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Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Alma Verónica Part II: Deadly Threat Left At Guaymas Police Station & Three More Rescued From Kidnappers in "Related Incident"

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat 

Following the raid on the safe house in Guaymas, Sonora, a second “related” safehouse was raided by authorities and three more kidnapping victims were rescued. This time around, someone was arrested during the operation. 

Then a message of impending retaliation may have been left when a dead body and a threat against the Guaymas authorities was placed outside the police station. 

Another Safe House Raided, More Kidnapping Victims Freed

As a review, on September 7, 2022, Guaymas police rescued five kidnapping victims. These victims included a man who was tortured by his captors by being nailed to a tree and a woman who would be gunned down hours after refusing police protection. For details on this first incident, please see Part I of this story, linked here

Then, at approximately 11:30 pm on the night of September 8, municipal police officers and soldiers from the Navy (SEMAR) raided another safe house. The home was located in the Centro neighborhood of the coastal city of Guaymas, in the state of Sonora. Guaymas should be noted as a location where Caborca Cartel's La Plaza is believed to be the dominant cartel force but sees regular incursions from Sinaloa Cartel's Los Salazars.

Due to ambiguous wording choices in the FGE press release, it's unclear if the raid was conducted in response to an active incident or if the raid was planned ahead of time, based on intelligence gathered by investigators.

Inside the house, three kidnapping victims were discovered along with their captor, a man named Ramón "N.", age 67 years old. Ramón, who is presumed to be the owner of the home, was arrested by authorities at the scene. 

The kidnapping victims were a 37 year old mother and her 15 year old daughter, as well as a 23 year old man, who was unrelated to the female victims. 

When the house was further searched, the dead body of another man, who had been killed just hours before, was discovered. Whether he was another kidnapping victim is not stated as its likely still being determined by investigators. 

So, how does this relate to the other kidnapping? Well, we don’t know exactly. 

All that we know is that Attorney General Contreras Córdova stated at a press conference that they “believe that they are related to what happened in previous days, when 5 people were rescued,” and adding that “In both cases, which could possibly be related, investigations are ongoing.”

It's worth remembering that initial news coverage of the first safe house raid alleged that two kidnappers had been detained but later coverage and the official press release detailed that no arrests had occurred. 

Additionally, the double cab pickup truck that was used in the first series of abductions was not found at the first safe house, nor was any vehicle found at this second safe house - meaning it's likely still out there, not yet located by law enforcement. 

If we presume the cases are related to each other, then it seems highly unlikely that one 67-year old man was capable of kidnapping a total of 8 victims, some of whom were physically grabbed from the street, on his own. 

Therefore, it's likely that investigators are looking into whether Ramón had accomplices and who those accomplices may be, in a mystery that seems to only get murkier with each new law enforcement update. 

The Threat To Guaymas Police 

A few days later, on September 11, 2022, the emergency phone line received a call from residents who reported that a vehicle, which had a dead body and a message sign inside, had been abandoned on Magdalena Street in the Femosa neighborhood of Guaymas.

The car was parked and left by unknown individuals at a location less than one block away from municipal police headquarters. 

Officers were dispatched and they quickly found the reported vehicle, a black Volkswagen Jetta. No details about the victim’s identity or the state of the remains have been released as of the writing of this story.

The message reads as follows, as translated by El Huaso: 

This [illegible] 

Mr. Director of Public Security, who makes arrangements with La Plaza and not [illegible] 

Leave you 4 a day [illegible] like this traitor

Social media account Calvarie Locus alleges that the message was addressed to the head of Guaymas municipal police (full title of the position is the director of public security), Eladio Amaya Múñiz, a former SEMAR captain, just one of a long line of Navy leadership who has been nominated for law enforcement positions in Sonora.

The FGE nor the Guaymas Municipal Police put out any press release addressing this discovery. Despite the major implications this message may have on the two cases, there are very few photos and news articles on this discovery.

The attempted hospital attack on the 19 year old victim seemed to signal that, despite law enforcement rescuing them, the kidnappers weren't quite done with their victims yet.

And, of course, it is always possible that this message in the Jetta is unrelated to the two raids on the safe houses, but the timing of the placement, occurring just days later, may indicate the kidnappers aren't done with the police either.

Another Safe House Raided Sources: FGE Press Release, FGE Tweet w/ Images, El Sol de Hermosillo, Heraldo de Mexico, Alfredo Alvarez, AFN Tijuana 


  1. King Charles III please send the S.A.S commandos to Mexico ,to elimintae the cartels

    1. 6:12 god save the Queen!!

    2. But but but, the minute a foreign military lands in Mexico, the cartels, will take off thiers vests, hide the guns and blend in with the regular citizens and act like they are Angels. Besides you know Obrador would not allow that, he wants bribe money to continue coming.

