Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, August 6, 2022

13 Hitmen Killed in SLP After Abducting and Killing Officer

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat 

13 cartel hitmen were killed by GCE officers inside a house in San Luis Potosi just hours after their group was caught burying a dead GCE officer who they had recently abducted.

On August 3, 2022, an officer of the State Civil Guard (GCE), named Héctor Mayorga Muñoz and his wife were driving a patrol vehicle down highway 70 just outside the town of Tamasopo, San Luis Potosi, when they were ambushed by a group of cartel hitmen who forced them to a stop. Armed hitmen forced both the officer and his wife out of their vehicle at gunpoint, pushing them into one of their vehicles.

The gunmen then doused Officer Mayorga Muñoz’s vehicle in fuel and set it on fire. Near the burning vehicle, they placed a narco message, written on cardboard, which said he was abducted for being a traitor. The message was signed by the cartel group Zetas Vieja Escuela (or Zetas Old School, often shortened to ZVE).

By the time authorities arrived on scene, there was no sign of the officer or his wife and only the incinerated husk of his vehicle remained. 

Authorities only managed to identify that it was a patrol vehicle by running the plate number through the system because all exterior characteristics of the vehicle had been burned away.

Their abduction triggered a number of large scale search operations. On Thursday, August 4, 2022, authorities flew two helicopters over the regions near where the abduction had occurred, scanning the wilderness for signs of the kidnappers. 

At some point in the afternoon, one of the helicopters saw suspicious activity going on in a remote part of the municipality of San Ciro de Acosta. Four individuals were seen while they appeared to be in the process of secretly burying a number of human remains. These human remains are presumed to have been people who were killed by the same cartel group and the act of burying the bodies was a presumed attempt to dispose of evidence of the homicides. 

Once the four cartel members heard the helicopter overhead, they tried to flee, running in different directions. The helicopter radio-ed up what they had observed and requested ground forces help them capture the fleeing grave-diggers. The helicopter followed two of the cartel members and relayed their location to the ground forces, among them a number of GCE officers, who managed to arrest the two individuals. 

The detainees, both women, were interrogated and eventually agreed to lead investigators to the location of the graves they had just been digging.

While this was going on, the two other grave diggers, both men, were arrested by other ground forces.

The women brought them to a clearing where in shallow graves, two recently deceased people had been placed. After a brief inspection, it became clear that the deceased were the abducted officer, Héctor Mayorga Muñoz, and his wife. 

It is important to note that the deceased GCE officer, who happened to be the “Chief of Experts” for the whole region of the state, was discovered half buried by other GCE officers prior to everything that is to follow.

Codigo San Luis reports that following the discovery of the buried officer, a large amount of law enforcement was called in the region and they began to search for cartel members related to the abduction and burial. 

According to the official version of events, later that same day, at approximately 5:00 pm, a patrol of GCE officers spotted a suspicious group of armed individuals while they were out on a patrol within the area known as "Vaqueros", within the municipality of El Rayón. 

The newspaper Jornada wrote that "when they realized they had been spotted, a confrontation began and the GCE agents repelled the attack of the individuals who were hiding inside a house."

The GCE agents managed to kill 13 cartel members - 10 men, 3 women- who were inside the house or inside vehicles parked just outside the house. Many of those killed were wearing tactical vests. 

No unblurred images of the deceased have been released as of the writing of this story so it's unknown if these vests bore the insignia of any particular cartel group. 

No GCE agents were injured or killed during the shootout. Some reports allege the two men who were present at the grave site participated in this shootout before being arrested.

Once the shootout had concluded, the home was  searched and the following was seized:
5 long-barrel 7.62×39 firearms 

22 long-barrel .308 firearms

1 pickup truck with a license plate from Tamaulipas 

1 double cab pickup truck, Ford Lariat, with Florida license plates

1 gray Honda CRV with no license plate

1 white pickup truck with black stripes, inside a shed

1 gray Ford pickup truck, without tires, mounted between stones and metal structures, inside a shed

According a somewhat-outdated map showing the regions that each cartel group controls, El Rayón falls under the control of a Gulf Cartel group. 

Meanwhile the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG) is believed to control the area just to the west and Zetas Vieja Escuela (ZVE) are believed to control the area just to the north. That being said, regional control may have shifted since this map was created. 

ZVE, despite the Zetas name, currently operates as a Gulf Cartel subgroup. They have an alliance with some parts of the CDG and yet act as rivals to other parts of the CDG. 

Further complicating this, the cartel group with the most motive to abduct a GCE officer may be the CJNG, who were hit with a number of large seizures but law enforcement in the area in the last few months. 

Two key pieces of physical evidence point towards the attack being perpetrated by the ZVE, however. 

The vehicle with the Tamaulipas license plate points towards the perpetrators being ZVE (or Golfos), due to their strong presence within the state of Tamaulipas. 

The narco message sign left at the abduction site of the GCE officer was signed by ZVE, however there is always some slim possibility that a cartel group signed the name of a rival group in order to heat up the plaza. 

Even if we cannot definitively determine who perpetrated the attack based on the available information, the SLP authorities undoubtedly can, because they have 4 detainees from the group and further information about all of the individuals states of origin. 

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  1. Secret Management to comment baby killer cartel in 3!2!1!

    1. WTF that's the only concern you can offer about the article.

    2. 2:39 is a dork.

