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Sunday, August 28, 2022

Narco Blockade & Police Station Shooting in San Luis Potosi After Arrest of "El Kave"

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

The car fire occurred as a result of the arrest of "El Kave."

After the capture of a criminal leader known as "El Kave," members of a criminal group shot up the facilities of the Municipal Command of Soledad and, in addition, set fire to a gray Chevy-type car in Rancho Pavón on Avenida del Valle and Plaza de La Fumarola in the municipality of Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, San Luis Potosí. Firefighters arrived at the scene and managed to douse the flames. The men who set the car on fire managed to flee. 

"El Kave" is related to high-impact crimes in San Luis Potosí, such as vehicle theft and intentional homicide. It is presumed that he is linked to a criminal group that operates in the central area of ​​the state.

In the official statement, the State Civil Guard and the Municipal Police of Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, detailed that the coordinated work allowed the apprehension of the alleged criminal.

“In an effective coordination between agents of the State Civil Guard and the Municipal Police of Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, the arrest of an alleged criminal target was achieved in the Rancho Pavón neighborhood, this Sunday afternoon.”

Along with the arrest of "El Kave" in the capital of Potosí, in the municipality of Cerritos, elements of the State Civil Guard were ambushed and when they repelled the attack, they killed two of the gunmen.



  2. A cartel criminal gets arrested, let's do a blockade and shoot at the police.
    At a civilized law and order country, that would not happen. But Mexico being a 3 world country, anything and everything goes.

    1. It's considered a "third world country" because it refuses to allign with NATO despite its economy being one of the strongest in the world, always hovering at or around 15 in the world out over 200 economies.

    2. 90 percent organized crime is not an economy.

    3. Its so strong because of the drug money, same in italy and back in the days in miami, not of it’s Economy.
      And the US is pretty good fucked up right now. If you guys dont allign again and get rid of the crazy far left and far right people you will no only lick the chinese asses but also indian asses. And we dont want this to happen. Right?

    4. 8:34 is an organized crime member on cuatro patas who refuses to accept that México does not get involved on interventions or wars of conquest anywhere in the world, a diplomatic concept violated by FECAL and EPN like no other president, it used to be Méxican crooked politrickos sent military attaches to the anti-insurgency courses in fort Bragg or their Schools of the Americas to come back and murder and terrorize, kidnap and murder mexicans after turning them at first sight into comunistas...
      General Cienpedos who was the son of a street vendor of gelatinas also took courses in soy bean farming,.guess he learned that carcasses like the Ayotzinapos' make great fertilizer, carcasses sure made for great corn crops ni North Korea...

    5. Mexico sovereign country, where anything goes.
      The Wild Wild West.

    6. 8:47
      Mexico sovereign country does not need Nato whatsoever. They are not in danger from another country.
      Ukraine does need to apply with Nato they are currently in Danger of Russia.

    7. 9:17 Nobody ever said that the economy is 90% crime. Your opinion is not a fact.

    8. 9:30AM
      That's an opinion not fact. Anyways, your opinion is false.

    9. 10:25 Correct but that's actually one of the reasons it's considered third world.

  3. El kave…..kave en la carcel! Jajajaja

  4. What cartel is he with?? Los Alemanes??


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