Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, September 2, 2022

Tijuana, Baja California: Female Hanged From Bridge In El Mirador Neighborhood

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

The bloodiest and most violent crimes continue to take place in this country. In Tijuana, Baja California, in the first minutes of this Thursday, the body of a woman was found hanging from the El Mirador bridge.

According to information obtained by the Zeta Tijuana newspaper, the body belonged to an unidentified woman between 35 and 40 years of age, with a robust dark complexion and dark brown hair who was wearing a green strapless blouse.

Along with her body, a piece of cloth was found with words written in black ink that read: “Welcome to the art of war. Keep trying scumbags." The victim's body had stab wounds. On April 9, a body appeared hanging from a pedestrian bridge a few kilometers from this new homicide discovery. 

Zeta Tijuana reported that 16 women were murdered in the month of August, 159 so far this year 2022. In the 8 months from January to August, 1,292 murders have been registered in Tijuana, according to the State Investigative Agency. 

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  1. Replies
    1. Has to be the work of CJNG, they kill anyone, any age, and any gender.

    2. 1:04 But but but in sinaloa they didnt kill activists Rosario Rodriguez Barraza, a search mother

  2. But but but Mexico is safe. But but but it’s safe to go there for cheap beers, woman and drugs. But but but Cancun and Acapulco are safe. Yeah right!!!

    1. Friends and family go every year. No problems.

    2. Just stay your scared ass home 12:43

    3. If you're scared go to Church!

    4. 1:21 Stop commenting that on every other article like that’s somehow a logical argument or counter. People go to a lot of stupidly dangerous places “every year” or multiple times without anything happening to them. That doesn’t indicate anything. I can smell public school education all over you.

    5. "I can smell public school education all over you."

      Today on how to become the least likeable person of all time in just one sentence.

    6. 3:00 I have public school education too HEARST and it’s not the side of me that I’m proud of. Sure you can still be bright and informed on stuff if you’ve been to public school but that’s assuming that you are also either an autodidact and/or pursued higher education as well. When someone isn’t an autodidact though or college educated or even private school educated it’s pretty obvious. If someone’s “education” was just standard K-12 public school in America, you can tell. You can totally tell lol. And not in a good way.

    7. Come on why the stupid remarks cheap beer and girls. So people shouldn’t come to the big old USA right because we have mass shootings everywhere stupid. Serious note u keep knocking that door the devil is gonna answer u mind ur own business no matter where u go and nothing will happen stay safe mi gente.

    8. @1:21 They go to the same city/region every year? Sounds boring.

    9. @3:30 “u mind ur own business no matter where u go and nothing will happen stay safe mi gente.”

      Cool myth.

    10. @2:32PM

      I made a factual statement about people I know. No need to get all worked up about it.

      I'm an autodidact, have read hundreds of books and can generally write better than a lot of college educated people.

    11. 2:32 you tell 1:21 to stop commenting the same thing in every other article but dont say anything about 12:43 who does the same? At least be impartial woth both of those guys

    12. 4:25 No you are not an autodidact because if you were actually educated and logical you wouldn’t spew out random “facts“ without a larger point behind it. You sound like a fucking teenager or like this is your first month on the internet.

      Also again with the same stupid “just stating facts“ response like that makes your attempts at logic any less embarrassing.

    13. @3:25
      Some of the smartest people I've ever met never graduated (public) high school.

      There are some skills that traditional education can't teach you, like for example: social awareness...
      The ability to know how you'll come across when you try to casually bring up being autodidactic in inappropriate settings, like a cartel news comment section.

    14. 4:36 They’re both stupid and repetitive but only 1:21 is being totally illogical. That’s the difference. If you’re going to repeat the same shit over and over at least have it be something that is logical and substantive.

      I actually do think Cancun and Acapulco are fairly safe (for visiting) so I don’t even necessarily agree with what the original person said fully but the immensely stupid counter of “I know people who go there annually and are fine” is disgustingly illogical, ignorant and practically offensive. There’s being stupid but then there’s being aggressively stupid.

    15. 5:37 How is it inappropriate to bring up the concept of being self educated? Also how am I insulting people who didn’t finish high school when I am literally shitting on the entire idea of public school? To me, somebody who didn’t finish (public) high school is the same as someone who finished public high school with all honors classes. It’s still public school, meaning it doesn’t matter. It’s not real education.

      Even if you were an honor student, if your only education is public school in America then you’re not educated. Yes, plenty of people without formal education have educated themselves on academic topics hence me bringing up autodidacts. But if you’re not that and you didn’t go to college or at least private school then how are you educated? Keep in mind I’m not the one who wanted to bring up autodidacts, I just had to in order to showcase my actual point. My point in my first reply to you was let’s stop pretending like public school in America counts as “education”. It doesn’t. Public school in America in the 21st century is oriented around coursework now, not learning or knowledge.

    16. To the autodidact: Cage your rage. No need to whine and cry about what an anonymous person writes. They're stating what has been the experience of people they know when traveling to México, can you disprove what was written by this anonymous person? If you can't than STFU and mind your business. That's what you should teach yourself.

