Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, August 15, 2022

Black Thursday: Sinaloa Cartel, La Línea & Why the Violence Happened in Juárez

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat 

Nine civilians were killed during a slew of violent attacks by Mexicles members in the border city of  Juárez, in a day that local newspapers have dubbed “Black Thursday”. But who are the groups in Juarez and what caused Mexicles to hold the entire city hostage?

The Context You Need on The Groups in Juarez

Juárez has two large cartel forces at war within it: the Sinaloa Cartel and La Linea. It's worth noting that Linea has an alliance with the Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), according to the state’s Secretary of Security, and because of this alliance the CJNG appears to maintain a very hands off approach when it comes to the state of Chihuahua. 

Now within Juárez, much like within Tijuana, there are a number of street gangs and smaller cells of hitmen who work under one of the large cartel forces.

These smaller entities will sometimes “switch sides” or rather, change which large cartel force they work under. The smaller entities can sometimes divide into warring factions within themselves or fight against other street gangs that work for the same larger cartel force as they do who are ostensibly their allies. 

District Attorney Manuel Carrasco Chacón described it, saying "The situation of groups and gangs in the city is not very legible, so to speak. Years ago it was very marked, however, we can see that these groups have been deserting and many people are taking advantage of the situation. A river in turmoil is the fisherman's gain', but we continue to see the same people.”

The District Attorney named the following four smaller entities as the most important and relevant within Juárez:

Los Mexicles - works under the Sinaloa Cartel, divided (more on that later)

Artistas Asesinos - works under the Sinaloa Cartel 

Los Aztecas  - works under La Línea

La Nueva Empresa  - works under La Línea

He went on to say that both Los Mexicles and Artistas Asesinos are currently believed to be working under the Sinaloa Cartel, while La Nueva Empresa and Aztecas work under La Línea. 

Recent Developments and La Triple Alianza

At the beginning of July, the newspaper El Heraldo de Juárez reported that Los Mexicles was currently divided, with one side of the group supporting the Chapitos side and the other supporting the Mayo side and that both sides were vying for overall control of Los Mexicles. 

Los Mexicles entered into an alliance with La Linea and La Nueva Empresa in what came to be known as “Triple Unión” or “La Triple Alianza” (The Triple Alliance). The newspaper cites statements made by personnel of the state Attorney General’s Office as their source for this information. 

La Triple Alianza reportedly intended to “clean” the city of Juárez from all other cartel groups. Whether Los Aztecas, who work under La Linea, were implicitly included or excluded from cleaning is unclear. 

Even more confounding is how a group like Mexicles -that works for the Sinaloa Cartel- could make an alliance with their rival, La Linea. 

It's possible that Mexicles intended to continue working under the Sinaloa Cartel, moving their product across the border, and simply stop fighting against Mexicles and La Linea.

It's also possible that by Los Mexicles joining this alliance, they no longer worked for the Sinaloa Cartel and began working for Linea.

And then, keep in mind that as mentioned earlier, Mexicles were allegedly split into two factions before this alliance began, which then draws into question whether all of Mexicles agreed to the Triple Alliance or if only one faction did. 

The Timeline of Events

The following events began on Thursday, August 11, 2022:

Deadly Prison Fight

TIME: 1:27 pm

LOCATION: State prison within the Toribio Ortega neighborhood, Juárez

During visitation hours at a Module 2 of state prison (CERESO #3) in the Toribio Ortega neighborhood of the city of Juárez, a fight involving inmates broke out and El Diario reports that gunfire was heard by visiting family members of inmates. 

The fight developed into a full out prison brawl between two cartel group and prison staff requested the backup and support of municipal police and soldiers from both the National Guard and the Army. Over 600 prison staff, visitors and the staff of an adjacent court building were evacuated from the area while police and military personnel fought to regain control of the prison for hours. 

When they finally managed to retake the prison and end the fighting, they found 20 injured inmates and either two or three (depending on your source) inmates dead from gunshot wounds - killed by other inmates during the brawl. Whether firearms were smuggled to inmates within the prison, like how they often are in Colima, or if the firearms were stolen from prison guards, police officers or soldiers is unclear. 

El Diario alleges the two groups fighting each other were Sinaloa Cartel - Los Chapitos members and Los Mexicles members. At a later presidential press conference, Undersecretary Mejía Berdeja reported that according to federal intelligence “criminal groups identified as Los Chapos were attacked by a rival group called Los Mexicles, generating a fight inside this penitentiary center.”

