Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Chihuahua: Edel Guzmán Martínez, Nephew Of El Chapo Is Shot To Death

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

In different events, a victim was knifed and another was shot to death. 

Two men in different circumstances and facts, were murdered this Thursday in Guadalupe y Calvo; the first case occurred in the main square of the place with gunshots, the second event was the location of a cadaver in the vicinity of the La Minita neighborhood with a stab wound to the neck.

Personnel from the State Investigation Agency received the report on two dead people in Guadalupe y Calvo this Thursday, the first of which was when a man identified as Edel Guzmán Martínez, 36 years old, residing in the municipality of Badiraguato, Sinaloa was in the main square of the place.

Suddenly, gunfire from a firearm were heard and said person was injured, dying minutes later when he was receiving medical attention at the local hospital.

Hours later, during the morning, a dead person was located in the vicinity of the La Minita neighborhood, in the capital itself, a male between 25 and 30 years of age, who until now remains unidentified.

The corpse presented a wound produced by a knife in the neck. No further details are known at this time. 

Personnel from the Expert Services Unit took charge of the processing of the scene and the transfer of the body to an amphitheater in town for legal neurosurgery and once his relatives demanded that it be handed over.

El Heraldo de Chihuahua  La Polaka  Radionet  Código 13 Parral  Jalisciense

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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you sir. Your help is greatly appreciated.

      - Sol

    2. What did Sol do? El Heraldo de Chihuahua is who posted the original article see his link at the bottom. Not being smart but it’s only fair credit is given where it’s due. This site is for this that can’t read Spanish.

    3. Well I am grateful and appreciative of this site. You must be to cause your reading it.

    4. I guess Sol gave the 👍 on the hitt

    5. 6:59 there are things that happen here behind the scenes. Things that you’ll never know about because you’re just not privy to such matters. So, unless you know what we’re talking about don’t bother commenting. Cause our discussion has nothing to do with you genius.

      - Sol

    6. Sol was the killer that's why they're thanking him.

    7. 6:59 There's people in here that care that have gratitude for the tireless effort Sol, puts in labor is involved, translating, uploading, credit line given, babysitting/ moderating the comments section.
      Then there's people like 6:59, that come up with dumb ass comments, Sol keep up the good work.

    8. He translated for us I fell like that’s a lot!

    9. Sol does a lot for this website but he cant pretend like he has contacts within these cartels who are feeding him real time info. he's a translator and a researcher, gets his news from second hand sources. he's not plugged in like El Sargento El Sargy UDIC who knows the main characters in michoacan and has spoken to them live and in direct. he's got people on the ground reporting exactly what the fuck is taking place. Not to say that he's better than Sol as a reporter or his info is more credible just saying they both have different sources and methods of acquiring information

    10. 9:57 after so many years of learning I've finally come to the conclusion that what Sargy does is no different than OG Shadow's work. It is through Facebook that they get their exclusive info. Just about anyone can tap into those group chats if they were so inclined. I still haven't bothered to open a Facebook account though. I guess I'm just too lazy for all that. Respectively they both have their fan base. Different strokes for different folks lol. Anyways, if you have any contact with Sargy ask him why he thought he could threaten one of our reporters. Or why he has a record for beating up a woman. There could potentially be more. Little people do tend to have over size egos and all lol

    11. You're crazy Sol. you can't even put OG shadow in the same sentence as Sargy, aka El Sargento aka El De los Asuntos aka El De la Gorra. Sargy is a veterano of the OG autodefensa movement, he was fighting in the trenches in Michoacan when Tuta was still boss of Templarios. get your facts straight already. He might be flawed in other areas, but you can't deny that he provided the entire spectrum of reporters with information that they wouldn't have been privy to otherwise. Jefes de plaza, the conflict between Abuelo and Mencho over the stolen plane of coke, the war between M2 and Carteles unidos, Teto smuggling coke shipments into Coahuayana etc. you're doing a lot of good things for BB Sol, but you can't touch El Sargy aka El Sargento aka El De Los Asuntos aka El De la Gorra

    12. 12:37 sargy is a piece of shit and that's that. He's not going to come and here threaten anyone at Borderland Beat. Fuck sargy and anyone who supports that midget fuck.

    13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    15. 10:04 y 100:11 allí esta para que veas quien manda aquí pinché enano joto. Chingas a tu madre tu y todos los federales cobardes que te apoyan. Conmigo te sientas marrana estúpida. Cuando tengas los huevos de hombre intentale para que veas como te va ir conmigo.

    16. Sol your starting to sound like chivis,an old woman

    17. 2:02 well, technically I was younger yesterday lol

  2. This is starting to look interesting with the two attacks. I am thinking that this is a local fight, but if this is CJNG, which is a long shot, this could get interesting quick.
    I hope anyone who reads any updates, posts them here. It is greatly appreciated.

