Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Detroit: DEA Warns Of ‘Rainbow Fentanyl’ Targeting Youth In Southeast Michigan

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Investigators say the drugs are being sold in pills, powder, and blocks that look like sidewalk chalk or candy

It’s the deadliest drug threat in America, and it only took days for rainbow fentanyl to appear in Michigan after the DEA warned it was coming.

Investigators say the drugs are being sold in pills, powder, and blocks that look like sidewalk chalk or candy.

The DEA says it’s a new method used to target children and teens.

“Rainbow fentanyl—fentanyl pills and powder that come in a variety of bright colors, shapes, and sizes—is a deliberate effort by drug traffickers to drive addiction amongst kids and young adults,” said DEA Administrator Anne Milgram. “The men and women of the DEA are relentlessly working to stop the trafficking of rainbow fentanyl and defeat the Mexican drug cartels that are responsible for the vast majority of the fentanyl that is being trafficked in the United States.”

For those who are unfamiliar, fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine, according to the DEA.

The Youth Connection (TYC) is a Detroit organization that focuses on substance use prevention and has Narcan training for children 14 and up. Dr. Grenae Dudley, president and CEO of TYC said an emerging trend of colorful powder and pills targeting children is devastating.

“That’s the scary part,” said Dudley. “When I get rainbow fentanyl that looks like sidewalk chalk or looks like candy what’s the first thing a baby does, you know, they pick up anything. Where’s it go? Boom, right to the mouth.”

Orville Greene, Special Agent in Charge of the DEA Detroit Field Division said since August 2022 rainbow fentanyl has been seized in 21 states, including here in Michigan.

Greene said it’s important for parents to be aware but to also talk to their children.

“It crosses all demographics, socioeconomics, geography, you know, this is all of our problems, and we should be working on a solution, and I think the education is a part of that solution. It’s not just on the enforcement side,” Greene said.

Dudley said, according to data, those serious conversations may need to happen sooner than you think.

“What we found was kids as young as nine years old are being exposed to drugs,” Dudley said. “And we want to make sure that that parent knows that and they can talk to them about choices about issues that they may be faced with.

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  1. The cartels are about to get a reality check soon when they realize this approach does not work at all and start losing even more profits as the market begins to incrementally shrink. Mark my words, the demand and enthusiasm over the street opioid market among the youth in America is going to decrease more and more literally by the month. In fact it’s already started.

    So thanks cartels for completely ruining the opioid market on the streets. You’ve probably convinced a lot of teens to just stick with ket and shrooms and the shit that they know is good and not laced. As much as we like to pretend like the cartels “understand” the consumer drug market in America, it’s becoming more and more clear that they’re just on the outside looking in and that their logic and approach is actually fairly clumsy and primarily guided by their own misconceptions of young drug experimenters. I can’t think of a better way to keep kids off drugs than what the cartels are doing right now. Thanks for your stupidity Chapitos.

    1. Ketamine? That won't grow in the streets. That's a rave, hippy, and gay scene drug. Ketamine does not keep anyone coming back the way heroin or crack has done. No large ghettos or upper scale consumers are drawn as much to that

    2. Sadly, consumption has been going up.

    3. @6:49 don’t just just blame it on Sinaloa obviously everybody is involved bro if the price is so low. Think about it if not many people on the st had this shit it would be worth way more

    4. 8:59 Apparently you’re not familiar with ketamine use culture in the U.K. then which has actually ravaged some suburban communities there. There’s many, MANY British ketamine addicts and the evidence shows that its addiction levels are similar to that of cocaine. Sure, Americans may not like ket as much as the British but that doesn’t mean it’s not semi-popular/catching on more in the U.S. lately.

      I can totally see K replacing the teen-heroin demographic to some extent (which is basically devoid right now). Have you ever tried it? It actually affects the kappa-opioid receptors as well, not just the NMDA receptors and I can totally understand, after trying it myself the comparisons people make calling it “psychedelic heroin” and such (even though it’s a dissociative not a psychedelic technically). I personally don’t care for it but a lot of people seem to. Maybe I’m wrong though and maybe coke will become big with teens again but I don’t really see that happening. I think that was only common in the very early 80s and then maybe once again in the early 90s but that might just be a 20th century thing.

    5. They do it out of anger to kill as many gringos since they know Chapo leaving prison in a pine box

    6. 9:18 It’ll be measurably down next year though is what I’m saying. I feel like fent has already gone down since spring. Winter is usually the biggest time for opioids though. When people most want that warmth.

      It’s only a matter of time before interest in fentanyl decreases and/or gets replaced by another drug even if it’s just a classic drug like cocaine.

    7. 6:49 you sir are clueless. fent addiction is rising dumbass

    8. 9:52 No it isn’t. Early 2022 was obviously the peak of it. It’s gone down since then and guarantee you it will continue to go down. 2023 will be less than 2022.

    9. Dude I don’t know what planet your living on but the cartels will literally shove that shit down your throat. It ain’t going nowhere. Cause they’ll lace everything with it. Just like they use to do with coke cut it with meth. Those are a drug dealers dream. A drug he can produce for an endless supply. No more droughts waiting on harvest just get your chemicals and cook. The drug market will never be the same. And the cartels will lose a lot of customers but they still have the loyal strung out majority that will buy whatever you send with a smile.

