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Monday, July 25, 2022

Officers Killed for Arresting El Tolín, Message with Decapitated Pigs Head Left in Rosarito

"HEARST" and "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat 

An unknown message left alongside a decapitated pig’s head connected two recent executions of Rosarito municipal police officers. The Mayor of Tijuana says that at least one of these officers was likely killed for participating in the arrest of Sinaloa Cartel Los Rusos member Héctor Herrera, alias “El Tolín”.

Pig’s Head 

At approximately 10:30 pm, during the night of Thursday, July 21, 2022, a suspicious looking black duffle bag was discovered outside a local Oxxo gas station by residents of the Lomas del Rio neighborhood of Tijuana. The bag was discovered next to a white poster bearing a narco message, written in black and red lettering. 

The discovery was reported to the emergency phone line and officers were sent to the alleged location to investigate the report. When these officers arrived on scene they discovered the narco message sign and the black duffle bag, which, upon further inspection, contained a bloody decapitated pig’s head. 

According to security analyst David Saucedo in an interview with InSight Crime criminals in Mexico use pig heads to threaten police officers or government officials they view as dirty or corrupt. Last year there were just under 20 similar messages with pig heads found in Mexico, according to Borderland Beats archive of narco messages created by El Huaso.

Even though the sign and pig’s head were found in an area that technically falls within Tijuana, the sign contained a number of threats against Rosarito municipal police officers. Frustratingly, no photos of the sign with the message legible have appeared online. 

Zeta Tijuana, who published the clearest version of the sign, has connected the message to the recent cartel executions of two Rosarito municipal officers; one having occurred only hours before - on that same day. The two officers killed were Officer Pedro Ángel Moreno, killed on July 19, and Officer Jorge Gustavo Villanueva, killed on July 21, 2022. 

Officer Pedro Ángel Moreno

At approximately 6:56 am on the morning of Tuesday, July 19, 2022, a Rosarito municipal police officer named Pedro Ángel Moreno Romero approached his vehicle, preparing to go to drive to work for the day. His white Honda Fit hatchback vehicle was parked on Sharp Boulevard within the Lucio Blanco neighborhood of the city of Rosarito. 

According to the Jornada newspaper, his vehicle was parked near the “Villa Infantil de Rosarito”, a social security (IMSS, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social) day care center. Whether Pedro Angel had dropped off any children at the day care or the location is purely coincidental is unclear. 

Pedro Ángel was unaware that as he walked towards his car, he was being watched by three cartel hitmen, who were pretending to loiter inside a red Dodge Caravan nearby. According to later statements given by eyewitnesses, the three hitmen were disguised as construction workers, wearing white hard hats and high visibility vests.

The hitmen drove their vehicle up to his, and just as Pedro Ángel sat down in his vehicle, a hitman stepped out of the red Caravan, bearing a firearm and opened fire on him. 

The 37 year old Pedro Ángel stopped moving, having taken multiple gunshot wounds. The hitman re-boarded the red Dodge Caravan type vehicle, with California plates, and the vehicle sped off. 

The emergency phone line was called and the sound of gunfire on Sharp Boulevard was reported. Officers, soldiers and paramedics were dispatched to check on the possible shooting and when they arrived they found Officer Pedro Ángel, dressed in his dark blue uniform,  sitting within his vehicle.

Paramedics found that he no longer had vital signs and he was declared deceased. Agents of the state Attorney General's Office were called to the scene and forensic experts collected evidence.

Just a short distance away, the same red Dodge Caravan that was used by the hitmen during the attack was found ablaze only ten minutes after the reported shooting. Witnesses report that the hitmen exited the vehicle, doused it in flammable liquid and set it on fire, then boarded a second vehicle which then drove off in the direction of the port. 

Cadena Noticias writes that “Pedro Angel had been a bodyguard for the mayor of Rosarito, Aracely Brown.” El Vigia reports that “Pedro Ángel was part of the tactical group of the Municipal Police of Playas de Rosarito and in previous dates he received death threats due to the arrest of a man.”  

