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Friday, September 16, 2022

Chihuahua: State Attorney General Achieves The Arrest Of 27 Criminal Leaders

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Criminals like Francisco A.M. "El Jaguar", Antonio Leonel C.M. “El 300”, Jesús Omar C.G. alias "La Changa" or José Bryan S.Z. alias “El 90” are on the list

Alleged criminals like Francisco A.M. "El Jaguar", Antonio Leonel C.M. “El 300”, Jesús Omar C.G. alias "La Changa" or José Bryan S.Z. alias "El 90", are part of some of the criminal leaders that the State Attorney General's Office has managed to dismantle, in a year of operations within the state of Chihuahua.

One year after the arrival of Governor María Eugenia Campos Galván and the appointment of Roberto Fierro Duarte, as Attorney General of the State. The corporation has registered a total of 27 perpetrators of violence that operated in different parts of the entity. Who were captured for various criminal cases and considered as perpetrators of violence after committing high-impact crimes. In areas such as Cuauhtémoc, Parral, Juárez, and Madera. As well as other parts of the entity.

One of the principal operators for the Sinaloa Cartel in the northwestern part of the state is the subject identified as Francisco A.M., nicknamed "El Jaguar". Following an operation implemented in the community of La Norteña in the municipality of Madera, his capture was achieved after an armed confrontation, registered at the end of October 2021. This just days after the new state administration took office. 

Francisco A. M. was one of the most wanted by the past administration. In at least three previous operations they came close to capturing him. But he always managed to evade the operations and even "slipped" into the state of Sinaloa. Where he was protected by another criminal cell with whom he collaborated.

Something similar happened with Antonio Leonel C.M. "El 300" or "El Bin Laden" who was captured in the state of Chiapas, on March 13 of this year, after a series of investigations by the State Attorney General's Office. For his alleged participation with the Cartel of Sinaloa in the southern part of the municipality of Parral.

Antonio Leonel was one of the main operators of the group called "Gente Nueva" and is even considered one of the most trusted men of Ruperto S.N. "El 37" top leader of that criminal group, along with César Ulises R.J. “El 309” or “El Arlekin” arrested in November 2020 in the municipality of Parral.

The State Attorney General, Roberto Fierro Duarte, also recalled the case of Jesús Omar C.G. alias "La Changa", together with Víctor Hugo V. “El Chilango” and Esgar G.S. "El 11" or "El Tigre Blanco". Who at the beginning of the administration staged the first massacre of the bureau. In the municipality of Cuauhtémoc, which left a balance of 9 people killed by gunmen who went to a home and opened fire against everyone present.

On September 8, when the new state administration entered, this massacre arose in the Periodistas neighborhood. Which generated an alert within the corporation and for that reason, on September 22, the identity’s of the three criminals were publicized as suspects for the insecurity experienced in that period.

The persecution and capture even generated an armed attack against the district attorney Jesús Manuel Carraco Chacón himself. An attack against ministerial elements was also reported. Eventually the capture of Jesús Omar C.G. "El Chango" was achieved. 

Like these cases, one year into the administration’s term, the head of the Attorney General's Office. Managed to capture 35 more people who actively participated with criminal groups. Such as Gente Nueva, Juárez Cartel, La Línea, La Empresa, and the Sinaloa Cartel. Among other sub groups that are integrated into the two main gangs that operate in the state of Chihuahua.

Despite the fact that in one year of operations, 27 alleged criminal leaders who operate in different parts of the state have been captured. There is a list of at least 15 main operators who are still at large or who obtained a pre-release benefit and returned to criminal activities in the entity.

Among the great pending and that the Attorney General himself acknowledges that they are still on his trail, is José Noriel P.G. "El Chueco". Who despite being on the most wanted list since 2014-2015, his search intensified in October 2018, when he was blamed for the death of the American Patrick Braxton-Andrews. Whom he mistook as a Dea agent but was actually a tourist tour guide in Urique.

In June 2022, he again came to public opinion for having participated in the murder of the priests Javier Campos and Joaquín Mora. As well as the tourist guide Pedro Palma, which shocked the international media and spread the news of what happened in Chihuahua. 

There is also Edgar G.S. "El 11" or "El Tigre Blanco" who for several years has been identified as the leader of the Gente Nueva del Tigre from the municipality of Cuauhtémoc. He is also considered as one of the perpetrators of violence in that part of ​​the state.