    17. @5:38PM

      Since you're talking about being substantive can you please set the example by substantiating your claim 1:21 is illogical? Back it up.

    18. @6:59PM

      I agree with you about not raging but as advice to me it's misplaced.

      Can you disprove what I wrote? You see, the person saying it's not safe is correct but I'm also correct and are statements are not mutually exclusive. Since your language is brusque you're in dire need of your own advice..

    19. @5:33PM

      Can you map out the logic demonstrating my response to the OP is not related and illogical? How is my statement about people I know safely traveling to Mexico not related to a statement about Mexico not being safe?

    20. @5:48

      How is it appropriate to bring out the subject of the public school system?

    21. 7:46 I guess I'm not an autodidact since I can't discern which of the two autodidacts is replying to me in error. Yo no sabo, yo no calificó para el Cartel de los Autodidactos

    22. @Heartst

      I have no idea why 5:48 is alluding they brought up autodidacts, they didn't. I did first. Maybe it's a slip in their writing.

    23. 6:59 Disprove what? They have no actual point. They make this same statement over and over again as if it proves something or is somehow a counter to what the original comment said..

    24. 7:46 I never said the person who said it wasn’t safe was correct… All I suggested is that you were MORE wrong, which you are. 12:43 was incorrect obviously but you yourself practically broke the Richter scale in terms of being illogical. Your statement does not act as a counter in any way to what they said. So if you’re going to disagree with 1243 at least use a statement or a claim or argument that makes sense and is relevant to what they said. It doesn’t matter how fucking factual it is if you say “they go there every year with no problems” because that absolutely does not make it safe.. How are you this clueless?

    25. 7:55 Because it’s obvious that that’s the extent of 1:21’s “education” and implies they’re not bright enough for a normal logical conversation.

    26. 9:15 Slip up? I was the first one to mention it at 3:25

    27. @9:26

      I never accused you of saying the other person was correct.

      No need to rant. Your dodge to my question and inability to substantiate yourself is duly noted.

    28. @9:33PM

      Apologies, you are correct. The slip was on my side.

    29. @9:28PM

      Repeating the same unsubstantiated claim "not bright enough for a normal logical conversation" doesn't magically imbue it with truth. You have to back it up. I won't hold my breath.

    30. Uh oh, my High School public education just came into play. I had to look up the word autodidact!!

    31. "The ability to know how you'll come across when you try to casually bring up being autodidactic in inappropriate settings, like a cartel news comment section."


    32. 10:04 That's brilliant? What a low bar.

    33. Como chingan con sus pinchis mamadas...
      We have to make do with the school services we have, at least until geniuses with the better ideas find a way to come and improve things, smelling like roses too

  3. Oh well the Cartels wait for tourists before they shoot

  4. Someone needs to get a life.

  5. 9/2 341 pm: How many times have you been to Mexico friend? I've been offered food and water by people with no electricity, 60 miles from pavement.
    I do this to go fishing. I simply don't ask for certain things or get drunk and run my mouth. I do however drink as the deposito is the only thing "open" in the village.
    It's in the cities that I get on edge but that is as I drive closer to the USA.
    If you think that the average American today has the heart of Mexican ranchers and villagers you are wrong.It used to be cocaine heroin and weed. Now you have cops selling pot in the US.The same cops that used to arrest people for the demon devil drug.Pure hypocrisy for money.
    This has taken many years to formulate as has Vladimir Putin. Nah we're too busy fighting each other here at home to see what is happening.
    Look into this crystal ball here. All of this bickering bullshit is part of the plan you fucking scholars. Do we recall crack cocaine at all people? Who did that? Uh history is sure to repeat itself if not remembered. People are not disposable and everyone deserves a chance at happiness. When people's human rights and dignity are stripped and smeared with shit and piss they can lose their humanity.When their brother to the north allows this destruction and rampant fear and racism.
    It's called paying our debt. We have an apocalyptic reckoning upon us. Stop your God damned bitching and fucking do something. If you aren't doing something to better yourself and those around you then just eat that fentanyl. There are other humans that will appreciate your spot. The spot that is now just a big ole shit stain. You can't fix stupid but it can be slowly killed. Might as well make money as we all know that we can't change people right?
    Sit there with everything in your vomitoriums. Soon you won't have to leave the apartment as everything is delivered and your muscles atrophy. Life is a gift. It's precious but you won't learn this fatal lesson on your playstation. Keep bitching and spewing your mood all over us. There is someone waiting for your spot so STFU ask yourself what you can do to be more like the sun and not cockroaches that my spider eats. La Primavera.

  6. Wow I never knew mexico had poets advocating for their country that's is safe as ever just you mind your business nobody will bother you ? Even if you mind your business they mess with you especially if they know you're am American Besides there is no reason to go anymore especially the border towns it's full of people that the cartels have dumped there and they are waiting to jump the pond or the line and surenos so what's the big deal everyone stay on their side don't bother with your dramas


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