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Friday, July 15, 2022

US Government Issues Thanks, Requests Immediate Extradition Of Rafael Caro Quintero

 By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

Just hours after Rafael Caro Quintero was captured by Mexico's Navy in San Simón, Sinaloa, the United States government expressed its desire for the extradition of the alleged kingpin and killer of DEA agent Enrique Camarena. The Mexican government has indicated its willingness, and has transferred Quintero to the Altiplano prison until extradition.

In an online press release, United States Attorney General Merrick B. Garland said: "Today’s arrest is the culmination of tireless work by DEA and their Mexican partners to bring Caro-Quintero to justice for his alleged crimes, including the torture and execution of DEA Special Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena. We will be seeking his immediate extradition to the United States so he can be tried for these crimes in the very justice system Special Agent Camarena died defending."'

The US Ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, also released a similar statement on the US embassy website echoing these same sentiments. Both US officials expressed their regret at the deaths of the 14 Mexican Marines who died in a helicopter crash in Choix, Sinaloa, in the same operation.

Mexico's Attorney General's office (PGR) released a statement referencing the operation as a "arrest warrant with the end goal of extradition". Until his extradition, the PGR reported that Quintero will be held at Centro de Readaptación Social Número 1 ( Altiplano), in Almoloya, México State. 

Soon after, photos of the transfer of the handcuffed Quintero emerged, showing him flanked by armed agents boarding a government jet on the way to the prison. A video is also circulating online showing a Federal Police transport vehicle on a highway, allegedly holding Quintero on the way to prison.

The arrest happens just days after Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador visited Joe Biden in Washington DC, where both nations reaffirmed their commitment to the Bicentennial Framework, a bilateral agreement solidifying cooperation between the United States and Mexico on issues, one of them security.

The arrest of Rafael Caro Quintero is being celebrated as a major victory for the United States. While Quintero did not play as large as role as major cartel leaders such as Ismael Zambada Garcia (El Mayo) or Nemesio Oseguera-Cervantes (El Mencho), he was greatly sought after by US authorities for his role in the 1985 torture and murder of Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena. United States law enforcement stayed on his trail unrelentingly for decades, with the DEA offering a massive cash reward of 20 million USD for his arrest, much larger than the 15 million and 10 million for kingpins "El Mayo" and "El Mencho".

Indeed, after the capture, DEA Administrator Anne Milgram released a statement honoring the memory of Enrique Camarena and his legacy, and thanking US and Mexican agents who, "have worked tirelessly to bring Caro Quintero to justice."

Additionally, United States authorities view the arrest as proof that United States security cooperation with Mexico is still working, despite recent hitches.

Sources: Borderland Beat, US DOJ, US Embassy White House, PGR, DEA Most Wanted, GHOSTDEVIIL Twitter, Milenio, DEA Statement


  1. Am I first comment!? free caro!

    1. Damn it .I was first

    2. Does anyone know if those are Mexican Naval FES?

    3. STFU cartel nut hugger

    4. Those are Fuerzas Especiales Gafes Del Alto Mando along with embedded Team 6 ,Delta Force and CIA SAC Ground Branch

    5. GAFES no longer exist under that name.

    6. No foreign military in action in México, they are only attachés
      In the arrest you may have former US Military doing work as mercenary bounty hunters or police work since Pancho Villa gave US 5 star giniral John Pershing an ass whipping and stole his airplanes that later rented back to Pershing at high prices...


    1. Caro was a special case that's why . Se jodio cuando mataron a kiki C.

  3. Can't wait for AMLO's mañanera on Monday morning. It's definitely gonna be entertaining.

    1. It will be like a cathic church service, repetitive and boring. He will blame peña nieto and Calderon for EVERYTHING just like Biden blame Russia and Trump 😴
      Brazos no balazos-dumb grandpa AMLO

    2. Obrador is number one president in the world. He is the best in the world.

    3. 2:06 lawyer nutthugger kiss my butt.