    3. Marines and Rangers are right next door and Mexico's cartels and their government bosses are the single biggest threat the USA faces. Time for regime change I think. But I think the SAS was involved in Columbia art some point

    4. "We are not police,
      We're not trained to be police,
      We do not make arrests,
      We kill..."
      General de Division DEM salvador cienpedos zepeda, EPN's secretario de la defensa nacional, for once he said the truth, greedy melitary are not good police material, former members of DFS or CISEN are very poor choices, no matter who is presidente.

    5. Commandos are not good policy for low intensity non-war situations.

    6. @8am. What single recent or current incident would yield you to make such a ludicrous comment as the one you left. If tongue and cheek…ok; but the most recent interactions b/t US law enforcement and Mexican criminals were 100% ratio shoot out once confronted. We ain’t talked about Afghan soldiers. These boys have been trained and are sufficiently high enough to shoot before they think

  2. The story never ends, should be made a Nexflix movie.

    1. 6:38 NO pinchis mames,, netflix has billions of hours worth of movies, all adorned with the dumbest lies and pendejadas.

  3. I read the 1st article that in the shootout, authority cornered them in the safe house, once one of theirs got killed, they gave up, that would tell me they were arrested. But now on this chapter is that they were never arested. Unbelievable I am out of breathless, only in Mexico, I could only think a big Bribes on the spot.
    No wonder Veronica, did not trust the Police, they are in bed with that Cartel, then that cartel, wanted the kidnappers dead, in order to hide that no kidnapping ever happened.

    1. What? I wrote the first article and I didn't say anything about the captors getting killed or giving up.

      You might be thinking of a different article, friend.

  4. 9:36 Ms HEARST
    I did reread the 1st article regarding this matter(September 12,2022 Monday).
    I never said the captors(the kidnapped) got killed. The first sentence of 8:50 may have confused you. When I typed authority cornered them (the cartel criminals), one got killed, and the other two gave up. Sorry for the confusion.

    1. Oh, ok ok. No worries! I started to wonder if I linked to the wrong article.

    2. Hearst needs a vacation.

  5. What is that weird white coloured lump on the mans face?

    1. 10:20 CANCER...
      be sure that poor broke ass was just tending to the captives and nobody else will get arrested, even Hearst forgot about it !!!
      Luckily that "former SEMAR CAPTAIN" in charge of municipal security has been named, I was confusing him with "admiral ahuir" from Sinaloa, another corrupt cocksucker.

    2. You're not confusing him actually,
      Cano Ahuir was the head of Guaymas municipal police.

      But Cano Ahuir resigned in December 2021 and Captain Eladio Amaya took over his position.

    3. 11:11 why keep another shark at the whale's ass???
      The Marinas ("navy") need to get the fuck out of police work, not put some other "admiral" in charge, greedy melitary are not good for police work or government positions, demonstrated by Pinochet and the argentinian junta, also by retired US Ginirals and lower case offices that go to work lobbying for the likes of general dynamics, Q-anon, trump or Blackwater by whatever new name they have.

  6. That old man looks like he's out of a Hollywood horror movie, holy fuck!

  7. The SAS would eat up n shit out any cartel hitman squad

    1. No match for Grupo Elite

    2. But they haven't and won't.

    3. 11:49 SAS need to remember they had "the Charge of the Light Brigade" composed for them to lament their losses in Crimea,
      Elite Rhodes Scholars can not soften the blows SAS will receive for invading shit.

  8. So, bigger question… who was behind the kidnapping, which cartel cell/group/wing. This good looking lady should’ve taken SEMAR’s offer of protection.

    1. I am sorry no one wants to say, because then they get kidnapped.

  9. This guy must be the most eligible batchelor in..........nowhere!

  10. I want to go on holiday with my family with a caravan in Juarez, what is the best and most beautiful campsite there? I am from the Netherlands.

    1. Yep you definitely in the happy camper website.

    2. 311Kick it in El Paso. Bro its safe, pandillas there are chill and not tearing shit up like in LA.

    3. As somebody not from LA. what is going on in LA?

  11. Drop that kidnapper off in LA. Thell melon his ass real quick

    1. Can you tell me more, of what part of Los Angeles is that bad? Last I checked there is law and order in Los Angeles.
      The country that is lawless and the Wild West is Mexico, where you can get kidnapped broad daylight.

    2. When it comes to corruption, Corrupt sheriffs in Texas beat corrupt gangbanging sheriffs in LA, prolly all over Califa.

    3. You can get kidnapped anywhere, if that’s what they want. It doesn’t matter if it’s US or Mex, they want you, they’ll have you. It’s just a quieter event in the US… kidnapped and dragged to Mex. Tunnels and aircraft are always readily available, and sicarios/kidnappers in the US are more discreet, better trained, and low-key.

    4. You kids are being unrealistic.
      Too much Rambo movies. And Minecraft.

    5. 11:11 what about those constant street takeovers?

    6. Street take overs...cops are seizing cars involved in street takeovers.


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