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Saturday, July 30, 2022

Rio Verde, San Luis Potosí: "A Tragedy" The Armed Attack Against Search Collective And CEBP

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

This fact "makes it clear that the capacity and resources of the State Commission for the Search of Persons (CEBP) in San Luis Potosí are not sufficient.

They demand that Governor Ricardo Gallardo Cardona strengthen the State Commission for the Search of Persons to guarantee the fulfillment of its functions and the safety of those who participate in the search tasks.

After the armed attack that occurred this Friday in Rioverde against institutional personnel and members of the Voice and Dignity for Ours collective, the Citizen Council of the State Commission for the Search for Persons described this event as "a tragedy and an attempt against the principles of a Constitutional State".

They stressed that "the search for disappeared persons constitutes a human right of the direct and indirect victims", for which the State must guarantee their safety and integrity.

In this sense, they urged "Governor Ricardo Gallardo Cardona to guarantee, through the pertinent institutions, the necessary security and support for the relatives of victims of disappearance, of the workers of the State Commission for the Search of Persons and of those entrusted to collaborate".

They also pointed out that this fact "shows that the capacity and resources of the State Search Commission for Persons in San Luis Potosí are not sufficient. For this reason, we ask the State Government to urgently attend to this situation and make the operational and budgetary adjustments necessary to ensure compliance with the mandates conferred by law".

Also the group Voz y Dignidad por los Nuestros issued a statement in which they stressed that "the participation of victims in the search processes is a right and that the government must guarantee security at all times", these acts shouldn’t hinder or suspend the search efforts.

For this reason, like the Citizen Council of the State Search Commission, they demanded that the state president "redouble efforts to strengthen the State Search Commission for Persons."

Finally, they assured that "although these events hurt, they won’t paralyze us, and nothing will stop our searches."

El Sol de San Luis

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