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Sunday, September 18, 2022

The Sinaloa Cartel is Prohibiting Local Car Thefts

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

At first glance, the truck looks like a normal vehicle: a late-model white Chevrolet Sierra. It has plates on the front and back, and the documentation seems to be in order, with the only difference being that the VIN numbers and the numbering on the engine do not match the data on the registration card: this is a “bent” car.

“They left it for 40 thousand pesos, but it is doubled; I can still sell it to an acquaintance, but I do have to tell him that the truck is bent,” confessed the owner of the truck, who for obvious reasons requested that his identity not be revealed.

According to authorities, a "dubbed" or "cloned" car, as it is known in other states, is when a corrupt state government highway employee takes a vehicle's registration numbers, including the VIN number and license plate number to transfer it to another unit of the same make, model, and color, in such a way that two cars end up with the same VIN and the same registration, but with the difference that one of them is legal and the other is "doubled".

An operator of the Sinaloa Cartel, to whom Ríodoce had access, said that "doubled" cars are the most common in Sinaloa, and that they have been going on for years, and the process is done thanks to corrupt employees from the state government who gets the numbers and makes copies of all the documentation so that whoever buys the vehicle “ doubled”, walks “straight”.

The number of doubled cars is unknown, and according to sources from the Tax Administration Service of the State of Sinaloa (SATES), it was a problem that had been occurring since previous administrations and that they are now trying to control.

Based on a request made to SATES about an approximate number of bent cars, they only needed to have identified five bent cars in Sinaloa, according to their database, and that two would have been used for criminal acts, one car with a report of motor vehicle theft, and two more cars that had overlapping VINs.

“There is a gang that operates in Culiacán, and that is stealing high-end trucks such as Cheyennes, Ford Lobo 4-door, 4 × 4, and we are trying to hunt down its members, because they are people who rob violently, and they are trucks. that are out there, although some of those units have been recovered, although many other units are dismantled and sold in parts”.

The Specialized Unit for Vehicle Theft is not the only one that would be hunting car thieves, since people who belong to cells linked to the different factions of the Sinaloa Cartel have indicated that they have strictly prohibited vehicle theft in the city.

“When we catch them doing their tailings, we hit them and tell them that, if they continue, they are going to die; and if he steals cars he doesn't pay attention, well, we already shot him and dumped the body in the desert, and sometimes we leave them a toy car (the so-called hot-wheels), so that the people in the gang know why they killed him,” said a hitman.

There are many legends about the reasons why the drug traffickers themselves want to put an end to the carjackers. One of them says that on one occasion they tried to take down Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada himself when he was driving to Culiacán, while others say that it was one of the boss' women who was taken down; Another theory among the members of the Sinaloa Cartel is that on one occasion they stole a van full of drugs and the order was to kill them all.

"There are people from the cartel who suddenly get the better of greed and there they go to steal cars, because they sell them and they win a fair, and well, they also fuck those because the bosses don't want the plaza to heat up," said the same gunman interviewed for this report.

The reality, according to the consensus, is that neither the faction of Mayo Zambada nor the people of Los Chapitos forgive a carjacker, and go after them, even - according to what they say - they use the help of the state police themselves to find who brings a stolen or cloned car.

Sergio Castro, a bodybuilder who has his workshop in the south of the city, would have to experience that reality, after, when leaving his house, he was intercepted by an armed group that beat him down and took him to a safe house, little more than two months.

"I thought they were going to kill me, but before killing me they wanted to know where the rest of the gang was, and they tortured me with blows, with boards, and with whatever they could", recalls the bodybuilder. His sin was buying a wrecked car from an insurance company, a vehicle that had everything in order and he spent weeks with it, until the drug traffickers detained him, to take him to a safe house near Tierra Blanca, where they asked him who he worked for and where was the rest of the gang.

“The compas were gunmen, they had horns (AK-47), and they even had photos of me, as if they had been following me for a long time because a bastard from the highway put his finger on me; These compas thought that I was stealing cars, but I told them where I got it from.” Castro explained.

Many times they do it with the consent of the state and municipal police, but not with the federal police, who, according to another member of the cartel, must be arranged at the time and given an amount as a bribe, which sometimes reaches the 100 thousand pesos.

Source Riodoce


  1. That vin number shit happens in the states to

    1. Bro my dad bought a 2019 Chevy with 80,000 miles. 22,000$ cash, of course it was too good to be true. Pieces of shit are coming out of Kacy, Texas. I did my own research with our local detective here in Phoenix, AZ, we caught two of those motherfuckers🙌🏻😇

    2. Bar coding works better than anything else, but half the smoky ass cars in México would have to be impounded and destroyed, come think of it could be a good idea, let everybody ride the guaguas.

