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Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Morelia, Michoacán: Sierra 3 Captured, Involved In Multi Homicide At A Wake

"Sol Prendido” for Borderland Beat\

The Undersecretary of Public Security, Ricardo Mejía Berdeja, reports on the investigations that were carried out into the murders in San José de Gracia, Michoacán, at the presidential conference on March 1, 2022

This Monday four subjects were arrested, including Cornelio A, "El Sierra 3", who participated in the alleged execution of 11 individuals on February 27 in the municipal seat of San José de Gracia, reported military sources.

In an operation carried out by the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena), in addition to the arrest of "Sierra 3", originally from Sinaloa and a member of the alleged criminal group known as Pájaros Sierra, to which the multi-homicide is attributed almost seven months ago, José Luis L., 13 years old; Jair Alberto Ch., 35 years old; and José Manuel G., 19 years old, who were arrested with five long weapons and tactical vests.

The military received the report of armed civilians roaming the center of San José de Gracia, a town bordering Jalisco, for which they implemented an operation that allowed them to locate the alleged criminals in a hotel parking lot.

The detainees had a Ford Edge SUV with a report of theft. In addition, 31 magazines, cell phones and hundreds of rounds were found.

La Jornada


  1. Will they be able to bribe a judge on this one, or for sure they will stay locked up?

  2. Another 13 year-old sicario. Or was he 12 when he committed the murders. Mexico doesn't hold juveniles long so the kid will only do a couple of years.
    Good work by SEDENA. They can wipe out a dozen cops with pistols and a handful of bullets, but it is a different story when they take on an organization with automatic weapons, big guns, helicopters, armored cars and tanks and all of the other toys that SEDENA brings into the fight. Everyone has to appreciate these honest soldiers who put their lives on the line every day to bring peace to Mexico.

  3. Pinches Sinaloas son una bola de chapulines pone dedos, son la plaga de mexico, donde quiera que se paran hacen puras pendejadas, guevones asta no poder, son unos inutiles

    1. 5:14 y a ti donde te pusieron el dedo los sinaloas?

    2. @7:42 no estás leyendo que este tal Sierra 3 es de Sinaloa y andaba con NG y luego se les voltio

    3. 8:01 a ti tambien te voltiaron para ponerte el dedo?

    4. You michoacanos and your obsession with sinaloa need to be made a case study. Must be some multi generational trauma in there from decades of bullying from sinaloas?

    5. 11:52 nomas porque a ti te lo an echo en repetidas ocaciones no quiere decir que a la demas jente tambien los an volteado como a ti 🤣🤣

    6. 3:48 si lees el articulo bien te vas a dar cuenta que tu sinaloa (sierra 3) andava con los jaliscos y luego se volteo con los michoacanos, para que veas como tus paisanos tambien se le incan (trabajan) a jente de otros estados 🤣🤣 lo vuelvo a decir, pinches sinaloas son una plaga! Nomas llegan a otros estados a hacer su cagadero, son unos flojasos que nomas quieren dinero facil y se dedican a delinquir

    7. For you sinaloas that just look at pictures in these articles
      S3 is originally from sinaloa
      Go back and finish the article dumies

  4. So only the Jaliscos enemies getting caught? Lol

    1. 7:49 if they pay better and wont snitch, why not work with them?

    2. 7:14 you too would sing like a Canary, if you wanted your sentence reduced from 15 years to 7 years. They when you come out we can call you Snitch.

    3. 8:26 Im not sure if 7:14 would snitch but im 100% sure you would🐁🐁🐁

    4. 12:17 you been to prison? I have in California. Ain't no one on one in prison unless it's between two paisas and only if they agree to it or are forced by the rep/reps to handle their pedo. Level 3 and 4 whether skinny or fat, short or tall don't matter, you better have your fierro cause ain't no wolf tickets there unlike what you always post here GILBERTONA.

    5. 7:15
      Ratting and snitching is the same thing. 😂lol

  5. Payán alias preciosa jaja hay cuando tengas los huevos de un hombre me avisas. Mientras tanto sigo yo aquí controlando

    - Sol

  6. The mexican government Catching the Jaliscas enemies to make it easier for them. Stay classy Mexico. Free Marro, free Vaca, free S3


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