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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

They Lifeless Body Of Journalist Juan Arjón López Found

"Mica/DrivingMSSQL" for BorderlandBeat.

The body of Juan Arjón López, the 14th journalist to be killed in Mexico in 2022, was identified by tattoos in the border city of San Luis Río Colorado.

Prosecutors in the northern border state of Sonora said on Tuesday that tattoos on a body found in the border city of San Luis Río Colorado matched those of journalist Juan Arjón López.

San Luis is across the border from Yuma, Arizona, and has long been known for medical and dentistry offices catering to Americans. But the area has been hit by drug cartel violence in recent years.

In March, volunteer searchers found 11 bodies in clandestine burial pits in a stretch of desert near a garbage dump in San Luis.

State Officials: "We have just learned that the finding indeed coincides in the lifeless person with some of the tattoos that we had documented of the journalist," said the Sonora Prosecutor, Indira Contreras.

At the beginning of August, a journalist was among four people killed inside a beer shop in the central Mexico state of Guanajuato.

Authorities said it was unknown whether that attack was related to the journalist’s work, his role as a representative of local businesses in the planning of an upcoming fair, or something else.

While organized crime is often involved in journalist killings, small-town officials or politicians with political or criminal motivations are often suspects as well. 

Mexico is considered the most dangerous country for reporters outside a war zone.

The Guardian


  1. México always showing its incompetence and indifference. How could he have been born in 1996 when he was 62 years old?
    Ya ni la chingan

    1. they might have been told to make that typo mistake on purpose.

    2. He had a disease which made him look older, plus all the hard living.

    3. Y tu que te la crees. If you know it's wrong just take it for what it is. A mistake. Get over. Keep reading. Move on.

    4. Sometimes people will elaborate on certain mistakes. Especially if they could be made purposely to get someone else’s attention and many more.

    5. 6:50 y por eso seguimos en la mediocridad

    6. 5:36 ok racist that hates Mexico.

    7. 7:38 No porque se les cae la matriz a un par de güeyes se le cae nada a todo México...

    8. 7:40 soy Méxicano de nacimiento y hasta la muerte, tu comentario de que soy racista nada que ver. Este boletín es del gobierno del estado y debe ser lo más profesional posible, cuántos empleados lo miraron o revisaron antes de publicarlo? Será que les vale madre pero pues siempre hay que mantener las apariencias aunque nos este llevando la chingada? Cuando se acostumbra y acepta la mediocridad vamos a seguir en el mismo mierdero en qué ya estamos.

    9. 8:41 Entonces no escupas para arriba, mexicano. Y hablaras por ti, mediocre. No llore niña, te vas a correr tu maquillaje.

    10. 7:44/10:03 Primero soy racista que odia México😆. Ya que la cagaste que más te queda escribir.

    11. 841 valgame dios. Que delicado. Dejate de payasadas pinche lloron. Fue un error, no es pa tanto guey.

    12. 5:37
      Thanks for your input, of one typo we are suspending our vollenteer, for one week. I am more than happy to refund your subscription.

    13. 8:41 pues escribes como si odiaras a tu propio pais, y lloras como muchachita adolescente.

  2. Now they are killing journalust grandpas in sonora? Man sonora keep sinking lower and lower by the day, pretty soon they are gonna be another sinaloa

    1. It's The Wild Wild West anything and everything goes in Mexico.

    2. Wild Wild West where they keep sending drugs to the USA so they can keep their addiction on

    3. Yeah it’s the U.S. fault these pussy cartels kill women, children and old men. Lol. Look at your own government first before blaming los estados unidos puto. U.S. got problems no doubt but we ain’t baby killers. Women killers or Viejo killers.

    4. Oh yes it's the UD fault the weather is hot. It's the US fault migrants come to USA. Also Mr quick blamer don't forget the millions in yearly aid US sends to Mexico.

    5. Uhh as a gringo who values my safety I’d rather go to Sinaloa than Sonora any day… At least Sinaloa you can still visit.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. @6.40 The ''millions in yearly aid that the US sends to Mexico''? You mean the US and Mexico arranged a trade deal that leaves the US with surplus Billions, of which a few million gets funnelled back in aid for political reasons, and to protect investments? You make it sound like generosity. And too many fleeing North, with no choice, have been forced to leave the land they hoped to die on by US policy on the ground in their country. The US knows the humanitarian consequence, but they do it anyway, and then cynics exploit it. It might be true that the US is always easy to blame, but sometimes it is for a good reason.

  3. Mexico doesn't seem to be outside of a war zone to me. Seems alot like one, just run a bit differently.

  4. It is not across from pinche yuma it across from San Luis Arizona.

    1. Jajaja. Es el pinche caloron. Gadsden, Somerton puro 95

  5. That's chickenshit to kill that old man especially if he was just doin his job as a reporter ... But if he was involved somehow then it is what it is

    1. ''Involved somehow''? Fuck off with that, it would still be chickenshit. I hate these comments that say ''RIP''... Unless...

    2. 11:13 Chickenshit is about God and Country and the 'Constipation...'
      don't confuse it with Bullshit

  6. This is sickening. Bearing in mind things have gotten far worse since the 2011 Allende massacre I think the only solution is US military intervention to destroy the drug cartels and remove the government . Followed by mass trials of anyone who was corrupt or colluded with the narco gangs or is part of them. Something like the German Nuremberg trials. And then free and fair elections with all candidates vetted for any corruption or narco links including lie detectors. The rot in Mexican society is that deep. Unfortunately this will never happen so Mexico will just plunge deeper into anarchy and murderous tyranny by a narco government and the cartels and gangs. A huge tragedy to watch a society rotten to its core destroying the lives of so many innocents in Mexico and abroad

    1. You can thank sovereign country Elmo for that.

    2. 4:51 You are sickening, whats this propaganda with no source? other than your opinion... Worst than Allende massacre?, not even close... And intervention is not welcomed nor useful. Do your part on your part of the border. Have a wonderful Mrs. Bible belt. By the way, mentioning Nuremberg on this, makes me think you are a Racist piece of sh*t.

    3. 10:42 common do you really have to defame people in here making comments? Behave please.

    4. 11:11 oh, poor defamed nazi :(

    5. 4:51 needs help to wipe his ass and it's gotta be from the US...
      No pinchis names güey!!!

    6. You really have no clue about the things you named. Barely left your state and never left your country but telling other people how things go.

  7. @ 11.11. Better to defame a single bigoted fool than an entire country. ''A society rotten to it's core?'' Besides that the stupidity is eye watering. US military intervention? (good luck with that btw) Lie detectors? Mass trials? 10.42 was bang on. This bullshit needs to be called out.

  8. how many is that this year?? I think Mexico just set a record for journalists KIA. Mexico is a total Narco state despite Amlo viejo pendejo saying otherwise. Anyone who believes Amlo's rhetoric needs to be thrown in a mental institution


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