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Saturday, August 6, 2022

Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua: Organized Crime Disposes Of A Male Cadaver

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A corpse was thrown among the shrubbery north of Chihuahua 

An executed and handcuffed man appeared north of the city. 

The body was discovered in the bushes on Transformación and Castaño streets. 

He was found manacled and badly beaten. 

La Polaka


  1. Male Cadaver Lives Matter

    1. Cállese el hocico,
      Pendejo Anonimo lives do
      not matter

    2. F off Sir, you are a cyberbully when you're high.

    3. I like cyber security when I am not high too

  2. Just like "Electrolux" in Juarez... "Granjas del Valle" area is one of the spots where they drop bodies in Chihuahua

    1. Thats cool you've pointed this out. There seems to be consistent patterns there. Camino Real is also another area that continously appears. Someone else also mentioned this.

    2. I remember a video back in 2012 where the had a guy in a room getting interrogated. The shocked him, beat em with a bat, kicked em around for a while. If I’m not mistaken it was the attorney generals brother. The found em in a a field somewhere. Juarez cartel definitely knows how to get rid of bodies.

    3. Criminals don't usually execute AND handcuff people...
      police do.
      Unless the criminals ran out of cinnamon duck tape, garbage bags, or cobijas

    4. @SIR

      Oh shit Einstein is back


    5. Sol: Theres also something I forgot to mention, that happened in Chihuahua, not in Juarez. Have a great weekend!

    6. @2:44 that was Chapos people. I think the music playing is the song " le di con el garrote y bien que le gusto..."

    7. @Sol LMFAO 🤣👌🏽😆

    8. Probably cartel safe-houses or warehouses near the electrolux factory

  3. What happens when a person the cops are torturing can't take the beating and dies...? Plenty of people get pulled over in Juarez with a bunch of different illegal items... How often do we hear of a car getting pulled over with a corpse? Especially out in places like the ones mentioned... I had a friend killed and they found his body out in colonia Sierra Vista way way south east Mexico. Way the fuck out south east.

    1. you mean "south east Cd. juarez* "

  4. I wish more people would report on Cd Juarez. seems to me there's a lot that goes unreported in this particular city. back when the spotlight was on because of the sky high murder rate we knew about damn near every victim and their story. nowadays it's rare -even on BB- to see a news article about a multi homicide let alone a single body. this article is a fucking unicorn


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