Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, August 22, 2022

Lupe Tapia's Son Detained In Culiacán, Sinaloa

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

Security forces report the arrest of a son of Jose Guadalupe Tapia Quintero, Mayo Zambada's operator.

Lupe Tapia

According to the information, he was captured this afternoon in Culiacán.

The detainee is Heibar Josué Tapia Salazar, a relevant generator of violence in the state.

The capture was carried out by elements of the Sedena and the Attorney General's Office, but the location was not specified.

The detainee was taken to the airport and transferred to Mexico City.

While he was being taken to the air terminal, the traffic on the Airport road was closed.

His father, José Guadalupe Tapia Quintero, is considered a lieutenant of Ismael "Mayo" Zambada.

In 2014, Tapia Quintero was included by the Treasury Department on its list of major drug traffickers.

The US action against Tapia Quintero stemmed from his involvement in the trafficking of marijuana, cocaine and methamphetamines for both Zambada and Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

According to US authorities, Tapia Quintero oversees the transportation and purchase of cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamines from Sinaloa to Arizona and California.

He is also in charge of moving methamphetamines for a cell affiliated with Guzman, covering a route from Sinaloa and Baja California to California.

"Derived from the arrests that have been recorded, audios and videos have circulated, mainly on whatsapp, about the presence of armed groups which is totally false, we ask to make a responsible use of 911 and not generate or share false information." -Cristóbal Castañeda  Secretary of Public Security of the State of Sinaloa.

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  1. Hijo de Lupe Tapia detenido en Culiacán..

  2. All you hear about Lupe Tapia is his a high ranking member in the Sinaloa Cartel and key lieutenant for Mayo Zambada. His describe as a very powerful figure in Culiacan and I also remember reading from insightful comments of Borderland Beat that Lupe Tapia was key in getting Mayo Zambada to make a truce with Chapito Isidro.

    1. Lupe & Isidro are compadres

    2. Derivado de las detenciones que se han registrado, han circulado audios y videos, principalmente en whatsapp, sobre la presencia de grupos armados lo cual es totalmente falso, pedimos hacer un uso responsable del 911 y no generar o compartir información falsa.

    3. 11:38 If MZ is CDS. What does Chapitos are?

    4. They're CDS too.

  3. Thank you Ivan for the article. Be easy

  4. Where's the guy who claims the government only goes after CJNG because AMLO doesn't want to ruin his relationship with CDS? 25 drug bust in culiacan in one week and he was saying those were spots given up by the cartels himself. Te digo, you could point at the moon but some people will look at your finger.

    1. 10:46
      Reading articles in here it is evident, that Sinaloa drug labs are getting hit hard. Seldom they are not touching CJNG. Because they love the bribes that come in.

      Sinaloa... Labs getting hit hard. labs getting hit.
      Sinaloa...labs getting hit hard. labs getting hit.

    2. 752 you're an idiot. CJNG set Guadalajara, Guanajuato and TJ on fire because Menchos relative along with 5 other criminals were apprehended in Jalisco. La lineas "El 80" is being extradited, "Huevo Treviño" was captured a few months back, and let's not forget about the CDS guy who was captured while baptizing his kid, but you guys wanna sit here and talk about AMLO is picking and choosing sides. That's a pretty broad spectrum of criminals, but whatever. You guys seem to have all the inside scoop regardless of the facts.

    3. 851 you a dork man.

    4. People on a blog about Mexican drug organizations tend to know stuff about Mexican drug organizations. Surprising right, 1:00?

    5. 100 I forgot to mention RCQ, but whatever. Prove me otherwise.

    6. 851 your full of it.

    7. 8:51 is that you secret management?

  5. Do you all think ALMO knows about these operations before they happen or Sedena tells him after the operation?

    1. I think AMLO let's the military pretty much run their operations. If you watch his morning press conference it's usually his generals or National security team who address the majority of the journalist questions. He chimes in here and there but mostly focuses on national projects.

    2. The president is just for show. He’s not really fully in charge so no need to notify him anyways.

    3. 240 well to be fair, it's a balance of power. So yes, he's not fully in charge.

    4. Of course hes not in charge of everything, there is something called division of powers and presidential cabinet, with specialists on every area, with studies, experience of each secretary, such as education, energy, defense, health, etc... You can check the public the profile of each secretary, for the first time in decades, they are specialists on the areas they command. Compared to the previous cabinets, they were just there in areas with nothing in common with their experience/studies.

    5. 1217, I think 240 is the guy who tries yo pass off his opinions as facts.

    6. Igual o peor está el cagadero en el país

  6. all this commotion in Culichi town reminds me of some bad hombres keeping a low profile. like El Guano for example. what the fuck happened to that guy

  7. Vicente zambada snitching again

    1. It's ok to snitch wtf you care 4:35

    2. 4:35 thats no news they always do, reazon why they are called the Snitching Cartel, where you have to be a proven snitch to join them

    3. 5:37 let them snitch what the care.

    4. 8:31 ok you caring guy, how much do you care if i care what they care?🤣

  8. It’s safe to say that war is coming to Sinaloa it’s really bout to be on between MZ people and Chapitos it’s gona be a full out war like what happened when BLO FEDRACION WAR..only thing is who’s side is AMLO Going to be on

    1. War between Mayo and Chapitos seems to have slowed.

    2. There hasn’t been a war just skirmishes beef among certain sun groups but never a declaration on MZ vs la chapista a war is when no one is safe all families being pulled out from Sinaloa that hasn’t happened just look at all the labs and cargo being confiscated they both ratting each other out but not full out war yet but it’s coming

    3. Esos on chimes del marrano de el sargy empezando chimes para quitarle la ATENCION a los jaliscos

  9. It was the time year he gotta give up a other one Damnnn 🐀

  10. Pinches sinaloenses valen pura verga

    El de Los Dos Laredos

    1. Deja te sobo el culo ardido

    2. 7:59 no mames, esos gueyes ni eso valen

  11. Golpe muy duro al Sombrero & Co. tanto estructural como financieramente

  12. I don’t understand why people like to work for a cartel. As soon as you start you already have a date that the big boss is going to turn you in.

    1. They dont like it, most of them have to.

    2. 11:56 it is not about liking it,
      it is they get drafted and have no choice but their family will pay for any insurrection.

  13. Quien negar que sea su hijo si tienen la misma nariz de a gramo👃

  14. Never understood how these guys let themselves get arrested. I would have a 9mm pistol within arms length of me at all times with probably an extra bullet for myself…

    1. They're CDS, they'll snitch their way out🐁💯

  15. Let the snitching begain, i bet 1,000 bucks that this guy is gonna start a snitching fest! Who wants to bet? Any snitchloas want to take my bet?

    1. It's fine let them snitch WTF you care.

    2. 8:30 WTF do you care if he cares?

    3. 8:30 do you CARE to take my bet? $1,000 bucks could be yours if your boy keeps his mouth shut, 99% chance he will snitch, you still have that 1% chance he wont

    4. 9:33 let them snitch wtf do you care!!

    5. 8:20 Soooo are you gonna take my bet or not? No me digas que tambien eres igual de miedoso que tus paisanos los snitchloas? Al ultimo que se puede esperar de un sinaloa

  16. Mayo probably gave him up like M1

  17. It seems like his dad is the big fish. If this guy is not wanted by the US he will be released after paying a bribe.


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