A Head is Found 

TIME: 3:30 pm

LOCATION: Camino Real, Rosa de los Vientos, Juárez

The emergency phone line received a call which reported the discovery of human remains near the Camino Real peripheral road. Authorities were dispatched to the area and confirmed the discovery of a human head which had been placed on a white sheet. Whether or not this head is related to the events to follow will be discussed later on in the story. 

Circle K Attack, 4 Shot, Mexicles Violence in the Streets Begins

TIME: 4:00 pm

LOCATION: Circle K within the Melchor Ocampo  neighborhood, Juárez

Mexicles members then took to the streets and began a series of indiscriminate attacks at various locations across the city. According to the Undersecretary, a number of uninvolved civilians were killed by Los Mexicles members. Businesses - such as Rapiditos Bip-Bip, OXXO, CircleK or Del Río - were often shot up by hitmen and then the building was set on fire by hitmen who threw molotov cocktails. 

The first attack is believed to have occurred at a Circle K gas station within the Melchor Ocampo neighborhood when hitmen shot through the glass window, hitting 4 patrons who all sustained gunshot injuries.

Two Gas Station Employees Killed

TIME: 4:30 pm

LOCATION: Rapiditos Bip Bip gas station within the Infonavit Juárez Nuevo neighborhood, Juárez

A female employee of an Oxxo gas station was interviewing a woman applying for a job inside the building when a number of molotov cocktails were thrown inside by Mexicles members. The building went up in flames very quickly, so quickly in fact that both the women became trapped inside and were unable to escape, dying in the fire. 

Relatives of one of the women who died in the convenience store arrives at the scene.

A relative of one of the victims informs others on the phone of their death. 

Two relatives of one of the victims of the convenience store attack hug after firefighters managed to put out the fire.

Gas Station Exterior Shot Up

TIME: 5:00 pm

LOCATION: Gas station within the Camino Real neighborhood, Juárez

The exterior of the building was shot up and later at least 27 bullet casings were found where the attackers stood.

Beating & Shooting of Employees

TIME: 5:05 pm

LOCATION: Del Río convenience store in the La Perla neighborhood, Juárez

Mexicles hitmen burst through the doors of the store and began beating the employees. The hitmen then shot one of the employees in the abdomen and then left the area. 

Two Pickup Drivers Shot

TIME: 6:00 pm

LOCATION: Intersection of Teofilo Borunda and Oscar Flores boulevard & a spot on Tecnológico Avenue, Juárez

Two different drivers of pickup trucks were shot by Mexicles members. The men were possibly targeted because of their vehicle type, as pickup trucks (as well as SUVs) are the preferred vehicle choice of hitmen. These hitmen may have been seeking to steal a vehicle with information not tied to their identity. 

Four Killed in Parking Lot of Pizzeria

TIME: 7:00 pm

LOCATION: Little Caesar's pizzeria within the Melchor Ocampo neighborhood, Juárez

A man was killed in the middle of the street in the Paraje de Orient subdivision. Shortly after a law enforcement vehicle was set ablaze at the intersection of Alberto Escobar and Olivia Espinoza streets.

And then Mexicles hitmen arrived outside a Little Caesar's pizzeria on Ejército National Avenue and opened fire on it, shooting six patrons inside.

Warning: Videos contain graphic content. They depict the shooting as well as the immediate aftermath where victims are lying in a pool of their own blood.

Video Source: Puente Libre

Video Source: Andrey G Maya

Video Source: Noticias Sin Censura

Four of the six - who all happened to work at a local radio station - died from their injuries. Their family chose to publicly identify them and they were radio announcer Allan González, Lino Flores from the Promotions area, Operations Manager Armando Guerrero and security guard Alex Arriaga.

Radio announcer Allan González.

Many of the chains that were hit - like Oxxo and Del Rio - announced they were temporarily closing their locations across the city for the sake of the safety of their employees. A number of universities and schools within Juarez canceled classes for Friday and Saturday. A number of maquiladoras (factories in Mexico that are owned by a foreign corporations)  cancelled their third shift for the safety of their employees. A total of nine people were killed during the series of attacks across the city. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

About 1:00 am


Six alleged perpetrators of the Mexicles street attacks were arrested by municipal police officers in the Ampliacion Aeropuerto neighborhood. Their photos would later be released and can be seen below.

Rumors About The Motive

The texts shown above, which was posted by Reynosa Codigo Rojo on Twitter, show a conversation where an unknown person alleged it involved a member of Mexicles, who goes by the alias “Lalo” and is shown in the photo below. The person in the texts alleged that Lalo is the plaza boss of Juárez and is the “source” of all the chaos going on at the time. 

