Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, September 16, 2022

Top 5 Kingpin Shootouts

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The YouTuber known as Kazquillo documents the reality of the security landscape within Mexico and it's history. His numerous spoken word broadcasts are spliced together with footage from actual past Mexican cartel events. 

Along with a peculiar style of animation which distinguishes him above and beyond among other online creators. Currently his followers on YouTube numbers in the thousands. 

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  1. Best Cartel Sicarios - Pistoleros.
    El Bravo Aponte
    EL Ondeado M1
    El Fantasma
    El Chino Antrax
    El R5
    El Macho Prieto El 11
    El SR Sicario 006

    1. El tiburón, el CH from the Arellano’s cartel had CDS on the run at the time. Also la Barbie y el chalito. Chapo Isidro and z40 before they became jefes they were assassins. Z1, at the time no other cartel will step in tamalipas, el JL from the linea was also a down ass fool. They say he still alive.

    2. Chalito correteaba al chino u Manuel

    3. El JL was eliminated by Gente Nueva by direct orders of el Señor JGL Chapo.

    4. Original 14 Zetas
      Barbie,Chalito, Rojo, El Mano con Ojos, MP (basically anyone in Arturo's team)

    5. 12:23 direct order from Senor childmolster Guzman aka sir snitch a lot

    6. 2:58 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 te mamaste

    7. What about R1 from golfo and Monkey Changuito sicario?

    8. I think Sic 006 should be number 1 on the list.

  2. Kazquillo is on this site. Keeo the content coming bro.

  3. Nacho coronel , baron CAF , Nazario Caballero templario , h2 BLO, el jaguar en Juarez CDS

  4. His videos are very entertaining!

  5. El Bravo Aponte was more than El Chapo Bodyguard, he was a lieutenant in the mexican army and secretary of labor Javier Lozano Alarcón's connection to El Chapo.
    El Bravo got killed to keep him quiet.

    1. Bravo got killed beacuse he tried to take what wasn't his to take

    2. 8:12 his murder saved a lot of Javier Lozano Alarcon's ass.

  6. El bravo lo mato , damazo porque ya planeaba la traicion y sabia de la preparacion que este tenia

    1. Chapiza had Damaso killed so they wouldn't be contested. They used the excuse of him being incompetent and allowing for their fathers arrest. Chapitos in reality betrayed their father who left Damaso in charge.

    2. If chapitos had any wits to them you know they’d have used damaso as the face of the cartel instead of just getting rid of him

    3. 2:56 "had Damaso killed" 🤔 am i missing something? Wasnt damaso in the USA? Both father and son?

    4. Must've meant El Bravo @5:15

    5. 6:11 no, 2:56 is really talking about damaso been killed, that hasnt happened yet, or is 2:56 a time traveller and is letting us know Damaso is gonna get killed

  7. ABL shootout should be number 1. He’s the highest ranking boss ever to go out like scarface. Thats how chapo always said he’d go out in his corridos but ended up like a sewer rat

    1. Same with Tormenta, you should see Kazquillo's video on Bota Blanca's shootout, it's very well done

    2. @2.58 It's well edited, slick, professional, and absolutely ridiculous. It makes an assassination by 200 marines against a fat cornered murderer in white tennis shoes sound like the last stand of a noble Capo.

  8. you get tired of the same fckn stories, just in different versions.!!

  9. Todos lo saven que el CJNG es el mas perro, hasta aqui lo ponen en #1, ni los Z's en sus tiempos mas perros pudieron hacer lo que el Cjng hace todas las semanas, jajajajaja sinaloas se creen bien vergas por lo de ovidio, eso no es nada para otros carteles, eso lo hace cjng todas las semanas pero sin tanto pedo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. Congrats you are the first CDS fangirl officially butt hurt

    2. 4:56 thank you!! Ill accept my 🏆 proudly 🥹🥹! Now i want to cry!! First of all i want to thank my mom for not taking her folic acid! With out her i woukdnt be here! Thanks mom!!

    3. 4:06 of course.
      CJNG makes snitchaloas look like amateurs

    4. Cjng does that on a regular with soldiers trying to catch their big fish, specially mencho. Last year they went after him tough and His bodyguards killed many soldiers last year in many failed attempts

    5. Cds corridos actually talk about what Cjng does in a regular bases, CDchildmolesterS songs should talk about how they kill woman and rape their 12 yr old daughters

    6. Delusional ass kids still on here jalisco is almost done they have no hold on anything worth real value

    7. 8:14 🤣🤣😂😂 coming from a guy who claims Sonora is in control😂😂😂😂 your comments hold 0 credibility, mejor sigue en tu mundo de fantacias tu foquemon

  10. Ósiel Cardenas got away alive, zetas the all time 20 elite got in a shootout to protect their boss that got away.

  11. #1 Arturo - because we all know more than one Marino died and it was a week long 2yr) cazeria that started in Puebla, then the infamous narco fiesta and concluded in Cuernavaca.

    1. 4:46 dont even try! Menchos battle was eppic, hands down the #1, chapotos aint shit, if we go by soldiera dead m, cjng has no competition, up untill now they are the most lethal cartel hands down son

    2. @5:22 .. Jaliskas win some battles against Sinaloa they post hundreds of videos and parade around flaunting their trucks and pffff a week later they get their assess handed to them by Sinaloa.. they win another battle and the story repeats and repeats .. La Línea is the ONLY crew that steadily gives chinolas a beat down every time .. even when outnumbered La Linea straight smashes them hard … Jalisco would get raped and gaped if they tried going against La Linea.. haci Que ya bájale de wevitos y no se pongan tan locas

      Facts !

    3. 7:03 sinaloa sicarios ain't shit. They always get their ass whooped 🤭
      They got their ass whooped with Linea and now CJNG is whooping their ass in zacatecas. Onother plaza cjng took from them snitchaloas FACTS

    4. 7:03 here is a little Fact for you, evey cartel Cds has gone against beat ma their asses, the government goes infront cleans house and cds comes after and clames the plaza, but once the soldiers leave cds gets slaughter every time, it took Linea a few years to get rid of Cds but it took Cjng less than a year to kick cds out of jalisco, nayarit and colima, so yea cjng sicarios are more effective, if it wasnt for the government in Zacatecas, cds would be done and thats another fact, regurdless cjng is not going anywhere and cds will quit guaranteed, they are a bunch of quiters

  12. Tony Tormenta capture and previous capture attempts were infamous for paralyzing the city... and leaving the streets filled with dead gunmen as well as soldiers. Also El Teo in Tijuana held it down with a few gunmen before giving up.

    1. Teo was caught in Cabo BCS

    2. Tony Tormenta what a fucking nick name

  13. Just a bunch of overhiped CDS sicarios that didn't last long. Good corridos but all fantasy like typical sinaloa corrido

  14. El macho p lives in LA

    1. Gracias por tu informacion, tu si saves, no como los de la DEA y CIA que estan bien pendejos, tu solo eres mas cabron que ellos

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Shout out to Sol for another great read.

  16. I can't believe this glamorising bullshit is being linked. This dude thinks Arturo Beltran is Tony Montana re-born, and spouts the same old myths. The honourable old-school Capo - ''He let that AK Spray!'' It's cartoon bullshit, despite his languid sexy voice lol.

    1. I had the same reaction. Seems to be glorifying these dudes.


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