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Monday, September 19, 2022

Mexico Maintains an Arrest Warrant & Interpol Red Notice Against Damaso "El Mini Lic" Lopez-Serrano

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

"El Mini Lic" served 5 years in US prison after surrendering and cooperating in multiple trials. He is wanted by Mexican authorities.

The Attorney General's Office (FGR), since 2020, obtained a federal arrest warrant against Dámaso Lopez-Serrano, for his alleged mastermind of the murder of journalist Javier Valdez Cárdenas; also obtaining a red card from Interpol, and immediately managing the process of his extradition to Mexico.

At the request of the International Affairs area of ​​the Prosecutor's Office itself, the US Department of Justice has reported verbally that said individual is still being prosecuted for other crimes in that country, in the face of which the FGR will insist on its extradition management towards Mexico so that it can be carried out as soon as possible.

According to the report, the Department of International Affairs was requested to contact the US authorities to find out the resolutions of the case in the Court of the Southern District of California, where on September 16 the sentence of time served was imposed against López Serrano concluded and he was given five years of supervised release. Upon sentencing him in a federal court in San Diego, Judge Dana Sabraw ordered him to hand over a million dollars that he obtained from the importation of cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin.

The judge stressed that he risked his life for his "extraordinary" cooperation, which included his willingness to testify in Guzmán Loera's trial, as his father did in January 2019.

"The US Department of Justice has reported verbally that said individual is still prosecuted for other crimes in that country," the FGR said in a brief statement.

Meanwhile, the defendant is no longer in the custody of the San Diego Metropolitan Correctional Center, where he was being held, according to Bureau of Prisons records that indicate he left that jurisdiction hours after his San Diego court appearance. "El Mini Lic" was released on Friday, September 16, 2022, according to official registration number 63436-298, from the Bureau of Prisons (BOP).

Register Number: 63436-298
Age: 34
Race: White
Sex: Male
Released On: 09/16/2022

It is not currently known what additional crimes "El Mini Lic" is charged with in the United States. It may be a delaying tactic to negotiate witness protection for him based on his testimony in multiple trials and his father's cooperation including testifying against El Chapo.

Dámaso has already testified in the trial against Jesús Raúl León Beltrán, nicknamed "Chuy Raúl" or "El Trébol", identified as the head of security and brother-in-law of Jesús Alfredo Guzmán Salazar, as well as a son of Jesús Raúl Beltrán Uriarte, main lieutenant and operator financier of the late capo Ignacio "Nacho" Coronel.

A close friend of Guzmán Loera's family offered $25,000 to assassinate "El Mini Lic" so that he would not testify in the León Beltrán case. The offer reached the ears of the Four Corner Hustlers, a gang that operates in Chicago.

Lopez-Serrano pleaded guilty to all charges in an indictment returned by a federal grand jury in San Diego on August 19, 2016, charging him and five of his close associates with Conspiracy to Distribute Methamphetamine, Heroin, and Cocaine Intended for Importation and Conspiracy to Import Methamphetamine, Heroin, and Cocaine.

Lopez-Serrano also pleaded guilty to an indictment returned on December 4, 2016, in the Eastern District of Virginia by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Virginia and the Criminal Division’s Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section charging him with Conspiracy to Distribute Cocaine Intended for Importation. His sentencing however appears to have only been on the charges based in San Diego. Virginia charges may still require serving time if it was not served concurrently.

It is important to note that in February 2020, the FGR obtained the first conviction against the perpetrator of that homicide, Heriberto "P", sentenced to 14 years. Likewise, in June 2021, the second sentence was obtained against Juan “P”, for 32 years.

Sources FGR, DOJ, Infobae, La Silla Rota, Riodoce


  1. Good luck. The US finds his information on CDS more valuable than seeing Mini Lic serve time on a murder.

  2. Let the mamasones be and release La Chapa, he could make México secure, for free, if made secretary of public security instead of the corrupt double faced admirals and generals selling out to the highest bidder and the military sorority of cienpedos.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Glad you are still with us SIR.

    3. 12:35 i seriously thought SIR had overdosed and had left this earth, but im glad that didnt happened and he still here with us.
      So what the real back story Sir?