Officer Jorge Gustavo Villanueva

At approximately 6:26 am on the morning of Thursday, July 21, 2022, Rosarito municipal officer Jorge Gustavo Villanueva Cantú was shot shortly after he parked his vehicle in front of his home in the Santa Fe neighborhood of the city. 

Officer Jorge Gustavo had just finished up a late night shift and was returning home, still in uniform but carrying no firearm (per protocol) when he was shot to death in his vehicle, a Toyota Corolla. The shooting occurred at Privada Vicenza Street, near the corner of Florencia Street. 

The shots came from hitmen who were aboard a beige colored Chevrolet TrailBlazer SUV, with dark tinted windows. After the burst of gunfire, the hitmen sped off in an unknown direction. 

It is interesting to note that according to AFN Tijuana, “initial reports indicate that the perpetrators had used a vehicle previously stolen in the Sanchez Taboada subdivision.” Meanwhile Diario de Tijuana mentions “another participating vehicle, a white Mazda.”

Witnesses reported the shooting to the emergency phone line and when paramedics arrived on scene, they found Officer Gustavo Villanueva to still be alive. He was given first aid and rushed to a hospital, located near 5th and 10th streets. 

For two hours, doctors at the hospital fought to save him. At one point, Gustavo Villanueva went into respiratory arrest but doctors were able to revive him. However, by 8:30 am, doctors were no longer able to revive him and he was declared deceased. 

The Mayor’s Interview

The mayor of Tijuana, Montserrat Caballero Ramírez, was asked by reporters about the alleged motive behind the execution of Officer Jorge Gustavo Villanueva Cantú. 

She said “This policeman apparently participated in the arrest of ‘Tolin’ and it is not fair that the federation and the state do not protect our policemen who risk their lives. Sadly, this brave policeman lost his life and while he was not literally doing his duty at the time, but [he was killed] because he did his duty.” 

A reporter asked her what she would ask from the state to prevent these killings from happening, she said “I would ask for more police officers and for us to have the necessary weapons because we send our police officers to the streets with slingshots.” In this case slingshots is meant to mean inferior firearms. 

A reporter brought up that both police officers killed were unarmed because they were not allowed to take their firearm back home after their work shift. They asked if she thought it was necessary for more firearms to be purchased, so that officers can bring home their service weapons in the future. 

She responded "It is necessary because today our police officers have to share everything. We are one step away from them also sharing their shoes and that is unfortunate. We will take the idea into consideration, but it is not currently feasible because of the amount of firearms we have.” 

So Officer Jorge Gustavo Villanueva Cantú was one of the men who arrested Sinaloa Cartel Los Rusos member Héctor Herrera, alias “El Tolín”, and the mayor has said that his participation in the arrest is what likely got him killed. 

What about the other Rosarito officer, Pedro Ángel Moreno, who was killed just two days before? It is currently unreported if Pedro Ángel played any role in the arrest of El Tolín but new details may emerge in the coming days.

If it is found that the primary motive behind the killing of Officer Villanueva Cantú was an act of retribution for the arrest of El Tolin, then the most likely people behind the hit would be two important allies of Tolin: The head of Los Rusos, Alfonso Peralta, alias "El Ponchito de la Lima".

The regional boss of Mexicali and Puerto Penasco, Juan Carlos Felix Gastélum , alias “El Chavó Felix”.

Both men have strong El Mayo ties within the Sinaloa Cartel.

Pig’s Head Sources: El Imparcial, Zeta Tijuana, Uniradio Informa, Jornada, PSN, Mientras Tanto en Tijuana Post 1, Post 2, Rosarito News Informa, Insight Crime

Pedro Ángel Moreno Sources: Jornada BC, Zeta Tijuana, El Vigia,, El Imparcial, El Mexicano, Cadena Noticias,, El Imparcial, Daniel Andrade

Jorge Gustavo Villanueva Sources: Zeta Tijuana, AFN Tijuana, Diario de Tijuana, Cadena Noticias Article 1, Article 2El Mexicano,Tijuano El Fulano. Tijuana Digital, El Imparcial