    10. 8:37 I feel like I lost double digit IQ points reading your response here holy shit, this might be the single dumbest thing I’ve ever read on BB lol. Where the fuck would I even begin… I don’t know which sentence is dumber. If this isn’t trolling bless your heart. Wow

    11. 8:37 They don’t shove shit down peoples throats either that’s kind of the whole deal. They’re meeting a demand and if the demand shrinks they have no other choice than to concede to that. Lacing shit? Dude that’s old news. Everyone uses fentanyl testing strips now. What are you 12?

      We’re talking about the fucking opioid market here, the people who purposely and intentionally by opioids and we’re talking about teens specifically. If I didn’t know any better I would surmise that you’re merely just Sir on another meth binge.

      Those who are “strung out“ are also the minority not the majority. And once they’re dead the profits will be no longer because the point I’m making is that there’s hardly any NEW experimenters in the world of opioids. Kids are not fucking trying shit these days like heroin and oxy because there’s none left and they’re not willing to purposely use fentanyl except for the most fucked up kids.

    12. Don’t know where you are but in Vancouver Bc its ridiculous and only getting worst. You can literally see more and more people in Downtown Eastside etc..The stats say the same

    13. 11:04 it’s an endless peak if you haven’t noticed. More and more dead every month

    14. 12:41 Yes but that’s a weird example because Vancouver has been hit harder by fentanyl than probably anywhere in the world and the North American fentanyl problem is at its peak this year so it just looks bad right now. It’s not gonna get worse though even for early 20s individuals and especially not for teens.

    15. 12:44 It’s not “more and more every month” it was literally worse earlier in the year than it is now. It’s already plateaued/gone down slightly.

    16. 12:41 your also supplied locally for fent in Vancouver the Asians cooking it up

    17. 11:34 true it’s definitely probably one of the worst if not the worst areas hit by fent. And yes I’m speaking more about up here.
      12:26 true as well, it’s supplied by the asians and most of the time cut by street dealers from the raw. Just look at It’s results are from mostly Vancouver. It’s got pics and broken down with percentages and everything that it’s been cut with. You can really see what’s out there every day. Three types of down can look identical but one has benzos, one is 56%fent and the last will be 15%. It’s crazy, most of these street guys don’t know what the hell to do with raw. Hence all the od’s. Used to be the main oc groups who would cut it(when it was heroin).

  2. That rainbow shit been around. They makin it look like the crayons box 🤦🏽‍♂️

  3. Different colours for different locations. That's all.
    This is just the DEA using some scare tactic to secure funds.

    Death children is bad for business.

    1. Why would they be all mixed together then

    2. Fair point.
      But we don't know who made the picture. I assume it's the DEA.
      And so far we haven't seen any pictures like that coming from Mexico. So I don't think it's too much of a stretch that the DEA mixed some different batches for a photo op.
      Sidenote: I'm not supporting cartels or am denying that fentanyl is a serious problem. But we all know this war on drugs can get a little crazy sometimes.

    3. 4:19
      Weather the DEA made the picture or not, the criminals are guilty for bringing that into the USA. Photos could have been from siezed pills.

    4. 4:19 I’m sure it’s not to attract kids but rather just multicolored for the sake of it. But I’m sure they really were packed together and all mixed up this way. They’re just not even trying to pretend they’re real blues anymore because we all know they’re not so they’re probably just like “fuck it”

    5. It’s actually a more steam line way to smuggle the fent. Press in into pills and send it.

    6. Lol color dope has been around since 2014 in Vancouver. They use mio drops to color it cause it’s white so not to mix it up with other dope

  4. Cartels are not using colorful pills to attract kids.. This is the stupidest fear monger shit I've heard in awhile.

    1. Three comments in a row. Surely you're not sporting a Cha🍕 or JGL 🧢 with your Tomateros🍅 jersey huh?

    2. Ecstasy pills are colorful

  5. You would think how strong them thangs are they are expensive. but they only going for 1.50 to 1.25

  6. Maybe it’s pride month in Mexico

  7. The DEA model is the quintessential method of never work your way out of a job. How may 100ks are sitting on multi-million$ pensions?

  8. I work LE here in Arizona, and we got a BOLO email regarding this around 3 months ago. Some say it's to distinguish amongst regions, but the reality is that they are selling this shit everywhere, regardless of the color. Talk to your kids, I have a five-year old and told her about this, and to never pick up aluminum foil from the floor in the streets where they burn these pills
    Funny story: I was walking her to school the other day, and I saw a blue pill on the floor; first thing I thought was that it was an m-30, but noticed it was actually a Viagra pill, LOL.

    1. Lol wow. I was just about to go hunting for burnt tin foil on the ground right now

    2. @11:07 Come here to Tucson; plenty of it on the streets. Si quieres te ayudo a juntar mijito.

    3. 6:33
      Should really be spelled Tuson
      Since the C can't be heard.

  9. The rainbow colors were done on purpose so that people know they aren't real roxicodone. Same with the colored chunks of fent, it's so dealers don't get it confused with their cocaine. Absolutely nothing to do with marketing to kids. More bullshit lies from the DEA

    1. Yeah it makes sense why these people would want fentanyl to be a different color besides white

    2. Well they’re about 2 or 3 years late on that front


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