Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, August 13, 2022

"El Puma" Of CJNG Suspected Of Organizing And Ordering Blockades In Baja California

 "Ivan"for Borderland Beat 

The first suspect of having organized and ordered the narco-blockades yesterday, Friday, in Baja California is Javier Adrián Beltrán Cabrera, according to the first indications received by the intelligence areas integrated in the Coordination Table for Peace and Security, reported the weekly Zeta.

Beltrán Cabrera, also known as "El Javi", "El Pedrito", "El Pit" and "Puma", was imprisoned in 2011 for possession of a weapon and was released.

According to Zeta's publication, Beltran Cabrera is listed as the leader of a criminal cell called "Los Erres" that had served as hitmen for the Sinaloa Cartel, but in 2022 allied with the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG).

"El Puma" was being investigated as the mastermind of multiple murders committed in July and August in eastern Tijuana, but there is no arrest warrant for him.

Zeta reported that in four hours a total of 24 vehicles were set on fire in five of the seven municipalities of Baja California: Mexicali, Tecate, Ensenada, Tijuana and Rosarito.

The units set on fire ranged from passenger trucks, cargo trucks, merchandise, compact cars and pickup trucks.


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  1. Dice jose luis el sargy que son los jaliscos y sinaloa quemando baja California pero eso no tiene sentido de que Sinaloa ayudara a jalisco hacer Desmadre para quitarse el govierno de encima en jalisco. Cada dia es mas descarado el sargy no se como no lo arrestan por encitar la violencia

    1. Lo críticas pero ahí estás de bobo. Te aconsejó que vuelvas a escuchar ese vídeo porque con tú comentario es aparente que no entendiste lo que dijo. Bájale la velocidad al vídeo para que tu cerebro capté y entienda.

    2. @5:32 escribes igual como habla ese chimuelo . Sera que eres el sargy ? No saben dialogar con la gente devolada se van a los insultos. No le puedes decir nada xq nomas el chimuelo esta bien..

    3. @8:18 no te quedes con la duda que sea ese enano marrano. Tiene la maña de ponerse al brinco cuando le llaman la atención por andar cargando el palo con gente equivocada. Bien sabe el estúpido que vino aquí queriendo amenazar a uno de nuestros periodistas. Pero nada de pendejo es. El sabe con quien se va meter y con quien no.

    4. Jose luis lara gracian arrested in oklahoma for domestic violence
      Photo and charges

    5. Son una lacra esa gente de Sinaloa. Tan bonito que era mi Baja California y en especial Mexicali antes de que empezaran a venirse en gran numero con sus guaraches cruzados de mierda y musica horrenda. Animo Chicali y el Valle Imperial.

    6. Así era mi ciudad de Caborca, Sonora, hasta que se empezó a venir la sinoleada y las chapitas con su música ridícula, bolsitas mariconeras y moda ridícula. Todos los chamacos quieren andar vestidos iguales, haciendo las mismas babosadas. La narcocultura es un mal que está pasando factura de manera cruel en nuestras comunidades. Ellos ricos y nosotros cagados, con miedo y saliendo a la calle con el Jesús en la boca.

    7. @sol fuck him lmao.. pinche chimuelo nomas xq habla con gente que anda en la maña se siente cabron.. creo que si es el xq siempre dice esa babosada de pa que tu cerebro capte y entienda

    8. 8:18 y SOL. Nel yo no soy JULG ni tampoco soy un esniper de UDIC. Si veo sus vídeos y por eso le dije al 4:52 que escuchara bien el vídeo de anoche porque lo que el escribe no es lo que dijo Sargy. 🍺

    9. 10:25 bueno, si dices que no eres ese enano cagado pos no lo eres. Jaja. Así que vamos a seguir en la tomada. Todo tranquis amiguis.

    10. 8:35 las viejas son como el duck tape...
      si la vieja no entendió con unos madrazos, es que le faltaron más madrazos, prolly unos pinchis topes contra el tanque del gas...
      ora el que va a entender es el sargy, en la carsel le van a.dejar caer todo el cañon de Big Bertha por el yoyo pa que siga ahi de caliente

    11. 10:58 Pinche Zir siempre sales con tus gay ass comments, para cuando vas a aceptar que te gusta la masacuata?

    12. 11:15 mejor ni le digas nada....ese SIR amenaza con matar a sentones a todos los que lo molestan

    13. 12:39 Se las deja como los nuddles de tanto senton 🤣🤣

    14. 1:47 te quedaron las nalgas bien risueñas.

    15. 8:31 Entonses es sierto! el SIR mata a sentones a sus enemigos lol precautions have to be taken

    16. Al Sir le dicen el mata Riataz

  2. El chapucero va salir con su mamada de que la GN debe ser integrada a las FAM. Cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojos. El poder lo corrompió...

    1. ¿que son las FAM?

    2. Fuerzas Armadas de México

    3. fAM, Fuerza Area Mexicana has been taken over by the mexican army...
      The Navy got the "marinas",
      And SEDENA wants the meat bones of Guarida Nacional that have bee increasing and cooperating with crime wherever they go...fuck'em.
      the people of México need their own Independent Militias in the style of Mao's Red Guards, volunteers without communism or greed or PTSD.