In the year 2021, his identity and face were disseminated so that society would recognize them and they could denounce him along with his main operators. Currently one of them is detained in the city of Cuauhtémoc following a special operation that was carried out in that area.

On the list is César Daniel M.A. alías “El H2”, who operates for the group identified as the Nuevo Cartel de Juárez in the western area of ​​Bocoyna and its surroundings. He is also considered one of the main perpetrators of violence and is responsible for clandestine logging in San Juanito.

Within the group of "Los Salazar" operators of the Sinaloa Cartel, are José Crispín S.Z. "El Tío Pin" who is accused of having orchestrated the murder of the journalist Miroslava Breach in 2017. And of being the main leader of that criminal group that operates in Chihuahua and parts of Sonora.

There is also Rodolfo Eduardo L.Z. “Eddy Sapphire”, Servando M.O. “El Servandito”, Lorenzo Antonio M.P. "Tony Tormenta" who are "in charge" of the plaza in several communities of the Sierra Tarahumara for the Los Salazar group, according to the data collected by the State Attorney General's Office.

In the northern zone there is a subject who operates for the Juárez Cartel, identified as Sergio M.P. "El Menchaca". Who operates in the area of Ojinaga all the way to the municipality of Juan Aldama. Just the same, at the other end is Jesús Marcelo A.A. “El 29”.  Another principal operator for the Nuevo Cartel de Juárez, established in the Ascensión area. 

The Detainees:

September 22, 2021- Jesus Omar CG “La Changa”- Detained in Cuauhtémoc.

September 28, 2021- Ruben Armando H. O. “El Comandante” or “El R7”- Detained in Chihuahua.

October 06, 2021- Uriel VD “El 18”. Detained in Nuevo Casas Grandes;

October 10, 2021- Hugo Gerardo C. B. Detained in Parral.

October 13, 2021- Rafael Brya RP and Christopher Benjamin RP. Detained in Chihuahua.

October 26, 2021- Francisco Javier A. “El Jaguar”. Detained in Madero.

November 07, 2021- Martin U. G. “El Ratón”. Detained in Cuauhtémoc.

November 09, 2021- Uriel Arthur DT, Ernesto VM, Humberto SC. Detained in Chihuahua.

November 07, 2021- Francisco Javier RV “El Curtas”. Detained at Cuauhtémoc.

January 05, 2022- Victor Manuel M. N. Detained in Cancun, Quintana Roo.

January 07, 2022- John C. P. Detained in Chihuahua.

January 10, 2022- Sergio Jesus MC “El Toro”. Detained in Chihuahua.

Jan. 21, 2022- Erick R. H. "El Gordo”. Detained in Juárez.

January 21, 2022- Timothy G. S. “El Abuelo”. Detained in Coahuila.

January 24, 2022- Jaqueline Isela C. R. and David R. Detained in Chihuahua.

Jan. 27, 2022- Israel G. G. Detained in Juarez.

February 03, 2022 -Efren SG “El Maniaco”, Ishmael RC and Uriel Eriberto UC. Detained in Parral.

February 12, 2022- Raphael BO “El Fantasma”. Detained in Chihuahua.

February 19, 2022- Joseph Bryan SZ “El 90”. Detained in Culiacan, Sinaloa.

March 13, 2022- Antonio Leonel CM “El 300”. Detained in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas.

April 26, 2022- John Manuel G. R. Detained in Quintana Roo.

June 20, 2022- Christian Albert PM “El Bozo”. Detained in Coahuila.

July 11, 2022- Francis Lucius J. H. “El Pompin”. Detained in Juárez.

July 13, 2022- Jose Paul M. Q. “El Barbas” and Alfredo Evaristo A. L. “El Chispa”. Detainees in Urique.

July 24, 2022- David Ephraim GR “El Drugs R Us”. Detained in Chihuahua.

July 25, 2022- Francisco Javier SB “Pato”, Aldo Marco AC, Luis Carlos MR “Porky” and Aylin AC “Chikis”. Detained in Chihuahua.

July 30, 2022- Otón P. M., Noel Antonio D. L. and Paciano P. V. Detained in Bahuichivo.

El Heraldo de Chihuahua


  1. and so only 2700 left to capture who can then be replaced by more narcos. And in other news Amlo has a plan for peace in Ukraine(Assuming anyone in Russia or Ukraine has even heard of him) but is unable to create peace or gain control of Mexico

  2. Clear out the Sinaloas and everything goes back to normal!!!


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