Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Annother OXXO Convenience Store Torched By Armed Criminals In Ojocaliente, Zacatecas

 By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

This morning, an armed criminal group burned an OXXO convenience store in Ojocaliente, Zacatecas. Some nota roja pages have claimed that the building was torched after a shootout nearby, but this has not been confirmed. 

Local witnesses say they heard gunshots around the time of the fire, but authorities confirmed that no one was injured in the attack. 

These attacks occur one week after the Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) burned over two dozen OXXO stores after the attempted capture of two of their leaders, as reported by Borderland Beat

While many have conjectured that OXXOs have been targeted for other reasons, it is most likely due to their abundance in Mexico, with 17,400 across the nation.

Earlier this week, the United States Department of State added Zacatecas to its "Do Not Travel" advisory list due to increased risk of crime and kidnapping.

Sources: El Universal, US State Department, Borderland Beat Archives

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  1. What is the point of burning stores that regular citizens go to?
    If their cartel leaders get arrested it should be government buildings, municipal buildings, police cars that should be the target to burn.
    Once many businesses are burnt, I don't think they will rebuild. Thier stupid agenda affects the community.

    1. Well, they don't discriminate and do t segregate. Unfortunately there are no narco-only convenient stores selling coca y cookies.

  2. A la verga con los OXXOS...
    Pinchis dueños no pagan impuestos, ni luz, ni gas, ni agua, ni a los trabajadores, WHAT THE FACK!!!

    1. Sir are you implying that the XOXO stores are run, by the Chinese with their cheap 99 cent knockoffs?
      For reals they don't play thier employees. Let's call the Yakuza man.
      Then on that case burn them all.

    2. Owners is one thing, FEMSA, management another...
      Suppliers of knockoffs may be some chinese.
      but "El Diablo" Jose Antonio Fernandez Carbajal, FEMSA presidente is the one who steals the cake with "his ability" to do business, (pura pinche tranza con dinero de otra gente)
      Helping the selling of Corona to Heineken he steals from both corporations and gets paid for it

  3. Grillonautas laying out the death of Mencho… very possible that a fight for succession is on… was this supposed attempted arrest maybe to determine who would succeed…? Very interesting to see how this plays out… Mexico could be a bloodier mess…

    -Holden D. Cash

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. 3:36 which of his "4" deaths were they talking about?

    3. I seen this to.

    4. @6:38 supposedly it regards his “latest” death… I don’t always believe every report but it does lay down an interesting theory…

      -Holden D. Cash

  4. You got map of what parts cjng controls in zacatecas and what part mayo controls? I'm guessing you would have to bring talibanes/golfos/cdn into the picture too

    1. There is a great map Hearst done I believe. It's part of a Zacatecas article which I'd link if I knew how

  5. Need to find another source of styrofoam coolers for those severed heads.


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