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Saturday, July 23, 2022

Washington Post Accredits Caro Quintero's Capture To The U.S.

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

There were twelve failed operations prior to the arrest of the founder of the Guadalajara Cartel, who was located in rural areas of Sinaloa. The note highlights that the capo moved on a motorcycle and ATV, guarded by security. Former US official said DEA turned Rafael's relatives into informants

The newspaper The Washington Post in its edition this Saturday, July 23, published a secret group from the United States that tracked drug trafficker Rafael Caro Quintero for years and never stopped working on their objective, carrying out at least 12 failed operations to catch him.

Journalists Kevin Sieff and Mary Beth Sheridan report that the task was entrusted to a special group called "The RCQ Task Force", which through the DEA carried out operations with Mexican authorities to catch the criminal accused of kidnapping and homicide drug agent Enrique Kiki Camarena.

The actions of US authorities between 2013 and 2022, the time in which the capo was released from the Puente Grande state prison, Jalisco, and the reward was increased from 5 to 20 million dollars, would have failed due to "high-level Mexican leaks , a sign that the Mexican government was protecting him,” highlights the news.

Presumably the Americans had Caro Quintero located long ago, when they detected that he lived in a rural area of ​​Sinaloa "just a few miles from a Mexican military base in a town that he ran like a fiefdom."

Add the information that the Sinaloa capo moved by motorcycle and ATV, guarded by security teams that rotated every week.

"The DEA had turned some of Caro Quintero's relatives into informants, said a former senior US official, and even knew which dirt roads he took to visit his girlfriends," highlights The Washington Post.

After the announcement of the capture of Rafael Caro on July 15, and the statement by President Andr茅s Manuel L贸pez Obrador assuring that the operation was planned and executed entirely by Mexico, the members of the RCQ Task Force team felt injured in their pride and described AMLO's presumed triumph as absurd.

It is highlighted in the note that the special group was providing intelligence information to the Navy and the Mexican Army for nine years, according to some of them who commented to journalists anonymously.

Reference is even made to the fact that in the tenth attempt to arrest Rafael Caro Quintero, dating from around January 2021, both countries planned a capture operation, but it failed.

“A team of Marines flew several Blackhawk helicopters into a part of northern Mexico known as the “Golden Triangle.” But when the Blackhawks landed in the town of Babunica, Caro Quintero's birthplace, he was gone," the briefing piece read.

Supposedly, a former high-ranking Mexican security official justified the failed operation by pointing out to US special agents that the drug trafficker's men “control everything. They have informants, guards, people in the mountains watching the drones. They are very careful."

Interestingly now he was detained without any surveillance.

The note reports that a former US official said “the most recent iteration of the Caro Quintero investigation began at least eight months ago and involved US anti-drug agents who provided intelligence and other assistance to veteran Mexican Navy special forces”.

After L贸pez Obrador returned from a July 12 meeting with President Biden in Washington, senior Mexican military leaders signed the capture, the former US official said.

DEA officials were following the development of the operation but were not physically present when the capo was arrested, the source is quoted as saying. Mexican authorities denied that the arrest was related to the bilateral meeting three days earlier.

zeta tijuana


  1. No surprises here Post is not news but now a liberal advocacy rag that has to make up a win for Joey Biden. I voted for him.and he is a disaster.

    Crazy that it says Caros relatives snitched.

    Score a win for Amlo. Biden voted against the Bid Laden mission so we know he is clueless on RCQ.

    1. Leave politics out of it, it has blinded you.

    2. . Everything is connected to politics. EVERYTHING

    3. Nope. All is not politics.

    4. We know.. Problem is we also have the orange man cult to worry about, not just this corporate-establishment dead guy.

    5. 3:46 if the Trumpanzee Nation had gotten to steal the election with your vote, you would not be suffering the revenge of the greedy, but you could be exterminating the gays, the chinese, the black, the mexican or at least working on the Wall that would be putting billions of dollars a day (per mile) in the Unpresidented Disgrace's pockets...
      celebrate the LIBERALS!!!

  2. Disinformation! Number one rule is don't believe anything the gvt says!! Number 2 rule is to always remember number 1 rule!!!

    1. Rule number negative one: don't believe a random glib comment!

    2. BNT with the truth

    3. I dont know who smokes more meth BNT or Zombie SIR

    4. 10:56 I believe in government, I don't believe drinking cheeto tea much less laced with rat poison from the Rat Cheeto King,
      aka Loser Trumpanzee,
      "the Oringe Orangutan" and his Neo-Con Satrapy.

    5. 10:56 Sir smokes speedball mixed pcp and then he makes himself sound like a cheap b movie punchline

    6. El Mickeyson hey we all need those laughs every so often 馃榿

    7. 1:55 son of Micky Mouse?
      Or mommy got a Mickey to make herself a mommy

  3. Toothless old man

  4. anyone with 2 brain cells knew the USA provided the intel .
    makes AMLO look guilty whether he is or not

    1. Because he smokes fentanyl.

    2. He smokes Meth

    3. 5:44 you smoke AMLO's farts

    4. SIR, you would know.

    5. 7:52 I've not been to mexico in a loooong time, but you know so much about President for Life AMLO, you must live under his desk...

