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Sunday, September 18, 2022

US Coast Guard Recently Seized Nearly 30,000 Pounds of Cocaine and Marijuana

 “Socalj” for Borderland Beat

Coast Guard offloads more than $475 million in illegal narcotics in Miami.

The U.S. Coast Guard has recovered almost 30,000 pounds of cocaine and marijuana, valued at more than $475 million, after seizing the drugs in the Caribbean Sea and Eastern Pacific Ocean.

The crew aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Legare offloaded 24,700 pounds of cocaine and 3,892 pounds of marijuana at Base Miami Beach Thursday, according to a U.S. Coast Guard press release. The drugs recovered were found in international waters, and efforts were taken by the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy, the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard and the Royal Netherlands Navy to confiscate the drugs from suspected drug cartels.

"I am proud of the crew’s continued devotion to duty that made this offload possible,” said Cdr. Jeremy M. Greenwood, commanding officer of Legare. “Through the coordinated efforts of the Legare, the LEDETs, HNLMS Groningen, CGC James, and the USS Billings crews, we significantly contributed to the counter-drug mission and the dismantling of transnational criminal organizations. The drugs seized through this coordinated effort will result in significantly fewer drug-related overdoses.”

The Coast Guard said that fighting cartels and criminal organizations that traffic drugs takes a lot of unity at different phases of the process. “From detection and monitoring to interdiction and apprehension, and on to criminal prosecutions by international partners and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices in districts across the nation,” the Coast Guard said. “Detecting and interdicting illegal drug traffickers on the high seas involves significant interagency and international coordination.”

Stationed in Portsmouth, Virginia, the Legare has an extremely large patch and patrols the offshore waters from Maine to Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, the Eastern Pacific and the Caribbean.

The 270-foot Famous-class medium endurance cutter’s missions include “law enforcement, search and rescue, protection of living marine resources, homeland security and defense operations, international training and humanitarian operations,” according to the statement released by the Coast Guard.

“The U.S. Navy and allied foreign ships conduct law enforcement missions under the authority of embarked Coast Guard LEDETs from Tactical Law Enforcement Teams based in Miami and San Diego,” the Coast Guard confirmed.

Source ABC News


  1. eastern pacific ocean??

    1. Yes, it's the eastern part of the Pacific ocean.

    2. Someone didn’t pay attention in social studies

    3. Well yea. Western Pacific Ocean would be closer to Asia/Australia

    4. Eastern pacific kinda seems a stretch for a boat that covers Maine to Florida….
      No wonder drugs get thru …..

  2. You’d think American tax payers would be more mad about stuff like this. Such a waste

  3. San Diego needs more coke right now. Please focus on our ports narcos. Coke makes the east county bitches’ take their clothes off

    1. Yeah and if it weren't for date rape you'd never get laid.

    2. 2:14 We don’t do GHB in SD bro

      Also bold of you to assume I get laid.

    3. @5:09 You’re right they prefer roofies in SD…

      -Holden D. Cash

    4. 7:37 Maybe you guys aren’t familiar with our cocaine works

  4. Aww, but those are the CIA’s favorite drugs 😞

    1. 12:54 pos a gûebooo!
      That why shit made it home,
      a priority....
      Royal Dutch and Royal Netherlands Navies diligently watching after their shares, their banksters have to account for their depositors rights too, there is even russian banks with their own Caribbean Islands money laundering ops, won't somebody smart find and post the map?

  5. So good chance not related to Mexican cartels

  6. How does taking cocaine and marijuana off the streets make the overdose stop how many people have you ever met that have actually overdosed on cocaine

    1. Atleast couple from cocaine unfortunately

    2. I mean coke is actually pretty dangerous when it comes to stimulants especially when mixed with alcohol or nicotine like many people do but I agree; a large marijuana/coke bust does not save any lives or help with the current problems America faces.

    3. 3:33 nobody has died from smoking note book pages, but it sure led to cigarettes and grifa and cocaine and meth and whatever could be found until your last dollar, some rucos and a lot of chaviza never know when to stop.

    4. 10:50 Shouldn't you be in rehab still? At least until you’re coherent?

    5. You are forgetting the biggest part, how do you know this is actual pure cocaine? cause this is how overdoses happen you think your shit pure until you black out and start twitching in the floor.

    6. 7:40 Uh no. That is not how that happens. People tend to die from the adulterants in street drugs yes but obviously you’re not gonna have some wacky symptoms like “blacking out” or whatever you’re insinuating..

  7. Somebody’s head will roll

  8. Meanwhile, 100,000 tons of drugs were imported via legitimate (on paper) businesses on shipping containers.


  9. Putting in time
    Got the drugs in the hold
    Wasting the taxpayers dime
    While waiting for the pension gold

    1. Why wait for the pension?
      Why stop with the pension?
      Life is too short and you need to hustle as long as possible, start early

  10. The government needs to be more fucking consistent in their logic. Stop the trafficking of coffee as well and then I’ll pat you on the back or give you some credit for trying to at least have principle. This hypocrisy though is palpable.

  11. These drug busts make me feel embarrassed to be a human.

  12. If the government really wanted they can put a stop to the war on drugs lol with technology now a days it’s easy. But……


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