The Mayor’s Interview: AFN Tijuana, Noticias de Tijuana


  1. It is sad that Mexico doesn’t have capital punishment. I would do an eye for an eye.

    1. They have better than capital punishment: the bad guys kill and behead each other. Has it stopped crime? Nope.

    2. I would release Tolin, one piece at a time, until he dies...

  2. Sickening. The bumper stickers on his car give an insight into his character as a normal decent person with a sense of humour and the other a law graduate both killed by junkie scum. The government needs to get serious and test with lie detectors every state employee and jail anyone found to be corrupt and then go after every carel with serious death squads and call in the US army to help if that is what is needed

    1. U probably think Rambo can save the world

    2. The first part of your comment will never happen because there wouldn’t be police departments left in most of Mx if they fired everyone that couldn’t pass a confidence test. The second part was tried in Operation Condor (albeit targeting leftists instead of organized crime) and we all saw how well that worked out.

    3. I believe those bumper stickers were placed there by previous owners of said vehicle when it was in the states. Highly doubt the vato was English-speaking or go out of his way to place English language stickers on his bumper.....neta.

  3. What's up Hearst. Hope you and your loved ones are great. So this question came out of nowhere in my head because of this article and the pigs head etc.
    Watching the show narcos and it's supposed "close to the truth " depiction" of what was going on back when Chapo, Mayo, and El Azul were putting together the CDS and one instance they showed a scene of them driving by a rotunda and they left these dead guys with they heads showed Into their stomach, while the bodies were in a seated position. Which if true is a very gruesome act. What acts made the Zetas so much more blood thirsty. I mean even watching a documentary where some cop describes going into a hotel and Chapo and someone else sitting inside the room laughing and the cop described how it smelled like shit and blood was all over the walls and place.

    So what made the Zetas so much "more"?
    Cause it seems they are pretty much were and are doing the same things.
    What in your eyes constitutes as worse? If you or ANYONE else don't mind me asking.

    Peace and Harmony to everyone.

    1. Morning Mr. Blanko,
      I just wanted to let you know that I want to give you a good answer on this question but I'm unavailable for most the day. I'll get back to you about this during the evening though.

    2. Cool. Would definitely like to hear what you have to say. Appreciate you. And have a wonderful day today.

    3. cannibalism is what they do which is worse but hard to get worse than any of them.

    4. At 819 I didn't think I about that.

    5. From what I’ve gathered the El Chapo series on Netflix is the closest to reality out of all the narco shows. It breaks down all the betrayals and reasoning behind the narco wars.

    6. There is no difference… CDS supposedly has a policy of not advertising the gruesomeness as much to due to “bad publicity”…

      -Holden D. Cash

    7. I think one thing that's important to establish is that being perceived as more vicious/violent doesn't necessarily correlate to who is in actuality more violent. That's something we can never really know with any certainty because relevant data has never been collected.

      But back to your question of why were the Zetas perceived as more viscous than other groups? In my opinion, it's due to a number of high-profile incidents.

      There was courtroom testimony about El Chano orchestrating an incident where a six year old girl had her limbs chopped off by an axe, in front of her parents.

      The incident I hear people bring up the most is the rumor about Z40 microwaving the baby of a rival.

      In the Allende massacre, between 200-300 people were believed to have been abducted and killed over the course of three days by 60 Zeta hitmen. A wealth of evidence about the massacre was gathered by ProPublica.

      There was the San Fernando massacre in which multiple passenger buses were hijacked by Zeta hitmen. It's reported that they made the men fight to the death against other men from the buses, gladiator style. 193 human remains were later found in the area.

    8. Here's a better answer though: All cartel groups are evil. Some people online spend an enormous amount of time debating which group is more evil or less evil then the other. Don't bother with that.

      You don't have to pick a lesser evil.

    9. Guys on a serious note I appreciate the input. Overall I felt it was a legit question. If it's one thing I've gathered here is the embellishment of drugs busts ( they catch 10 keys and say it's worth 15 million ). So I've been wondering if the same has been going on with the cartels and being considered ( the most blood thirsty ). But watching some of these series, it seems like other cartels were doing similar acts. But decided to do some searching and man yes the Zetas did do some interesting things to rivals and innocent alike. Almost like they had a lot more locos who enjoyed doing discusting acts, Rather than Just the eye for an eye type dismemberment.