    6. The US provided a shit... Stop thinking unrealistic stuff.

  5. Patriase cullors is still free

  6. More Truth to the capture by a different reporting group. I am not anti-Amlo, and as I have articles on BB this week along with the comments. I know put it this way almo is in bed with cartels and upper military ranking members. It was absurd that he said it was them that captured him, without USA Intel.
    AMLO tries to change the story, who does he think he is fooling. Yet there's pro-almos in here, that prefer to be blind to what almo is not doing for it's people.


    2. The US wasnt involved in that capture. Swallow it and accept it. In fact, they were not looking for RCQ. One of his bodyguards was captured by mistake on a Federal checkpoint when looking for el chueco. US is not the savior all the time.

  7. In the Hunting Chapo book, there is some info on the other US teams from DEA and Justice Department after Caro and Mayo.

    They were running ops out of La Paz at the same time.

  8. It's very simple. AMLO pissed off the American government, to right the ship he turned over America's most wanted Mexican. That meeting they had was more than likely a test. We will tell you where he is if you don't capture him we will have a problem. And sure enough. So yes this has politics written all over them since AMLO decided to shit all over the relationship mexico had with USA

    1. The American government should check into their own people first. CIA, DEA they are all in it as well. We all know DEA or CIA handled camarena because he just knew too much and was about to uncover a monster.

    2. Almo is a puppet controlled by cartels

    3. 6:44 Amlo is a puppet controlled by the US of A

    4. 10:21 Had no idea not accepting other countries (unfair) conditions were considered to "shit all over the relationship mexico had with USA"... Fix your own shit on your side of the border and stop blaming the others for everything... ;)

    5. 6:05 is that a useless opinion?

  9. DEA had good Intel, but Grampa Obrador wanted to take all the credit. For lying I will not give him a birthday cake.

    1. Good intel snitching their favorite cartel(s)?.... decades operating in Mexico and things getting worst day after day after their direct involvement?, dont think so... Good luck thinking DEA is genuinely fighting cartels ☺

  10. Remember how AMLO was talking against the DEA how he was introducing laws that prohibit them to work freely in Mexico, prohibited sharing info between agencies and even dissolving a unit that works in joint with DEA? Well makes sense that his administration keeps saying they did it alone, they don't want to look stupid after all the trash talk.

    But when a Unit that is trained by Americans, modernized by Americans, replaced their Mexican made uniforms with American produced ones, use American weapons instead of the Mexican made FX05, move in helicopters donated by the USA, have a history of arresting or killing the big capos wanted by the USA, and now arrest the most wanted by the USA whose arrest warrant is solely in request of the USA, Then definitely it was an operation that involved the USA.

    1. 8:41 just trying not to hurt patriotic sensibilities of some of the worst mexican sell outs, I agree that US delegates consumed this arrest...
      But you have to agree that Kiki Camarena was murdered for messing with CIA associates messing with drug trafficking of Cocaine and mariguana to the US and weapons and training for the contras and money laundering that made many US billionaires' money for them.
      Murdering Camarena would not be good enough without torture to find out how much he did really know about the dirty operations of Iran/ Contra reaganautas; fry Quintero and all of his american accomplices

    2. Go to sleep sir. Your gibberish is funny but seriously take a break. We all know that you play with your doo doo while crying about Tromp and sucking Amlo's chorizo. Tranquilo bronie.

    3. ALMO not wanting the DEA in there, is because then his mordidas would be less. Also he wants Mexico to be an uncontrollable country.

    4. 8:41 DEA was not involved in Caros detention, it was a casualty. And no foreigner agency should be operating on a sovereign country. PGR doesnt operate in the US or any other country...

  11. They should impeach Lopez Obrador, the Grampa, he is a puppet. Someone in his close circle controlled him to lie and say they had no help. He made the DEA agency say they did not help later on. Can't be changing stories. I am glad the Washington Post posted the truth, a special unit was formed on US side to track Caro. Shame on you Grampa.

    1. Washington Post posted the truth???????????? And media is not officially accredited to "accredit" anything official in the US or other countries... but nice joke... ☺

  12. Ese Grampa Pinocchio need to retire.

    1. You should take his place. 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ


    3. Viva grampa Obrador.

  13. Grampa Biden can't even complete a full sentence. I doubt he had any involvement in the capture RCQ.

  14. This fool Lopez Obrador thinks he can change stories, once they have made it to the press.
    I dispose mintirosos. He is not trust worthy material

    1. Ese Grampa que SI retiree!

    2. Grampa Lopez es para los cartes

  15. If coming from WP is better to think the opposite...


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