Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Irimbo, Michoacán: Director Of Public Security Disappears

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Last Sunday, Irimbo's director of public security left for Morelia and communication with him was lost.

The director of public security of the municipality of Irimbo, is wanted by the authorities, according to the official file of the State Attorney General's Office (FGE), disappeared since last Sunday when he left his place of origin in the direction of the state capital but Communication with him has been lost since then.

According to the disappearance file, Jorge Flores Ortega, director of public security in Irimbo, left that municipality around 10:00 a.m. in the direction of the city of Morelia, but never reached the state capital and communication with him was lost. .

Enter: Silvano without a chance for the presidency of 24: Godoy

This Tuesday the disappearance file was released and unofficially, it was revealed that a space group had already.

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I am glad you like Michoacan.
      Viva Michoacan

    2. Maybe years ago they were enemies not no more.

    3. How is Sinaloa their enemy

    4. 1150 well the snitchaloans did what they do best. They snitched on mencha and that's why his ugly ass wife and kids and inbred inlaws are all in jail. The snitchaloans snitched them out and becamed the Michoachangos number 2 enemy.

    5. 12:19 let them snitch all they want, wtf do you care, mother Teresa

    6. 12:19 is not from sinaloa he is from Jonora, he is a Jinaloa wnna be

    7. 949 is a filthy sinarata. He tries to pass off as someone elsewhere so we don’t target his people and point them out. Don’t let this rat deceive you.

    8. @100, 1249 🦧🦧🦧🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the hurt michoachangos wish they knew where my people are from. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    9. 113 Rememer that time I was trying to box you and you said “I will be julio cesar chavez (sinarata) & you can be Canelo (Sangre Michoacana)” You ain’t fooling anyone. We all know sinaratas are the most envious people of Mexico. They are the only ones to really be suspected of hating all dam day on others.

    10. 123 must've been someone else, but think about how retarded you sound. This is how obsessed you are with the Sinalocas that you wanna set up backyard boxing matches in your dusty ass backyard with some dude who verbally humiliates your Michoacaca heritage online.

    11. 139 “Must of been someone else” Ah pinche butterfly boy LMAO😂 You are denying that now. This is how obsessed you are with the Michoacanos, that you have been trolling them since 2015 with the same old bs of “Michoacano worst enemy is another..” Stop being a hater against your fellow Mexican brothers. You need to get your life together man la neta.
      - LOBO MICH -

    12. LMAO oh shit it's LOBA. The guy who hits punching bags cause they don't punch back. Alguno de estos dias una de esas bolsas se va cansar de que le digas sewerrata and it's gonna swing back at you. Until then keep talking shit to your punching bags.

    13. 222 What’s the purpose of hating on Michoacanos ? It’s going to accomplish absolutely nothing. You will always face backlash. Even northern Mexicans have told you to sftu. Go fight whoever picked on you or took your girlfriend. Bruh, Mexicans have plenty other issues worth fighting over. Stop directing hatred at your own people, which ultimately is hatred against yourself.

    14. 2:36 he hates mochoacanos cause in one post somebody said sonara was starting to get like sinaloa(killing and raping women) so he got offended cause he is from Sonara

    15. 236, pero por que lloras Valí. Nobody's hating, all I do is make a comment based on facts. It's not like I'm making shit up, Michoachangos do extort the avocado, lemon and strawberry farmers. Michoachangos are illegally logging their own forest and are endangering the monarch population, there was an article posted on here recently. Michoachangos have destroyed roads, cut off power and communication services to their neighboring towns. They were planting mine bombs and dropping drones with attached explosives on each other. Michoachangos threatened a U.S agriculture inpector and halted the import of avocados into the U.S. it's not like you can say it's the Sinalocas, or the Colima, or the Guanajuatos doing this to them, it's all Michoachangos. I see the issue though, you michoajotos wanna talk shit but when it comes to facts you faggots can't handle. You start crying like pussies, begging Sol to censor my comments. All I'm saying is, If you're gonna talk shit be ready to dish it out. Now back to turning your state into a shithole you 🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧.

    16. 9:26pm This troll has schizophrenia. Ignore him guys. He creates irrelevant threads here. End of discussion.

    17. I love the 15 different dueling ANONYMOUS people, but too whatever to actually create an identifiable moniker or name

    18. 7:13:
      Or it's just one person suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder.

  2. Y do you michcanas always keep our name in ur mouth. We dont even hate on u guys ur not on our level 😂😂😂

    1. Let me see in my magic black bag of tricks.... Michoacan Director of Public Security...what is really his job title, what duties was he supposed to be doing?
      I never here them offering anything of value to fight criminals. Maybe he was more like a messenger delivers papers to city hall.
      Then you have the secretary of Security, Duranzo, who once in a Blue moon, offers a speech of a clownish type.

    2. “our level”

      You lames are weak and not about the battlefield.
      Michoacán is a beast it’s own ball park! Gtfoh!

