posted on Ricky barajas Instagram he is Ernesto Barajas from enigma norteño little brother! Its a video shoot

  20. Sinaloa is the favorite cartel of Mexican and American governments.
    Kill a priest or politician or musician and get promotions within the cartel.
    Be a kid to a large Capo and all is well good job keep on working. Job security for the DEA saying they captured a kingpin like Chapo only.
    This is what the U.S. government wants. To have one large cartel power over everyone. Said it before and I'll say it again.

    1. Mijo USA is a free country, stop acting like a communist baby.

    2. Teeny bopper 9:32
      Capos are sent to court, and depending how much evidence there is, time will be determined by the judge.
      Remember young ladd...
      United States has liberty.
      Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela
      the government controls you.

    3. Check out Patriots website and you'll understand how much the government of the good Ol USA is involved in which cartel stays on top of each country.

    4. 10:58 lately, Patriots groups are anything but patriots, like the Tea Party Financed by the russians and their oil men the Kochados Brothers, oath keepers, and proud boys, they are all anti US insurrectionistas or their brainwashers...
      No more benefit of the doubt!!!

  21. He’s not going to be partying in Culiacan. That’s my best prediction.
    He may have a pass from his Dad and a lot of his info was old but cooperating with the US Attorneys Office in SD for years, he gave up routes, transpiration, suppliers, networks of players in Sinaloa.

    Probably why Chino was killed too. Whether by Los Chapitos or his old friends. Mayito is not going back to Culiacan.

  22. Pinchi Sol sigues con tus pendejadas. MUSIC VIDEO SHOOT

  23. That’s cheyos pad in pico rivera

  24. Now bring otis fly wheel home

    1. Teeny bopper
      Did you not get the Memo
      Sol gave yesterday?
      Otis Flywheel is retired.
      See what happens when you play, video games all day, in your mom's basement.

    2. In this business no one gets to retire

  25. Fake news. This scene will be released in the upcoming as part of a music video.

  26. FYI this ain’t for mayito Gordo release this is for a corrido for checo

  27. So is a lil 16 yr old Weenie behind a keyboard in his stepdad basement.

  28. Where's Menchito ?

    1. 1:21 Not snitching, he is not snitching like you know who, dont have to say who, cause all know who are the king snitches in the game

    2. He’s in Jalisco just made he’s second appearance. Who’s really pulling the cords of this characters they give you power but at the end take it away

  29. Look at all you claiming “fake news”. You sound like a bunch of yokel Trumpers

  30. Is this a; description of something that really happened? Or are they describing this video which was in California, it's the set for a Music video by Fantasma, Enigma Norteño and those images made by Rob The Original.

  31. Sol ☀️ la nueva CÍA saludos y bendiciones as longest your here to guide your public to the righteous road your will be bleed so will your fruit Mexico needs bloggers like you they can’t shut us up of the truth in 🇺🇸 keep up the good work

  32. Parece una Bienvenida Para Agentes de la DEA, y Interpol como dice sol es mejor que piensen que no se sabe nada 👎

  33. looks like they hired a new marketing agency, now selling "luxury" cocaine to all the punters

  34. Do a search for first name "Ismael" and last name of "zambadaimperial". Shows in Florence, AZ, or at least someone with the same name.

  35. It's sad and amusing at the same time to see so many grown fucking men coming here claiming to be something theyre not. they just want to belong somewhere cuz their families don't give them any love.

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