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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Gordo Failed To Renegotiate His Deal So He Could Stay in the US, His Deportation Is Imminent

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat 

Ismael Zambada Imperial, alias “Mayito Gordo”, the son of El Mayo, allegedly tried to renegotiate the deal he had already made with federal authorities so that he could remain in the US. This attempt reportedly failed and now his deportation back to Mexico is imminent.

Meanwhile, Mayito Gordo’s legal team is rushing to file an amparo that would guarantee he cannot be arrested upon re-entry into Mexico.

Failed To Renegotiate His Deal, Wants To Stay in US

As previously covered by Socalj, Mayito Gordo left a medium-security US prison on July 21, 2022. He was expected to be deported back to Mexico on July 27, through a border crossing in Tijuana, in the state of Baja California.

Mayito Gordo was taken, by the US immigration agency ICE, to the San Diego Metropolitan Correctional Center, which has been used in the past to temporarily hold federal inmates such as José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa, alias “El Chino Ántrax”.

Mayito Gordo was then taken to another holding facility, this time to Adelanto Detention Facility in San Bernardino, California. Adelanto is an immigration center which is run by a private prison company, the GEO Group. 

Now, Mayito Gordo’s expected deportation date of July 27 has passed and he has not returned to Mexico. So, what’s the hold up? One potential explanation is that Mayito Gordo is trying to renegotiate the terms of a deal he made with the US. Vice News wrote that:

“Sources told VICE World News he’s fighting to stay in the U.S. rather than face deportation back to Mexico. 


‘He is looking to break a deal with the DOJ [Department of Justice] to get [legal immigration] status to stay in the U.S.,’ said a federal law enforcement source who requested anonymity because they are not authorized to speak to the press.” 

But Mayito Gordo’s attempts to renegotiate his deal evidently failed because at 1:17 am on July 27, 2022, Vice News journalist Keegan Hamilton gave an update that: 

“Mayito Gordo was just told his deportation is imminent, he's on his way back to Mexico.”


His Legal Team Files For A Guarantee He Won’t Be Rearrested

Here’s another potential reason for the deportation delay: during these attempted renegotiations, Mayito Gordo may have asked the US to postpone his deportation until his legal team is able to get a Mexican judge to guarantee Gordo will not be re-arrested upon re-entry by Mexican authorities. 

Now, this is a real concern because just recently Eduardo Arellano Félix, another cartel figure, was sent back to Mexico after he served out time in a US prison but as soon as he crossed the border, the Mexican government re-arrested him. For more details on the rearrest of Eduardo, please see this previous story

Although it's not known if the US agreed to delay his deportation based on a request such as this, it is known that on July 27, 2022, an amparo lawsuit was filed on Gordo’s behalf at the federal courts in Tijuana. 

According to Zeta Tijuana, this amparo was submitted by a person identified as Aristeo A. R. and it formally requested that Gordo receive a legal guarantee that he will not be arrested. 

It claims Gordo is owed this guarantee based on “the well founded fear” that authorities will “institute criminal proceedings against him without any legal or constitutional basis, and then transfer him to some geographical point of the country, where he will be tortured, applying cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment,” and thereby violate his constitutional rights. 

This sort of legal claim is commonly used by cartel figures. For example Alfredo Arzate González, alias “El Aquiles”, made exactly this same request on January 14, 2020. For more details on Aquile’s attempt to get an amparo, as well as the attempts of El Flaquito, La Rana and El Max, please see this previous story.  

It's likely his legal team has considered making this asylum claim, since it's predicated on the very same premise they are using for their amparo case in Mexico.

The state Attorney General Carpio Sánchez spoke to reporters, saying that Mayito Gordo had no criminal record in Baja California, which essentially guarantees that state-level authorities (like the FGE) will not attempt to arrest him.

The Attorney General said “He is not, legally-speaking, a target of ours. He is not a person who we have suspected in other investigations or the subject of an investigation himself. We know the information that is publicly discussed, of course, but he does not have any previous convictions or criminal charges in Baja California.”