    3. 10:35 i agree not only michoacanos but no one in mexico is at your level, Snitching level that is 🤣🤣🤣

    4. 1035 You’re absolutely right. Michoacanos are at a level above sinaratas 🐀🧀 because we don’t snitch. We take our prison sentences like real men. Better to get locked up then to snitch on our people. We don’t rape children and kill women.

    5. 1:03 Mazatlan is number one. Facts I want facts.

    6. 212pm Puro Culiacán. Mazatlan vale pito

    7. 1:12 y 2:19 🤣🤣🤣 lla ven, ni entre ustedes se quieren pinches mitoteros

    8. 1:03 PV is way nicer then Mazatlan

    9. 12:25:
      PV is way overpriced. You can still rent nice hotel rooms in older hotels overlooking the old beaches for under $20 in Mazatlan, sometimes with a balcony. The newer hotels north of town can get pricey.
      Everywhere Americans go, everything gets overpriced. Look at Laguna Chapala.

    10. 12:55 if its nicer logically it will be more spencive

    11. 7:45:
      Also Americans are willing to pay more. The house that costs a Mexican $200 per month is rented to Americans for $500 a month and they think they are getting a deal despite paying more than double.
      Mexico is better in the small towns without a lot of tourists.

  3. Mexicans need to realize that self defence groups and the government will not change this situation. They need to call in the help of the most powerful army in the history of mankind(the US military) to destroy the cartels and lock up every corrupt person in Mexico. That is the only solution

    1. Like they did in Somalia or like they did in Afghanistan ?

    2. 11:36 very excellent points you made, but I regret to inform you due to unforeseen events transpiring in Mexico that would be hard to accomplish.
      Mexico sovereign country is a quagmire.
      Its like trying to fix a flat tire, that has 300 holes, you patch it here, you patch it there .
      From reading a lot in here, I have learned that Lopez Obrador is more like a puppet, where is Unknown when I need him. The cartels that pay bribes and the upper brass military run the show.
      Another prime example back then USA offered help during the time Mr.T wanted to call careless terrorists.

      What did puppet master Lopez Obrador say, written by his speech writer....
      We don't need any help from no country, we are a sovereign country.
      Me and you know Mexico is going downhill with all the homicides

    3. At 12:03 I see what you mean, you help the helpless nothing gets done.

    4. 1203, all that you wrote makes no sense. It sounds like ALMO's morning jibberish. Please stop commenting as you expose you're stupidity.

    5. 1136, 1203, 1227 are all the same person. You weirdo.

    6. 12:03 Help from the US means the worst of the worst. They dont help and you still have to pay back. There are TONS of examples.

    7. 12:03 I know Mr T...
      Your cheeto bag of oringe cheeto shit aka Trumpanzee the Unpresidented Disgrace, is NO Mr T.
      I pity you fool!!!

    8. If the secretary is wanted and then he disappears, it could be a voluntary thing too.
      Not everybody disappears because he/ she got kidnapped and there is no reason for the US to e gave in another 20 year long war and lose it...who is going to pay México's loan interests on the foreign debt?
      surely no US chickenhawks or war profiteers, they just only contribute to political campaigns to get Contracts ON America paid on the US Credit Cards

    9. 12:48 there will be no help from the USA because Lopez is forced to say we don't need help ya dig homie.

    10. @12PM When was the last time America lost a conventional war? Saddams government was eliminated, Alqueda backed Taliban was eliminated

    11. Bringing in the US military for a non-military situation is stupid. Militaries are primarily for national defense not for cartels listening to corridos and moving caca.

    12. 12:48 and 12:54 is the same you wierdo.

    13. 1:02,108 and 10:11 are the same wierdo, oh wait my bad 10:11 is not a weirdo

    14. 1:02 your full of beans!

    15. 2:04 Sacudo por no barrer

    16. @12:00 Somalia and Afghanistan right now are safer than Mexico. They dont have these kinds of murders of their own people . They dont extort and kidnap their own people and they dont skin then alive or chop them up alive etc etc

    17. @12:48 The USA has forgiven Mexico's debt in the past. A stable safe Mexico helps everyone. Mexico is now a bigger threat to the world and especially the USA than Islamic terrorism due to its cartels

    18. 1:38 World needs a USA that minds its business and clean its own shit. Dont blame Mexico. Racist b*tch.

    19. 1:36 Somalia and Afghanistan safer than Mexico? Based on what? You think so?...

      Afghanistan is #1, Somalia#5, Mexico#15 -Security threats index Country rankings from GlobalEconomy-

    20. 1:30 sorry i forgot to sign anonymous!!!

  4. 300 words of redundancy used to state 30 word's worth. Here's a good word to learn- 'superflous'.

    1. Yippee today is Wednesday, Pizza day with my buddies. Beer on the house.🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕

    2. Here's a few new words:

    3. Here's a few words...when is the last time you went to Mexico?

    4. 1:53 hey is that you Mr Facts!
      Welcome back nino.!!!

