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Saturday, September 17, 2022

18 Attorneys General Want Fentanyl Declared A Weapon Of Mass Destruction

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

To help combat the opioid epidemic, 18 Attorneys General nationwide are calling on the Biden administration to label the deadly drug fentanyl “a weapon of mass destruction.”

In a signed letter, the bipartisan and multistate effort led by Florida AG Ashley Moody and Connecticut AG William Tong asks President Biden to declare fentanyl a WMD to “help abate or at least slow the crisis’s trajectory while also protecting Americans from a mass casualty event from” the drug.

“As attorneys general of our respective states, we are deeply involved in the fight to end the national opioid crisis,” the letter opens. It lays out the fact that the opioid crisis has been a “static” issue, but one that “has evolved over time from prescription opioids to heroin to synthetic opioids, namely fentanyl.”

The letter uses the record number of fentanyl seizures in fiscal year 2022 and the historic number of fentanyl deaths in the U.S. as proof that the epidemic is creating a national problem of epic proportions. “Enough fentanyl has been seized in the last year to kill every man, woman, and child in the United States several times over,” the letter says.

The prevalent nature of fentanyl in the U.S. makes the attorneys general believe that this is not an accidental tragedy, but “either purposeful conspiracy to murder Americans or an effort to stockpile a dangerous chemical weapon.”

“Designating fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction would require the Department of Homeland Security and the DEA to coordinate with other agencies or parts of agencies, including the Department of Defense, about fentanyl,” the AGs say.

“Thinking about curbing the problem in different, new ways may disrupt what the foreign companies and drug cartels involved are doing or at least make it more expensive or difficult.”

The AGs argue that the inexpensive nature to create and smuggle the deadly drug could make it appealing to a bad actor who wishes to use it against the American people. The letter acknowledges that declaring fentanyl a WMD is unorthodox, but says that the amount of Americans being killed by the deadly synthetic opioid is a cause for the unprecedented move.

“Treating this solely as a narcotics control problem has failed to curb the proliferation of increasing quantities of chemicals that can cause a mass casualty event,” the letter states. “We must not sit idly by until a terrorist chooses to inflict harm using this substance on a large group of Americans — our countrymen are already dying from this poison.”

Florida AG Moody also took to Twitter to explain her decision, saying “Fentanyl is a major public safety threat and @JoeBiden must declare the illicit drug a weapon of mass destruction NOW.”

This is not the first time Moody reached out to the president regarding fentanyl, and not even the first time she asked the drug be declared a WMD. On July 18 of this year, Moody wrote a letter to President Biden asking for the same declaration.

This declaration has also been weighed by the government for at least a few years. Back in 2019, the publication Task & Purpose acquired an internal DHS memo in which officials were debating whether or not to classify fentanyl as a WMD.

According to reports on the matter, the memo said that the drug’s “high toxicity and increasing availability are attractive to threat actors seeking non-conventional materials for a chemical weapons attack.”

The Biden White House has previously prioritized funding and resources to fight back against the influx of the deadly drug, but it seems to have barely made a dent in the issue.

In light of the flow of drugs spilling over the border, the White House haa also come under scrutiny for its recent remarks about the border being “secure” despite record numbers of border crossings and fentanyl seizures.

White House spokesperson, has become increasingly more defensive of Biden’s responsibility at the border. Some of those exchanges can be seen below:

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  1. 100% supporting this enough of are kids dying. Time for some special operations to pick of some people for some special treatment!!!

    1. Wonder what drug will replace its market.

    2. 2:47 Replace it with pharmaceutical Heroin made by the government

    3. 826 it's already been done.its called oxycontin. Remember? Rush Limbaugh ripped off his cleaning lady to but it.
      Your kids are dying because of you. The me me me generation. A giant void left is being filled with dope. Couldn't possibly be a narcissist's fault. Go play golf already.

    4. Are you saying that it's time to eliminate the Sacklers?

    5. 2:23 and the US Legislators who pushed and lobbied to pass the legislation after their opioid lobbyists paid them for their help...orrin hatch is one of them.

    6. Breaking news from the US department of health.

      Driving an automobile is a known weapon of mass destruction.

      Also consistently breathing oxygen for 30 plus years is proven to cause natural death due to lung failure.

      Be careful republicans, these rapists are importing cars and are planting oxygen creating trees! I demand trump 2024!

  2. Interesting, I just mentioned that a cop just told me that during a confidential briefing for higher ups in Florida law officials, they were told that very soon fentanyl was going to be deemed a weapon of mass destruction, and that Biden is signing on. Who knows what this will mean, or if it will change anything. It's the leading cause of death for 20 to 44 year olds, so it makes sense, and the leading cause of death in 36 States?? These are just random stats that are out there, don't shoot the messenger, in this case the messenger would be Google

    1. 7:49 awesome to hear hopefully we follow suit and do the same up here in Canada. We have buried enough of are children.

