Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Miguel Felix Gallardo Transferred from Prison to Civil Hospital to Save Eye Sight

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Miguel Felix Gallardo considered the Godfather of Mexican cartels was transferred from prison to receive treatment for his eyesight due to health issues.

Former Sinaloan capo Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo and founder of the Guadalajara Cartel was released from the Puente Grande prison to be admitted to the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara, after presenting vision problems that led to the danger of losing his sight.

According to the media, the General Director of Prevention and Social Reintegration in Jalisco, Juan Antonio Pérez Juárez, explained that he has a complicated health condition, and receives treatment for loss of sight, "he lost sight in one eye, in addition to hearing in one ear, and your health is being taken care of; Mr. Félix went out for some tests to see if one eye and one ear can be saved.”

Félix Gallardo has filed judicial appeals for medical attention since he was an inmate of the defunct Federal Reintegration Center (CEFERESO 2) Puente Grande, to be treated for various ailments such as loss of vision in one eye and cataracts in another.

Given the deterioration in his health, the former capo has filed different lawsuits such as the request for house arrest, due to his advanced age, "but there is no progress in the benefits he requests due to his age and his health," said the person in charge of the state social reintegration system.

El Financiero points out that a judge has rejected the request to reduce his sentence; he is serving two sentences in prison that add up to almost his age: 76 years. Sentenced for the murder in 1985 of the infiltrated agent of the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Enrique 'Kiki' Camarena, and on charges of organized crime.

Félix Gallardo's lawyers have been pursuing for more than six years a benefit like the one granted to his co-defendant, Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, 'Don Neto', who obtained house arrest in 2017.

Source Ridoce

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  1. Replies
    1. No Its called elderly 76 years old with health issues

    2. Grampa Obrador is also elderly 78

    3. 10:41 talking about "grandpa" obrador... specially when Biden is a baby... genius!

    4. 1041 Obrador is 68 pendejo.

    5. Regardless nowadays living pass 70 is a blessing in general add that his a narco pretty good life expectancy

    6. 12:34 his a narco?, based on what?, your opinion?

    7. Why the Fuck is the guy on BB for selling commercial produce

    8. 946 AM: Old age and his health being of any concern, is ludicrous. As stated above, He is a monster.

    9. 12:12 for reals your such a dork

    10. Monster very scary roar roar I feel safer now this old mans locked up

  2. Imagine being that old and so evil. Ordering your subordinates to decapitate and extort innocent ppl

    1. You have no idea what you’re talking about

  3. Did he give his victims the same consideration?

  4. Karmas a bitch, I hope he lives a long life with ever worsening health issues and all of it in prison. Just a pity Mexican prisons are a joke. It would be better if he was in a serious prison like the one Chapo is in with no luxuries, no visitors and no human contact and all the library books in English

    1. He can't read either way so 🤷

    2. Fyi they got Spanish Books in the prison system. The library syrem they have is quite extensive as a matter of fact. If they dont have a book ur looking for they have a thing called ILL inter library loan and borrow it from other public libraries. I know because i was in the system.

    3. @9:19, a lot of that stopped when Covid hit. I just left the FEDS in April and we weren’t getting any new books (because of Covid)But they have a ton of books already there and you can still get them mailed in of course

  5. The godfather of Mexican cartels was Juan Nepomuceno.

    1. @7:13 Raúl Salinas Lozano was also jefe de rurales of Nuevo Leon

    2. Raul Salinas is also a civil engineer who never worked a day in his life but became a nillionaire, in dollars..
      Eli de Gortari was author of a Gramatica Española, and a comnunist who was arrested and tortured by the DFS, their Armenian roots were kept a secret from mexicans.

    3. Eli de Gortari the Mexican philosopher?

  6. I have footage I’d like to share. What email can I send it to?


    Los Amigos de Olegario

  8. He probably snitched on Rafa again to get this done he’s tried for a long time. I wonder if he still gets the 20 mil

    1. That 20 mil is not going to be paid out to anyone. That’s a ploy

  9. He's getting too googly eyed to see. He needs them to straiten out his eyeballs once again.


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