    3. 11:02 I've been living in Texas for several years now and I also noticed some Texans ain't too bright. This could be the reason why it's so easy to drugs move through here.

    4. AMLO calls those cars Chololate, when they are not made out of Chololate.

    5. 6:38 I lived for a few years in Juarez and a few weeks in tejas, juarez wins for the fun and tejas for the money, but tejas need a whole new population that don't think their crap does not stink and make outrageous claims of grandeur
      (Tejas sized)

  2. It’s only bad if they don’t steel it

    1. 10:58 well, Bamboo is avery good idea

    2. The cartels take them anyway for themselves if they need a truck to go out and do some killing they do it but if a normal car stealing gang does it it's you know game over

  3. Is Sinaloa cartel the government, that says what not to do? It's like CJNG saying they come to clean town of Rapists, when they do the same thing.

    1. They’re basically the state government yes. While having some juice federally as well. They’re pretty much the modern-day Guadalajara Cartel. The Federation

  4. It’s called propaganda amigos. Been around for decades. Google it.

    1. no no es propaganda. la verdad es esta. no quieren que roben carros aqui. pero que roben en otros estados ellos tambien los agarran de otro lado. osea que se robe en otro lado aqui no.

  5. We only kill innocent people here. No stealing cars. Or talking back to madre, or talking back. Eat beans and tortillas like good boy.

    1. “Eat beans and tortillas like a good boy”
      Thats why Mexicans born before the 60s are still living, you make it sound like its a bad thing pendeja

    2. 8:37 not without chile and tortillas and Juanita Bananas on the side, because somebody has to so the cooking, right?

    3. Sir welcome back to the hacienda.
      How was your vacation in Tijuana?
      Did you see any action?

    4. Now I’m hungry.. Pricks

  6. MIRA LOS ANGELITOS!! A cartel prohibited criminal activity.. mira nomas. while they continue to perpetrate OTHER criminal activity such as, fentanyl smuggling, extortion, bribery.. Yeah it ain't all that once you put it in perspective. FUCK CDS and all other cartels. Huelen a MIERDA

  7. Chevrolet Sierra? Never heard of it .

  8. A police officer here in California purchased a Dodge Hell Cat and it turned to be stolen from a Vegas rental business. Lol. According to that business they didn’t reported the vehicle stolen because it would bring the price down on the car. Lol. The worst thing about this is that the car was changed and sold with California documentation or paperwork.

    1. Ha ha ha lol you're so funny.
      Ha ha ha 😂

  9. Animo CDS !
    Say no to stealing cars or face the music.
    Ordenes de los Patrones !
    Pura Sombreriza Pura Chapiza
    Pura Antraxzisa y Pura Flechiza
    Y Pura Gente Nueviza y Pura Talibaniza y Pura Niniza ! Y puro Azuliza y Puro Cartel de Sinaloiza plebes.

  10. Doblado in this scenario translates to “doubled” not folder lol

    1. 4:42 Cloned, two or more cars from one title.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Found the 5’0 pocho michoarata whos pores and sweat glands secrete pickle juice typing from his basement thinking his little libelous comments are enough to stain the reputation of an entire Mexican state. Sorry midgetcano you dont have the clout to accomplish that.

    2. The same guy trying to push this child molestation shit all over the comments. You must live a pretty sad life. BB mods pathetic for letting this shit pass while blocking constructive comments from being posted

      LE should track this guy im sure it will lead to some Cjng bot farm in some shithole in Mexico

    3. 9:37 why you so mad? You sound like a straight up cds groupie, o but you wouldnt say shit when comments said Cjng was the baby killing cartel, or calling southerners midges and indians, double standard at its best you punk ass

  12. @11:02 all that corruption starts with the people that are working in the dmv offices.

  13. @sol prendido everybody and there momma are moving drugs now bro everybody wants in on the business and money. from people moms and dads brother sisters and the gangstas on the street. They all want a piece of the pie

  14. Just buy a armored tank that is impossible to penetrate that delivers a massive electrical charge in every direction if surrounded by bad guys that extends 100 yards in every direction or u can just roll over em if u want ... I guarantee nobody would car jack that

  15. 12:39 Otro pinchi tesla wannabe...
    Hmmm, about how many million dollars would your car cost?


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