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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Cancún. Quintana Roo: 'El Lucifer', CJNG Leader Is Arrested Along With 9 Accomplices

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

State and federal authorities arrested a man identified as "El Lucifer" or "El Mofles", alleged regional leader of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), along with 9 of his accomplices.

On Monday, the FGE handed over the 10 individuals and initiated an investigation for crimes against health.

In a joint press conference with the members of the Coordination Group for the Recovery of Peace and Security in Quintana Roo, the Attorney General said that since February 2021, "El Lucifer" or "El Mofles" took over as regional leader for the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) in the state of Quintana Roo, replacing the then leader of alias "Triquis", who was arrested on February 16, 2021.

It was also learned that "El Lucifer", together with his criminal cell, abducted members of rival criminal groups in order to obtain information and then killed them.

It was also learned that the CJNG leader recruited people to continue operating in the northern part of the state and even promised them work as private security guards. Once they were transferred to the state of Quintana Roo, they were forced to participate in criminal activities, mainly as "spies" or hired killers.

As for "El Guayabo", he served as the second leader of this criminal group, who was the head of the hitmen cells and ordered the murders.

Said subject carried out various procedures before the National Electoral Institute to change his identity, his real name was revealed, he has at least seven criminal proceedings in the state of Jalisco for various crimes.

Regarding the other eight detainees: two women and six men, the first carried out assistance activities to the criminal group and the rest were hired assassins and received orders directly from "El Guayabo"; Most of them reported having arrived in the state of Quintana Roo about a month ago and normally rented homes through a digital lodging platform.

It should be clarified that when "El Lucifer" was arrested, three of his victims were taken to a hotel near the El Crucero area, in the municipality of Benito Juárez, where they were abandoned and afterwards went to the authority to report the facts.

Currently, the detainees are in preventive detention for crimes related to health and in regards to "El Lucifer" and "El Guayabo", they already have arrest warrants for aggravated kidnapping.

Likewise, an investigation folder is integrated for the crimes of trafficking in persons in its form of forced labor.

The FGE Quintana Roo sends to the Attorney General's Office a derivative of the investigation folder for the crimes of the General Law of Firearms and Organized Crime; Likewise, the investigations against these people will continue.

These results occur within the framework of the strategies of the Coordination Group made up of Sedena, the Navy, the National Guard, the National Anti-Kidnapping Coordination of the Secretariat for Citizen Protection and Security of the Government of the Republic (CONASE), the Quintana Roo Police and the National Center for Intelligence.

Noticias Cancun


  1. Replies
    1. With the money they have coming in from....
      Drug sales
      They will pay a generous bribe and they will be let out at night through the back door. No one will recognize them as thier faces were covered in the photos, and they won't know their full names since, last name was omitted

    2. @sol prendido that mutha fucka ain’t the devil!!

    3. 12:47
      He is the Devil in Miss Jones.

    4. Satanas los quiere mucho y les cuida la coca.

    5. Dey cawt Loozer-fur!!!

    6. 5:13:
      I think you mean Loser-fer. These guys are all a bunch of losers who are too lazy to earn an honest living.

    7. You mean “el muffler” 😂

    8. 12:35 Ese Mofle ya tenía muchas millas en el Odormetro, pero tu le ganas en lo apestoso,
      hasta por el internet apestas a pura caca!!!

    9. This dudea decoy. A charismatic man with a huge hat and big boots to hide his hooves drove through a couple of cars later.

  2. Pathetic.. this guy had 10%of the palanca 85 had. He ain't getting out

  3. My boy ALMO is on a roll.

    You haters know you really love Tabasco's finest.

    1. Your boy amlo is as useless as tits on a pig

    2. 3:04:
      Thank you for commenting ELMO chayotero.
      The McIlhenny Company out of Avery Island, Louisiana makes Tobasco's finest.

    3. 6:59 louisiana's finest are corruct cops, and Louisiana's Tabasco is just vinegar and salt, fack it...

    4. Sir:
      Thank you for exposing their secret recipe. That sounds so profitable that I may just get into Tobasco sauce manufacturing.

    5. Tits on a pig are very useful for their young.

    6. 8:18
      Sir behave or the Louisiana Cops will put a hit on you, they can trace your IP address...and we'll you know what happens next. Then you wined up being reported on BB, by Sol, that you were along time commentor, with wierd Gibberish comments.

    7. 8:19 oops, I repent!!!
      After refining the search, I have concluded that Only Some Cops are corrupt all over the US...
      I have been here for a looong time and sol knows it, even Mother Theresa and her bloomers have not escaped me, but I got most everything from Google for Idiots to whom I dedicate my Magna Operas along with my chihuahueñiza fans' beautiful chiquitines.

    8. Is Sir running for Mayor of Loisanna?

    9. 8:26 Louisiana is about to become a salt water lake in the Atlantic Ocean, along with caribbean islands, florida and the Gulf of México, thanks to global warming.

  4. That quintana roo plaza is hard to keep. After cjng took it from cds and doña lety there has been a lot of zetas in that area and government catching cjng is a normal thing now

    1. I wonder if the Mexican government mostly focusing on CJNG now has helped allow the Zetas to begin regaining power.

    2. 6:22 the plasa is not hard to keep for Coahuila born general Francisco Delgado Velasco, alias "el vikingo" a zeta who murdered general Mauro enrique tello quinones when he arrived in Cancun to take over his job as public security comisionado, el Vikingo got released soon after he got sentenced, and came back to cancun to keep doing business as owner of his own private security agency...still a zeta.

  5. 1253 that makes sense now that you explained it


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