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Saturday, September 17, 2022

Tecate, Baja California: Three Bodies Found During Mexico’s Independence Holiday

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

With traces of torture and gunshot wounds, three bodies were located in less than 48 hours in the municipality of Tecate. The first was reported around 10:40 in the morning of September 15, by citizens who were traveling on the toll road, right on the border of Tecate and Tijuana.

Elements of the army moved to the place where they confirmed the discovery. The male corpse had apparent wounds in various parts of the body. He had reddish brown spots on his face and neck. And was positioned under a tree face up, wearing blue jeans, a military green sweatshirt and black work boots.

The second discovery occurred on the morning of this September 16. By the search group Union and Force for Our Disappeared Tecate B.C., on the Tecate - Mexicali freeway, at km 119. A few meters from the highway lay the body of a male with gunshot wounds, restrained with tactical handcuffs, face down, wearing blue jeans, a light gray sweatshirt and red tennis shoes.

Minutes after four in the afternoon of September 16, the search group Madres Hasta Encontrte, accompanied by the State Commission for the Search of Disappeared Persons in Baja California. Who just a week ago discovered at least seven bodies in the Felipe Angeles community, a rural area of ​​Tecate. They found the human remains and bones in a second tour of the area, which were inside a well. The support of the Tecate Civil Protection and Fire Department personnel was requested for the extraction. Aid workers aboard Firefighter Unit #B56 arrived at the Luis Echeverría Delegation. 

In the initial attempt on Friday afternoon, the objective was not achieved. At night the area is considered dangerous as it is used by criminal groups for the transfer of narcotics, undocumented persons and weapons to the neighboring country. The elements suspended their efforts, planning to return this Saturday to finish their work.

The first two bodies are already in the SEMEFO facilities and listed as unidentified. It is expected that this coming September 20, search efforts will resume again in the rural areas of Tecate.


  1. Mexico at it again

    1. But 8 die in Chicago and 3 in Nashville. Pinches Gringos!!! Sell more guns

    2. That right. It cant be the Mexicans fault . Someone else must be to blame and the rest of the world is worse than Mexico

    3. Still miserable eh 712. Do you do this in public or just in your apartment?
      503 Post after you pass out next time.

    4. Mexico sovereign country is Hell.

    5. 7:38 if Mexico gets to be part of the US, José Biden will be made king of the USA and his son will be Crown Prince, mexican don't like republican beggar queens.

  2. That’s funny I just came from there a couple weeks ago 🤔

    1. Tecate is always in the news on this site so the fact that you were there “a couple weeks ago” is neither funny nor particularly interesting, sorry.

    2. 1251 keep the misery to yourself and maybe expand your vocabulary. Can you see that "funny" isn't literal here rather the wrong word. "Ironic" would have left your fingers tied.
      Stop picking on people asshole.

    3. 11:14 you are picking on 12:51 with great violence, for stating some shit that could be true or not, he must be all black and blue from the bitch slapping.

  3. The efforts were suspended at night cause its dangerous with criminal activity.. Where the fuck is the security detail or freaking cops?? They give way to criminal activity now? 🤦‍♂️

    1. There are no real “cops” over there. It’s just thugs with badges.

    2. 741 you're a privileged American. Believe it or not the world doesn't work how your brain tells you. We just had 4 years of criminal activity and gas lighting. Where in the fuck is your EUA law hoss?

    3. 7:41 cops and security details have to go to work at their other better paying right jobs...
      Criminals feel better doing some jobs at night.

  4. Mexico was showing off its Military and Air Force on Friday, yet lacks the political will to use its lethality.


    1. 6:00 cuicos and you on the ground don't know the victims identities, who are the melitary and air force going to attack, your political will???

  5. Where's the people that say it is safe there, that no one, gets killed.

  6. Crazy! y’all post this I was just in tecate a couple weeks ago 🤔


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