The message above, which was also posted by Reynosa Codigo Rojo claims the following: 

A man who goes by the alias “Besoloco” had a load of drugs coming in from Villa Ahumada. This location gives us a major clue as to cartel affiliation because Villa Ahumada, a municipality within the state of Chihuahua, is a Linea stronghold and it also functions as Linea’s primary storage location for drug shipments that they intend to smuggle across the US border at points of entry such as Juárez. So, based on the location, it's likely Besoloco works for a cartel group currently working under La Linea. 

The message then stated that Chapitos-associated cartel members (often shortened to Chapiza) had knowledge about the drug shipment Besoloco was having come in from Villa Ahumada, for unclear and unspecified reasons. 

The Chapiza tipped off the National Guard soldiers about their rival’s incoming drug shipment and the soldiers subsequently raided some aspect of the shipment transfer, as well as arresting Besoloco himself. 

The soldiers allegedly handed the detained Besoloco over to the Chapiza members, who proceeded to torture him and then chop off his head - a head which they then placed in a public location along with taunts against Los Mexicles. In retaliation, Mexicles vowed to kill the two Chapiza leaders within Juárez. 

Now, Gente Nueva forces and soldiers from the National Guard are traveling to Juárez from other parts of the state of Chihuahua in order to help defend these two Chapiza leaders who are under threat by Los Mexicles.

Update 2:00 pm CST: A highly reputable source contacted me and alleges that the Lalo referenced in the texts is Jesús Eduardo Soto Rodríguez, a known Mexicles leader who has been making headlines with the group since at least 2020.

He's been jailed for many years however he's been rumored to still run the group from behind bars.

Furthermore, allegations about Lalo leading Mexicles from jail were made recently.

Borderland Beat guest contributor Olegario Fernández covered a September 2021 narco video in which masked men allege that two commanders - “Soto Silva and Leonardo Olivas” - have been allowing Lalo to “operate from CERESO 3, in Juarez, ordering extortions and murders of our people.” 

For more details on the allegations about Lalo and his network of corrupt government personnel, please see this previous story.

Groups in Juarez Sources: El Heraldo de Juárez, La Silla Rota, RadioNet 

The Timeline of Events Sources: Jalisco Rojo, La Voz Del Pueblo, Lety Reporta, El Paso Times, Border Report, El Diario Article 1, Article 2, Article 3, Article 4, ReporteIndigo, Transcript of Morning Press Conference,

Rumors About Motive Sources: Reynosa Código Rojo Tweet 1, Tweet 2

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  1. Nice timeline of events and context.
    Thanks Hearst.

    1. Anytime. :)

      If I get more time, I might research these two Mexicles guys, "Lalo" and "Besoloco", or try to find out who the two Chapiza bosses in Juarez are. Or I might move onto another story.

      If any of you guys have a preference, let me know.

    2. Hearst:
      Much appreciated. Also, reach out to Borderland Beat readers in the El Paso/Juarez area to see if you can get additional information or intel, especially if it's current.
      I'm sure there's a lot of chatter on the ground.

    3. Awesome reporting! Thanks


    5. Salinas is bunk and you should learn how to spell cholo sin barrio

    6. Isn't La Linea the enforcement wing of the Juarez cartel and not a cartel itself? Or hasn't become a cartel itself? Meaning, there are three cartels, Juarez, Linea, and Sinaloa?

    7. @6:38pm my knowledge is that cartel de juarez broke some what a alliance with la línea, one of the reason's narco mantas were place at different locations around Juaritoz a while back blaming local government were under la línea pay roll

    8. La Linea = Juarez Cartel

  2. De corridos a corridos
    Voy a echarles este al ruedo
    No sé ni como empezarlo
    Pa' esa gente de respeto
    Que trae comando de linces
    Y con los nervios de acero.
    Los radios en sus frecuencias
    Claves especializadas
    La raza se encuentra al 100
    Y más esa de Chihuahua
    Esa gente de la línea
    No se raja para nada
    Vale más que estén bien puestos
    No le traten de brincar
    Que está muy bajito el cerco
    Y lo pueden lamentar
    Los chivos están muy bravos
    No los vayan a cornar
    Para controlar la plaza
    No es cuestión de batallar
    Solo se trata de temple
    Y cerebro pa' pensar
    Tener gente con talento
    Y polvos pa' comerciar
    Z-10, dice adelante
    R8 les informan
    Preparen las caravanas
    Vamos a cuidar la zona
    No me gustan los traviesos
    Mucho menos si rezongan
    Ya me voy ya me despido
    Un saludo al compa Chalo
    Le da gracias al 2 letras
    Por haberlo acomodado
    También mando un saludo
    A mi amigo el Z4.

