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Monday, September 19, 2022

Villagrán, Guanajuato: Armed Attack At Butcher Shop Kills Woman At The Counter And Injures Her Partner

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Armed men entered a butcher shop and shot dead a woman who was behind the counter, leaving her partner injured.

After the attack, the murderers fled and the curious entered the business and recorded the atrocious scene.

"The man is alive”, a man tells his colleagues when he was recording inside the butcher shop.

The attack occurred around 2:00 pm this Monday at the Tony butcher shop located on Luis Donaldo Colosio Boulevard.

The murderers fled and so far no one knows about them, despite a security device that was activated.

After the attack, security and emergency bodies intervened, but they could not do anything for the woman. However, the man was taken to a hospital in a critical state of health.

Several shell casings were scattered in the area.

Warning: Graphic Video

Info Roja Mx  am


  1. Bueno espero que se recupere. I que en paz descanse la señora.

  2. Off topic
    Earthquake 7.6
    It happened because Narcos keep killing.

    1. 5:03:
      God is speaking and it's time for ELMO to listen. Hugs not bullets isn't working. It's time for a new strategy so the good people of Mexico can live in peace.

    2. Honest and hard working Mexicans forced to pay so much in piso that they cannot even eat. And even when they give all they have, the narcos still want more until all they have left to give is their lives. D.E.P honest and hard working Mexican woman and hopefully the honest and hardworking man will recover.
      The naro corridos glorify these killers. They need to make corridos to glorify the honest and hard working Mexicans..

    3. 5:40 if God existed, he/she would have saved these people from harm, if you see him/her ask what the fuck happened here

    4. Damn SIR I never would've pegged you as being atheist. It's nice to see you've finally gotten back into your account though. That's not to say I couldn't spot you as anonymous. You're use of certain phrases makes it so easy to spot you at this point. Lol.

    5. Detroit real Mexicans follow only Aztec gods and no Jewish Gods. Jesus Christ is a Roman made preacher. Xipe Totec

    6. @ 7:40 God does exist, but so does evil, and if people follow evil, the find refuge in it. If people follow Hod, they live freely, and in His word, and we don’t fear, even when evil comes knocking at the door.

    7. 10:00 God has a lot of esplainin' to do, people would chose to go to hell voluntarily, not get sent there by a bunch of assholes with guns, illegal guns,

    8. All these gods are ' literature " "only. What you really need is 1+1=2, no faith required and unbreakable.

    9. @9:47 these Gods? Explains a lot.!!!!
      Aztec calendar had 17 “months” (plus five special days at the end), with specific rituals assigned to each. See if you can spot the pattern; it’s a bit subtle, so pay attention:
      Atlacacauallo (from February 2 to February 21): Sacrifice of children and captives to the water deities
      Tlacaxipehualiztli (from February 22 to March 13): Sacrifice of captives; gladiatorial fighters; dances of the priest wearing the skin of the flayed victims
      Tozoztontli (from March 14 to April 2): Human sacrifice via extraction of the heart; burying of the flayed human skins; sacrifices of children
      Hueytozoztli (from April 3 to April 22): Sacrifice of a maid; of boy and girl
      Toxcatl (from April 23 to May 12): Sacrifice of captives by extraction of the heart
      Etzalcualiztli (from May 13 to June 1): Human sacrifice by drowning and extraction of the heart
      Tecuilhuitontli (from June 2 to June 21): Human sacrifice by extraction of the heart
      Hueytecuihutli (from June 22 to July 11): Sacrifice of a decapitated woman and extraction of her heart
      Tlaxochimaco (from July 12 to July 31): Sacrifice by starvation in a cave or temple
      Xocotlhuetzin (from August 1 to August 20): Sacrifices to the fire gods by burning the victims
      Ochpaniztli (from August 21 to September 9): Sacrifice of a decapitated young woman to Toci; she was skinned and a young man wore her skin; sacrifice of captives by hurling from a height and extraction of the heart
      Teoleco (from September 10 to September 29): Sacrifices by fire; extraction of the heart
      Tepeihuitl (from September 30 to October 19): Sacrifices of children, two noble women, extraction of the heart and flaying; ritual cannibalism
      Quecholli (from October 20 to November 8): Mass sacrifices of captives and slaves by extraction of the heart
      Atemoztli (from November 9 to December 18): Sacrifices of children and slaves by decapitation
      Tititl (from December 19 to January 7): Sacrifice of a woman by extraction of the heart and decapitation afterwards
      Izcalli (from January 8 to January 27): Sacrifices of victims representing Xiuhtecuhtli and their women (each four years), and captives; New Fire ritual
      Nemontemi (from January 28 to February 1): Five days at the end of the year, no rituals, general fasting
      Say what you will of Conquistadores, when they came they were only after your posessions, at worst your labor. When Aztecs came, they were going to kill you, full stop. The only thing that was left to be decided was the manner of your death, if you were lucky enough to avoid being burned to death or starved in a cave somewhere, you were probably being saved for the next Quecholli, when thousands (records say tens of thousands, but are probably an exaggaration) would be brutally murdered in the manner depicted in the image above.
      Remember all those child sacrifices? They weren’t exactly suffocated in their sleep either.
      Many of the children suffered from serious injuries before their death, they would have to have been in significant pain as Tlaloc required the tears of the young as part of the sacrifice. The priests made the children cry during their way to immolation: a good omen that Tlaloc would wet the earth in the raining season
      The estimate was that one in five children born to Aztec subject was sacrificed in a religious ritual that apparently involved torture and making children cry so their tears would water the earth. Then they would be burned alive for good measure.
      No, Conquistadores were not uniquely evil. They ended a civilization that can be described as such however.

