Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, July 11, 2022

Jerez, Zacatecas: 11 Assassins Fell Who Terrorized With Armed Shootings

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) led the operation to arrest 11 alleged assassins in different actions, who terrorized with shootings, clashes and damaged houses in Jerez.

As the Secretary of Public Security of Zacatecas had anticipated, the alleged aggressors fell following the strong deployment unleashed after the chaos that woke up the residents on the morning of this July 8.

According to the Sedena report, the subjects were arrested in four interventions in which they seized a small arsenal, drugs, and vehicles. In addition to repelling attacks during the search for those responsible, one of the culprits was treated for gunshot wounds.

The authorities deployed up to seven Ground Reaction Forces and two Airmobile Reaction Forces, after the gunmen set fire to a house and attacked another housing complex in Jerez.

When the soldiers and elements of the National Guard arrived at the community of Rodartes, they were attacked with gunfire. At that point they only seized two vehicles, magazines and rounds, the members of organized crime fled.

Through aerial surveillance, Sedena managed to locate the aggresors in El Porvenir. They arrested five gunmen, from whom they seized three long weapons, more magazines and ammunition of various calibers. As well as a vehicle.

"Through air support, a second group of aggressors who were fleeing were located," the Sedena said.

Realidad Zacatecas

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  1. Over the last decade or so the Mexican army has become better equipped and trained. It's only a matter of time until peace returns to Mexico.

    1. 8:31 they had been terrorizing Jerez for a week. It took them very long to get them and didn't arrest all of them

    2. Hahahhahahahahha

    3. Say some more and take out my belt

    4. Sure hope so.

    5. Yeah when the policy changes to tablazos, putazos y cuetazos

    6. The mesihikin melitary are just taking over like US melitary, then they will never leave...
      Ain't we seen this movie before?

    7. 7:21 hi Gibberish sir

    8. I for one don't see Mexico ever having peace. At least not for decades. It's too much like the game, Whack a Mole".

    9. 10:01 Hi Mister Dumbed down:
      I understand it is not easy for turkeys to soar with the eagles, but keep trying...

    10. 1:48 specially if the eagle is high as fuck on meth

  2. Grampa AMLO does nothing. He is the lazy president of the republic of Mexico. They will be let go as long as the bribes keep coming. AMLO is puppet of the cartels and corrupt military. Nutthugger lawyer will peak his head to belittle those who do not agree. He is the masterbaitor. AMLO will be indicated by the DOJ for taking bribes and Cienfuegos will be helping him with a suitcase full of money just like Negro Durazo.

    1. Impeach puppet grampa.

    2. You have no idea about what you're talking about. You really think that when someone gets cut loose, the one getting bribed is AMLO??? Anyone who thinks that is an idiot. The judge is the one getting bribed. That's why some judges have been relieved of their posts or/and been investigated for prosecution. AMLO should go after all corrupt mfs, but he doesn't and in a sense I understand. There are too many corrupt mfs so it would be difficult. He has to pick and choose

    3. How can AMLO be impeached if his approval rating is 68%. Second amongst world leaders.

    4. Niñas no sean peleoneras.

    5. 12:08 my ass, he is curupt as hell.
      Bought his unemployed lazy an expensive Mercedes and a mansion in Texas, Harris County similar to Beverly Hills.

    6. 8:08 GOTS to be Bribes
      He is collecting.

  3. Se alcanzó a pelar ese pelao del cmdte tilín de los jaliscos jajaja le llovieron granadazos a su casa de seguridad. Tubo que hablarle a el gobierno ya llevan 2 semanas reventando casas de los jaliscos. Calleron 11 del operativo mz pero mínimo de 20 les han levantado a los jaliscos mas lo que murieron en la casa reventada a granadazos pero el gobierno lo calla por el mentado plan de seguridad… saludos de la tierra de las guerras zacatecas

    1. Que fue siempre del morro que recogieron ase 2 semanas cercas del jardín, quien era? Si supe que lo dejaron

    2. Ese vato era encargado del cmdte tilín,después de ese levanton los mz empezaron a reventarles casas y levantado mínimo se llevaron 20 pelaos. El tilín se salvó de pura suerte por que minimo 5 granadazos le reventaron la casa. Hoy de nuevo entraron a reventar casas los mz.

    3. 2:43 no te aguites en esta semana les llegan refuerzos al Cjng y otra vez los hacen correr a los mz como siempre

    4. @2:43pm huy se mira que le dolieron los comentarios jajajaja más refuerzos de los que han llegado jajaja y les siguen reventado las casas 🤷🏻‍♂️ Mira si eres fanático ni para que alegar con tigo, una cosa si te digo esa guerra nadie la está ganando así como dices que corren los mz así corren los jaliscos. Asi le ha toca perder a los flechas en valpa contra los guerrero y flores a hora en jerez les está tocando perder a tus jaliscos contra los operativos mz… una cosa deje su fanatismo por un cartel por que no save lo traumático que es vivir en una zona de conflicto por esas basuras. Saludos desde zacatecas tierra del charro

    5. 7:33 por eso te digo que al rato los jaliscos corren a los Mz y luego al rato igual, fanatico? Porfavor te ves mas fanatico ti de los snitchloas 🤣🤣🤣 lo acavas de decir nadie va a ganando, aparte a mi ni me perjudica ni me beneficia, por mi que se maten entre ellos que al ultimo que son es pura basura de gente los 2 carteles

  4. Wait, there is unarmed shootings.


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