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Sunday, September 18, 2022

20 Bags With Human Remains Found In Tlajomulco, Jalisco, Grave

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

The search work by the Prosecutor's Office will continue in the next few days at the site.

Román Ortega | El Occidental

Members of the Search Mothers Collectives of Jalisco and Sonora located 20 bags with human remains in a clandestine grave located in the municipality of Tlajomulco de Zúñiga.

Cecilia Flores, founder of the Sonora collective, informed that the discovery occurred in a property known as La Piedrera, in the vicinity of the Arvento subdivision.

"There are more than 20 bags, but many were buried. We don't know how many bodies are involved, but we were able to see six skulls among the bags," he said.

He added that the search work by the Prosecutor's Office will continue in the coming days at the site.

He indicated that they found the place by means of an anonymous complaint that arrived to their social networks in which they were told that there were human remains in that place.


  1. These are the same people glorified in corridos that everyone listens to and narco soap operas like Cholo and el Dragon, la reina del sur, Lord of the skies etc. Sick

    1. Been going on for thousands of years. Why do humans think Gladiators are cool ? Cuz killing your enemies, conquering and being an absolute savage is awesome

    2. ^ human nature.

  2. Those gentlemen from Grupo Elite dont be playing around.

    1. 12:55 those gentleman from grupo elite can't even handle csrl lol

    2. 8:49 I am sure CJNG can handle 7 dudes 2 chicks and a Nissan altima

    3. 8:49 🤦‍♂️ No mames si no has puesto atencion grupo elite lla ni se preocupan por guanajuato, lla los que se estan matando son ex marros vs los pocos marros que quedan 😂😂

  3. Los restos de las Sinalocas que quisieron ponerse a las patadas contra sanzon

    1. Exterminando las menchas en Jalisco. Corren pal sur de jalisco con la gente corriente de la villa

    2. 3:50 Esa ni tu te la crees 🐁🐁

  4. Again in this place. Can you tag or hyperlink all of Tlajomulco grave sites you’ve reported on?

  5. Pura gente del chapo lol

    1. 8:38 y si🤣🤣🤣

    2. Jaliska governor enrique alfaro and others before him have been mayors of Tlajomulco right next to Guadalajara, all sponsored by CJNG deputy "El Balas" Sergio Kurt Schmidt,

    3. Same situation in Sinaloa no different stop puffing off a cartel that's just as bad as CJNG

    4. @Sir I agree with you bro! The level of corruption is crazy! From Mexico the States

  6. My Mexican brothers decapitated me
    Now buried in the ground
    So no one can see
    will I ever be found

    1. 1:59 cartel members and cartulinas like to leave their victims where they can be found and seen to terrorize the contras, most state police, melitary, public security officials, polesia federal, like to rob, extort, torture and disappear people in mass graves...
      nothing personal, just business

  7. Cjng doing what they usually do in gdl area disappear working class people over bs and practice on them to dismember or eat their organs

  8. This is normal event in mexicoco


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