Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Austin, Texas: Former Fort Hood Army Sergeant Sentenced for Fentanyl Distribution

"Sol Prendido” for Borderland Beat

Last week, U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel sentenced Eri Gutberto Parra-Lopez, 25, of Phoenix, AZ, to 72 months in prison for distributing fentanyl.

According to court documents, between May 2021 and July 2021, Parra, a then active-duty Army Sergeant stationed at Fort Hood, sold approximately 3,150 tablets of fentanyl, weighing about 3,349 kgs., to undercover officers in and around the Austin area. On April 20, 2022, Parra pleaded guilty to one count of distribution of fentanyl.

“Fentanyl is flooding the United States at an alarming rate and our communities in Central Texas are not immune from its devastation,” said U.S. Attorney Ashley C. Hoff. “This case underscores our resolve to address the dangerous trafficking of fentanyl with all available resources. We will continue to prioritize and prosecute crimes involving this deadly poison and we are thankful for the outstanding work of our local, state, and federal partners.”

“This case demonstrates the lengths Mexican cartels are willing to go to infiltrate our communities with deadly fentanyl for their own selfish gains,” said Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Special Agent in Charge Daniel C. Comeaux of the Houston Division. “We remain committed to our collaborative efforts with our local partners to reverse the overdose and poisoning epidemic and bring to justice those fueling it.”

“This sentencing is the result of the great teamwork we have with our local, federal and state law enforcement partners,” said Special Agent in Charge Maria Thomas of the Department of the Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID). “Army CID and our partner agencies take the threat of fentanyl to the public, and the Army, very seriously. We will continue to work with our law enforcement partners to interdict the distribution of fentanyl wherever it may occur.”

The DEA, Pflugerville and Austin Police Departments, and Army CID investigated the case with assistance from the Travis County Sheriff’s Office.

For more information on the dangers of fentanyl and DEA’s One Pill Can Kill campaign, please visit

Assistant U.S. Attorney Mark H. Marshall prosecuted the case.

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  1. Awful light sentence for the amount of weight.

    1. Lmao in CA they catch you with this weak ass amount and they’ll just confiscate it and let you go.

    2. He's going to learn that the loss of his veteran's benefits is going to be extraordinary. His army retirement alone could cost him $1 million or more. Now he will probably be some homeless bum after his release. The 72 months won't be his worst punishment.

    3. I agree. This should be made an example of, especially as a soldier. I want to vomit.

    4. Sadly, these new kids on the block don’t think too much about benefits, retirement, etc. they just want the luxury and fast cash. And, he will likely learn a lot in prison and go back to his hood ways.

    5. 7:47
      California Penal code for that amount requires prison time .

    6. It's actually a pretty severe punishment to someone like him. He's a 25yo sergeant, not an easy feat, which means he's an alpha male. Now he's lost his future, his ability to be employed because not only is he a felon, he's a felon convicted of drug distribution. Plus he will spend time in prison. His path to a successful life is over, and he's been sentenced to a life of crime, homelessness, or minimum wage jobs.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. El super agente 00cerote te dedico otro episodio como que se le alborotaron las almorranas anda como cagando hacia dentro

  3. They shoulda dropped the hammer on this waste of a uniform. Did he rat?

    1. Claro que si, he was born in Sinaloa.

    2. 7:54 🤦‍♂️ Maldita sea! Entonces hasta a su mama le va a poner el dedo!

    3. 9:12 y a tu mama tambien, gûey!

  4. This man pissed on the graves of every American who has served this country honorably.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Live in one of those and dont share your view. It never worked out but you guys are still claiming its been oil. Your intellectual horizon seems like a circle with radius 0.

    3. 9:21 You have so much hatred against USA, you should join the Islamic republic, pray 5 times,a day and have 21 virgins waiting for you in heaven.
      Dumb mentally, Iraqi was invaded for a reason read you history books, then the US Military left, and never touched thier oil
      Pinocchio. Lol

    4. Pointing the truth isnt hate.

    5. 1:19
      Why they call you Pinocchio??

    6. 7:55 that reasoning has led to a lot of cover-ups...
      There is no thin blue line.
      When you are man enough to fuck up, you should be man enough to acknowledge your dirty deeds, because not every uniform is worn by criminal motherfuckers who should be grown enough to rat their own crap too, that why dress down and drumming outs were invented until the US armed forces decided they wuz too much punishment for the chicken asses who deserve to be dressed down and drummed out

    7. Even in the armed forces you got idiots and social rejects from all parts of the country who think they can get away with anything.

  5. Social media brought dumb dumb down

  6. Austin has a huge homelessness problem and a lot of it is made worse with these drugs. I got jumped earlier this year near Rainey St by 2 homeless people. I know others who have been beaten too. No longer the laid back, music capital of the world.