    1. me recuerda al corrido del quitapuercos, fue un buen portal años atras para escribir y leer chismes

  3. Replies
    1. @ Chino ~ No mames güey. Ese vídeo depicta a arabes militantes cómo en iraq o siria 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽

  4. What an amazing article hearst! Mis respetos 🙏

    1. Thank you, Chino! I'm glad you like the story.

      But also, let me know if you see anything wrong or hear anything different. You and Mr. Billy Jean are our resident Chihuahua comment section experts.

    2. El Chino:
      If you can update us all here on the chatter you hear on the ground and in the news, it would be greatly appreciated.

    3. 11:07 the Chinese me like tacos de carne asada, con Chile Verde.

    4. Thanks you guys:) I'll keep trying most of the info I got from locals been mostly from guerrero cuauhtemoc that region. I was in guerrero couple weeks ago it was kind of hot. The Gn got ambushed which resulted 5 criminals detained and days later a body was found with narcomanta. A trafficker was trying to be slick and take a piece of cake without linias permission. I met my girls cousin from yecora sonora and he told me el aguila linea boss is in full controll of that area along with maycoba. All this happened when I was there I saw all the aftermath, I'll tell you. The feeling is alot different then watching videos on borderland beat. If you guys are interesting in reading these events here's links. It's old news now. It seemed basic level of violence for mexico. Which why it didn't make headlines › asi-deja...
      Así dejaron a ejecutado en la plaza de Ciudad Guerrero - La Parada Digital

  5. Pura Gente Nueva y Pura Chapiza chavalones.
    Juarez tiene dueño.
    #JGL #Lachapiza

    1. 701 biggest rats in the game

    2. 11:14 jajajajajajajajajajajajajaja si, Juarez tiene dueño, el propio cartel de Juarez. La GN esta valiendo pito :( nomas les queda el valle, y lo tienen bien culero, nadie los quiere aqui tampoco

  6. "Se le extraña demasiado al general
    En la capital del corrido
    La capital es Culiacán
    Y no está sola porque
    Aquí siguen sus hijos
    Es el jefe, lo es y lo era
    Gira y se para la tierra
    Si Joaquín lo ordena

    Un viernes me pararon en mi carro
    Porque andaba velozmente
    Nos dijeron: Aquí andamos patrullando 24/7
    No se asusten si miran retenes
    Y menos si cargan
    Las gorras de JGL
    Los menores ya se volvieron
    Mayores y lo que les sobra es gente
    Esta vida no viene con instrucciones
    Ni te enseña a ser jefe
    Uno es bravo y el otro es más
    Son dos hermanos, uno es Alfredo
    Y el otro es Iván

    Del culiacanazo no les hablaremos
    Porque no está permitido
    Ese día no lo pintaron de rojo
    Porque soltaron al hijo
    De la montaña llegan los cheques
    Y todos vienen firmados por JGL

    Fue en la Gran Manzana donde
    El mundo presenció el juicio siglo
    Al 701 allá en la sierra
    Lo recuerdan con cariño
    Aquí manda al señor de la tuna
    Así El Chapo esté en Culiacán
    Nueva York o la Luna"

  7. "Para una empresa
    La gente nueva
    Siempre es valiosa
    Valiosa es poco
    Por eso apoya a un poderoso
    Joaquín le llaman
    De los chapos es el más famoso
    Por eso aquí le cantamos su corrido
    Porque de verdad lo tiene merecido.

    Allá en chihuahua ya exterminaron
    Todas las lacras
    Las narco mantas que hallen colgadas
    Son pa’ las ratas y las cabezas que hallen
    Tiradas para que sepan que aquí con la gente nueva no se juega
    Y al que se atraviesa plebes lo revientan.
    Para una empresa
    La gente nueva
    Siempre es valiosa
    Valiosa es poco
    Por eso apoya a un poderoso
    Joaquín le llaman
    De los chapos es el más famoso
    Por eso aquí le cantamos su corrido
    Porque de verdad lo tiene merecido.

    Allá en durango la gente firme
    Pal contrafuego no se me rifan
    Mejor no le busquen ruido al viento
    Pa’ defenderse los plebes traen muy buen armamento
    En campaña no se encuentran los señores si ocupan apoyo lo tienen por cierto.

    Manchado en sangre llego a su puesto
    Dice un corrido allá en sonora r's y números conocidos
    Loera lo son y serán de peligro
    Conviviendo siempre al lado de la muerte
    Entre ellos se navega el señor r5.

    Hay varios jefes que controlan allá en culiacán
    Gente de apoyo que a diario patrullan el lugar
    El dorado terreno sagrado para acampar
    Pistoleros cuidan la zona dorada entre ellos
    Un pantera también un jaguar.