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. @1:38 I'm surprised any perceived enemies survived the mass killings

    12. @Sir thank God for the Conquistadors or the Aztecs would still be doing all these human sacrifices on all the other Mexican people who arent Aztecs. Oh wait they still are except its now the barbaric cartel crimes

    13. I also didnt have SIR peg as a Atheist.

    14. 1:59 It is not atheism,
      it is common sense,
      leave God to His/ Her affairs and look after yourself

  3. Incase you guys didn’t know Guanajuato has a shitload of blood fueds. Family v family. What they do is they come work in the US and just pay 5/10k per person to have them killed by meth addicts. The cycle keeps going. If you killed their brother they try to kill your whole family mom, dad everyone. No one gets spared.

    1. Damn most people ive met from Guanajuato son aca bien fresas with rancho style but cool people, some are mamones but i never get evil plotters vibes from them. I believe that though because in my area that use to go on back in the 90s. But the families all came up to the states and everything is forgotten, families just dont talk to each other when they go to mx

    2. I can confirm about the blood feuds in GTO, although we didn’t pay to settle scores they were settled. It’s crazy how a whole bloodline can be wiped out because of a pleito over a horse, terrenos, viejas and even a drunken argument. Even the “winning” side will never truly recover, wives, children and other siblings are scarred for life until their last breath. My families pleito started in the 1920’s and ravaged the men on both sides, their bloodline ended our bloodline continued, damaged…yet still holding a grudge against dead people.

    3. 8:4 7 your bloodline must be the ones que los agarraban ala mala thats why you all came out victorious

    4. Sure thing champ, no hubieran podido sin agarrarlos a la mala…you’re right my bloodline is shady like that. God bless your little heart keep on doing your thing sport.

  4. What a hell of a curse. The Mexico City earthquake occurred on September 19, 1985, the Puebla earthquake on September 19, 2017 and this earthquake today. Mexico needs to strike September 19th off of the calendar.
    Perhaps it's all of that hard partying on September 16th that is upsetting the Aztec gods.

    1. No mames güey, 9/11 would have happened in Méxicous too

    2. But you're ignoring all the other earthquakes that didn't happen on that date

  5. Obrador is hiding, he thinks the earthquake will hit the Palace.

  6. No mames... killing the carnicero

    1. This was a family member of ours n no he didn’t survive he passed away

  7. Someone didn’t pay the piso , sad it probably wasn’t even a substantial amount of money.

    1. So if they did not pay the piso weekly extortion fees, it gives them the right to kill employees?

    2. Wait until they start extorting the cats and the dogs.

    3. No it doesn’t give them a right do to do any of the dumb shit they do. But the fact still remains they do it.

  8. And the place had to be called Tony 🤦🏽‍♂️

  9. Another prime example that these cowards will shoot unarmed employees, trying to earn an honest living.
    I wished workers, cashier's would have guns to defend themselves. If my life was in danger, I would not hesitate to shoot.
    Video does not show the suspects.

  10. 540: God doesn't have to explain anything to you/us. Adding the word "fuck" in speaking about Him, is cringe worthy.

    1. Last straw is kinky today, using bad words.

    2. I am kinky most days. Just not here. Lol

    3. LASTRAW don't tease us like that lol

    4. 9:24 if god was real he's one fucked individual. if I don't believe in you then I go to hell and I have to give 10% of my income kinda sounds like extortion

    5. OK then Sol, I'm letting my hair down!!

    6. I am too busy looking for my fire extinguisher, and a cigarette 2:02, to go off on you at the moment.


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