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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Copala, Guerrero: Armed Men Abduct State Policeman, Dismembered And Disposed Of The Following Day

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A man was left dismembered on the Acapulco Pinotepa highway in the municipality of Copala Guerrero on September 21, 2022

The body of a male was left dismembered this morning on the Acapulco Pinotepa highway near the state police headquarters in the community of Campanilla, municipality of Copala, Guerrero, in the Costa Chica region.

He is allegedly a state police officer.

The crime scene was cordoned off by the corresponding authorities and the body was taken to the Forensic Medical Service.

Warning: Graphic Picture

Codigo Negro Mexico  Lo Real de Guerrero


  1. Terrorist satanista mother tickets,burn them

  2. Didn’t even look like they shot him or tortured his ass they just went straight to business on him

  3. Why is the government not doing anything last night in michoacan in a little town called patambarillo michoacan men in motorcycle and trucks went into this rancho and broke into people's houses and took there money and anything of value hurting families raping little girls and the police and the guardia nacional is not doing anything why please help please someone help

    1. Goodluck mate, thanks for reporting.

    2. Mexican cartels doin what they do to an unarmed population. Killing innocent people and raping little girls! Stand the fuck up Mexico!

    3. No,mexico will blame anything but mexico

  4. 5:13 free advise: Since papi government will not do shit for youses, you have to organize, deputize and hunt these matraqueros down by yourselves...

    1. Sir how is your balloonhead? You still getting frequent nosebleeds bro?

    2. 6:27 it is real dark here!!!
      I can't see with my balloonhead inside your ass...

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I think it's safe to say his head was on the chopping block

  6. Michoacán is a different unstable story paid by the mafias. Do you not think we don’t do the same as these scums … you are wrong service members stationed in other countries vomit the same atrocities just like the marine that picked up a chick and then found out she had a*ick and smashed her/his head into the toilet.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. What the fuck has happened to BB ?
    You get cased by racist pussies thinking their comedians and false claiming mi raza clowns?


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