    1. Canada is proposing euthanasia programs for the homeless. I think that's the best solution for the proletariat problem. Just put the homeless and poor to sleep for ever, reduce the eaters overpopulation and the world will enter a new Renaissance age.

    2. How do you get jumped in Texas? Isn’t that an open carry state?

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. 8:07 no need to put them to sleep.
      They already are dying on their own, by overdosing on drugs, Thanks to Lopez Obrador, that lets cartels thrive.

    6. Yes 8:37 open carry of weapons.
      Unfortunately 7:59 was not packing heat.

    7. 8:07 Uh no. They need mental hospitals

    8. That's what happens when you're in the wrong part of town everyone's wants to live in Austin what's the big deal too expensive too much traffic too many people ok to visit not live San Francisco.

  7. Did he rat? That isn’t even a question. The minimum mandatory 10 years for Fetty is anything over 400 grams. If someone doesn’t get at least 120 months for anything over 400 grams, they are telling. Only 3 ways to break that mandatory minimum. 1. 5K1.1. 2 Safety Valve 3 Rule 35 and this is usually done on a new motion after you are sentenced. Hopefully he goes to a camp or runs Paisa. They don’t check paperwork

    1. Since when do paisas not check paparwork?

    2. @9:15 paisas let chomos ride with them.. all they want/need is the numbers thats how they are able to run some yards.. even snitches get a pass with the paisas

    3. @11:15 This would be in the Feds?
      Back when I was in CDCR it wasn't possible for POS to be GP unless it was a soft yard. Paisa reps checked everybody's paperwork. When we got to Wasco the CO says "anybody who can't go to GP walk over this way", about 10 MF separated from the group.
      Shits changed with all the non actives and POS outnumbering the solids.
      Can't do the time don't do the crime, it's really that simple.

    4. @4:09, I can only talk about the Feds and the yards I saw that Paisas didn’t check. Which was Hazleton, Milan, Terra Haute (before became drop out), Beaumont and Canaan. Now if someone came in and said, this Paisa is hot or he told on me, then yes, they would do some research. But as far as checking from the gate, nah, they didn’t check. In my opinion, the most vicious with their own people and making sure everyone was straight was The Natives. Surenos are most militant and are probably the most powerful but them Natives don’t play. G-27 were very strict with that work as well.

    5. 5:23 good info. Gracias. Level 3 and 4 yards mandatory paperwork check, might as well roll it up if no good

    6. Paisas are like the tangos they let anybody join as long as they got numbers but not even that all rejects from society no discipline no respect no manners no social lost causes.

    7. @4:34, I can’t speak for all of them but when I was in Beaumont in 05-07, there was some very very serious Tango Blast men. These dudes demanded respect and I ain’t no cheer leader but I’m gonna give credit where it is due. I don’t know before or after this or any other place but Quezada and Sad Boy from Tango were some problems in Beaumont and they was running a tight ship. I’m not sure if you are hip to Solanos as well? They were active there to.

    8. @4:34 the comment I made at 9:28 stands and in Cali state pen you running with somebody. All ranflas got people that aren't into the politics but it will depend on how much time you got and what level yard you hit.

  8. So each tablet/pill weighs 1gram and he had 3,349grams aka 3.349kilos instead of 3,349kilos.
    What an IDIOT.
    Stupid MF doing favors for his parientes in Sinaloa now his dumbass is a convicted criminal and if not a USA citizen his ass is getting deported. No se agüite viejón, en Sinaloa hay muchas drogas para andar bien pendejo

  9. They caught dude with very little and didnt even let him work long

    1. Kinda sucks interesting that a dude from phoenix gets busted in Austin

    2. He was on active duty and got greedy and stupid Einstein.

  10. The worst enemy of America is an American 😂....there it is for all u judgemental freaks always blaming someone also for the bad going on in the states

    1. He got curupt thanks to criminals from Mexico.

    2. HAHAHAHAHA so they let criminals from other country change your values?

    3. @10:21 but it was his decision, and he took the easy way out by getting greedy. what a shame

  11. Dumb 3000 pills is not no 3kilos lol

  12. How much is the pension for being a vet.

    1. 9:10:
      For an E-8 (Master Sergeant) with 30 years it's about $55,000 per year, which is pretty typical for an enlisted man. It's higher for officers. For colonels it's $80,000 or so. For the higher ups it's capped at about $180,000 or so.

    2. Doesn't matter he messed up while on active duty he should have waited after he left the service: 'pendejo.

  13. Everyone arrested on drug charges have to Rat to the feds for a lighter sentence it's part of their M.O. nothing new.

    1. Not everyone but 75-85% do. What these hustlers and dope boys need to do is read the mandatory minimum chart and tell yourself what you can realistically handle.


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