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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

La Vaca vs CJNG: Market Shooting and the Guns Inside the Prison in Colima

"HEARST" and "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A butcher’s shop in Colima was shot up by a group of hitmen working for La Vaca. The hitmen left two signs which said the shooting was meant as a warning to authorities that the guns being smuggled inside a prison in Colima to Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) members had to be found and confiscated now. This naturally leads to questions about why La Vaca is so interested in this particular prison and whether contraband guns are really being used to kill inmates inside.

The Butcher Shop Shooting 

During the afternoon of Monday, July 25, 2022, cartel hitmen entered a butcher’s market named Torreón Market, which is located on Rodolfo Chávez Carrillo Street in the city of Colima, within the state of the same name. 

The group had just been dropped off in front of the market moments earlier by a red vehicle. The hitmen, all wearing hoods, were openly carrying long-barrel firearms. Just a few seconds after entering, they began firing into the air as a way of announcing their arrival. 

Employees and customers dropped to the ground and tried to find cover. The hitmen continued shooting and not just in the air, but now firing shots casually around the market, damaging the walls and displays. 

Video Source: Janeth León M

Contains no graphic content. 

In a video shown above an employee of the butcher’s market shows how he and his fellow employees yelled out to each other during the shooting. During the video, the employee filming says “They are shooting with a cuerno de chivo.”

Cuerno de chivo is slang for an AK-47 firearm. The nickname directly translates as goat’s horn, referring to the curved shape of AK-47 magazines.

Another employee can be heard saying “tírate”, or get down. The hitmen walked further into the market and placed two narco message signs within the store.

Both signs had the same message written on them, which was, as translated by Sol Prendido: 

You bitch, if keep putting guns in the prison for the Jaliscos, I'll kill you and your whole fucking family. 


This is your first warning. 


The hitmen then left the market, re-entered their vehicle and sped away. Many police vehicles arrived on scene, as seen in the video below, after reports about the shooting began being called in.  The officers found that although there was property damage, no person had been injured or killed during the shooting.

Video Source: Diario de Colima

Contains no graphic content. 

The Guns Prisoners Have Snuck Into Jail

These signs left at the butcher’s market were not the first time that a cartel group had sent messages telling Colima prison authorities to stop the CJNG inmates from having guns smuggled in. Earlier this same week, two signs were placed by the same group on the cars of presumably prison employees.

The message, as translated by Sol Prendido:

For all state government personnel. It’s in your best interest to look into the capital's Cereso prison. There is an inmate there who has a gun and is planning a prison riot. This man is known as Thomas from the Jalisco cartel and he is from the city of Tecomán. The state government needs to look into this man’s affairs. 

We have not wanted to bring weapons into this prison. But it’s best that you be fair here. Just as well you need to prevent the inevitable. And as for you Jaliscas, if you bother my family members. Just remember that you also have relatives incarcerated here. 

I can arrange for something to happen to them. Don’t mess with my relatives and I won’t bother yours. You damn Jaliscos, Thomas you faggot, keep fucking off and eventually I’ll kill all of your family members. We won’t show mercy here. What has just been said is set in stone. 

We are the absolute Colima Independent Cartel

The other sign is largely the same message, just a shorter version. The messages are signed by the Colima Independent Cartel, which is the CJNG splinter group formed by José Bernabé Brizuela Meraz, alias “La Vaca”. 

At one point his group was primarily known as “Los Mezcales” but now the group seems to only identify itself by its new name, Colima Independent Cartel  or “Cártel Independiente de Colima”, in mantas such as the ones above. For all the background information on why La Vaca and his group broke off from the CJNG, see this previous story.  

And here's why La Vaca has real reason to be worried about guns being snuck into this particular prison: because that's exactly what happened earlier this year and the gun was used to kill nine people in a prison fight. 

On January 25, 2022, in this same prison, a brawl broke out between inmates and nine inmates were killed, with seven more injured. 

The day after the prison brawl, the Secretary of Security told reporter Azucena Uresti that prison guards found that the prisoners involved were in possession of cellphones, bladed weapons and most notably, a firearm. He said that their current working theory was that these weapons were delivered by being thrown inside the walls of the prison. 

The Secretary of Security stated that of all the nine men who were killed, all nine had received gunshot injuries, and that two of the seven injured men had also received gunshot injuries. 

So What's This All About?

Why does La Vaca care so much about what is going on within this prison? The best answer we can find lies in a set of recent narco message signs that were previously covered by Ivan and Sol, which were left on July 18, 2022. 