  4. See! Mexican Gov. knew the whole time where Quintero was at. they were just holding out until the right offer landed on the table then send him north to ADX

    1. 🤦🏻‍♂️ nunca quedan bien. SMH. You guys make it seem as easy as 1,2,3.

  5. Those are the US soldiers. The way there holding the rifle. They don’t look like the Mexican government.

    1. Lol nope those Mexican soldiers, Taliban in recent pics hold their rifles the same way are they also US soldiers ?

    2. All properly trained soldiers, marines, naval infantry ect worldwide, no matter what country, hold their weapons like that. It's very rare to see it different.

    3. Yes I think so too man. I’ve seen other operations and you can totally tell they are Gabachos!

    4. Most likely 7 sfg soldiers or dea agents. They’re always in the ops when they hunt big fish.

    5. Agreed those are American troops

    6. Bruh…… they literally have Marina on their uniform along with the Mexican flag

    7. You do know the Americans trained a whole bunch of countries right? Mexican military being one

    8. 12:28 US may have trained a lot of melitary around the world, but they did not train them against greed and corruption, human rights abuses against the weak and the poor and at times their own compas like Javier Sicilia Falcon and Luis Donaldo Colosio...
      Viejillo pedorro javier Coello trejo claims presidente salinas did not order the Camarena murder, but minister of economy carlos salinas de Gortari made a lot of money, enough to buy the presidency under (gay like him) presidente miguel de la madrid, their love for chorizo has always justified their quest to live like Princesses of Versailles.

    9. I would like to be able to read your posts without running out of air :)

    10. Sir I don’t think the USA should give training to anyone on human rights abuses since they don’t have a good record after Iraq and Afghanistan. The United States committed many crimes and almost no one was punished in any way.

    11. When they caught chapo there were mostly American special ops military with mexican marina uniforms..
      It's a SPECIAL OPERATION pendejos they have to blend in to their surroundings.
      If it would have been the marina they would have informed the cartel. They are as crooked as the average Mexican cop!!

    12. 10:05
      Your still with the same nagging of the middle east, get over it . It's done.

    13. 2:05 it's an example and part of history tonto

    14. 2:05 pm The hypocrisy of adopting double standards on human rights issues. The record of abuses of the United States is more than clear and every time you get caught doing it you try to push it under the rug.

    15. Anon 2:05. I will always bring that up because it is a good example of how fake you people are. It is less that 20 years that you guys were more than willing to abuse anyone in the Middle East innocent or not.

    16. Yeah 5:56 you keep bringing that up in every other ARTICLE to to USA and sue them.

  6. They know where all the leaders are. But when one cartel alone is literally making hundreds of millions each month they’d be fools to capture capos and mess their bribes up…so they think.

  7. Pendejo..that's what happens when you go with manchita de calson

    1. 10:14 Who is Manchita de Calzon?

    2. Yeah who's mAnChItA dE "cAlSoN"?

  8. His own turned him in. To get control

  9. Lol @ the US gov Still talking about kiki. We all know what really happened U slimy cunts. CIA had him killed because he knew about the guns for coke deal with the Contras. They used his death to receive billions in funding for the “war on drugs” which continues to this day.

    1. Este vato si sabe ☝️ Pero los pochos dicen no sabo!

    2. Aprendan algo de este Cabron! 💡

    3. DEA confiscated about 250 million dollars as suggested by Kiki Camarena who was not happy with hitting el Bufalo Ranch and burning tons of grifa.
      What Kiki and DEA didn't know was that the money belonged to the CIA rogue agents and their NSA and other partners, or the extent of their involvement on drug trafficking under excuse of fighting the Sandinistas since Kennedy stole the election from Nixxon, sheet, cocaine trafficking was already on before they invented "Coca~Colas" but it was never
      before used to replace the US favorite: Heroin, until the end of the Vietnam War was near.