    Son gente nueva siempre el apoyo
    De los guzmán sin mencionar la gente del
    Mayo que al 100 están
    Cuídense perros y no se arrimen pa’ culiacán
    Que aquí sembrando la muerte va la gente
    Vayan escarbando que les va a llegar."

    1. en chihuahua se la estan pelando y si su fuerte era el pendejo de jose noriel quiere decir que andan valiendo verga con sus jefes de plaza

  8. GREAT ARTICLE!! EXCELLENT. I don't even have enough time to finish this article but I wanted to comment before I forget too. I learned a great deal and it clarified a few things I was unsure about. I'm most interested in the smaller groups. Thanks Hearst, brilliant work. Appreciate it

    1. Ms H
      Where's that bullet proof vest level 4, you promised Sol.
      Places are getting torched.
      My Tio Gustavo's combi got torched, he put in money, his dog Perrin smells of burned wood.
      Also it's 96 digress , in Tijuana I can use a big vaso of your Horchanta with ice.
      Stupid criminals the weather is hot and they trying to burn everything.

  9. Looks like Mr. HEARST did its job, and made it clear that CJNG does not operate in Juarez, they have the same alliance Cartel de Juarez had with Los Zetas.

    1. It doesn't matter really - but just for the record, I'm a lady. Also, this isn't my job, we're all unpaid volunteers who just like covering cartel news.

    2. Oh sh*t, im so sorry mrs hearst, had no idea. Thanks for informing people with no $ interest in between, not a common thing now days!

    3. It's Ms. I've never been a Mrs.

      And it's no worries. No apologies needed.

    4. Someday you'll be Mrs. Prendido lol

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. a esos malandros mugrosos nadie los quiere, ni en las plazas que dominan

    2. The blog administrator needs to remove a lot of other comments on this site.

    3. Calm.down Detroit. Censorship never good.

  11. Wow, thank you for such a comprehensive piece of work! I would never have guessed it's as complicated as it seems to be...

  12. This is wrong.
    Most of Los Mexicles and Artists Asesinos or AA along with some Aztecas now work for La Linea under the name Empresa.
    The Aztecas that remained loyal to the Aztecas from El Paso were then called Aztecas vieja Guardia and they were betrayed by Aztecas under the direction of a guy called El 300.
    Most of those Aztecas that betrayed the others of vieja Guardia including El 300 did so under the guidance of La Linea when El Chuyin was the main leader because he despised the Aztecas leadership from the U.S. and these traitors as well as the Mexicles and AA are all mostly born in Juarez or plain Mexico.
    They did so for pride of saying that everything in Juarez/Mexico is controlled by Mexicans and that American gangs where there to cause mostly chaos in Mexico. The Irony will be explained.
    Thursday it is rumored that a La Linea boss's son was decapitated a day or two before Thursday and this boss not being able to catch who did that ordered the Mexicles gang to do all that crap happening then.
    He ordered this gang to first attack enemies inside Cereso prison first around 3:00 pm and to then later on cause chaos int he city of Juarez out of spite or anger over what happened to his son.
    This stupid gang Mexicles made up of mostly Juarez people or Mexicans wanting to make a name for themselves just like the original Aztecas from El Paso and Juarez did during the Juarez/Sinaloa cartel war did carried out these crimes against the Juarez people proudly as if to prove a point that they are just as thought as the Aztecas group was in it's hayday about five and more years ago.
    They only showed how much of asses they really are against their own kind.
    They La Linea Empresa and everyone commiting these crimes were all Mexicans against the Mexican innocent populations. This is the Irony of this for they no longer wanting to work with El Paso/ U.S. born Aztecas because they claim these harm innocent Mexicans and they end up doing the same shit or worse.

    1. I'm listening and I'll do my best to research what you're saying to better understand Juarez.

      The district attorney is the one who said Mexicles were still under CDS but state intelligence can be a bit behind the times.

      I heard a rumor that the severed head was left with the Mexican flag colors painted on it, so I understand why all the rhetoric about American gangs vs Mexicans gangs is especially relevant to what happened on Black Thursday.

      You mentioned that La Linea boss's son was decapitated. When you say that, do you mean a Linea boss's son or the overall boss's son, aka Chuyin's son? Do you have a name or an alias for the guy who was decapitated?


    3. A Linea boss's son. Not aware if Chuyins son or some other boss.
      There was an article about some guys head being found in a park in Juarez somewhere. They even burned it with karosene or something at least a day before this happened.
      Either way they straight out messed up Juarez bad. People are now afraid to go outside. These Mexicles did not prove they were tough. They only proved they could care less about the city and country they so proudly claim to come from by messing with innocent civilians and businesses.

