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Monday, September 12, 2022

Jesus Sonqui, Narco Corrido Music Promoter Gunned Down in Ciudad Obregon, Sonora

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

Early this morning, music promotor Jesus Sonqui was killed by gunfire from several attackers while at a street food stand in Ciudad Obregon, Sonora. He was ambushed on Quintana Roo street, in the Chapultepec neighborhood around 2:00 a.m., according to local nota roja twitter Sonora Informativo.

News site En el Radar reported that after being surprised by his attackers, Sonqui exchanged gunfire, but was killed. Photos show his body lying on the street next to his car. A chromed 45 caliber pistol with pearl grips and a pouch with extra magazines were found at the crime scene. Some sources say he was accompanied by two men, one of them a high profile artist.

Photo from Cajeme News Twitter.

En el Radar said that Sonqui once managed the band Alta Consigna, a banda group that produced narco corridos. He was currently managing Panchito Arredondo, another artist who makes narco corridos.

It is so far unclear why he was killed, but narcocorrido related music promotors and artists often face fatal risks for playing music venerating rivals in the wrong territory, or even being involved in organized crime in a supporting role themselves.

Jesus Sonqui Instagram
The last photo posted on his Instagram, posted in November 2021, shows him dressed in a suit with skull makeup brandishing a pistol. The caption says: "Live is short".

Jesus Sonqui Instagram

Warning: graphic photo of the crime scene below.

Sonora Informativo Twitter

Sources: En el Radar, Sonora Informativo TwitterCajeme News Twitter.


  1. Correct life is short bahahaha

    1. Hai esta tu pinche Armani hotel en Dubái , con todos los cesos de fuera como un pero

    2. comentarios Como los tuyos todos pendejos! Fuera Tu jefa o Tu jefe o tus hermanos pendejos y ay estuvieras llorando perro

  2. Probably messing with a Narco's wife. Shit happens.

  3. Por andar ahi de caliente en sus skinny jeans color mamey...

    1. Hahahaha those skinny 👖 jean emasculated narcos!

    2. Wtf 714? A man is brutally massacred and you make fun of his pants.

    3. 11:09 he made his bed. He was a dumb ass who played half way narco now he's dead

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Oh My goodness, come say say your shit to my husband and our brothers. I am so tired of bullshit comments.

    6. Thanks to BB admin trying to keep it classy. As a female I really want to see more women on this site. Their perspectives etc. Comments like the one you took down, are so pointless. . Pls, keep up the good work.

    7. There is actually a council of six active admins at BB. We all delete and approve comments at various times, make decisions together. It's real nice.

    8. Oh ok yea you guys are right..respect respect and control the bullshit on this badass website.otherwise it would be a piece of shit website,for those who are into checking out the comments.don't need all that childish bologna from idiots.yea I easily get into responses that are funny or stupid and say smart shit,stupid shit,yep pointless shit too much.gotta regulate it.cuz i was bout to say some stupid bullshit til I read other responses from Lastraw and Hearst.So now I'll just say good job and thanks for all your effort to keep shit civil enough on bb so this has always been a well kept website.

    9. Now we cannot have free speech.LETS STOP ADHERING TO THIS POLITICAL CORRECTNESS SHIT.We all dont love each other,we never will,dont be led all your lives

    10. "As a female I really want to see more women on this site" Why,cause their female,just because their female,politically correct shit is rearing its ugly head on BB

    11. As a female I really want to see more women...Ohh shit here we go

    12. I want more women,then says "say that to my husband and bros"fuckin hilarious.

    13. Slackdrawers who gives a fuck if your female,take your crap elsewhere

  4. La asia de muy vergaaa el vato pobre Cabronn

  5. These wanna be Jr's aren't bout that life! No coming back from those stupid choices in life he made!

    1. Hey bro do you know what being bout that life means cuz it's pretty obvious he was bout that life. They say he was ambushed and he fought back using his piece. The report says there was a pouch with extra ammo lying next to his body. So I'd say he was bouty. Que perdio la pelea es otra cosa.

    2. 🎶I'm bout it, bout it
      you bout it, bout it
      generation Z ain't bout it, bout it 🎶

    3. 12:12 where did being about get him?!

    4. @5:19 Where in my response did I say that I agree with or glamorize this guys actions? I just get tired of people using words and phrases incorrectly. I don't even really use the term "being about it" but I know what it means and how to use it.

    5. He’s not a Jr you idiot! He was a well known artist manager in the Latin music industry! Before y’all go with your stupid ass comments y’all should know what your talking about !

    6. 1:24 then you are 'bout it...
      Stop complainin' 'bout it

  6. Seems like there's a social media obsession with Dubai. Place is a fucking dump I'm confused

    1. I agree. Dubai is a shithole that anyone can afford to travel to. But these narcos make it seem as if they are the shit just cause they landed there.

    2. It's the Paris of the Arab world just like Tijuana is the Paris of the Latin America world.

    3. Tijuana is the Paris of Latin america?that makes no sense at all

    4. "Tijuana is the Paris of the Latin America world"... My poor, dear friend... You really need to get out of the house and travel. Maybe try Mexico City... Or Buenos Aires... Rio de Janeiro? La Paz (no, the one in Bolivia, naco)... Santiago? Cartagena? At least buy a bus ticket - Tijuana is the armpit of Latin America, and I actually have family there.

  7. WHATS UP with these foos and the skull paint? Is that for El Dia De Los Muertos?

    The originators of that tradition are the Purepecha of Michoacán nowadays many lames rip it off around this time of year and some confuse it with up some Halloween or Aztec shit. Wtf?

    1. @Nope
      Originally a Purepecha thing! Those who know their roots, know!