    10. It's a legit question and a very natural one for anyone to have.

      I didn't mean to direct my "don't bother with that" comment to you. It's more meant for people who have been around long enough to know better.

    11. Violence and public displays of it are used for a purpose: To instill fear and control. The truth is, most of these organizations have always had an immense propensity for violence. As technology improved, cartels realized that they no longer had to rely on word of mouth to show how violent they really were. They could now record it and show it to the masses. Zetas (before) and CJNG (now) have used this tactic, (among other things)in order to move through an immense amount of territory very quickly and show what they are willing to do to those who suppose them. The problem is it causes way too much attention. So ultimately, attention, which was what they originally wanted, will be the reason they fall.

  4. He's out of jail already, somos gente de H, y Que sigue la mato dando compa. Fuck those pig cock suckers. Cops in Mexico are fucken pos and thieves. They all deserve to die

    1. You are a special kind of sick scum

    2. 7:41 I regret to inform you that not all Police Officers are dirty.

    3. 8:38 why do you always regret it?

  5. Just like they do in Brazil, when cops get killed, kill the criminal that got arrested and dump him out in the woods an eye for an eye.

    1. Brazilian cops are far better than Mexican cops. Better trained, smarter and more hardcore. They are more like a military.

    2. Responsibilize commanders for the deaths of their people, degradation and prison are great deterrents for commanders, so is the firing squad.

  6. Reminds me of 2006 when Tigrillo’s party was interrupted and they dropped 6 bodies across Rosarito and TJ, it was considered shocking levels of violence at the time.

    1. Mannnnn and now those things are the norm.

    2. The war ON drugs has left behind divisions and a lot of hate, that was the idea and that is not the first time.

    3. Sir thanks for the input brother

  7. Blue Lives Matter

  8. Them Mexican organized crime makes Italian mafia looks like school kids

  9. CJNG would have made a video prior crying to the government for being treated unfairly, they would have ratted out 10 people and still do nothing. CDS move in silence and handle it.

    1. 9:08 is 12 years old

    2. 9:08 🤣🤣🤣🤣 "ratted 10 people" "cds moves in silence" we all know who the real king rats are 🐁🐁🐁

    3. 12:24 michoaratas are king rats. 5’2 kings of rats that is.

    4. Every second or third post is of CJNG are always ratting someone out. These are facts, just check the posts. If they’re not busy ratting someone out, the play dress up like GI Joe. Those dwarfs can actually fit in GI Joe outfits.

    5. 3:55 yea lets act like mayatito gordo didnt just snitched his way out of jail 🤣🤣🤣

    6. Everyone knows the cds stands for Cartel de Sapos. Cuz they turn their own folks in. Mayitos snitched. Chapo turned hella ppl in. CDS with DEA wouldn’t be anything right now

    7. 714 a sapo means they jump cartels. You don’t even know what you’re saying lol

    8. 5:09 nop a chapulin (grasshoper) means they jump cartels, sapos means snitch cause sapos sing, it seems you are the one who doesnt know what you are saying, by the way colombianos came up with the sapos nickname for the snitches, you are welcome 😉

  10. Imagine if Mexico had a president like Nayib Bukele??

    1. Tell me more about him.

    2. You'd have a civil war. If you think 34k deaths a year is bad imagine 100k a year. It's easy to cheer for war/violence when you're 4 thousand miles away. Let the war be in your city and You'd be praying for the war to stop.

    3. The root of all evil is…. Corrupt officials .

  11. Chavo Felix has been around for quite some time now. Good for him.

    1. Where is "el peinado" and "el pariente"

    2. El chavo felix always understood that causing attention for yourself does nothing to make you money. He’s been around for years. He did marry one of Mayos daughters. They had a son but divorced. If el mayo kept him around after that it was Because of his importance to the organization.

    3. He was getting sloppy a couple years ago, but they must have put him back in his place

  12. The lawyer in Arizona for el chavo felix es Simón Touma. He do all the Money laundering for hims.

  13. I’m sure someone big is going to get arrested or someone is going to get whacked for calentando la plaza.

  14. There are brave and honest law enforcement officers in Mexico. They need our support.
    Supporting local law enforcement would go a lot farther than the Merida Initiative. The U.S. needs to refocus it's funding in Mexico.