    1. CJNG has no soldiers in Chihuahua.
      This was either a local hit or Juarez cartel hit even.

    2. 5:09:
      It's hard to say at this point. This could be just a local spat between former friends. What caught my attention was when I learned he had a corrido which suggests the possibility that he's a player. Unfortunately, my Spanish isn't good enough to understand it.
      If this is a CDS v CDS faction, this could get interesting. If the Juarez Cartel was involved, Chihuahua is in for some rough days ahead. I know that it is only a slight chance of being CJNG, but if it is, then this could lead to a full scale war.
      Edel was apparently killed last night. So far, I'm not hearing any reprisals. If Edel was a player, I'm sure we will know within a couple of days. I will be watching the news to see what develops.

    3. Then likely got done by his own

    4. 5:56:
      That's a real possibility. Or he may have gotten into a disagreement. When you think about it, no one is going to kill a Guzman in their own backyard. News sites are saying there are either one or two arrests. I have a hard time believing that the shooter(s) knew he was a Guzman.
      As SOL pointed out, there was a stabbing nearby. We have to wait to see if they were related, but this suggests a disagreement. If these people didn't know that they were fighting with the Guzmanes, they are in for a hell of a surprise. They're family needs to jump on the next burro heading out of the Copper Canyon.

  3. Seems like an inside hit. Must of did something wrong.

  4. Replies
    1. Is this one of Guanos sons ?? Because if it is it was definitely Mochomito getting revenge for Guano killing his grandpa

    2. The picture says he joined his dad so I’m assuming he was pollos son

    3. 12:12:
      That's a possibility. Pollo was killed in 2004 so he would have been 18 at the time of his father's death. Does it say which year he joined his father?
      We're going to all have to pitch in and buy a beer for whoever figures out who Edel's father is.

    4. @1:35 joining his father who's been dead

    5. They are reporting that his father is deceased so his father most likely was Pollo. It appears to be a disagreement and they have one person in custody.

  5. A website called codigo13parral is reporting that an arrest has been made.

  6. buen reportaje sobre el coss

  7. Replies
    1. El Chino:
      This isn't far from your neighborhood. Are you hearing any chatter on the ground?

    2. Nvm read that wrong i take that back lol and yes too far haha I never been in that area

  8. Killed by his brother in law girl was to young

    1. Your never to young when your involved in that life.

  9. Great job Sol, and BB. Keep up the great work. It is very much appreciated. I always look forward to your work!!

  10. Is Edel Guzman "El Cuñado" the son of Arturo Guzman "El Pollo" ?

    alguien sabe is Edel Guzman "El Cuñado" es hijo de Arturo Guzman "El Pollo" ?

    1. Ivan:
      That's what we're trying to figure out. There really isn't much information on this guy. Also, I appreciate your update on Coss. I hope he enjoys his stay in Florence.

    2. El Pollo es el único hermano del Chapo que ya murió.

    3. Es hijo de una de sus hermanas , lo mato su amigo

    4. Tenia Mas hermanos.

    5. Ivan:
      Chapo has 3 brothers, Emilio, Miguel Angel and Aureliono. Aureliono needs no introduction. Arturo was murdered in prison by the Juarez Cartel in retaliation for the murder of Rodolfo Carillo-Fuentes in 2004. Jesus Zambada confirmed in his U.S. court testimony that Chapo ordered the hit. Miguel Angel was released from prison in 2017 after serving 11 years as reported here on Borderlandbeat. The only unknown brother is Emilio. Any one of them could be Edel's father.

  11. El Jessie who is originally from El Paso is rumored to have family in southern chiwas and is cleaning up the area for la linea

    1. Why would Linea need somebody from El paso?? They have people in juarez and elsewhere with more exprience and knowledge of the situations there. veteranos

    2. Many la linea jefes live in El Paso, it’s a lot safer and nicer than juarez

  12. Interesting reporting

  13. Gente Nueva Tier 1 Special Forces have been dispatched to the area . La chapiza is not happy

  14. 7:56 puro Siciliana the real pizza

  15. Igual hasta los mismos Chapos pudieron matarlo, hoy en dia no sorprende nada de esa facción

  16. 😆 🤣 👏🏻👏🏻

  17. Free Chapo Guzman. He needs to go back and bring back peace to Mexico. Between Chapo and Zambada everyone will be tremble.

  18. Did this guys father (chapos bro) get killed in Zacatecas in prison by zetas ? I remember hearing about that way back in the day

    1. He was killed in prison not sure in Zac though

    2. @8:10 Arturo El Pollo was killed in Almoloya aka Altiplano. Osiel had El Mochaorejas and somebody else blast him, some say it was Viceroys avenging Rodolfo's death but lets remember OCG was at war with CDS. He even partnered up with BAF and had Lazcano kill the editor of Zeta TJ, when he(OCG) became too vicious/uncontrollable for BAF and he, BAF, no longer wanted to back his chest moves, OCG sent some of his people to test the supposed martial arts skills of BAF.


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