    4. 3:07 I had to kiss Google's ass and they let me come back to Booger

    5. 10:28 retarded comment Chapo started all the problem. The little baby didler never come back to Mexico maybe in a box

  3. As soon as he’s arrested in Mexico he will be turned over to los chapitos. Wonder how much they’ll pay for him to be turned over to them

    1. He's not getting arrested in Mexico if he does what he's told he will live a long life and get to watch the Chapitos go down in a hail of bullets

  4. We need to get Chapo Guzman release from prison to bring back peace to Mexico.

    1. 10:52 I think we should sentence chapo to death and drone strike his sons

    2. "De los piez ala cabeza
      es bajito de estaltura,
      de la cabeza hasta el cielo
      yo le calculo su altura,
      porque es grande entre los grandes
      aver quien tiene una duda

      Ya conocio la pobresa,
      ya conocio la riquesa,
      si los respetan respeta,
      si lo offenden se accelera
      y del infierno se escapa,
      y se persina en la iglesia
      Aveces la residencias,
      aveces casa campaña,
      los radios y las metrallas
      durmiendo en piso en la cama,
      de techo aveces las cuevas
      Joaquin El Chapo le llaman

      Acostumbrado a mandar
      tambien te sabe escuchar,
      sobresalio enter los grandes
      chequen su historia y nomas,
      hecho raiz en el amor
      hay muchos hijos por ay

      Por medio de este corrido
      voy a mandar saludar,
      aquellos viejos amigos
      que no eh podido olvidar,
      soy El Tio pa mis sobrinos
      para otros Chapo Guzman"

    3. 10:52 chapos greed is the reason Mexico is so bad. He wasn’t happy with the plaza he was given after the Guadalajara cartel was defunct so he went after TJ then Juarez and then snitched on mochomo to have his son released which caused the big war against BLO. Hope chapo stays in prison until he passes away. He deserves it

    4. 10:52
      I regret to inform you that due to unforeseen events transpiring in Mexico, Chapo will never be released.

    5. 10:52 I agree, Mexico needs one group in power again so the violence will die down like during the times of the Sinaloa federation. I don’t think peace in Mexico is what the powers that be want right now. Chapo is done.

    6. 1209 spitting facts

    7. It's always a bootlickin' s.o.b talking about drone striking something. I guarantee he lives in the outskirts of West-Bubba-Fuck, USA. Without a clue on how the real world works.

    8. 1:57 yep we need the strongest cartel to be in charge and thats Cjng they keep their plazas clean, unlike cds who was given the oportunity and they fucked up, couldnt keep their people in check

    9. 2:39 don't live the US in Germany for a minute. Speaking of licking boots but you fools in Sinaloa claim to be German bahaha

    10. El Chapo is a tall man, but his legs are too short.
      Peepol used to call him el Patas Cortas,
      juaquin Lopez doriga "el ticher" is called "el patas de caballo" because he has no toes, lost them to cocaine.

    11. You people need to understand that Chapo Guzmán has the carisma to be asl you can be in America. He can make Mexico great again. He will create one cartel only and make drugs safe for consumers and the United States will be gratefully for ever.

    12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. The U.S. is in a tough negotiating position with this one because they can't dismiss the charges in a foreign country as part of the plea agreement. He's not required to serve more time in his Virginia case. If he was, he would have been transferred to Virginia.
    He can't travel to a third country with a red notice. He can only travel internationally on a U.S. armed forces aircraft which is a possibility. If Mexico doesn't play ball, the U.S. could send him to a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with Mexico which is unlikely.
    My sense is that Mexico will use his case to wring out concessions from the U.S. He most likely will remain in the U.S. If Mexico doesn't accept any offer of concessions, they will probably just play for time until a more favorable president is elected in Mexico. His stay in the U.S. is really tenuous because it may also depend on who the attorney general or who the president is. U.S. attorneys can handle small concessions, but any serious concessions must be approved by the AG or possibly even the president. If the U.S. doesn't get an agreement, a future AG just might throw him to the wolves. His best bet is to agree to a prison sentence in the Valdez case and serve his time in the U.S. if an agreement can't be reached.
    A couple of people complained here thinking that he had a U.S. green card. He most likely doesn't have a green card. He most likely is living in that grey area where he is in the U.S. at the wishes of the DOJ, but he has no legal status so he can be deported without a hearing. It is better to wait 20 years for a green card than go through what Mini Lic. is going through right now. He's probably on a lot of antianxiety medication.

