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Friday, September 16, 2022

Tijuana, Baja California: How The Years Condemn As An Addict

”Sol Prendido” for Borderland Beat

Warning: Graphic Video

A homeless man living in Tijuana’s Zona Norte in need of medical attention uses a sharp knife to remove several layers of skin from his skull. His injury appears to be gangrenous. Flies and worms surround the area and he shows no pain.

A taxi driver in a white vehicle with an orange stripe was the person who documented the images. "Here we are with my friend in the North Zone", describes the driver whose video has been shared in different WhatsApp groups. “What a barbarity this is. Greetings to all and blessings, colleagues. Encouragement and a good day to all”, were part of his responses.


  1. Self mutalation hard to watch.

    1. He is trying to shave off the gang green that is developing. To bad there's no clinics that will don't it for free and help the guy out.

  2. Wonder who stole the Mexican health care budget money? Wheres Elmo?

  3. And a lot of people want to legalize this shit so all of our kids can walk around that.

    1. Only wag it’s people who loves drugs legalized this scrap. White loves their drugs man. Why do you think mexican chopping each other up? Too much money involve

    2. No a lot of people want it to not ruin your life if you use drugs. I got caught with shrooms a decade ago and faced a decade in prison for a possession ammount. The war on drugs is fucked

    3. Legalize it so your kids won't walk around that.

    4. Spot on, Detroit. Who knows how many millions of kids lives were saved because of the deterrent threat of prison time for possessing illegal drugs. Legalizing hard drugs is the height of insanity.
      Sometimes politicians "get it."

    5. People who say "legalize drugs!!" are hopeless idiots. those people are letting you know they're throwing in the towel when it comes to enforcement of controlled substances. if you legalize drugs there will be more drug addicts . even Stevie wonder sees that coming a mile away. we don't want that. society would be way worse with a bunch of addicts in the streets hustling for their next bag of dope. that's what pisses me the fuck off about people who say "legalize drugs" bc they obviously don't understand the destructive nature of drugs addicts and their impact on society. they are parasites at that point craving for the next high, no value. very few are high functioning

    6. "Its white peoples fault my life is shit"
      Fuckin hilarious losers always blaming something else,sad fuckers

    7. "White loves their drugs man"
      Hes fuckin mexican Einstein in TJ ?

    8. @1:03 Oh cry me a river snowflake! You cry anytime someone says white.

  4. Nooo... But Every little punk wants to be certified drug dealer. Not even knowing wtf they are pumping on the street. They ran out of ideas , now they literally sell poison. I hope all these cartels get swallowed up by the government

  5. He kinda of looks like a white guy from the states that partied to much and stayed in tj.
    Any idea how that happens to someone? Where it gets that bad that he had to scrape off the bad part of his scalp? That shit is just disgusting seeing his skull 😱 🤢

    1. 12:34 when dead cells and blood flow stop in that area, gangrene forms.
      When it happens in the leg's, the hospital amputates, cutting off the leg.
      If that guy don't seek help ASAP, his days are numbered, he won't live long.

    2. 12:51 yea i get that its infected dead skin but could it be from the drug crokdile or possibly a injury he never disinfected, my goodness makes my stomach upset just thinking of that image

  6. Mentally ill first and drug addict second! He's a good metaphor for America and Mexico! Folks it's only going to get worse!

  7. Napalm Death reference?

    1. Yeah I listen to a lot of metal or grindcore for this matter. So, it tends to bleed out every so often lol

  8. Damn Sir you look all torn up.

  9. 9:33 it so shocking mexicans don't consume only sell IS the biggest farce.look around your hood of hope less ness

  10. This is horrific, poor guy. It’s probably Ice, and unless he get medical attention he won’t make it

    1. They finally got him some help. He's in a hospital in Mexicali.

  11. As a doctor, this is not a common presentation; he either has a very aggressive and rare form of a multi antibiotic resistant bacterial infection (these infections become systemic rapidly causing sepsis and he doesn’t appear septic), or most likely cause is the destruction of the vasculature that supplies the skin and underlying tissue due to the street drug, crokodil. Also, people with severe psychiatric disorders are not known to commonly take chunks of their flesh off (there some forms of self mutilation in the severely psychotic but not this. those under the influence of synthetic cannabis—bath salts—crokodil—its a whole different ball game. Anything is possible.


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