"HEARST" for Borderland Beat
Soldiers and state police arrested Silvano V.T., alias “El 25”, a Sinaloa Cartel figure reportedly from the subgroup Los Memos. He was arrested while he was driving a stolen vehicle filled with four armed hitmen in an area north of the town of Caborca, in the state of Sonora.
The Arrest
According to the official press release (which appears to be the only source used by all news publications covering this event) on September 9, 2022, a Ford F-150 vehicle with a theft report was spotted driving in Sonora through unspecified means.
The vehicle was then tracked as it sped down Federal Highway 2 through “the support of C5i technology”, one of the government surveillance systems in Mexico, which include things like traffic cameras.
The press release goes on to say that “immediately, State Police and Mexican Army personnel followed the vehicle” and signaled for it to pull over. The man driving, however, refused to stop and instead chose to speed up, trying to lose them. This led to a high speed chase heading north, with the Ford F-150 heading north, towards Sonoyta.
The state police and Army soldiers managed to intercept the vehicle near the kilometer 116 marker of Highway 2 (Google Street View link here), just north of the town of Caborca.
When authorities approached the vehicle they observed Silvano V.T. was sitting in the driver’s seat and inside were four other men, along with a number of firearms. The presence of the firearms gave the personnel the authority to ask the vehicle’s occupants to step out.
The vehicle was then searched. They found five firearms, radios, three tactical vests and ammo which included over 750 bullets. The vehicle’s information was run through the system and it confirmed there was a theft report from July 30, 2016 in Baja California for the vehicle. The five men were then detained.
At some point, personnel discovered that the vehicle’s driver Silvano V.T. was known as “El 25” and said to be a head of hitmen working under a cell of Los Memos, the group formerly helmed by Adelmo Nieblas González, aliases "El Memo" and “G3”.
All five detainees were then transported to an area where a helicopter extracted them and flew them out of the region. The detention of a figure within a cartel that is local to the area requires a higher level of security. This is due to concerns over fellow cartel members trying to break them out of custody as they are being transferred by doing things like attacking a government vehicle convoy which was moving the detainees to a secondary holding location.

Quick Review of Los Memos
In 2015, the Sinaloa Cartel (CDS) subgroup Los Salazars decided to “renegotiate” their agreement with another CDS subgroup called Los Memos, a family originating from Durango.
Since around 2009, the deal between the two groups was that Salazars could have access to the border crossing locations of Puerto Peñasco, Sonoyta, and San Luis Rio Colorado (SLRC) for the purpose of drug smuggling. In return, they would not try to contest Los Memos and Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza, alias “El Macho Prieto”, for control of the city of SLRC itself, as a plaza.
But the December 2013 death of Macho Prieto, as well as the February 2014 arrest of Chapo, led to an instability in the Sinaloa Cartel and Salazars decided in 2015 they would rather “renegotiate” their deal with Memos - by fighting them for control of SLRC.
This led to a bloody war between the two group for control of the territory, with the violence finally waning due to the arrest of Memo’s leader Adelmo Nieblas González, aliases "El Memo" and “G3”, later that year. The war ended with Salazars now in control of most of the border city.
A few years later, Memos and Salazars were seen working together as allies during the 2019 - 2020 conflict they shared against Los Paez, as reported by Buggs. Starting around 2020, Memos ceased to be a distinct cartel entity, with most of their members and cells absorbed into other local Sinaloa Cartel groups like Salazars.
So, who is El 25?
All of the sources which venture to mention El 25’s cartel affiliation seem to repeat the same few details, just with slightly different wording. These are, as written by Sonora Informativo:
One of the subjects arrested was identified as Silvano V. T. alias 'El 25', an alleged leader of the hitmen of the faction Los Pelones and/or Los Memos, which is led by alias 'El Pelón' or 'El 08', a main generator of violence in the region of Caborca, Pitiquito and Sonoyta.
‘El 25', a native of the state of Durango, was the head of the hitmen, who was responsible for the violence that occurred in Caborca and Pitiquito. He was also involved in human trafficking to the United States along the border between Sonoyta and Lukeville, Arizona.
The other suspects arrested have so far been identified only as El 25's hitmen.
Extensive googling turned up little else about El 25, although more information about him and his his criminal history may emerge in the coming days.
Sources: Official Press Release, El Diario de Sonora, Proyecto Puente, Diario de Yaqui, Radar Sonora, Pedro967506833, Caborca Informa, Sonora Informativo Post 1, Post 2, Radio Lobo, Etorno Informativo, El Imparcial, Radio Formula Article 1, Article 2, Critica, Michelle Rivera, Ariete Caborca, Descierto
Update 9/17/2022:
More information on the detainees' identities has emerged, as covered by Calvarie Locus, and the five were featured in a presidential morning press conference.