    1. He's a snitch like many other SNITCHaloas that has a written agreement with the USA.
      Unless he once again starts to be involved in trafficking or other serious crimes he will legally remain in the country. Probably has the S Visa which comically whether intentional or not is specifically for criminal cooperators aka SNITCHES.
      He will not be exposed unnecessarily regardless of AMLO rhetoric

    2. It's ok to snitch, WTF you care.

    3. The S-5 "S"nitch visa is a non-immigrant visa. It gives him no right to work in the U.S. In order to receive an S-5 visa, he must waive deportation so won't receive a hearing if he is deported. If he commits any criminal offense punishable by more than a year in jail, he is deportable.
      He has no legal status like an LPR. It makes no sense to give him a visa to stay in the U.S. and not allow him the benefits of an LPR. He's in a pretty tenuous position, but I agree with you that it will be very difficult to extradite him. I don't see AMLO making concessions so I expect this thing to drag out for years.

    4. He can’t serve time on a Mexico conviction in the US. There is no jurisdiction for the US correctional facility to incarcerate him on a foreign charge unless it is to hold him for extradition.

    5. 1:19 not when chose to be a criminal its pussy

    6. 1:19 you know what ok? To stay in school and be an accet to society, not a snitch like all Sinaloas

    7. @1:19 no it's not ok to snitch no matter how much you try to rationalize it. It's hilarious how these SNITCHaloas proclaim themselves some mafiosos de la vieja escuela but are bitchmade MF. Puro culón que sin arma o lambehuevos son unos ignorantes, ñengos o panzones que hablan a doble velocidad con su nariz tapada.
      This "Mini Snitch" is accused of killing the journalist, do you believe his family should not receive justice? I will mention the USA is wrong for being so lenient with these punks, if they're going to negotiate short sentences then they should at least put them in the "hole" so their time moves much slower and maybe they can gain a little conscience and lose a lot of brain functions.

    8. 3:17 reddit nino
      It's ok to snitch, people sing like a Bird to get a lesson sentence.
      I am sure if the cops got you for Grand Theft of car, at you wanted less years you would snitch, it's ok to snitch.

    9. 2:31:
      He can serve his time in the U.S. for a Mexican conviction. It's not all that unusual.

    10. Black white yellow brown they all snitch when facing hard time. “The old timers didn’t snitch” well most of them weren’t around when RICO hit and the bosses were no longer immune to prosecution. the Valencia’s all snitched and menchos son will snitch. You think theres something in the water in Sinaloa that makes them more prone to snitching? No its basic human nature looking out for ones self before everyone else. If mencho (if he’s alive) ever faces trial in the US you will have all his capos lining up to get a deal you can bet your 5’0 mommas life on that. The Alfredo beltrans are 1/100 extremely rare

    11. 5:24 There might be something in the water that brings their testosteron levels down and makes them act like woman, sorry to burst your booble but Sinaloas snitch like women and thats a hard fact that you and all the cds fans have to accept and realized that their corridos are all fantazy

    12. 5:24 snitching kinda seems to he part of Sinaloan culture.

    13. Saint Peter the Apostle did not snitch, he just denied he knew the Redeemer, Donald Trump denied he knew his good buddies and friends and condemned them by the next day, then he keeps stealing the donations for fighting the steal

    14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    15. @4:11 I been on this site since 2009, before that I was on BorRep and before that I was in prison. Reddit? I didn't bother with it when this site went dark. GTA? No mames, I'll let the lacras do that.
      I did time with a dude that later on got busted with a Coronel. His second wife was from a well known family. No one likes snitches.When you move jale you know that if you don't stop you will get hit, that's a reality, but you don't start ratting on people because your dumbass got popped.

    16. 8:29 you got those stats from up your ass. Chapo and Mayo factions are snitches because thats fhe precedent the bosses set for their underlings when mayos sons snitched and when chapo snitched on the Beltran leyvas. Theres countless sinaloas who stood tall when facing hard time but you wouldn’t know them because youre a pocho who is a simple spectator. Round up cjng top guys extradite them and 9/10 of them will snitch just like any other criminal syndicate. And the shit about child molestation is just sad, cheapening the term that is reserved for the most vile of humans. Your IP will be tracked by LE as you are most likely a hired troll by CJNG who is spreading this grotesque accusations with zero proof

    17. 7:54 Alfredo Beltran and caro Quintero didn’t get that memo!

    18. 6:57 5’0 michoarata that secretes pickle juice from his pores and sweat glands detected

  6. What happened to Fuerzas Especiales Damaso FED? They had the rooster and ak47 logo on their hats and bullet proof vest

  7. That Foo ain't white race

    1. White people and Hispanics (non indigenous) essentially are the same. They have the same bone structure same with Arabs. 100s of years ago we where the same and it started in the middle east.

    2. 124 Seriously?

      I didn't know I was part haji.

      Some Latinas look arab ir Indian from know 7-11 not Casino Indian.