These signs specifically say that prison personnel who “mess with” an inmate known as “W” will be dealt with harshly. The mantas details that prison staff needs to place “W” in a cell within the prison near other La Vaca-associated inmates. 

The request is presumably made so that “W” remains safe while he’s inside and CJNG-associated inmates are unable to harm him while he serves out his time. La Vaca adds that prison staff will personally he held responsible if anything happens to “W”. 

So who is “W”? W is one of the aliases of Cristian Jonathán 'N', known more commonly as “El Camaney”, the brother in law of La Vaca. 

Camaney was arrested just about a month ago in the northern region of Colima municipality. He was found to be in possession of fake state government uniforms and fake IDs, which he was using in order to evade law enforcement detection. He was also found to be in possession of belts of ammo but he was allegedly not found to be carrying a firearm. For more details on Camaney’s arrest and his importance within the state, see this previous post on his arrest


  1. Vaca you better relax and chill or else CJNG Grupo Elite will make you an Hamburgesa (literally)
    This the swme guy that said El Señor de los Roosters waa dead.

    1. Alucin fanático come mocos! En colima la vaquilla les está poniendo una recia buena a sus elites y chaparros jarquines! Por Hai en Twitter anda un informador de colima búscalo para que veas de cuál lado está mascando la iguana! Que asta pedrito mentiras y otros lo bloquearon por que no les gusta lo que sube y a quien le están dando su friega!🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Vaca is 😎 relaxed he gave a Stern warning, that's all.

    3. 9:54 no pues wow, si un guey dice en twitter tiene que ser de adeveras, mas bien parece la propaganda que las sinalocas estan acostumbradas a difundir y puro piraton alucin se las cree

    4. @9:54 a la vaca le estan dando una cojida que hasta a la gilbertona le dieron celos.

    5. That's pretty gay Benny quit it
      Also what state are you from

    6. 4:17 what state are you from? Since got all offended, let me guess, Sinaloa? Am i right?

    7. 10:04 maldita sea!! Tenemos otro pinche zombie que no puede conectar la lengua con el cerebro 🤦🤦

    8. la vaca nos esta pegando duro en sus cartulinas puto chillon se la pasa nomas amenazando a la gente y ahora rafagueando carniceriasjaja pvto vato corriente

      Puro cjng

    9. Oh man Vaca
      Why you have to shoot up my favorite carnecerria, my favorite carne asada will now have bullets in it.

    10. @2:36am otro alucin jajajaja puro puerco foquero alucinado! Deja el crico puro muñecas de las Jaliscas alucinadas andan aquí tirando palabras de amor a los SHINOLAS jajajaja

    11. 12:26 pinches ShiTnolas se creen europeos pero el que mejor los representa es La Gilbertona 🤣🤣

    12. 3:12 resulta y resalta que la gilbertona es de descendencia jaliska jaja todo el tiempo la gente del sur manda mierda como esa y el pirata (de Oaxaca) pal norte y después si ríen de ellos como si no fueran de su misma raza 🤣

    13. 4:06!🤣🤣🤣🤣 ahora resulta! Jajaja despues del chapo su figura mas notoria es la Gilbertona! No se raje y admitalo mitotero, puro mitote para desviar la realidad, admitelo y recive a la Gilbertona con tus patas abiertas, digo tus manos abiertas! Bueno con las dos patas y manos que alcavo nimodo que la gilbertona no viva en sinaloa y a cada rato se los anda cojiendo 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    14. @6:49pm y las Jaliscas muñecas de papel por que les dirán las juangrabielonas 😂😂😂 o las muñecas charras 😂😂😂😂😂 se mira Que le tienes hate a los SHINOLAS mi juangrabielona deja tu fanatismo meco alucinado tú no ganas nada con echarme porras a tus marranos fanático cuentero alucinado, Hai si escucho a Luis r conrriquez y me creo el doble r o el fresa 🍓 no Mamés valiii dicen los de Michoacán póngase pilas alucin.

    15. 7:16 Juanga es de Michoacan y la Gilbertona es de Sinaloa, de que hablas piraton? Mejor ve con la Gilbertona par que te calme esos ataques de anciedad 🤣🤣🤣

    16. 6:49 por algo jalisco es la capital de los jotos wey exportan su mierda por todo el país incluso al extranjero viendo que todos los jardineros y limpia baños de los gabachos son puras muñequitas de jalisco 🤣

    17. 9:50 Aaaajaaa! Y por eso a los chinolas les encanta la verga de la Gilbertona, esa loca se a cogido a la mitad de los culichis 🤣🤣🤣🤣 les a dado por todo su culiacan😭😭😭

  2. Cowards messing with general population

  3. La Vaca has more balls than any other cartel to fight CJNG. He flatly said all hell will break loose. Other cartels are afraid of CJNG.

