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Monday, July 11, 2022

I’m Not Worried, But Then I Am

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The disparities between a marginalized population and those raised with privileged lifestyles are far and wide. A common theme between the polarizing opposites is that indigent citizens with pending drug cases will always suffer inadequate legal representation in a court of law because of their lack of resources. Whereas the affluent have very little to concern themselves with due to all the readily available support at their disposal.

Such is the case with American lawyer Hunter Biden, the second son of U.S. president Joe Biden. The advantageous attorney has had a well known history of substance abuse, paths to sobriety, and ugly relapses. His regressions into heavy narcotics from an unknown point in time have recently surfaced online in a number of leaked videos. 

A current great social problem within the U.S. is that drug addiction continues to affect all levels of society. No one has been freely exempt from its evil clutches. Nor do the pushers of poison care about your social standing in this world. Although the well to do may have an upper hand in trying to combat the scourge of chemical dependency. Their intense struggle against drug abuse has been just as equally hard and heartbreaking. 

La Voz del Pueblo  Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil


  1. Drugs do not discriminate.

  2. That’s not “2.07”. It’s 20.7 grams. That’s a doctored video or they can’t read a digital scale.

  3. Majority of the drugs come through Mexico.

    1. How can you be so sure? Well they come from China, Colombia and Peru because ameri ans are drug addicted people

  4. That's a poor quality scale or the crack may still have water

    1. Yeah no way that's 20 grams

    2. MF probably threw some baking soda on it after they cooked it to increase the weight and still threw in a bunch of little ass crumbs. Straight popcorn

  5. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I'm Mexican American and its trump 2024 over here puerco

    3. 9:01 your an idiot

    4. 12:05 Pm - I'm Mexican, and now I'm a naturalized U.S. citizen. It's also Trump 2024 for me. Why do you call 9:01PM an idiot?

  6. This is all better than having Trump still..

    1. @1446 hrs.: Wrong.


    2. 2:46, you're just an idiot!

    3. Not a trump fan but you wrong on that one

    4. Fuck Chump Trump

    5. Trump was the biggest liar.
      He breaks the record of firing many members of his office.
      When it was his turn to be fired, oh no he cried like a baby. Claiming the election was stolen

    6. Biden is the worst president in US history. He has a 29% approval rating. lmao Enjoy your $6 gas 🤣

    7. 6:44 That approval is among democrats only.

    8. The trumpanzee approval is about 10%, and that is among creepublican't fans of the Cheeto flavored kuley tea...
      luckily their Dear Leader will add the rat poison one of these days.

    9. 6:44 👍 yeah let's blame him for the high gas prices, let's blame him for COVID-19, let's blame him for the wild fires, wait wait we also need blame him for the war in Ukraine.

    10. 10:07 wanna bet your ass?
      That shit keeps you feeding on the creepublican't hook line and sinker, you will really need the cheeto koolaided tea.
      The Sleeping President does not set prices, but he could nationalize gas to stop the BS from the oil companies for good, their greed has produced them trillions of dollars and lots of complainers like you, ask for gas coupons from them pendejo, they will not give you shit, but they sure helped ted cruz buy madame boebert's ass and abortions...

    11. Sir you talking nonsense again.

    12. Sir your full of caca again.
      "And right now, a lot of drivers, a lot of Americans are going to Mexico to get their gasoline. We are committed to guaranteeing twice as much supply… And right now a gallon of regular costs $4.78 average on the U.S. side of the border and on our territory, $3.12,” Lopez Obrador said.

      Finally, we have an awkward question for the Biden administration.

      If the world is being hurt by a so-called "Putin Price Hike" (TM), why is Mexican gas up only 2% since the invasion, while Americans are paying 30% more?

    13. Last paragraph
      We are sure its probably Big Oil, or Republicans, or gas-station-owners, or still-Putin, or Elon Musk's fault.

  7. That naked guy with the pistol must be El Zombie's compadre as they seem to share mental disorder & drug habit similarities.

  8. Sleepy Joe is making Trump look better with each day that passes, viva el TRUMP save America so my illegal friends can keep enjoying there freedom.

    1. Sleepy Joe has Hillary's Broom on his side, impossible for the Unpresidented Oringe Disgrace to beat them...
      Sleepy Joe for 2024 by 70%.

    2. Trump was the worst liar that temporarily held office.

    3. El Zombie
      For President of Mexico
      He can give his daily Gibberish conferences. Can get up at 5am and fight violence against women.
      Rest of the day in a swimming pool watching Novellas.

  9. Mayo for president 2024 #lamayizasigerifando


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