    4. The Mexicles gang might be split also as to some working with La Linea and others working with Sinaloa. Most work for La Linea however.

    5. Linea attacking Zaragoza's businesses? that's contradictory. And Chuyin is not "the boss", hes an important regional leader in Villa Ahumada, which is RELEVANT for the Juarez cartel, a lot of brechas and marihuana plantations, among other interests, since is the bigger municipality in Chihuahua, and the main highway to/from Juarez, not necessarily the little irrelevant town where you get burritos. Gangs can change their minds, they are hired and paid, but they are not the cartel.

    6. 1:41 HEARST: Mexicles were loyal for years to CDS, but recently changed their sides just after Aztecas (los carnales) had internal problems. Mexicles origins comes from US based jail gangs (La Pinta in connection with some prisons in California), initially mostly formed by deported immigrants and gradually rooted in Juarez/some parts of Chihuahua city. Rural / southern places in Chihuahua Gente nueva, and other groups Like el Chueco represents CDS. By the other side chuyin, is just a "jefe de plaza" and far away to be the boss of the Juarez cartel. His son was born/studying in El Paso, I think he was a UTEP student. Personally saw him driving a blue Ford Raptor few years ago, should be now in his early 20's, he also has a sister. Chuyin had few operations in El Paso before his arrest. He was also the owner of lots of legal businesses, properties and cattle in Villa Ahumada, Juarez and El Paso. An emblematic restaurant in Villa Ahumada is one of his properties, "Oscar's". Either any chief of sicarios, or regional bosses are far away to be the boss of the Juarez Cartel. Can be confusing since key figures and loyalties had been changing over the time. CDS still have AA/doblados/artistas asesinos on the payroll, among other small cells/groups gente nueva that mostly operates in an area called "Valle de Juarez" where they are relatively numerous, that territory passed to CDS full control since Gabino Salas Valenciano was killed by Julian Leyzaola when he was the chief of municipal police some years ago. Excuse my not so perfect english.

    7. 2:33 Linea has no loyalty to Zaragoza much less Mexicles.
      Where did you get they attacked Zaragoza anyways?
      They Mexicles attacked OXO stores and a radio personalities as well as pizza places.
      I get my info from the streets, Juarez newspapers and comments in other online sites about Juarez.
      This is how I know Linea controls most Mexicles and AA and some Aztecas under the name Empresa and then some more

    8. Chuyin was the main boss of the cartel before his capture even though today he might remain a so called regional boss.

    9. @3:17
      Very interesting. I see what you're saying about Chuyin not really being the overall leader. But then, can I ask, is there any overall leader?

      And are you making a distinction between La Linea vs Cartel de Juarez vs NCDJ?

      I know historically all three groups were distinct from one another, with Linea at one time being a subgroup of CDJ and such. But in 2022, is there still a real distinction or do the terms all kinda refer to the same larger group?

    10. 3:57 I would described as branches of the same brand, with different functions. And leadership of the Juarez Cartel is much older and rooted than Amado's era.

    11. 3:57 / Dear HEARST:

      What I can tell, for now, is that the key figure that could be considered the main founder of what is known now as Cartel de Juarez, began operating during 1920's, little after mexican revolution ended and the prohibition era began in the US. This did a huge difference on his new expanding business. Expected peace on one side and hunger for alcohol on the other. Based on records I found, could confirm he involved in local politics too, having local authorities on his pocket. He had a long life and lots of heiress to continue his legacy. In the middle of this story other known families joined the venture, that still on the game today. Syncretism and their peculiar power structure allowed them to avoid interruptions, summing that Amado let behind a very complex and profitable platform. They can easily replace a any "chief of Sicarios", by not saying sicarios, halcones, roba-carros and other low profile members. An interesting fact, is that there was an operating "cartel" before this guy, built by Ignacia Jasso, a women in Juarez is the pioneer on how actual cartels operate. After her death, her legacy didnt last long. That's when this guy diversified his legal businesses that still existing today and during the time had been expanding to other countries, including a few in the US, Europe and all the way to South America.

      La Linea is just a branch with certain functions, which is strictly Cartel de Juarez operating branch, by saying something. NCDJ was just a non official name given after things in Juarez returned to "normality" after agreements with CDS / relatively peace were possible. something around 2012-2013 +\-.

      However Cartel de Juarez does not care about official names/figures like "templarios" or "CJNG" have, or they dont point a central figure just like "arellanos", Chapo, Mencho, Z40, etc... just a group of gangsters that avoid public recognition at all costs, something similar on how mafia families in Chicago, New Jersey, Kansas, etc.. operate in now days...