    4. "CIA money " tells us more

    5. Everyone, I have a bridge to sell you.

    6. SIR is 100 correct

    7. 1:18 SIR is 100% on drugs

    8. 4"16 you defend the shit as if it belongs to you, or your famiglia, which?
      I am in on this for the pleasure of seeing where the rats hide and where they come from...
      "El Dinero No Es La Vida..."
      But you are one cheap quinto patiero.
      "Quinto Patio", Luis Arcaraz y su Orquesta, or Emilio Tuero:
      You tube

    9. Lla deja esas malditas drogas Zir (Z) por Zombie

  10. Poor Kiki, killed by his own government and still being lied on to this day

    1. Ahhhhhh a fake news spreader.

    2. 12:00 it was Reagan's drug trafficking presidency, but ronnie was too old to know or operate the shit, he spent his 8 year presidency asleep on Nancy's lap, his operatives were inflitrated by a bunch of drug traffickers behind his back who got presidential pardons from George hw bush...

    3. fake news?, dont think so...

  11. The day the capture an parade Enrique Pena like this is the day truly justice is served in Mexico...

    1. Now he has 3 prosecution's investigation file, he had to sell one of his properties in Spain, things are beginning to get shady for him.

  12. The only ones that snitched are his own organization

  13. 🎸Julián Mercado: Rafa y La Noria🎵
    Puro Caborca

    1. @12:43, estas viendo cómo está el Pueblo de Caborca de jodido por la violencia, y tu poniendo tu cancióncita. Bato mamón, por barberos como tú está la sociedad como está, vanagloria do a estos weyes.

    2. Nadie te obliga a que la escuches. Julián, su hermano Gerardo y otros músicos le dan fama a Caborca. Tu escucha a Los Pikadientes

  14. No such thing as a untouchable Mexican narco!!
    The gringos aways give it to them when they least expect it..

    1. The gringos se la pelaron con Arturo Beltran and Amado Carrillo

    2. Amado Carrillo Fuentes y Arturo Beltran Leyva se la pelaron, pero el Chapo, genarco y sus achichincles se la andan pelando con los sucessors de los jefes del barbas y amado por chaqueteros y traidores.

    3. Con el cartel Fantasma... Cartel de Juarez todos andan bien errados... Creen que lo dirige un jefe de sicarios... o que el "viceroy" era el bueno

  15. Is it me or that guy doesn’t look like caro from the pictures they only show one pic where he doesn’t look like him then all the rest close ups are blurred isn’t that weird 🤔????

    1. RCQ's black hair looks like La India Maria's, he got ugly as fuck, are we going to see his last hideout photos? hope it is not a garbage dump without WC.

    2. At 124.
      I was thinking the same thing. I'm not a dermatologist. Or surgeon but looks a bit different than those other times I've seen here on this site....

      A big thanks to Sol, Hearst, Ivan, Chueco, MX, and everyone else who puts the time, so that we can have a cool place to be informed, and also interact.
      Thought of this stupid line while writing this;
      Borderlandbeat Lives Matter!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Its a double.

    4. Mans in the run and yall expecting some Mexican Tom Cruise and his bad hair day wtf? How about his jeans not ironed or blue enough or he should have sunscreen on not orange enough

    5. He’s had plastic surgery reportedly… he also dyes his hair… fugitives will do anything to change their appearance…

      -Holden D. Cash

    6. 5:35 is that you red Panties Rubio NYC?

    7. Uea that is red Panties Rubio dude he used to be called Prince now is New name is Blanko. Kissy kissy

    8. No shit Sherlock

  16. He looks more like a old pedo hiding out in the hills than a cartel leader 🐵🐒

  17. He will get killed in jail before USA can get the info out of him they want

    1. No one wants to kill a grampa.

  18. Looks like Caro got a lot of cardio in before his arrest. He needs to pile it on before he's sent to be Chapos veggie prison pal.