  15. You prideful Mexicanos, this is what your so proud of, of Mexico? The government corrupts the innocent, and protect the narcos. I wouldn’t be prideful of that! Pancho Villa wants said “ si no ay justicia al Pueblo, Que no
    Aiga paz pal gobierno”

    1. I'm not proud. Unfortunately my raza are the most beautiful people that ever existed but at the same time lower and dirtier than mud....neta.

    2. 4:49 you are a fool 99% of mexican are nice and really welcoming, you are talking about the 1% in this site you only hear about the 1% not the other 99% cause this site is about info about that 1%, so please dont mix every mexican in the same bag, or are you saying all your family is lower and dirtier than mud? And if all your family is that low im sorry for you, my family aint

  16. The cartels don't see how the U.S. destroyed Mexico all for greed and power and the cost of our people. They trying to make mexicans go extinct by the hands of our own people

    1. Not to that extent but I’ve seen what they do in different regions of the world and they are doing it to Mexico by creating instability for grnerations to come by allowing all these deaths of men in particular

  17. Chavo Felix has controlled puerto peñasco, a tourist area frequented by american perverts and drug users, for many years, as well as Julio and Rojo. I think Chavo married one of mayos daughters. They move a lot of weight thru Lukeville POE, as well as Mexicali. What is htb is Mencho controla Tecate? Which is very clóse to Mexicali. How is that possible? And who now controla SLRC? So close nearby. Now that Caro Quintero is done, what about Caborca?

    1. Yes, Julio, Rojo, and Chavo Felix, the main guy, as well as a couple others, Pepe i think, control Roki, its all Mayo. But who controla Sonoyta? That is the border to USA. Maybe El Memo?

    2. Mencho don’t control tecate

    3. CJNG controls 80% of Tecate according to a Zeta Tijuana article just this month.

      Los Salazars control SLRC and Rusos have been trying to contest their control of it heavily for the last year or so.

      It's likely Chavo Felix controls Lukeville/Sonoyta since he controls Puerto Penasco.

      Memos are no longer a relevant presence in the cartel world and people who keep bringing them up haven't paid attention to cartel news since 2015.

    4. I am from puerto peñasco. They dont call him chavo felix, they call him Charley. My sister lives in Caborca. Pretty town, lot of agriculture. Who know what will happen now that RCQ is gone.

    5. Wow Salazares took memos and cazadores turf they really want nogales or Mexicali real borders

    6. Just to clarify, I lump Salazars and Cazadors (GN de Altar) together because they work so closely with each other. I personally consider them an armed wing of Salazars but anyone who thinks otherwise, feel free to let me know your thoughts because I know Cazadors are divided right now.

    7. That article is false information

    8. Do you mean the Zeta article saying 80% of Tecate is controlled by CJNG is false?

      Who, in your opinion, do you think controls the majority of Tecate?

    9. So now I'm curious. How is Tijuana split up if Tecate belongs to CJNG and Mexicali is always be fought over by the two factions of CDS (Stupid fight if you ask me instead of fighting each other they should maybe go west a bit and take over Tecate since that's another POE)

    10. My latest Tijuana map showing how it is divided is at the top of this article.

      Tijuana operates very differently than most places. Even if you get down to the granular level of each individual neighborhood, there isn't a definitive cartel owner.

    11. I created the map based on information from this article:

      And this article:

    12. 1:42 love it how people go by their personal opinion instead of actual facts 🤣 you give no info just a personal opinion, imbezil!!!!

    13. Thanks for the info. It explains why Tijuana is such a shit city. A lot of different factions trying to control it.

    14. 1:42 we are sorry you are not pleased, we will happily refund your subscription.
      Have a nice day.

  18. extradición.!! ya empezaron con sus mmdas..

  19. How many times did these cops stolen from Americans enjoying papas & beer?

  20. Its prob the cops that kicked him when he was arrested , that ego can get you killed

  21. If you can have abortions in Mexico, you can have the DEATH penalty. Mexico always 3 steps behind everything.

    1. I am sorry I regret to inform you that due to the crisis in Mexico, nothing will change.


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