    3. 3:15 I mean unless you believe the worlds 5000 years old reality is it started in Iraq(sumerians) first known intelligent civilization

    4. Fuck that shit! Im mestizo and glad I have some melanin unlike these allergic to the sun type foreigners who think they belong on this side of the world!

    5. Fuck the Sumerians! Motherfuckers still don’t use deodorant and wear heavy clothing in 100+ degree weather cual intelligent ni que la chingada!!!

    6. 7:58 the so called 1st human civilization is said to have began in Iraq but the 1st human on earth was created and lived in Africa. There is a difference.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. He's wearing a Caterpillar hat and has monster caterpillar eyebrows lmao

    1. He has black electrical tape eyebrows.

    2. Those eyebrows were loaned to him by Ernie on Sesame Street.

    3. 8:53 never been out off down, but what matters is the ideas not the personalities, try to get the point more than the autograph.

  10. La ley Mexicana tiene que ser la mas pendeja del mundo entriegan a los capos a USA. usa les quitan el dinero lesda poco tiempo y los deja libre. le dan mas tiempo ALGUIEN por vender una libra de cranka que estos por toneladas y muertes

    1. No es la mas pendeja , es que Usa tiene tanta evidencia sobre los politicos y sus familiares corruptps que los manipula segun le interese asi de simple

  11. @solprendido el lara te dedico un vídeo en YouTube hablo mucha cagada de ty y de borderlandbeat ya los está amenazando otra ves el señor ese con mandíbula de viejito.

    1. Gracias por sus palabras amiguis. Temprano ese idiota me mandó un email hablando puras pendejadas. A mi no me espantan los zancudos. Mucho menos los enanos cagados. No sé preocupen cuando los nacos hablan mal de nosotros. De todos modos no vamos a perder nada. A mi ese wey me la pela día y noche. 🤣

    2. Lla no se burlen de Lara porque es pito chico, lla denjenlo empas al viejillo guango ese mandibula de mijitorio 🤣🤣🤣

    3. Sargy is the typical michoarata. 5’0, ugly AF and smells like pickle juice

    4. Peliensen por los Viejos todo lo que quieran, pero por Favor, plis plis, plis, no sean Amiguis

    5. Isn’t Sol Prendido from Michoacán?

    6. Please don't upset me guys. Otherwise I might run to my YouTube channel and cry like a bitch for an hour because I couldn't get my way. 🤣

    7. Pinche Sir esta celoso porque Sol no le dice Amiguis🤣🤣🤣 lla sol asle su dia y hastelo tu Amiguis, lla sufrio mucho por no poderse conectar por un buen rato

    8. Sol I didn’t know you have a YouTube channel?
      What name is it under. Sol are you not short and dark asf also?

    9. 803 Don Sol is from Fresno. he's not a bulldog vato anymore. He straightened out and got education. He works out everyday at 6am sharp because no day offs. Discipline y Education is solution for our people to rise above foolishness.

    10. @Sol OG!!?? Is that you homie bra bra

    11. @10:41
      Fresno Bulldogs are lames fools all confused don’t know what they want to claim. Either way Sol couldn’t join the Marines.

    12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. It's Ironic that he was released on Mexican independence day

  13. AMLO wants to give Mini Lic as a gift to his partners the Chapitos! Alianza Culiacan-Morena lives!

  14. I wonder if mini lic and his pops would still be going strong today if they weren’t greedy pricks. No honor in that life. Another POS that Uncle Sam will hide and protect

  15. The war on drugs is a total sham. This guy got 5 years for being a major trafficker and has been accused of murder in Mexico and us gov protects him. Us gov giving people with a eight ball worth of drugs 5 or more years across America every day

  16. Everybody seems to forget he ordered the killing of an innocent journalist. He needs to pay for that crime. 5 years in US prison isn't enough for what he did. Anyone that thinks he's getting off scratch free is delusional. Uncle Sam isn't give a rat ass about this killer. They used him for what they could, and now he's getting a one way ticket to Mexico so the Mexican president can parade him in his next press conference.

    1. Seriously, this guy has a good man killed for writing something mean about him and now maybe he will be your neighbor.

  17. Damnn cds really Famous stitching

  18. Tbh the justice system is a complete failure.. the DEA makes all this noiswe about all these criminals and whern they finally catch ew this curious as to how much tax payer money was used investigating this loser.. sdo they could give him 5 years.. theres people doing waaaaay more time for a lot less this dude deserves life in prison.. the DEA needs to just stfu at this point and quit tryna play the role like they care about all these wanted criminals because its obvious there agenda is way different than they portray it to be..


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