    5. At 1:53 that's not related to the comment, Mr. When is the last time you went to Mexico.

    6. Wow Mr. Facts is in the house or is that Mr When is the last time you went to Mexico?

    7. 2:10 Hes poor AF, loves meth, confederate flags, and owns 15 rifles, but dont expect him to know other places than his shitty little racist town in Alabama.


    1. For reals dude I am getting ready to head down there.

    2. 1:26:
      According to the U.S. State Department's website Nuevo Leon isn't a no go zone. Just the routine heightened awareness advisory. I would go ahead and make a trip to Nuevo Leon if that's your destination. Stay safe and have a good trip.

    3. According to State department memo.
      Don't travel or you will come back with nightmares.

  6. OMG Mexico is Hell.
    I sure won't go there, even if you gave me 1,000 pesos.

    1. 2:00 how you doing Mr mexico is hell? I hope you are having a great day, i know you see me as a killer a rapist and some other shit your last president said cause im a mexican but i still hope you are having a great day😘 habarazos no balazos

    2. I read nothing else than "i hate mexico"

    3. 3:16 your last president was caught fabricating papers, green cards and social security numbers for his latino workers, a few mexicans in the mix...

  7. What kind of food do the fellers in Zacatecas eat?? Anyone I was thinking about making a food vlog but really want organic avocado toast with Russian caviar in Zacatecas

    Okay thanks 👍👍

    1. 4:06 sherap pinche rajón, it is Zacatecas secret viagra...

  8. Mexico sovereign country is one living hell.

    1. Mexicans are uncivilized savages. They can’t even get along with each other 😂

    2. 4:18 You are living a hell, let that meth pipe alone.

    3. 4:35 si verdad, como en USA se llevan muy bien todos 🤣🤣

    4. 4:35 Mexicans are civilized, they dont kill kids inside schools.

    5. 5:50 lol I can't stop laughing, you said Mexico is civilized, that's an understatement, it's a 4th world country, that the current government is letting go down the tubes, citizens are getting slaughtered, yet the government will not allow them to get armed. And here you say Mexico is civilized 😂 lol.

    6. 9:28 lo que pasa cuando eres un ignorante en la materia 🤦‍♂️

    7. 9:28 😆 lol
      Mexico civilized.

    8. @5:50 Mexico civilized 😂😂😂 lol
      You want to see hell
      Go to Mexico

    9. Mexico more like the wild wild west, where anything and everything goes.

    10. 10:09 You are like wild wild west.

    11. 9:29 How cute, Alabama boy hates Mexico.

    12. 9:28 Look! Alabama boy thinks "4th world countries exists" :( Next time finish High School, racist bitch.

    13. 11:52 is this you .,.Mr. Facts? or Mr. When is the last time you been to Mexico?

    14. OMG who said Mexico is civilized??

    15. 1:18 illiterates that invents new terms, like "4th world countries" and weird stuff like that... Let that meth pipe alone and go grab a BicMac. Racism at its best.

    16. 4.18
      Yes queso said Satan of hell lives in Mexico. It's not civilized whatsoever.
      You got cartels running freely killing people at all hours of the day.
      You got kidnapping, torture going on.
      You got youngsters taken away by cartels that need more of them.
      You got a government that is curupt.
      Lawlessness at it's finest.
      That is not a civilized country.

    17. 4:38 See nothing than a RACIST whining he hates Mexico.

    18. 4:18 and who thenfuck is queso to say shit and make it "the truth"???
      He won't even use young General Don Porfirio Diaz' picture anymore.

  9. You want to see hell, you want to see cartels shoot it out, you want to see, heads in ice chests then go to Mexico.

    1. 5:38 USA soldiers had done worse things when at war, so plz stop your hate, usually people who talk that kind of shit about a country as a hole are people who hate them selfs cause they feel worthless and want to put other people down so that they can feel better about them selfs but at the end when you are on your bed at night it hits you! And you realize you aint worth shit

    2. 7:28 this website covers issues at Mexico regarding cartels.
      It does not cover Syria.
      It does not cover Brazil.
      It does not cover Russia.

      It does not cover Germany

    3. Yea 7:28 this site covers mexicos problems!! Wait, theres no 7:28 who am i talking 2? Am i a little slow?

    4. 5:38 you go first Mariquita

    5. 2:24 Sir what you doing up late?
      Go back to sleep.

    6. 1103, Sol no aguanto so he deleted 728's comment to let us know that who runs this site now! And if you don't like it leave, or start your own website! Pew, maaaah, waaaah waaaah. 😠🙄😝 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    7. 11:03 que Menso 😂 ele
      7:28 was deleted por mamonsito.

    8. I guess i am slow, sorry if i mist the 7:28 comment unlike you guys i do have a life and im not 24/7 in this site 🤣


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