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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Open Letter To Andrés Manuel López Obrador

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

An unknown armed criminal cell of hitmen have recently appeared online. For this broadcast the Mexican president, Andres Manuel López Obrador, is being asked to investigate Mexico City’s police chief Omar Garcia Harfuch for his alleged ties to organized crime. 

Their bone of contention lies on the mass kidnappings of Normalista students that took place on September 26, 2014, where forty-three male students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers' College were forcibly abducted and then disappeared in Iguala, Guerrero.  

To date this is their second film where Omar Garcia Harfuch is accused of being the mastermind behind this crime where federal police, army involvement, and drug traffickers were said to have participated in. 

Their initial appearance surfaced three weeks ago in a Grillonautas video.

Video translation is as follows:

Good morning, Mr. President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. We hope you will follow up on the death of the 43 Normalistas of Ayotzinapa. In order for this to be resolved you must arrest the Secretary of Citizen Security Omar García Harfuch. Everything will come to the light because he has knowledge and was the mastermind. Don't let this opportunity go to waste. You made a commitment with the relatives of those innocent boys.

They trusted you. That's why they gave you their vote. We repeat, test the drugs from the tractor trailers that were supposedly seized with cocaine. The packages are not original. They are imitations. This was something done by Omar García Harfuch to clean up that crime. Of which he was one of those individuals responsible for. Mr. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador don’t break your word and hand over the mastermind Omar García Harfuch to the family members of the victims. 

Because he comes from a family of drug traffickers. Take a good look at his half-brothers and you will realize that they have always been drug traffickers. Have a look into the properties that Omar García Harfuch has under the name of others and in the name of his mother. Remember that we want your party to remain in the presidency. We want the Morena political party.

But with those flaws you can't and won't stay in that position. We will counterattack you and you will see that you’ll lose this match. This information was passed on to you by one of the authorities here in Mexico. Long live the 43 Normalistas. You took them away alive, and we want them returned alive. 

Omar García Harfuch

Meño  Grillonautas 2  Borderland Beat Archives


  1. cjng sigue y seguira en guerra contra harfuch . mas con el decomiso y captura hace 2 dias . si es corrupto y esta implicado en lo de ayotzinapa es otro cuento pero no dejaran de perseguirlo .como paso con aristoteles

  2. No sicarios on the floor with Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifles (CJNG ) trademark

  3. Lol a criminal cell wants justice, for something that happened in 2014.
    Lol it's like a drug dealer calling 911, that his drugs were stolen, you think the Police would respond?😂
    Same thing will Amlo take them seriously, perhaps only if bribes come in from that cell.

    1. 8:06 charges against Harfuch are TRUE, he must have cooperated to stop the march in México City against his grandpa's Crimen de Estado, Tlatelolco Massacre of 68 that made General Marcelino Garcia Barragán the Butcher of Tlatelolco, but he did not organize it alone,Miguel Angel Osorio Chong and Emilio Chuayfet Chemor who had done it before when zedillo was presidente were also there, making points with pretty boy EPN, Throwing in cartels and drugs needlessly would be one of harfuch's tricks.
      AMLO DOES NOT MEDDLE IN JUDICIAL MATTERS, he could and he should make it faster, motherfacker.

  4. OK now we wait for the usual comments where the USA is blamed for Mexicos problems and it being a failed narco state run by gangsters. The Mexican government has never controlled more than 50% of the country going back 200 years and today its doubtful if they control anything. The drug war is the Mexican government trying to take back control of drug trafficking. The tail is wagging the dog and controls the yard. The Mexican government cant function without the tail and everyone is dying while they try to choose which tail they will try and catch

    1. @8.09 Mexico was peaceful before America started the war on drugs and caused instability in Mexico. America has a habit of sticking its nose into everything only to watch it backfire. These guys snitching on video is definitely a CJNG move, I smell Jalisco rat brigade.

    2. Blame the US, all you want. Mexico has always had problems, but now there are two many snakes in the field compared to the 80s and 90s… one was the head and would take everyone who would mess with business. Does US have a problem, yes… the demand for drugs, but any business man will tell you that when you have a a product to supply the demand, and there’s no control, you will have a lot of competition.

    3. 8:09 you brought good points 👍.
      Mexico sovereign country keeps going down the tubes, with Elmo letting the cartels grow, cjng is in more than 28 States by now. Then like you said, you have those, that blame USA for thier problems. Drugs are illegally smuggled into USA, let's blame USA, money aid is given yearly to Mexico for fighting drugs, let's blame USA.8:09 even though you defined it clearly, you will get the Trumpster mentallaly and can't see between right and wrong.

    4. Defenetly politic not CJNG, cause even Claudia Sheinbaum's name is in the mix

    5. @8:40 lol blaming USA.
      Nothing to blame on your president Amlo????
      He has created instability.
      He is a puppet for the cartel.
      He rarely does nothing to curb, the yearly homicides that transpire.
      But your quick to blame USA

    6. @8:40 has a point. It wasn’t until the US started the war on the drugs that Mexico became unstable. The more you fragment these cartels, the worse it gets. I remember going to Mexico as a child frequently and it was never as bad as it got after 2006. The war on drugs will ALWAYS be a failure.