    2. That is correct it is a purepecha thing … since those lames got wiped the fuck out and are deader than dead ! Every time I rock a skull I think of the sorry ass tribe that ain’t shit never was shit and never will be shit

    3. What are you talking about. They didnt get wiped out.

    4. @4:56 in general, be cautious of the word "never." Change is inevitable. The dinosaurs ruled Earth for 500 million years. Where are they now? Similar with Aztecs. White people are all smug and shit, but all empires fall eventually. They're just in denial.

    5. @4:56 sure thing pocho

    6. 8:03: I'm white and not all smug and shit. I tire of race, my race, always getting lumped in with every crappy thing that ever happens, or has happened in the world. We can never move forward with such stigma.

    7. @4:56, straight salavje perrrooo!🤣🤣🤣🤣

    8. 4:56 9:44
      You’re the type that sports the face paint the most during this time of year and that’s why you’re all mad that talking shit like the straight up bitch you are! By the way the Purepecha are still around.

    9. These days I would say blacks are smug and shit and this is coming from someone of Mexican descent. You all act like gods and still can’t act right in public always all loud!

    10. @9:15. Come on, bro. You're in denial. White people did more dirt on a grander scale than any other culture. Name another culture that gassed Jews to death. Name another culture that dropped atomic bombs on the heads of Japanese kindergarteners. That's some foul shit bro. But people do change. I'm black but I'm grateful for the white man ending slavery. The black man damn sure didn't free himself.
      Every culture has done evil. But the western man brought evil to the far corners of the globe. Deal with it bro. In acceptance you will find peace.

    11. 7:22 the original artistas asesinos forgot to patent their designs and logos, but the mazis made them popular again, sorry for the million dollar losses in your bank accounts...

    12. 10:44 the Purépecha became Pure Pushas before the get pureéd by friend and foe.

    13. SIR the tecato rambling with his gibberish @11:49/11:51

    14. It's a human thing then, Keith Richards wears a skull ring since the 80s

    15. @12:19
      I don’t think SIR is on BB anymore.

      The day of the dead or El Dia Del Los Muertos as it’s known comes from Michoacán started by the Purepechas. Stupid pochos all proud of being Mexican and assume everyone of Mexican descent is Aztec or some other tribe Olmec, Toltec, Mayan, etc.

      The Purepechas never got conquered gave the Spaniards and Aztecs an ass whooping and are still around to this day those who know, know but the internet and history books say other wise because the Spaniards tried to burn all their records after getting dealt with by those ruthless indios. Hence delivering 💀 death to their enemies and rivals. Quit hating and posting lies and nonsense!

    16. Not denying anything. Ashamed of what my race has done. I am just tired of lumping one race all together . I am forever guilty for crimes I did not commit nor believe in.

    17. 1:33 I do believe it's SIR, I can smell his Gibberish words a mile away. My dog Perin said it's SIR. He can't hide his signature method of writing .

    18. The United States detonated two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August 1945!!!!!, respectively. The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the only use of nuclear weapons in armed conflict......between 7 April and 15 July 1994!!!!! , members of the Tutsi minority ethnic group, as well as some moderate Hutu and Twa, were killed by armed Hutu militias (with knifes and machetes). The most widely accepted scholarly estimates are around 500,000 to 662,000 Tutsi deaths...
      Get some books!
      Broaden your horizon, don't be a racist.

    19. 2:04 you jumped of the Radar, who are you directing your comment to???
      This article is about Mexico corrido Singer gun down.
      I don't see why you ranting USA and Japan war in the 40s, you failed to add, the reasons why USA used those bombs in the 1st place. You need to go back and read the history books.

    20. 2:24 your Perrin knows its master...congratulations.
      Purépecha did not get conquered, they surrendered without a fight, were enslaved by their Spanish friends and made Don Vasco de Quiroga famous for defending them from the Spanish whippings.
      The Aztecas were not beat by the spanish but by their uropian smallpox epidemic.
      Anyway, shit happened about 500 years ago, we didn't do it, you need to stop beating your ass against the sidewalk.

    21. This james brown always cryin about race like a bitch,white people wah wah wah shut the fuck up and stick to topic ye fuckin bellend

    22. Jim brown on his soapbox again,we got black privilege now,lmfao

    23. Brown say that shit to my white face you fuckin clown,i would have the excuse to stand all over your face you cryin cunt

    24. Going on and on about white people,i mean everyone got a great opinion about blacks ya dig james?Race whining is for bitter losers,you kno that,you a loser jimmy?

    25. Cant be reading comments like James Browns,hes getting away with blatant racism all the time?Hijacking comments with it?

    26. 2:33 technically if you're reading his comments they are in your face genius 🤣

  8. Que desmadree traen en Sonora, ojala el ejercito y la marina les de tronco a esas plagas al instante para que no vayan a juicio y luego los dejen libres. Hasta cuando se va cansar la ciudadanía de estos malandros

    1. Segun un guey que se hace llamar Gsonoran dice que en sonora todo esta tranquilo y controlado 🤣🤣

    2. Los Sinalocos traen un desmadre en SonMex. Toda la plaza está caliente y no hay final en vista. Desde Huatabampo hasta NogSon, y Caborca, SLRC, y toda la costa está hecha madre.

  9. Not sure how short life is, but bet he was.

  10. Maybe his promotion services were not good.

  11. Must have gotten tired of paying , decided not to pay but ultimately paid with his life. if that's what really happened it seems that people need to look at this situation and learn from it, but he won't be the last one to end up like this I guarantee it

  12. se creeia vien verga haciendose pasar como mafioso en en insta. alguien le tuvo envidia y lo fusilaron por causa de eso. no entienden estos perros q cuando andan ahi metidos tienes q mantenerte bajo perfil en todo momento.

  13. Lol, he got his cap peeled.


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