However, federal-level authorities (like the FGR) have not publicly stated the same and they are the ones that Gordo is more likely to be concerned about. The Attorney General also said, on July 26, that the state has not been notified by the US of the deportation of Mayito Gordo.

Sources: El Sol de Tijuana, Zeta Tijuana Article 1, Article 2Keegan Hamilton Tweet, Vice News Article, Zeta Tweet, AFN TIjuana


  1. Tough luck.

  2. I thought that would be the plan for the entire family. Work some deal for all three brothers. Be a cell soldier with one man cells at a Federal Club Med release back into the US and live of a TRUST set up with daddy money.

    1. Cell soldier in a one man cell! Hilarious!

  3. ""transfer him to some geographical point of the country, where he will be tortured, applying cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment,” and thereby violate his constitutional rights."" Lets hope Mexico does that and he gets killed in a prison or if he is free then one of his many enemies kill him or better yet he leads the DEA to his father and a cruise missile takes out the entire ranch that his dad is living on and kills him and his entire family

    1. Playing too much Call of Duty I see.

    2. “Big talk”

  4. Pura gente de la Mayiza. #mz #elseñordelsombrero

  5. He just wants to make sure he's not arrested. He knows damn well no one is gonna touch him. Chapitos, maybe. But they better be ready for an all out war from Baja to Culiacan if they do.

    1. Yeah he knows nobodys gonna touch him but he's trying to stay in the US. What are you smoking 10:50

    2. He was really close friends with Ivan. I doubt that will be the case

  6. Somebody fkd up lol how you know your going to be released and leave out where your being released to lol hope the chapitos merk this fool

    1. Porque pendejo?? Tu quieres morir

  7. A new Antrax unit is being created to protect the sons of El Señor del Sombrero.

    1. Wow? How many Antrax do they be?? I heard Chapitos have elite Antrax, I also heard that Mayo's Fletchas also have Antrax Warriors loyal to Mayo, and no Senor Sombrero too!!??

      WTF, how many Antrax are there? Are they elite warriors from Planet Nibiru??

      Where is the Mossad and Navy Seals that joined Sinaloa to overthrow the USA, attack the constitution and kill all the citizens who aren't shooting up dope and smoking blues off of foils

    2. 11:10 i hope they are as good as the last antrax! Their record is 20 - 0.
      20 losses and 0 wins

  8. Mayito would maybe rather stay in the US for awhile. Serafin talked some about this, he wasn't safe away from his family, and he wasn't safe with them.

  9. Replies
    1. Yep but the fangirls will claim otherwise

  10. He's probably seeking a waiver to 18 U.S.C., sec.1182(2)(C)(1). Hopefully he doesn't get it. The U.S. should set up a program to send cooperating criminals to a third country rather than allowing them the benefit of remaining in the U.S.
    Armando Valencia Cornelio probably received a waiver as part of his plea deal. The government should never had allowed Valencia to remain in the U.S. (I don't believe Valencia is a U.S. citizen). It is also apparent that the U.S. allowed Valencia to keep a significant portion of his illicit proceeds. This case sets a bad precedent. Now everyone is going to want to stay in the U.S. while holding onto significant ill gotten gains.
    Valencia is related to many in the CJNG including Mencho's wife. There is no threat to him in Mexico as long as he stays in CJNG territory. There was no reason to allow him to remain in the U.S.
    He served less than 20 years for smuggling tons of drugs into the U.S. Some first time offenders have served more time for delivery of less than a gram. I am all for Valencia staying in the U.S. as long as he remains a resident of Florence, Colorado with El Chapo. But to allow him freedom in our country with his mountain of cash is a slap in the face of every law enforcement officer who has laid his life on the line or given his life to protect this country.
    The same for 18 U.S.C. sec. 1182(2)(C)(2) that prevents immediate family members of drug traffickers from entering this country. Unfortunately, it only bars spouses and children of traffickers. This should include their parents.
    Having El Chapo's mother visit him in prison was an insult. 18 U.S.C. sec. 1182(2)(C)(2) should apply to all family members. El Chapo's mother receives the benefit of his ill gotten gains and yet still receives the benefit of the privilege to visit her criminal son in prison.
    There should be no waivers to 18 U.S.C., sections 1182(2)(C)(1) and (2) and they most certainly shouldn't be allowed as part of a plea deal.