    2. I don't understand what this would accomplish?

      I'm all for tougher drug enforcement, but this sounds stupid. What good does it do to put fentanyl in the same category as nuclear missiles or bioweapons that could end civilization?

      To me it cheapens the term WMD. Fentanyl is pretty damn bad, but it's not going to end the world.

    3. Biden is a joke he's owned by China and I doubt he has the balls to say anything to China regarding this topic.
      Will he be like the rest of Americans and blame Mexico for fentynil made in China?
      I guarantee 💯

    4. 9:18 your so funny lol Biden is owned by China, your the joke.

    5. 9:06 Your comment seems like a weird strawman. Why would weapons of mass destruction only apply to things which can destroy the entire world? As long as it causes mass harm or “destruction” then it should be deemed as such which fentanyl obviously is.

    6. Just like they said Trump was owned by Russia. Presidents are just puppet leader that US voters think can change the country for the better. The mayority of congress is owned by Big Corporations & above that the elites. That makes the president just a puppet

    7. 09:06 it would mean that the US Military fights cartels as terrorists killing Americans deliberately with chemical weapons of mass destruction

      It means the CIA will kill everybody and then go out for drinks and a steak, dancing around their banana plantations

      It means the DEA can’t pretend to bust FBI agents buying fentanyl for their informants to peddle on the street corners in exchange for intelligence on dangerous rival dealers who sell fentanyl too

      It means the DHS can arrest DoJ confidential informants for trafficking dope committing treason and killing American citizens

  3. Fentynil crisis is finally waking up many in Congress,
    I remember reading The Biden Admistration, wants Lopez Obrador to stop the flow of Fent drugs coming to USA, he has done some, having Sinaloa Cartel Drug labs busted, but not going for the other cartels that also produce Fent.

    1. He's a puppet for the cartels. they control AMLO and the entire government. everyone is pocketing from the same dirty drug money pile, if AMLO goes against the status quo he might as well commit suicide.

  4. There has to be some sort of governmental power or funding that gets "unlocked" for addressing weapons of mass destruction. I just can't figure out what exactly.

    A December 2019 paper by the Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction concluded that there were no benefits to designating it for the Department of Defense.

    But it was unclear if the same went for the Department of Homeland Security
    or other domestic U.S. agencies.

    That's all I can find so far. Do any of you guys know?

    1. On sentencing guidelines there is a benefit classifying fentanyl as it versus narcotics. It allows a judge to give a life sentence or death penalty if a death resulted from its use. So a dealer or trafficker with a few grams of fentanyl could get life in prison versus a few years.

      Resource wise, the WMDT Office could then get involved and might allow cartels to be designated as terrorist groups.

      Might allow for harsher sanctions especially regarding the precursor chemicals for it coming from China.

      Russia's use of fentanyl during the Moscow theater hostages/Chechen terrorists does prove its capability to be used as a WMD.

    2. Another complication is that fentanyl is used frequently in end of Life Care when there are no other options for pain control. As somebody who has worked with hospice and has seen patients writhing in pain with Percocet morphine and God knows what else fentanyl is the only thing that will help at that point. So that's another complication to say the least in declaring it WMD. This is going to be interesting, whatever course it takes. Actually it'll be Beyond interesting it's probably going to be a convoluted mess in all honesty

    3. 10:08 Just because fentanyl is used in medicine does not make the weapon of mass destruction designation “more complicated”. When you have full grams of raw fentanyl powder it’s basically a weapon.

    4. Then they might as well do the same to china. But they won’t cause nobody wants a war with 1 billion inhabitants

  5. Too late as the corrupt, defacto bankrupt, drug addicted empire swirls the toilet tube! Fire and brimstone coming soon to your hood!

  6. time for armed intervention and regime change. The Mexican narco government and its cartels are the largest threat to the US and the west on the planet. a bigger threat than Russia or Islamic terrorism

    1. Then don’t complain of refugees coming in

  7. If they do declare it WMD the chapitos opperations are gonna suffer in about 80% thats all they traffic, they are gonna have to pick up and raise their extorcion fees on local bussiness

    1. shit gonna hit the fan if they go too far

  8. 100% wmd ..... poison !!!

  9. If this doesn’t convince MZ or some large faction of the Sinaloa Cartel to stop trafficking fentanyl then nothing will. I can’t believe CDS even deals with something that brings so much heat. It’s very unlike them imo. Yes profit margins are huge but if you just focused on coke, meth and heroin you would have more than enough profit and little heat on you compared to organizations who work with fentanyl. I can’t imagine the crackdown on poppy farming is that hardcore of these days so I don’t think much of the arguments for abandoning heroin even hold up.