    3. 2:39
      Basement warrior

  2. These days who is the boss of ZVE?

    1. Z-10...Omar Normendez Pitalua

    2. Is ZVE keeping a low profile and not throwing up mantas or their terrorism doesn't make it to the newspapers?

  3. Excellent 👍 work!!!
    After reading BB for many months, this one stands out big time.
    This is the way we'll prepared not curupt police is supposed to respond to cartel criminals.
    Had they not used helicopters, the killed persons would not have been found. Nothing like this ever happens, hopefully after long interrogation, the can find out exactly which cartel it is with the 4.
    Lastly also first time hearing 13 of a cartel killed.

  4. Notice how barren their house is? Everyone thinks that they will get rich by selling drugs. In reality, they have less money than someone working a minimum wage job.

    1. Yea bro those days of being a narco and making thousands like the 90s are over, now you get paid like 300 dollars a month and is fed maruchanes until you die and get replaved by the next sheep

    2. Min wage in Mexico is about $1/hr. What makes you think that minimum wage in Mexico is more than what these sicarios were getting?

    3. What area of México are they paying $20 pesos an hour?

    4. I have a friend and his wife who work at Hyundai in Tijuana. They earn 200 pesos per day. Buy a Hyundai to support slavery in Mexico. I believe Soriana and Gigantes also pay 200 pesos a day and of course, baggers earn tips only.
      My understanding is that most reporters earn only about $300 per month.

    5. We pay $180 for 4hrs of ranch work in southern México

    6. Pinocchio como Lopez Obrador. 😂

    7. 10:30 splendid wages are once a month...
      9:34 minimum wage is equivalent to 2 or 3 dollars a day, if the agency likes you, or you are left to your own devices and make more money working on the street.

  5. 4. Picture.

    Zetas Vieja Escuela translated to New School Zetas? Isn't it old school zetas?

    OR again new mutation of cartels (Zetas and CJNG)?

    1. Who ever translated that narco manta was on drugs, maybe it was El Compa Zombie, it should be old school Zetas.
      No mutation, old school zetas split from the original zetas when the treviño brother got captured, the original Zetas splint into CDN and a bunch of other Z cells one of them been old school Zetas

    2. Good question 😊⁉️

      I thought Los Zetas Matas killed everybody in the Zetas and cut their heads off??! Where do Zeta spawn originate???

      Cartel Los Zetas Matas had failed to keep their end of the deal with Chapo and became Cartel Jalisco New Generation..
      ... someone said Cartel del Golfo is Cartel Zeta but who knows what the truths really are in Mexico

      Most American media reports only acknowledge the Sinaloa Federation Cartel and little substance is ever published on actual Cartel history and wars

      Then where did Cartel Santa Rosa Lima come from???

      What happened to Cartel La Familia Michiochan??

    3. It's old school. I just messed up and typed the wrong thing for the image.

    4. I will fix the image as soon as I can.

    5. Anyone who is dissatisfied with the translation will be refunded the full cost of their subscription.

    6. Chill Hearst, its your weekend. Tyoos happen

    7. I don't judge Hearst, even if some people think he's on aspirin and coffee.... I'm dyslexic so I read it thinking it was correct and not a typo

    8. It's me who started this discussion.
      Typos happen, no problem, I never meant to criticize in any way.

      Hearst does wonderful job and I'm absolutely thankful for everything she does here FOR US. Everyone else here should be too.

    9. 1:52
      You are mean as green moss.
      Have some manners.

    10. @1:01
      -She's- not on aspirin but definitely on coffee. ;)

  6. If you believe there was a shootout, I have a bridge to sell you.
    Good riddance to bad rubbish anyway. God bless Mexico.

    1. The saw the movie Luca
      With my kids, it was good.

  7. Police forces can kick ass, but it's the curupt higher ups that prevent them, from getting on the payroll cartels.

  8. 13 killed on one side (wearing tactical vest and being armed with automatic weapons =7.62X39) and 0!!! on the other side.

    There is noooooo way that the official story is the truth.

    My guess: the 13 where eliminated because before being murdered the kidnapped officer told them something about someone high up that they should not know about.

    1. Keyboard warriorr if you were not there, then don't know the facts, bullet proof vents do not cover the head, also certain bullets can pass through vest.
      Also if it did not happen the way you, think not a problem, they deserved to be illimated, after they caught some of the group burying the victims.

  9. extra justice in formation..miscreants eliminated by men of conscience🇨🇦😭🖤🖤🖤🖤

  10. This appears like a win, for once, for the good people of Mexico.

  11. It’s is sad a policeman died if he was only doing his job. But if he was indeed corrupt then he had it coming. Tragic that his wife paid the consequences without most likely knowing anything but what can you do. A real good outcome at the end because the perpetrators got arrested and killed.

    1. The cartel members had it coming.

  12. Talk about needing a scorecard..

  13. Excellent planning and acting fast, that they caught the criminals burying the bodies.
    Why can't Police, State Police, Federal act fast when there is a felony crime in progress.

  14. As far as i know, this kind of violence (multiple bodies /shootouts) is unfamiliar in this part of SLP. it's more common the closer you get to the capital. in the past 10 years or so its always been kind of peaceful around Rioverde and El Rayon, that is until a few yrs ago when Cjng entered the picture.


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