    1. 10:02 And he's getting wiped out. Big balls small brain

  4. Nearly as ugly as his wife

  5. The only fate that awaits this guy and his group is about the same that happened to El amarro. or worse. Time will decide.

  6. La Vaca was the balls behind CJNG, without him and his crew CJNG are just a group of jcats. La Vaca had direct contact with Mencho and when Mencho died, dude was out.

    1. I do hope la Vaca starts kicking some ass of cjng.

    2. 12:23 you are really wrong, vaca never had direct contact with Mr mencho, he thaught he had done enough dirt to finally have a word with Mr Mencho and he got denied and thats why he started the disinformation about Mr mencho death, and of curse the snitchloas were really happy about it when in reality Mr Mencho has a thousand better things to do than to talk to a sicario who wants to be a top boss, never gonna happen specially now that he is going against Cjng, by the way vaca was a FM, fliped to Cjng had a plaza, got arrested, came out but cjng gave another dude his plaza, wanted it back thats why he wanted to talk to Mr Mencho, Mr Mencho doesnt even know he exists reason why vaca is going bananas

    3. Jcat. Damn, I haven’t heard that in over 15 years when I was in Salinas. Good for you.

    4. 4:35
      Mencho died February of 2022, infection and the COVID 19. Got the best of him.

    5. 8:15 is slow as fuck

    6. 8:15 cool homie send your info to the DEA so they can take his picture and bounty off their site 👍

    7. Another menthed up non believer.
      His spirit may be around us, but not his body. Welcome to reality 😄.

    8. 7:52 No no i do believe you, an anonymous girl from who knows where? But i do defenetly belive you more than the DEA! 😂😂😂

    9. At 7:52 😂😂😂😆 lol

    10. Fuker is dead, Lt's running the show.

  7. We are starting to see the fallback of CJNG strategy, which was to associate themselves with established groups in different states to take over territories. This model worked for Los zetas because they took over these groups by force, and put them under the zetas name, along with plugging in their own leaders,(mostly the original zetas.)To me it seems like CJNG made these groups associates, and let them keep a certain level of autonomy, along with keeping their own leaders. Ever since el Mencho “died” everyone is trying to go on their own again. Thoughts?

    1. That's funny the tattoo places are busy with customers , removing cjng off their bodies, I see lots of grasshoppers out there.

    2. I see Grasshoppers joining CDS.

    3. 12:55 when you say everyone? Vaca and pajaros? Thats everyone? Cause to my knowledge those are the only groups that broke from cjng, when El Jardinero, RR, Sapo, or some other leader on that level breaks from Cjng than and only then we can start talking about Cjng breaking up, but up untill now, this guys aint nothing to the biggest and and most powerfull cartel in mexico

    4. El abuelo for sure el 85 allegedly many have left jaliscas and gone to war with them. Lets see if la vaca has more luck than el cholo. Wtf is going on in mexico. Instead of leaving a snitch ass narco love letter to rivals just go get the asshole your complaining about and either kick his ass of kill him like they do in every single other country in the world.

  8. Menchitos compadre la vaca but mejor la puercota hitting in mazatlan

  9. I especially like the graphics on this post, did you by any chance make them in Illustrator, HEARST?

    1. Thank you! I used a combination of Photoshop and Illustrator to make them. :D

    2. Haha I thought so, I might have to copy a few of your tricks and learn from them, good stuff!

  10. La Vaca es un simple jefe de plaza, otro buey que va tener el mismo fin que el Cholo de CNP...

  11. @441 @ 441 My bad Wrong Verbage. What I really meant to say was “some, And by that, I meant criminal organizations that decided to cooperate with CJNG instead of starting a war. Correct me if I’m wrong, but El Jardinero, RR, Sapo, ETC are all seasoned CJNG leadership. The only leader that I can think of who left CJNG on the level of the aforementioned is El cholo, but we saw what happened with him..

    1. 5:30 There you go, cholo was more of a threat than vaca can ever be, vaca is just trying to heat up colima so that the government sends the military and desestevilice cjng operation kind of what cholo was trying to do in guanatos, cjng dont take la vaca serious if they did we already know what kind of man they would send in, any ways when he gets caught he better pray its the government and not cjng, cause he knows whats gonna happen to his ass, we will see another video of this poor cow getting torture

  12. The prison is the best school of life


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