    1. 12:46 ummmm mayos a murderous drug lord

    2. You're assuming that Cds are the good guys but they are just as bad as Cjng, Carteles unidos, Zetas. you just don't hear about it because in Sinaloa and Durango, any kind of reporting (official or indie) is considered a death sentence. take the state of Durango for example (Cds controlled), can you name one plaza boss from any of the dozens of towns in Durango?? in Michoacan the bosses of all the major areas are well documented and reported on, in Durango and sinaloa they're ghosts

    3. 8:29 What even is your point? You obviously are gonna have to be murdering some folks if you’re gonna be the most powerful drug lord. Our political leaders are also “murderers”

    4. 12:19 Ok except that they aren’t as bad as CJNG. That’s literally not even debatable and when did I say CDS were good? Read the comment again loser. I said it’s unlike them and very unstrategic for them to be working with fentanyl so heavily given their reputation.

  10. Nancy, the greatest stock picker in America, trip to Taiwan increased the asymmetrical war China is waging against America. XI cancelled all joint anti-drug co-operation with America! The declining, or collapsing empire, cannot halt the flow of fentanyl or any other drug! Of course, Mexico still believes in reconquista, the return of its northern territories conquered by America! So, Mexico, too, is waging an asymmetrical war against America!

    1. Today I washed my car, it was stained with a lot of bird poop drippings.

    2. Hey bitternuts trump is going to prison.he lost the piece of work haha. Wanna talk about mar a Lago and national security.
      Nancy has the balls to confront china directly and that makes you chumpers look as weak as you are.the only big nuts you know are smacking your chin 24/7.

    3. 1:45 a Nancy se la pelas...

  11. The cartel's packtrain depends on the lowest level mules on both sides of the border. Get these mules in prison, and clean, and send a message to other mules that no more hand-slaps.
    Send those mother fuckers to build reservoirs, bridges, re-forestation, etc in the boondocks where they can focus without prison's normal distractions. Enuff coddling of these reapers of misery. Yeah, waste of resources to work w these wastes of human beings, but we waste alot more on alot less worthwhile things.

  12. What would designating fentanyl as WMD do?.There are more money addicts than drug addicts.They will try to make money,through fentanyl or any other drugs or way.Legalize drugs and let them have access to cleaner drugs,all of them are already there in the first place.Copy the pharmaceutical industry.

  13. WMD? Hmm is it 2002 again? Look how that bullshit ended. Lies lies and more lies. The lamp has fallen over and 100 million idiots are burning mad. Confusion, excuse.entonce matalo.

    1. You know what’s funny is that I didn’t even find out till recently that “weapons of mass destruction” is actually a real term. I thought that was always the joke, that it’s like not a real term and is actually kind of awkwardly worded.

  14. People wonder what this designation will do. Here's what it will do. Under international law, it frees up the entire U.S. military, the U.S. Marines, and any and all forces from ANY country to go anywhere at any time to take out drug labs and to kill anyone in or around those labs without questions. It will designate organizations running those labs to be I.T.O.'s International Terrorist Organizations like ISIS or the Taliban. Any Memers believed to be part of these organizations will be placed on a no-fly list & their passports will be voided. They can also be captured and taken to military bases for interrogation. They will not be taken to a jail.

    The last known believed location of WMD lead to the first Iraq War. The designation means no more silly games and court cases. It means "kill on site" by any means necessary. Air strikes, bombings, and military offenses. It also means military occupation anywhere at any time.

    Drug cartels will no longer be able to hide behind corrupt government officials or offices. They will be treated just like ISIS. Also, Biden does not have to sign off. The U.S. congress can sign off.

    The end of the cartels and their ability to hide behind corrupt officials could be very close. As strong as Sinaloa is and as strong as CJNG is, or any others, they are no match for 10,000 U.S. Marines.

    Americans are losing 100,000 kids a year from fentanyl.

    NEVER in the history of the world has a country allowed a neighboring rogue country to kill off its children w/out consequence. You will see U.S. military bases in Mexico and perhaps other countries as well. They will occupy many areas and maintain public safety.

    1. Fentanyl is killing off people who are hopeless addicts...literally 🧟‍♀️ zombies.... a drag on society. I ha e little compassion for people who choose to go on Fentanyl suicide trips.
      MOst Fentanyl addicts chose to become antisocial minions years before they got hooked on this killer drug.
      You got smart ass brats who love booze, pot, meth, opiates, ...then, Fentanyl awaits them...after that the morgue.
      The hedonistic , amoral lifestyle of many youths puts them in the pipeline for eventual happy suicide by Fentanyl.

    2. 03:12 precisely and thanks for the eloquent explanation for us

    3. Mexico won't allow the Us military to go in Mexico.And if they start bombing and killing people it would be a mess all around.

  15. You want to severely cripple the cartels? Park a US NAVY destroyer between Mexico and China and sink any cargo ship that refuses to let you board and inspect it.

    1. 10:45 you can hire all the inspectors in the world and still can not inspect all the containers ON LAND before or after unloading cargo ships, and you want one pinchi destroyer to inspect container ships on high seas, be sure the destroyer will have a few drugs for personal use of the sailors.


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