Great way to start the day coffee and a fresh BB article much as gracias Hearst
ReplyDeleteAn even better way to start off the day is getting a comment like this.
DeleteSo no, no, thank you, sir. I appreciate it.
Caborca cartel’s law enforcement and military friends are staying loyal so far. Anymore news coming out of caborca since the chapitos left the paez Quintero warning with the bodies a week or two ago?
ReplyDeleteWell it been a lot more then 24 hours looks like it was just all smoke
DeleteHave you noticed they are going heavy on Sinaloa drug labs.
ReplyDeleteThey are going heavy on getting Sinaloa members.
But yet we wait to see a not a single drug lab
belonging to CJNG.
Yet they are not going heavy for CJNG.
It's all out there, for people to see, that the curupt government is showing favoritism to CJNG.
DeleteApparently one of AMLOs top and most trusted advisers is going around brokering deals with the big cartels. According to Luis chaparro, Double R was meeting with someone from the government a few weeks back and when the army showed up.
Delete@7:17 am
DeleteHey. This is just my personal opinion, but maybe try out reading/listening to people like David Saucedo, Héctor De Mauleón, and Oscar Adrian Luna instead sometime.
There are so many excellent people, with real insight into what's going on behind the scenes between cartel groups and government agencies.
Going to check them out now. Thank you for the suggestions Hearst
DeleteThere's a big smoke screen out there, the government, that is in cullusion with Cartels don't want you to see.
DeleteReporters in Mexico, reporting the truth, get killed. When BB finds fresh articles, the truth is exposed. Later on we see, how they try to retract what really happened.
Quit crying!
DeleteWhen Calderon was President and begun all this capturing of cartel figures only three to six percent of all these captures were Sinaloa members.
You all sure as FUCK weren't crying then about who was being captured!
You'd all be laughing and cracking jokes about everyone else and listening to those fictitious Sinaloa corridos and how they were unstoppable.
Bunch of niñas.
DeleteI don't see no one crying in here, facts are being stated. You're the fuken one crying, CJNG cheerleader.
CDS fangirls not happy. Yes CJNG probably pays better bribes
Delete@6:47 am I pointed that shit out the other day proofs in the pudding
Delete7:40 with all due respect:
DeleteBefore parading people as exemplary reporters, writers, journalists or analysts, a little research could help a lot, Hector de Mauleon whose writings like "la ruta de sangre de Arturo beltran leyva" and others in NEXUS, i admire turned out to be a propaganda hit for the Chapo allied garcia Luna and his presidente FECAL
Carlos Marin, jorge ramos, la aristegui, denisse dresser, Carlos loret de moolah, "brozo", alejandro hope, and many others, are nothing but a sorry bunch of chayoteros selling their pens to the highest bidder to write mexican Fawx news.
@9:49 like I said. I didn't see little bitches like you crying when Calderon was capturing everyone else's members except Sinaloa.
Delete6:47 they know if they work with cds, Cds will snitch on them like chapo did Garcia Luna, Calderon and many more, no one wants to get snitched on, sinple as that
DeleteThat's because Sinaloa has more.drug labs than anyone else cjng are bums 🤣
Delete1:41 balls haven't dropped yet clearly 10 years old
DeleteWait till elections, you'll see some work here and there, but when the next president takes office then it's possible that we will see more cjng busts and another cartel will get a break.
DeleteVery dangerous hombres!!!
ReplyDeletePlease update the article as El Memo is actually free, escape from prison a while
ReplyDeleteback.The memos still have a great presences in Sonora Mexicali and San Luis Colorado .They we’re not absorb as your article explains there currently working with Los Salazars against Los Quinteros by orders of Los menores .Thank You
Yes he escaped through a tunnel that was made in Aguaruto if I remember correctly and to my knowledge hasn't been recaptured. HEARST is very capable of researching those events and what has happened since to El Memo...
DeleteBB gives the Salazar to much credit just cause they are linked to Los chapitos! But there are multiple groups who are as powerful as them! Los Memos being one of them. Gente del Altar being another and so on. I don't know why BB is always on their jock like they're the dominant in Sonora.
DeleteI really didn't want this article to become an overview of Memo's criminal history.
DeleteBut yes, Memo famously escaped Aguarato in Culiacan prison in 2014.
However, Lucio's article said Memo was arrested again, in 2015 - after that escape.
I'm guessing either it was misreported or he was released after though, because I can't find any at articles on Memo being sentenced for anything in 2015. And the US officially offered a $5 million dollar reward for him in 2017, after indicting him in 2015.
By orders of the Chaputas?
DeleteI'm open to changing and putting Memos as their own group, outside of the Salazars umbrella, and framing them more as their allies if you give me some more I can research and look into.