    4. 10:01 Secretaria de la Defensa Nacional, es una de las secretarias del gabinete presidencial que se hace cargo de varias agencias. A esta se agrega la Guardia Nacional, centralizando el mando. En Mexico, hasta el dia de hoy, ninguna milicia se ha rebelado.

    5. Ok SIR, beautiful opinion.

    6. 11:22 SEDENA is all melitary, Guardia Nacional was supposed to take over police functions at a national level, not to engross the SEDENA base of milicos Cienpedos himself declared unqualified for police work, because they do not make arrests, "they kill", said Cienpedos.

    7. 8:00 Es una Secretaria Centralizada. Asi como la Secretaria de Educacion Publica. Cienfuegos iya no se encuentra en funciones desde hace un tiempo, ni para que mencionarlo. La lloran por que "no hace nada" y cuando hace, tampoco les parece... parece que el caso es llorar por lo que sea.

  3. If it wasnt a targeted operation by the military, what was the point of the blockades?

  4. Se me antoja una caguama bien helada.

    1. Con unos tacos al pastor ! Ajuaaaaa!

    2. I will vote for anyone with a name like Barak Caguama.
      Let's start with the most important election issue on everyone's minds.
      Do you support providing free beer at the voting booth?

    3. Detroit we also need a few bottles of liquor in those booths for all the hard-core drinkers out there 😁

    4. Me estoy chingando una ahora mismo mientras eatoy asando una carnita con mis hijos y familia! Chilla pinche chapo🤣🤣

    5. No es lo mismo " saca las birongas detroit" que "saca las birongas por detroit"

    6. 9:45 hahahahahahahaha

    7. 7:55 pm comiendo marucha

    8. 11:27 envidioso, apenas me alcansa para una cagua y una carne asada, pero no me le escondo a nadie

    9. @11:27 aunque fuera una Maruchan tu ídolo El Chomo ni unas semillitas se puede comer sin pedir permiso

    10. 10:33 semillas rancias y saladas a 5 dollars la bolsita.

    11. @747 omg Barak Caguama is an amazing name! Dude has my vote!

  5. Wow Baja is a heaven for grasshoppers! One day ur in a click the next day you are in another one and the next day you can jump to another click and at the end you can come back to your first click! WTF Baja? Now you are gonna be know as the grasshopper state, just like Sinaloa is know as the snitching state

    1. That’s correct !

      Sinaloa= snitches
      Baja Cal= chapulines
      Jalisco= baby killers
      Chihuahua= women killers
      Tamaulipas= Teen recruiters (CDN)
      Durango= Sinaloa crash dummies
      Michoacán= Mariposas monarcas
      Sonora= Sinaloa fanboys

    2. 6:27 🤣🤣🤣🤣 true

    3. Find me one proof of Jalisco killing kids I will wait….

    4. 11:02

    5. You basically listed every state that prides itself on narco culture … it’s too funny 😂

    6. 11:02 every cartel does it, just a moniker, but the only moniker that really sticks like glue is CDS=Snitches, there is just no way around it, i mean dont get me wrong i really like their corridos, but one thing is corridos and another is reality, their corridos are fake AF

    7. Coahuila=tlacuaches

    8. Tamaulipas= immigrant killers

    9. Like i said, they all fit, but cds=snitches, you just cant get around it

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. michoacán= oooootro cartel..!!?

  6. El Commandante Adidas y El Commandante Nike del CDS van por El Puma

    1. What about el comandante under armour or el comandante new balance?

    2. 6:44 que los empinen a todos,
      y su gente a la chingada

  7. Pumas le van a ganar al america

  8. His brother R4? was killed in Mexicali in 2013.

  9. So who got captured

  10. Se quieren sentir chingones empezando incendios, se quieren sentir que ponen al país de cabeza , y cabeza es lo único que les va tocar cuando los atoren .

  11. Seems now when ever a high ranking CJNG member is caught, let's burn down towns of stores, cars. They already kill kidnap, extort.
    Thanks Obrador and his cabinet, this is what happens when no one in authority takes action, just will continue to get worse.

    1. 10:11 no mames, they just flexing, nothing out of the ordenary

    2. 10:11 why don't you go and show your legs to the car burners and distract them???
      AMLO has no time to entertain the troops and even less to waste on sicario wannabes.

    3. 10:11 This is very out of the ordinary for Tijuana its a tourist town. Pay attention tonto.

    4. I have been paying attention, there is kaos in Baja California, Tijuana.
      You Tontos read what is happening.

    5. 9:01

      Damned you right man, my bad.
      News says they are burning cars and van in T.J.

  12. Just got back from Tecate. Yesterday the streets were empty. The military check points everywhere. The was a curfew in place. Friends from Ensenada said it was bad out there. It is the Jaliscos doing this. From Juarez to Tijuana it was bad.

    1. So, in Tijuana, CDS, CJNG and Arellanos are operating?

    2. Many cartels operate there. None have full control.

    3. 11:42 From "JUAREZ" to tJ? I thaught Cjng wasnt in Juarez!?

    4. 11:33 CJNG Does not operate in Juarez. That was done by a CDS cell operating there.

    5. El Negro:
      Thanks for the update. Any further information that you can provide on the current situation would be greatly appreciated.

    6. Everything now seems to be "back to normal" in the city from what my friends have told me. I hope and pray the it does stay this way. It was the first time ever where I thought about going down there.

  13. I think Puma is actually Javi’s brother


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