  19. There is one major issue that Mexico and the US government continue to ignore when talking about extraditing Quintero for the murder of dea agent. The issue is double jeopardy. Quintero has already been tried an convicted in MX for the murder. The treaty with MX (along with US law) prevents him for being tried once again for the murder of Camarena. But as everyone knows the US just flatly does not follow the law anymore for anything so it is certain they will try and ignore the treaty and US law by trying Quintero for a crime he has already been tried and convicted for in Mexico. Let us see if the US courts and his defense attorney can get this thrown out due to it being against Mexico treaty and US criminal law.

    1. I'm not sure he was incarcerated for the deaths but I'll also not be surprised if those condenas are vacated so he can be tried anew for those charges. The extradition treaty specifically mentions the punishment cannot be death, life imprisonment or a sentence that would be comparable to such. Aver que hace AMLO el nacionalista.

    2. Double jeopardy only works if it's double within the USA. A foreign conviction will not count.

  20. At least he will have a cell with a blanket and food to hide in instead of a fuc--ing bush

  21. I guess he isnt NUMERO UNO like they say in the song .... He is NUMERO NO MAS

    1. Hey you Poncho AMLO is number one president in the world.

    2. Yes yes and he built barracks for the military, and he colored them pink.
      Yes he gets up at 5 in the morning to fight violence against women.

    3. And grampa is out fighting with a samurai sword.

    4. 1:38 your such a Poncho.

  22. There’s not really a story behind how they arrested him. Looks like they found him by himself hiding in the woods. Or was he already waiting for him? Cause his time was up

    1. Read on Twitter he got stopped in a car at a checkpoint after the security agents blanked the area. The tweet said he immediately tried to bribe the officer which raised suspicions (he wasn't immediately recognized). The officer sent a picture of him around superiors on WhatsApp and he was ID'ed. This sounds exactly how it would go down in Mexico, but doesn't account for the sweaty shirt.. maybe he 'broke loose' while they were waiting for a confirmation on his ID? Who knows, but I'm sure it was a similar scenario... Also that fucking dog is just smokescreen for the U.S. involvement. Rather than people asking who found him, who violated who's sovereignty, who had the expertise, why he was captured immediately after the Washington delegation... OH LOOK! A CUTE DOG! mexicanas le gustan sus peros

  23. I believe he has done his time for Kiki Camarena. No need to be extradited to be on trial for the same thing again. He is a criminal but he’s fine his time.

    1. I am sorry to inform you but his granppa ass is grassed.

    2. Can't wrap my mind around why he didn't hang it up as soon he saw he going down. He really wants to die in Supermax? Only reason not to would be keep up with the action in the newspaper until the clock runs out...

  24. He's wearing a coat jacket in July

    1. Old people can't maintain their own body heat, that they wear jackets and extra clothes to stay warm. Ask your grandma. Also you will see when you get old.

    2. Look at the surrounding areas, notice how they're green.

    3. You've never been to the Sierra then, because it gets chilly at night all year long. Made that mistake driving across Mexico in the 80s from the gulf coast to the pacific coast and froze my ass off on my way to zacatecas.

  25. Camarena went into enemy territory in a foreign land. What happened to him was what he decided to get into, fucking with the wrong people. US needs to back off and leave other countries alone. CIA and DEA has done much worse to tens of thousand of innocent people. They are the evil ones, not the cartels. If DEA didn’t force themselves into foreign countries, and participated by destroying the Guadalajara Cartel and many others, I believe that Mexico wouldn’t have even started the drug war.

    1. Shiver my timber.

    2. As a Mexican American that has lived on both countries you have it all wrong. The Mexican government are the ones fuckin up. Yes, Camarena was an idealist and did a lot of mistakes but also the Mexican entities (the Gortari /Slim cartel) are the scum of the earth. And funny thing is that they oretent to be mexicans when they are just the Bourbons of CDMX. Fuck them.

  26. I also like to thank the DEA, good job.
    Ready for another assignment

    1. El Zombies home is under watch, someone snitched that his shady.

      And talks Gibberish stuff.


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