DeleteCan you guys tell me which municipality you think is primarily controlled by Memos, not Salazars?
Heart, the Salazars don't control no plaza in Sonora! They are groups more like freelancers to promote violence. More like pawns to heat up the plaza so the real power the Mexican government can sweep in and make arrests. Then when the opposing plaza bosses get taken down or weakened los chaputos can put their guys in play in that plaza. I don't think it's been working so far in Sonora, the Caro Paez, people of Altar are to engraved in the territory.
DeleteAlso if I remember correctly the 2nd story of Memos recapture after he escaped was in reference to the first story. I boiled it down bad journalism.
DeleteA 2015 article needlessly re-reporting a story that happened years earlier - without once stating that it's covering old news.
DeleteAnd then some unbiased comments like "Salazars do not control a single plaza in all of Sonora."
Ah, yes. Now I remember why I have trust issues. Lol.
It's called dis-information, I come to see alot of these blogs and social media pages are utilized for miss information. CIA and the Brits do it all the time to cause unstability. But they plazas have their owners who all answer to certain individuals and these individuals are not who everybody thinks them to be.
DeleteThis is just one small fish in the pond, but MX is not even scratching the surface, the gov can only go one at a time, and this one likely came from CDS themselves… this guy messed up and now CDS wanted them out. CDS is also giving up labs, loads, personnel, etc. to make the MX Gov look good… as if they are now going after CDS. Mayo is in control of the country, and he tells the MX Gov what to do, he gives up who he wants to, and this is how he keeps flowing.
ReplyDelete@9:34am 'small fish in a pond' This is the male competition version of a beauty pageant - the ladies yank out each other's hair extensions and break their gel nails with b*tch slaps 'cept the boys are less pretty.
DeleteCanadian girl 💋
Whether anyone in the Mexican government wants to admit it or not, they cannot bring down the violence without SEDENA until their police capacity is built up. We are seeing improvements in police abilities in some states and cities, but politicians must learn to provide their police with sufficient ammo, pay, benefits and security for the police and their families.
ReplyDeleteELMO came out with the idea that the National Guard could be led by a civilian. He is now learning that that is impractical and is placing the National Guard under the supervision of SEDENA.
Good work by SEDENA. Everyone has to be patient as the security situation in Mexico improves.
9:56 "elmo" the supreme commander of the mexican melitary, IS a Civilian, like the orinch trumpanzee or José Biden....and that's the nius to you for today...
Delete11:25 Elmo is the supreme puppet of the Republic of Mexico.
DeleteHe is controlled by higher ups in Military, in cullusion with Cartels that pay bribes.
12:44 diplomacy leads the lion by the tail until the lion turns into an intelligent mouse, like pinochet, but Pinochet became an billionaire, in dollars mysteriously deposited in British banks...
DeleteI'll take diplomacy over a pinochetazo, you on the other hand seem to be a paid propagandista for the militarized police state in México, eager to get paid.
DeleteWhatever happened to the paid ALMO internet influencers?
AMLO did the correct thing in switching strategies from what it seems like. Putting the Guardia Nacional under SEDENA control seems to be having an effect. That and erasing that jurisdiction hurdle and giving the army and the guardia jurisdiction rights anywhere and any time a crime is committed. And there's been better coordination between the army, la guardia, and in alot of places the police. They've been cracking down on bribing and confiscating the money. And it makes it harder to bribe. Before you could bribe the police and the army or guardia etc. would show up and the police would claim jurisdiction so no one else would be able to touch that matter. Now they can't claim jurisdiction, because the army and guardia have been authorized to pursue any matter, anywhere in Mexico. It's also harder to bribe because if you bribe the police, you still have to worry about the guardia and army. There was an incident within the last couple of weeks where acouple Guardia Nacional accepted a bribe but SEDENA was there who along with the other elements of the Guardia confiscated the money and the bribe wasn't cemmented. How about the army's performance when they tried to bribe them with 10 million dollars or pesos (not 100% sure) and out numbered 8 against 40, the lieutenant responded to them "that's not happening. I guess there's only one other alternative, we all die here today." My respects and admiration for them soldiers. May the one that lost his life in the ensuing shoot out rest in peace. Those are real mexicans!!!
ReplyDeleteIf Los Salazares, who are with Los Chapitos, control SLRC and Sonoyta, what border crossing is being used by Mayos crew in Puerto Penasco,Sonora to get their loads into USA?
ReplyDeleteI don't believe Chapitos-aligned groups like Salazars solely control the Sonoyta crossing anymore.
DeletePeople say Mayo's people move weight through the Sonoyta Lukeville crossing. Some people say it's only controlled by Mayo-aligned groups now, while others disagree. Hard to judge.
Thank you Hearst. I appreciate all of you.
DeleteMemos are still the group in Sonoyta