      When it comes to mention a name, a boss of sicarios can be enough, that usually dont really know whos on top of them. When is needed La Linea, La Empresa, or Cartel de Juarez is used, depending on each case.

      And have to point out that Chuyin and people from Villa Ahumada (like Pedro Sanchez Arras that eventually changed sides) were remarkably important for CdJ, since Villa Ahumada is strategic in many ways for them, so they were not necessarily considered disposable or easy to replace members, but far away to be considered the top boss. There are lots of untouchable and unmentionable members on top of a jefe de plaza.

      I think you do an amazing work, I really enjoy reading your articles!

    12. 3:17 Thanks for the insight, brutha. Let me ask you, Who then is the overall leader of The Juarez Cartel? Side note... What really happened to JL? Appreciate the response bro

    13. 7:02 This is mostly a board of directors without a single boss on the organization chart, with various sensitive known names on list.

      JL was a relevant boss of sicarios during the CDS vs CdJ war. He was killed on a shooting after a check point from extinct Policia Federal on Carretera a Casas Grandes" in 2011 (outside Juarez), dont remember very well the exact year. In 2015 PGR/Federal agencies took down the 15 million pesos (750k usd) reward for him.

    14. @6:32 Pedro Sanchez was captured by the military in Villa Ahumada back in 2008. The following day CDS entered the town and killed many people of his.
      He was El Jaguar from Villa Ahumada boss but once captured Jaguar is the one who switched sides to CDS.
      I know people that worked under Pedro Sanchez.
      Villa Ahumada is strategic in that it has about 300 different rural unpaved roads to get to Jaurez and the Valle de Juarez area hence border where the cartel that runs that town can pass more drugs than any other. This is also why El Kiki who was captured on camera dressed in U.S. military attire crossing drugs into the U.S. some two years before the cartel wars was captured by U.S. authorities. To make room for CDS.

    15. 11:26 Pedro sanches se les volteo a la linea, igual que los hnos salas valenciano y muchos otros cabecillas. Por eso perdieron el valle de juarez y al dia de hoy no lo han podido recuperar. Un territorio que jamas perdieron fue Villa Ahumada.

    16. @1:35
      Read this article well written in 2008.
      In the middle of the article it clearly states Pedro Sanchez had "close tied with the cartel run by the Carrilo Fuentes family".
      Yeah La Linea lost the Valle of Juarez but not because this guy had flipped.
      Like I said. I know people that worked for Pedro Snatches.

  13. Great article Hearst.... respetos

  14. So Los Aztecas and Barrio Aztecas are the same thing right?

    1. Barrio Azteca is the original name that began the gang in El Paso TX. They then grew into Juarez after many being Mexican/Juarez born where deported there more than 20 years ago.
      In Juarez they are only called Aztecas but they are the same group.
      Aztecas from El Paso and Juarez are now called Aztecas vieja Guardia in Juarez only and some Aztecas that decided to follow La Linea and betray the Vieja Guardia are now under the name Empresa although some still call themselves Aztecas.

    2. @2:16 estas bien tu información que estas dando, los mexicles son como los paisas en la tuna o más bien en todas las cárceles al rededor de el paso los carnales no clican con paisas y son puras broncas entre ellos yo lo que se que en Juaritoz es o era lo mismo mexicles se daban de topones con los carnales en los cerezos, mexicles es mezcla de paisas de toda la república mexicana como dices "indocumentados" devueltos

    3. Messikins born on the US side or wet backs raised there, often think they are some kind of superior race, one more example is z 40, alias zeta chorrienta and "El Judas de los Zetas".

    4. 11:38 SIR have a very valid point...

  15. Mexico as a whole is a complete disaster. A nation rife with corruption and crime. Nothing will ever change for the better in Mexico. It is a cursed land.

    1. What abou Ecuador which is in a state of emergency because violent gang bombings?

    2. 1:52 OK mr racist, we already know you hate mexico

    3. It's not racism, it's truth.

    4. 1:52 your pinchis nalgas might be confused because of too many ignorant hopes for chayote.

    5. 1:52 truth I admitted too, with obradors government doing minimal, it's going to hell. Now I ask, what is your solution?

    6. 7:24 ok amlo hater.

    7. 11:41
      It's not racism.
      It's not hating.
      It's voicing the truth.
      Have a good day.

    8. 12:32 It just voicing "my truth" and thats a great comment, from your racist point of view. Have a great day, kkk friend.