  11. 🖤🇨🇦🖤🇨🇦 who care z

  12. shoulda coulda woulda!

  13. I thought these guys were good business Boyz, couldn't even negotiate a deal after his snitching 🤔 🐀

    1. The plea deal is part of the negotiations. The plea is a contract. You cannot change the terms of a plea after it is signed.
      His attorneys probably didn't even think of a waiver during negotiations. Valencia is the first non U.S. citizen narco to remain in the U.S. that I am aware of. I believe you are going to see a lot more requesting waivers as part of a plea deal. For Mayito Gordo, it's too late.

    2. Detroit for all we know AVC could have benefitted from derivative citizenship...

    3. I don't know if AVC has a wife and if he does, I don't know if she is a U.S. citizen. But you are correct. It is difficult to deport the spouse of a U.S. citizen once the spouse is inside of the U.S. Mayito Gordo might want to get married about now. I'm not totally sold that he has already been deported. I was waiting to see if he would be arrested at the bridge or if he would be allowed south.
      Apparently, Mexico had no interest in AVC and neither did Australia. I believe Mayito has better than a 50% chance of not being arrested at the bridge. If he hasn't been deported yet, maybe we can all bet on his future, getting whacked, getting arrested, returning home or some other outcome. I would go 80% that he returns home uneventfully.

    4. That's actually good thinking. I don't think it would be called derivative citizenship, but spouses of U.S. citizens do have rights.

    5. Fuck El Chapo and the Chapitos and all the clowns who make bootleg imitation RX pills and fake heroin and lace cocaine and weed and meth with poison...

      fuck you chinga tu Madre pinche maricon


    6. El Mayito Gordo will go back to Mexico, stay under the radar a few years, and go back into the business. If people honestly believe that this man (who admitted his insecurities and gloated on social media to cover them ) is going to do the 9-5 rat race, after basically living like royalty the majority of his life, then I salute you for your belief in change. I’ll drop on @detroit’s bet that he goes back to Mexico unbothered. El Vicentillo will probably end up going back as well, if he isn’t in CDMX already. I remember he said that he never wanted to enter his dads business, but felt like he didn’t have a choice. His father knew how to use him. He was perfect for all sides of the narco game. smart, presentable, and likeable. He could blend in with the wealthy and political elite, and talk shit with Sinaloan cowboys on the same day. His biggest mistake was showing his hand. He wanted out. And the DEA knew exactly how to use him. He sounded believable when he said he just wants a normal life working construction when he got out. but he also said something interesting in regards to potentially facing years in prison if his claims of immunity and cooperation were found inconclusive. Something along the lines of “ el tiempo corre, nada lo para. Un día saldré de aquí” make your own assumptions about his sincerity.

    7. Detroit acting like a lawyer 😆
      Your clueless boy..
      The point is he snitched and didn't even get the FULL benefits of being a snitch!!!

  14. I know by a solid source that most of these elite narcos never stay in federal prison. There at a high end mansion in some upper scale neighborhood in the USA

  15. Mencho would take him out and not think twice if his goons could get to him.

    1. Menxh lives!!!

    2. Lord Mencho is alive!!! He uploaded his brain to a robot and lives with Splinter and Brain in another dimension

    3. 8:58 wake up Peidro! Mencho is alive and wooping flechas in zacatecas

    4. Reddit kids
      I regret to inform you Mencho died
      Lung and COVID 19 got the best of him.
      But hey you can cheerlead his spirit.
      Long live the ghost of Mencho.

    5. Pinchie moritos
      Lord mencho ESTA muerto!!?

    6. Who the hell is calling the dead boss, Lord, he was no Lord whatsoever, when he was alive he had many people killed. The only lord is Jesus Christ.

    7. Mencho is the Lord of the Cocks 🐓🐓🐓 for all yall snitchloas 🐁🐁🐁

    8. Oh damned 😳 I was cheering for a Dead man.
      Vaca seems to be doing good.
      Lord Vaca will conquer.


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