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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Tarimoro, Guanajuato: The Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel Kills 10

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

At least 10 individuals have been killed at the "El Jarras" billiard in Tarimoro. This crime took place several blocks from where a local fair is taking place. 

It was just last week that gunmen from the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel left a beheaded male on the side of a canal in San Rafael de Yustis. 

Their retribution against an individual known as Zermeño is an armed conflict that is still underway. 

Narco message reads as follows:

Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel (CSRL)

Let it be made clear that La Moncada, Tarimoro, Jerécuaro, Apaseo el Alto, and all of its surroundings belong to Marro.

Sincerely, La Mera Verga

Narco message reads as follows:

This was my fate for supporting that jerk off Zermeño. And this will also happen to everyone who supports him. You will all face the consequences. The M.V. (The Grand Dick) 

Warning: Graphic Pictures 

Azucena Uresti  Ghost  Esmaylin


  1. SRDL cartel of huachicoleros never were so efficient when they were at the heights of their glory days and had all the money and cuicos in their back pockets...
    Smells like BS from somebody hijacking SRDL good name to hide their own crimes, perhaps State Poolice?

    1. “Good name?” Really? WOW!

    2. 8:17 compared to the new efficient murdering machine using SRDL name, the old huachicoleros del Marro are saints...there are still glass coca~cola bottles, make yourself some glasses.

  2. They killed 2-3 chapulines from CSRDL & 6-7 innocent foos smh

  3. It’s funny how these Cjng cheerleaders always trying down play these kind of attacks when they favorite gets hit lmao just face it lol your favorite cartel getting manhandled like straight b*tC he’s lol straight getting treating in they turf/plaza they supposedly they control lmao I guess they not! They don’t control sh*t

    1. 1:31 stop it bro, its Csrl killing his own who in recent weeks hace fliped to Cjng, Csrl even said it in a narco massage

    2. 1:31 CJNG looks to be the most power organization in Mexico and your trying to tell us they don't control shit. Sure thing buds

    3. 7:19 if csrl is killing those who flipped it means they killing cjng NOT their own,cjng being the "the most powerful"cartel should b embarrassed that they can't kill off csrl

    4. 11:44 kinda like Chapitos not being able finish Rusos like you fans claimed it would be over in weeks. The truth is it looks like CJNG has finish CDRSL. CDRSL is no more then a few dudes in a Nissan altima

    5. 12:24 well those few dudes in the Nissan Altima is still hitting cjng 😂's ok fanboy u can't win them all

    6. 1:59 funny thing is that the guys they areckilling a week ago were their friends 🤣🤣 Elite is not fighting Gunajuato any more, its the 20 marros left vs the 20 that fliped, it turned out just like Mr mencho wnted it be, he told marro to work for him and keep Guajuato but he tryed to go against the strongest cartel and this are the consecuenses of his arrognce, all this blood bath would didnt have to happen and marro would of still be out and making a lot more money than he was if he only had listened to the Lord of the 🐓🐓
      Now its just marros vs ex marros killing each other in a few places, cause like 90% of Gunajuato is already Ex marros working for Cjng 😂😂😂

  4. All the cartels cucarachas should be killed in the most horrible ways, unfortunately the government is in cahoots with them.

    El cabrón de Tamaulipas

  5. Nomas calentando las plazas

  6. Cjng groupies living in denial always making up excuses 😂 they feel untouchable but reality is different

    1. 11:48 you ever think maybe your living in denial

    2. 12:34 needs a bandaid

    3. 2:00 lol you are delusional man really. It was over for marro and his gang when he started crying

    4. 4:24 cjng fans have been saying that for the past 5 years,shame on grupo elite for finishing off csrl "gang" lol

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. 5:03 let the same gang kill eachother, Elite has better things to do

    7. 9:31 yeah like pick up their fallen "warriors" at the hands of a "gang" 😂

    8. 2:37 🤣🤣🤣 what fallen warriors? You mean all those ex marros? 😂😂😂😂😂 come on son even the nissan gang admitted the dead were grasshopers

    9. 5:00 that means the Nissan gang or csrl is still far from being killed off haha...ur so mighty grupo elite or what's left of it is gonna get called back hahahaha

    10. 5:55 🤣🤣 maldita sea!!!! Why am i even responding to your nonesence? Talking to you is like talking to a rock, sorry Sol, after this i wont respond on this post anymore i swear 😂😂

  7. guanajuato siempre va ser del marro puro santa rosa 🔺 hasta salamanca

    1. Un llorón roba gasolina? Que capo tan más chingón

  8. Matar a tantos por una tiendita y billar. A leguas se mira que estos vatos apenas andan sobreviviendo, son peones, mira como están vestidos. Les cobran cuota los muertos de hambre y aparte tienen que tirar jale. De cualquier modo están jodidos. CTPM AMLO sin huevos

    1. Muchos de los que viven por esas partes apenas les alcanza para comer y vestir , los unicos que tienen feria son los politicos o los contrabandistas


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