    9. "im not racist" - every single racist on earth

  16. It's been like 2 years since the mexicles separated from sinaloa and work under la linea,And the Aztecas also separated from la linea and there fighting everyone in juarez and they stayed independent.

  17. La Línea has always intrigued me mostly because of how little is actually known about them yet they straight massacre CDS every time … not like Jaliscas who win some and lose plenty against CDS .. La Línea seems to be the only group to always consistently tears CDS ass, I don’t know of any other group that could say the same.

    1. Those guys love leaving chapos heads on car hoods

    2. Those " Los Linces" from La Linea are highly specialized sicarios. .However they could not protect thier leader "Jose Ledesma El JL " from the wrath of El Señor De La Montaña(#701 #JGL) and the Tier 1 Special Forces of Operators of a Gente Nueva.

    3. they were mostly ex police members. Los Linces found and took the "El Chapo's"/CDS jefe de plaza/brazo derecho in Juarez back in 2005+/-, Oscar Martinez (since he was short, had nick name as El Chapo too). His body was never found. Apparently this started the war in Juarez in 2006. His brother was Marcos later killed in Chihuahua around 2016 outside a gym. Based on what i know, "Los Linces" is now extinct. JL is death too.

    4. Interesting to hear you say Linces are no longer a thing. I remember writing about a story a while ago where an important FGE leader was chasing after a Gente Nueva leader and when they shot up his car, the FGE guy just jumped into another car and kept chasing. The dedication of this FGE guy to catch the guy himself was a little bizarre, reckless, unexplainable.

      Billy Jean said the FGE guys were low key Los Linces, using their job to take out CDS members in Chihuahua.

      I have no idea if it's true, but the explanation has stuck with me.

    5. 2:09 / HEARST:

      Wouldn't take very seriously any official/public opinion declarations from any members of local/estate agencies. They may present old/inaccurate/wrong info, keep in mind they are on the payroll. For ex. some time ago Attorneys General from Chihuahua blamed Rafael Caro Quintero of wanting to control meth market in Juarez, and few other declarations far away from reality, and there are tons of other examples. Today De la Rosa Hickerson (St clauss) is making official to media that Mexicles changed sides from CDS to Juarez cartel, truth is they been like that for nearly 2 years.

      Linces were a powerful cell from Juarez Cartel during CDS war in Juarez (2006-2013+/-). Keeping the same name and members would it make it easily traceable, since they killed mostly relevant figures.

    6. Yeah. There are so many insightful comments on this story that have taught me a lot about just how behind the ball state intelligence (or rather, the intelligence presented in their public statements) can be.

      I don't where all you smart commenters with good information have been hiding before this, but I hope you guys keep showing up and sharing, because I'm listening and learning a lot. I'll use all this in future stories.

    7. Y

      And is great to find good places with updated info and freedom on comments section, being able to discuss and learn openly from others in certain matters, not very common. Hope stays like it is!

  18. So la linea sucks on jaliscas balls too. Lol.

    1. @8:40 is BIG MAD sinaloa get's shitted on every time they run into Linea. Every, single, time.

  19. This punk Lalo will never live to see his child grow up.

  20. Mexico is an even worse shit hole than before.

    Well done AMLO voters.


    1. Watch out for Obrador lawyer he lurks in here, the 2st fuken thing he says Facts. The days you're English is no good. Obrador rating is at 46 percent.

    2. ok amlo haters :)

    3. 11:40 we are starting the facts, not AMLO haters. Is that you lawyer nutthugger? I knew we would wake you up.

    4. 12:27 Then start with mentioning facts, links, info that can be corroborated or discussed, not "nalgas" or middle school language stuff when you run out of ideas, hopefully im not asking too much. ;)

    5. Queso Rancio, remember you used to post a photo of younger General Don Porfirio Diaz with your comments?
      Don't come back with your even more rancid comments.

    6. 11:46 Queso has stepped up in life.
      His Cheese is fresh,keeps it refrigerated , he got a good price for the Red Tacoma, that used to belong to a Young 16 year old, that used to go door to door, selling chickens, unfortunately his life was taken, because he was not paying piso.
      Queso business is growing.

    7. 9:38 I will take 3 kilos of queso from Michoacan.

    8. Very good article.

      Can you cover Northern Sonora bs going on there. There are a lot of people going missing, which alerts us that there’s a shift somewhere by the train tracks in NogSon

  21. This fool looks like an all American white kid. if we didn't know he was Mexican most people would look at his mugshot and say thats a Gringo. Anyway, Juarez is a shitshow , Tijuana the same. Splinters upon splinters. this is why Cds can't have 2 camps, loyalists from both sides will always find a way to fight each other for control. it's either Menores or Mayo. not both


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