    7. Though its not entirely America's fault, they play a role on the growth of organized crime in Colombia and Mexico. I don't blame all americans, we are talking about drug addicts, so don't take things personally

    8. 9:19 EBRARD is not a mexican name, and the Ebrard Brothers used to own the rancho Camino Real in Sanchez Taboada Veracruz where the famous Contras Nicaragüenses of felix ismael rodriguez mendigutia trained and trafficked weapons and drugs and billions and billions of dollars with the US, they sold it to miguel angel felix gallardo and Rafael Caro Quintero who escaped from there to Costa Rica with Vicky Cossio in CIA Plane...
      There were also murdered about 30 policia federal officers lured by promises of tons of grifa and millions of dollars bounty, for their cooperation with Manuel Buendia in exposing the Guadalajara Cartel (of DFS and CIA) to Kiki Camarena, links everybody tries to avoid.

    9. 12:48 Most likely Ebrard is gonna be the next Mexican president

    10. 12:48 Mexican no where near the level as the Nicaraguans when it came to working with the CIA. I bet after the Nicaragua that was it they are gone. Fools try say the CIA is working with CDS lol no.

    11. 1:16 after 45 years, the Sandinistas are still in power with Daniel Ortega as their Presidente.

    12. Basic economics supply the enormous demand

    13. 1:52 That President Ortega of Nicaragua, never wants to leave office.
      Anyone that wants to run for president against him, is jailed, beated under fake charges. Dictator ship.

    14. @SIR I'm pretty sure the girl that RCQ took to Costa Rica was named Sara not Vikky.

    15. 4:51 I'm pretty sure you are right, I have a lot of trouble when it comes to names and should do more diuble check, sometimes ladies get mad at me for confusing or forgetting their names as soon as they told me

    16. Good point. Never chose sides, they are all FREEMASON-scum, they are the same. In it together against civilians. To be more precise, it's the Jesuits/vatica-n that owns all deception/imagery you have ever watched. These luciferians are in control and responsible for all terror and hurt worldwide. It starts with fake history and the hiding of the Dome over the Earth. The Firmament-Earth is reality, the world is not spinning at 1000 m/ph that is an Impossibility. But it proofs already you are in the Matrix. The artificial and electronic world that has been pulled over your eyes to hide you from the Truth. You are a slave, divided and therfore conquered. By jesuit-jews that control us via secret freemasonic societies. I'm not religious but Psalm 19 is True. Bless, and Know Thy Enemy. It is all of the freemason-Jews.

  5. Los cargos que tiene LAra son batteria domestica que es eso? Es tocar ALGUIEN de madera no consentida y entimidar. Ademas no puedes correr a ALGUIEN de su casa por que se te inchan los huevos. legalmente Tienes que agarrar una orden por la corte

    1. Le gusta pegarle a las mujeres el muy bravo.

    2. Si amigo yo también escuche lo mismo. Yo les recomiendo que cuiden a sus parejas si se llegarán a topar con ese enano cagado.

    3. @sol prendido he is straight b!tch! Nothing gona happen to him he workin with the feds, they letting him do what he wants he’s their puppet.

    4. "Quien le pega a una mujer no tiene perdón de Dios,
      No tiene perdón de Dios
      si no le pega otra vez"
      On the other hand,
      "una mujer nunca pierde,
      si se apendeja empata,
      pero no pierde"
      Mauricio Garcés, quotes.

    5. 8:44 como chingas secret management. Ya sabemos que eres el Fluffer de los muertos de hambre de Culos Unidos(CU).

    6. 4:09 don't tell me Culos Unidos have feathers on their overthere again, DO THEY???

  6. What does domestic battery mean in Illinois?
    (a) A person commits domestic battery if he or she knowingly without legal justification by any means: (1) causes bodily harm to any family or household. member; (2) makes physical contact of an insulting or. provoking nature with any family or household member

    1. Your posting on the wrong article.
      But it's good to hear you're taking criminal justice classes.

    2. Mi post era pa contribuir a lo que escribio , 8:44. Solo eso 9:56

    3. A domestic battery is one manufactured in the USA for your car (pun).

  7. The greatest Mexican:
    1) La Tuta
    The prof is here! The prof is here! The professor is here! The prof!The prof!
    2) El Marro
    El Maroooooooooohoooo! El Marrrrrrrrrooooooohohooo
    3) Pena Nieto

    1. 11:08 Tás más Gûey Valiii!!
      Pasa la bacha ése,
      uuuy! uyuyuy!!!

    2. The greatest Mexican: Juan Manuel Marquez, Marco Antonio Barrera.

    3. 12:51 Ese Sir pense que tueras el 11:08, pense que lla te avian quitado tu account otra vez

    4. 1:11 tumban mi nombre, mi cuenta no por otras ra$$$ones.

    5. The best Mexican, El Canelo Álvarez duela a quien le duela envidiosos. Ganar es ganar en cualquier pelea

    6. 12:57 maybe of the current boxers but all time? 🤔🤫😆

  8. They say in their message that they took them away alive and want them returned alive.
    Does anybody think any of the 43 are still alive?
    If it’s been this long and many years have passed, I don’t think any of them are alive

    1. 10:47 Dead or alive, the disappeared Ayotzinapos are sticking it up their abductors' arses, ginirals, lieutenants, secretaries of state and EPN WILL COME TO FEEL la mera verga sooner or later.


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