Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, September 15, 2022

CJNG Message to CDS in Aguascalientes: "Stop Leaving Your Guys to Die Alone."

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat 

The Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) placed a banner in the state of Aguascalientes threatening rival Sinaloa Cartel groups from the region.

The CJNG Banner Message 

On September 12, 2022, images of a CJNG banner were shared on Twitter, along with tweets which misreported that it had been placed in the state of Veracruz. Newspapers like Heraldo de Mexico, however, write that the banner was discovered in the state of Aguascalientes. 

Aguas Digita specifies that there were actually several banners hung by CJNG members at some time between 4:00 - 5:00 am in the morning in the city of Aguascalientes, in the state of the same name.

The message reads as follows, as translated by Sol Prendido: 

This message goes out to that gang of turncoats who don't want to fall into formation. 

You have two options. You’re either with the light or the darkness. Don’t get too confident with those small time faggots who are giving you protection. The same goes for the municipal policemen. 

Víctor Hugo Briseño “Dragón”

Oscar Rocha “Tigre”

Eri Iván Crispin “Centauro” 

Brace yourselves and stop fucking around - making drug sale points fall into formation with you. 

Now, for all the pseudo Sinaloas: 30 31 32 43 45. 

You gang of lunatics need to look out for your operatives. Don’t abandon them to die alone. You have your men convinced that you are the plaza bosses but you’re actually a nobody.

As for you Apa, Metro, and Cuba. 

Stop going around and telling everyone that you're a part of our gang. Don’t even try to mislead the people. We don't have any dirtbags within our ranks. 

Here there are only CJNG people.

Sources: Heraldo de Mexico, Diario Puntual, Heraldo, iDrawNews, DemonioTv, Valor por Tamaulipas, La OtraOpinion

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  1. Hearst:
    Thanks for sorting out the discrepencies.

  2. No ba haber cuba libre entonces

  3. tarde k temprano esos polis van a tener que alinearse con las 4 letras igualmente los que se handan pasando por jaliscos. asi facil acaban con esa mamada. 4 letras se queda con los puntos atravez de los polis y los alucines chapulines se suman ala banda local de jaliscos mierderos

  4. Good looking manta, very professional.

  5. More Propaganda Like in Zacatecas and we all know how that is going 🤷


    2. 4:18 hey dude if we go by propaganda cds corridos are the biggest propagandas there are, Fake by the way

    3. CJNG will win most of the state except for the towns near Durango. CDS already paying the government to put 2 guardia nacional bases 1 in el mezquital & the other one near Durango border. Seems like cds tired of losing men

    4. Yup cjng will have dominance everywhere, except Durango- Sinaloa-Mexicali.

    5. CDS mayo and CJNG will eventually come to a truce believe it or not.

    6. It's so sad They should leave my Beautiful Zacatecas Alone!!! Mencho has the mentality Hitler did trying to take over Mexico. Those who don't coraporate get executed. They say history repeats itself And sadly Mexico's innocent civilians are the ones who pay the ultimate price. They can kidnap and murder whoever they want installing fear in peaple. I hope one day the people of Mexico can live a good life without corruption it's a long shot but feeling a lil hopeless. 🙏💖

    7. 11:35 it was Cds who started all this BS with the help from the government, (but couldnt take anything, even with the governments help) now Cjng are following the same foot steps, but actually doing it, unlike cds

  6. Replies
    1. 4:35 Grupo something, G for Grupo DC not sure, we most likely will find out later

  7. CJNG using banners to scare people… no one is scared. CJNG are just a traveling circus.

    1. That traveling circus been taking a lot of cds plazas

    2. 9:09 in all honesty you would be scared. Your not fouling anybody with you tough talk

    3. All the plazas they take are weak-ass plazas like Aguascalientes, Veracruz , Colima and shit like that … it’s a fact that they can’t take Zacatecas as much as they’ve tried they’re not making any inroads north of Jalisco

    4. Colima ain't no weak ass plaza it has a very important port. Why do you think little anthrax is trying and failing to get a foot in Colima

    5. 7:07 Colima is plenty important and CJNG hasn’t necessarily taken complete or even most of control of that “plaza”.

    6. 707 cjng took zacatecas plaza from grandpa Mayo. It was a CDS plaza 100% until a few years ago when mencho decided to take it from mayo. Mencho has zacatecas in his pocket. Weak ass flechas can go and try to sneak up and take some Cjng sicarios but they always get killed, from sicario bosses to the sicarios don't make it back to Durango! FACTS

    7. I don’t think you know what fact means.

  8. El CJNG, el cartel #1 de las “narcomantas”
    Mejor se deben de dedicar en fabricar y vender mantas así de perdido es algo honrado y no estas mamadas que hacen diario

  9. Animo la Flechiza pura gente de la Sombreriza y arriba Culican Sinaloa plebes.

  10. Snitchaloas too far from home and won't make it here
    Cjng have an easy time getting rid of them here
    Nobody respects sinaloa in these places like the ball licking Sonora and Durango people 😆


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