Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Two Men Murdered And Burned To Death In Culiacán, Sinaloa

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

Two murdered and burned men were found early Thursday on a dirt road that leads to a rural area, a few meters from Virreyes Avenue in the Rincón Real subdivision, on the north exit of the city of Culiacán.

Authorities reported that one of the deceased was wearing blue jeans and black cowboy shoes and the other was wearing white shorts and socks of the same color.

An anonymous call alerted the authorities about two bodies wrapped in flames, and upon arriving at the scene, State Preventive Police personnel confirmed the presence of the bodies.

Culiacan firefighters arrived at the site to extinguish the flames.


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  1. So if CDS has Culiacan on lock then is this all internal fighting or other cartels are active there?

    1. Oh they got it on lock here foo. I know my girls uncle was slanging out here at one the “traps” out here and he started selling his own baggies on the side to make extra money because they dont get paid shit for selling for chapos. And they found out. Went to his house snatched him up beat his ass with a two by four for a couple days. Broke his ankles and left him for dead in the outskirts. Then an old man seen him laying on the floor and took him to the hospital where he survived. But his house and all his personal belongings were kept by the dudes who tried to smoke his ass. Its kinda fucked up tbh these foos tax even the tecate 6 after a certain time at night they have to sell beer and liquor for the chapos and they keep the profit. So some ppl rather just close their Store and not sell for them after a certain time. Also i know they do the same shit with cigarettes up in badiraguato and them area u gotta sell the cigarettes they provide some chinese fukn cigarettes. Also they be breaking into houses and stealing from honest working ppl. I know three houses that got hit on my street. And i seen them foos had the walkie talkies and aks and qint no one mobbing around Culiacan with those radios and aks but chapos people. So yeah its not as pleasant as most people think out here. Maybe theres no “war” going on but theres other shit that happens here that most ppl dont talk or know about unless u live here.

    2. Damn fool I think we might be neighbors.

    3. Heard the same, as far back as 2015 about Ivan specifically

      That when Chapitos came into power they started taxing heavy all the local workers

    4. Do you know anying towards Imala or Ruben jaramillo?

    5. One of my friend went to Durango he was drinking Modelos and the narquillos took away his Modelos and replaced them with tecates.Because in the area he was at they only sold Tecate he had brought them from somewhere else.

    6. 4:36 jajaja that's some funny fucked up shit. Just don't be drinking those Tecate light, ni se ocupan los pases pa esas chingaderas

    7. 2:43 straight facts!

    8. Yo I know Jaramillo yo, he's a Columbian drug lord living in the USA, whatch you know bout that???

    9. Need to fix the heading. How are you murdered and then burnt to death?

    10. 4:28 who do u know in imala?

  2. 1:27 its just a educated guess but a lot of people in Culiacan get caught up. Could be internal could be a revival cartel but like I stated could be they just got caught up playing halfway gangster

  3. Ain’t Chapitos still beefin with Isidro’s ppl on the outskirts of Culiacán?! Plus MZ ppl and Chapitos been funking for awhile now. But in the City and Chapo’s hometown the Chapitos sound like their trying to enforce their dominance on the locals. Sounds like the ok’d their Lieutenant’s to extort and tax the locals. Did their pops do this?

    1. Stop spreading lies they don't extort

    2. 3:19 of curse they extort and tax beer sellers, how else would they make money? They dont have the capacity their dad did, those chapitos are like little Zetas

  4. 3:19 no way CDS and Isidiro have a truce..... Its every fan girl fantasy Isidiro cool with CDS. Never been any proof but some fake ass corridas

    1. Actually there is a truce between the too

    2. 3:59pm

      Without a doubt there is a truce between Los Chapos, Mayos with Isidro.

    3. 3:19; Agreed; but this is ironic since BLO (likely Isidro involved) had Edgar killed after Alfredo was arrested in Culiacán.

    4. 3:24 El Macho Prietos ppl accidentally killed El Chapos son. Not BLO,

  5. En Sinaloa todo esta bajo control .Los patrones tiena la plaza al millon. Ajuaaaa
    #jgl #701 #chapiza🍕 # mayiza🤠 #flechiza🏹 antraxiza ☠️

    1. 4:10 #verguiza #Zacatequiza #lesmetieron #laJardineriza 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂

  6. Billy Jean

    Imala might be controlled by Los Mayos not sure but it is pretty close to Sanalona which is controlled by El Comanche whos is head of hitman along with El Traka and work directly for Mayito Flaco.

    alguien sabe cuantos grupos estan en Culiacan ?

    estan los chapos, los mayos, El Azul, El guano.. y los beltran leyva tambien ?

  7. Can someone "in the know" explain why they can't just sell the fucking drugs without murdering and extorting shops for selling beer? Are these assholes that greedy? If you're a "KINGpin" you should treat your subjects good. Look how Lord Escobar fell from grace.

    1. 6:56 its easier to extort than to send jale up north, chaputos are some lazy bums

  8. Then their gonna say CJNG dud it... Waaak

    1. If thia had happened in a cjng vs cds plaza, no doubt cds would of had blamed it on cjng for sure, cds dont like taking any responsability for their wrong doings

  9. Alot more crimes coming out of Sinaloa in general lately. It's usually very hush hush internal shit happening that does not get reported.

    1. One journalist who has embedded w CDs just went so far to say this past week that to call Sinaloa Cartel CDS is comical said CDS is no longer recognisable compared to a couple years ago. It goes beyond the whole El mayo/chariots mess.does anyone have insight ??? Or agree?

  10. Could be people that owed money. Independent traffickers getting work from Chapitos people. You never want to owe chapitos money. They aren’t very leniant. Also could be some of there own men who just fucked up and it was time to go. Happened to a commandante I knew.
    Levantaron a mi compa y pidieron dinero, se les dio y no respetaron. They beat him to death dumped his body somewhere on the outskirts a few months ago. En paz descansa mi compa 🐍

    1. si se refiera al culebras de tachinopla esta mal informado d como pasaron las cosas

    2. Como pasaron las cosas? así me avisaron que paso las cosas familia bien cerca a él.

    3. 9:00 si vas a venir con un chisme dilo bien, nomas nos dejas en ascuas

    4. el culebras ya se via salido d con los plebes ya via entregado los radios y la gente tmbn. lo kisieron matar pero salio erido un camarada lo yebo con un dr. clandestino y ya q todo bien le iso el paro el mismo d tenerlo con el compa pekas aya n quila paq tubiera aya clavado pero la andava cagando aya n las pedas y lo levantaron los mayos y ahi lo tubieron 3 semanas a puro vergasos y ya pa soltarlo se lo entregaron alos chapos y ya eyos lo mataron y ahi lo dejaron x la costerita


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